Hitler on Slavs - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Inter-war period (1919-1938), Russian civil war (1917–1921) and other non World War topics (1914-1945).
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By Einherjar
Who still claims that Hitler is a role model for pan-European activists is a deluded fool.

Bormann, Martin, comp. Hitler's Table Talk. 2nd ed. New York City: Enigma Books, 2000. p. 1.

By instinct, the Russian does not incline towards a higher form of society. Certain peoples can live in such a way that with them a collection of family units does not make a whole; and although Russia has set up a social system which, judged by Western standards, qualifies for the designation " State ", it is not, in fact, a system which is either congenial or natural to her.

Ibid., pp. 3-5.

In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka. His ideal consists in never doing anything but the indispensable. Our conception of work (work, and then more of it!) is one that he submits to as if it were a real curse. It is doubtful whether anything at all can be done in Russia without the help of the Orthodox priest. It's the priest who has been able to reconcile the Russian to the fatal necessity of work —by promising him more happiness in another world. The Russian will never make up his mind to work except under compulsion from outside, for he is incapable of organising himself. And if, despite everything, he is apt to have organisation thrust upon him, that is thanks to the drop of Aryan blood in his veins. It's only because of this drop that the Russian people has created something and possesses an organised State. It takes energy to rule Russia. The corollary is that, the tougher a country's régime, the more appropriate it is that equity and justice should be practised there. The horse that is not kept constantly under control forgets in the wink of an eye the rudiments of training that have been inculcated into it. In the same way, with the Russian, there is an instinctive force that invariably leads him back to the state of nature. People sometimes quote the case of the horses that escaped from a ranch in America, and by some ten years later had formed huge herds of wild horses. It is so easy for an animal to go back to its origins ! For the Russian, the return to the state of nature is a return to primitive forms of life. The family exists, the female looks after her children, like the female of the hare, with all the feelings of a mother. But the Russian doesn't want anything more. His reaction against the constraint of the organised State (which is always a constraint, since it limits the liberty of the individual) is brutal and savage, like all feminine reactions. When he collapses and should yield, the Russian bursts into lamentations. This will to return to the state of nature is exhibited in his revolutions. For the Russian, the typical form of revolution is nihilism.


The beauties of the Crimea, which we shall make accessible by means of an autobahn—for us Germans, that will be our Riviera.


Better than the railway, which has something impersonal about it, it's the road that will bring peoples together. What progress in the direction of the New Europe! Just as the autobahn has caused the inner frontiers of Germany to disappear, so it will abolish the frontiers of the countries of Europe. To those who ask me whether it will be enough to reach the Urals as a frontier, I reply that for the present it is enough for the frontier to be drawn back as far as that. What matters is that Bolshevism must be exterminated. In case of necessity, we shall renew our advance wherever a new centre of resistance is formed. Moscow, as the centre of the doctrine, must disappear from the earth's surface, as soon as its riches have been brought to shelter. There's no question of our collaborating with the Muscovite proletariat. Anyhow, St. Petersburg, as a city, is incomparably more beautiful than Moscow. Probably the treasures of the Hermitage have not been stored at the Kremlin, as they were during the first World War, but in the country-houses—unless they've been shifted to the cities east of Moscow, or still further by river.

Ibid., pp. 15 -16

It should be possible for us to control this region to the East with two hundred and fifty thousand men plus a cadre Of good administrators. Let's learn from the English, who, with two hundred and fifty thousand men in all, including fifty thousand soldiers, govern four hundred million Indians. This space in Russia must always be dominated by Germans.


Nothing would be a worse mistake on our part than to seek to educate the masses there. It is to our interest that the people should know just enough to recognise the signs on the roads. At present they can't read, and they ought to stay like that. But they must be allowed to live decently, of course, and that's also to our interest.

We'll take the southern part of the Ukraine, especially the Crimea, and make it an exclusively German colony. There'll be no harm in pushing out the population that's there now. The German colonist will be the soldier-peasant, and for that I'll take professional soldiers, whatever their line may have been previously.


The soil costs us nothing, we have only the house to build. The peasant's son will already have paid for it by his twelve years' service. During the last two years he will already be equipping himself for agriculture. One single condition will be imposed upon him: that he may not marry a townswoman, but a countrywoman who, as far as possible, will not have begun to live in a town with him. These soldier-peasants will be given arms, so that at the slightest danger they can be at their posts when we summon them. That's how the ancient Austria used to keep its Eastern peoples under control. By the same token, the soldier-peasant will make a perfect schoolteacher.

Ibid., p. 24

The sense of duty, as we understand it, is not known amongst the Russians. Why should we try to inculcate this notion into them?

The German colonist ought to live on handsome, spacious farms. The German services will be lodged in marvellous buildings, the governors in palaces.


Around the city, to a depth of thirty to forty kilometres, we shall have a belt of handsome villages connected by the best roads. What exists beyond that will be another world, in which we mean to let the Russians live as they like. It is merely necessary that we should rule them. In the event of a revolution, we shall only have to drop a few bombs on their cities, and the affair will be liquidated. Once a year we shall lead a troop of Kirghizes through the capital of the Reich, in order to strike their imaginations with the size of our monuments. What India was for England, the territories of Russia will be for us. If only I could make the German people understand what this space means for our future! Colonies are a precarious possession, but this ground is safely ours. Europe is not a geographic entity, it's a racial entity.

Ibid., p. 30

Nearly two thousand people in Germany disappear every year without trace—victims, for the most part, of maniacs or sadists. It's known that these latter are generally recidivists—but the lawyers take great care to inflict only very light penalties on them. And yet these subhuman creatures are the ferment that undermines the State! I make no distinction between them and the brutes who populate our Russian p.o.w. camps.

Ibid., p. 32

The struggle for the hegemony of the world will be decided in favour of Europe by the possession of the Russian space. Thus Europe will be an impregnable fortress, safe from all threat of blockade. All this opens up economic vistas which, one may think, will incline the most liberal of the Western democrats towards the New Order.

Ibid., pp. 33 -34

When one contemplates this primitive world, one is convinced that nothing will drag it out of its indolence unless one compels the people to work. The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master. As far as we are concerned, we may think that the Bolsheviks did us a great service. They began by distributing the land to the peasants, and we know what a frightful famine resulted. So they were obliged, of course, to re-establish a sort of feudal régime, to the benefit of the State. But there was this difference, that, whereas the old-style landlord knew something about farming, the political commissar, on the other hand, was entirely ignorant of such matters. So the Russians were just beginning to give their commissars appropriate instruction.

If the English were to be driven out of India, India would perish. Our role in Russia will be analogous to that of England in India.

Even in Hungary, National Socialism could not be exported. In the mass, the Hungarian is as lazy as the Russian. He's by nature a man of the steppe. From this point of view, Horthy is right in thinking that if he abandoned the system of great estates, production would rapidly decline.

It's the same in Spain. If the great domains disappeared there, famine would prevail.

The German peasant is moved by a liking for progress. He thinks of his children. The Ukrainian peasant has no notion of duty.

There is a peasantry comparable to ours in Holland, and also in Italy, where every inch of ground is zealously exploited—also, to a certain extent, in France.

The Russian space is our India. Like the English, we shall rule this empire with a handful of men.

It would be a mistake to claim to educate the native. All that we could give him would be a half-knowledge—just what's needed to conduct a revolution!

It's not a mere chance that the inventor of anarchism was a Russian. Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organisation into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits. One cannot change rabbits into bees or ants. These insects have the faculty of living in a state of society—but rabbits haven't.

If left to himself, the Slav would never have emerged from the narrowest of family communities.

The Germanic race created the notion of the State. It incarnated this notion in reality, by compelling the individual to be a part of a whole. It's our duty continually to arouse the forces that slumber in our people's blood.

The Slav peoples are not destined to live a cleanly life. They know it, and we would be wrong to persuade them of the contrary. It was we who, in 1918, created the Baltic countries and the Ukraine. But nowadays we have no interest in maintaining Baltic States, any more than in creating an independent Ukraine. We must likewise prevent them from returning to Christianity. That would be a grave fault, for it would be giving them a form of organisation.

I am not a partisan, either, of a university at Kiev. It's better not to teach them to read. They won't love us for tormenting them with schools. Even to give them a locomotive to drive would be a mistake. And what stupidity it would be on our part to proceed to a distribution of land ! In spite of that, we'll see to it that the natives live better than they've lived hitherto. We'll find amongst them the human material that's indispensable for tilling the soil.

Ibid., p. 35

The Czechs are the people who will be most upset by the decline of Bolshevism, for it's they who have always looked with secret hope towards Mother Russia. When we learnt of the fall of Port Arthur, the little Czechs in my class at school wept—while the rest of us exulted ! It was then that my feeling for Japan was born.

Ibid., p. 38

It's inconceivable that a higher people should painfully exist on a soil too narrow for it, whilst amorphous masses, which contribute nothing to civilisation, occupy infinite tracts of a soil that is one of the richest in the world. We painfully wrest a few metres from the sea, we torment ourselves cultivating marshes—and in the Ukraine an inexhaustibly fertile soil, with a thickness, in places, often metres of humus, lies waiting for us. We must create conditions for our people that favour its multiplication, and we must at the same time build a dike against the Russian flood. If this war had not taken place, the Reich would scarcely have increased its population during the next ten years, but the Russian population would have grown vigorously.

Ibid., p. 40

On the other hand, the offensive spirit that inspires the Russian, when he is advancing, does not surprise us. It was the same during the first World War, and the explanation for it is their bottomless stupidity. We've forgotten the bitter tenacity with which the Russians fought us during the first World War. In the same way, coming generations will see in the campaign now in progress only the magnificent operation that it will have been, without giving any more thought to the numerous crises that we had to overcome by reason of this tenacity.


Asia,, what a disquieting reservoir of men ! The safety of Europe will not be assured until we have driven Asia back behind the Urals. No organised Russian State must be allowed to exist west of that line. They are brutes, and neither Bolshevism nor Tsarism makes any difference—they are brutes in a state of nature. The danger would be still greater if this space were to be Mongolised. Suddenly a wave comes foaming down from Asia and surprises a Europe benumbed by civilisation and deceived by the illusion of collective security! Since there is no natural protection against such a flood, we must meet it with a living wall. A permanent state of war on the Eastern front will help to form a sound race of men, and will prevent us from relapsing into the softness of a Europe thrown back upon itself.

Ibid., pp. 43 -44

All deliveries of machines, even if they're made abroad, will have to pass through a German middleman, in such a way that Russia will be supplied with no means of production whatsoever, except of absolute necessities.


The Russian finds his place in human society only in its collectivist form—that is to say, he is tied to work by a horrible compulsion. The spirit of society, mutual consideration, etc., are to him things unknown.

Ibid., p. 52

The countries we invite to participate in our economic system should have their share in the natural riches of the Russian regions, and they should find an outlet there for their industrial production.

Ibid., p. 69

This Russian desert, we shall populate it. The immense spaces of the Eastern Front will have been the field of the greatest battles in history. We'll give this country a past. We'll take away its character of an Asiatic steppe, we'll Europeanise it. With this object, we have undertaken the construction of roads that will lead to the southernmost point of the Crimea and to the Caucasus. These roads will be studded along their whole length with German towns, and around these towns our colonists will settle. As for the two or three million men whom we need to accomplish this task, we'll find them quicker than we think. They'll come from Germany, Scandinavia, the Western countries and America. I shall no longer be here to see all that, but in twenty years the Ukraine will already be a home for twenty million inhabitants besides the natives. In three hundred years, the country will be one of the loveliest gardens in the world.


We shan't settle in the Russian towns, and we'll let them fall to pieces without intervening. And, above all, no remorse on this subject! We're not going to play at children's nurses; we're absolutely without obligations as far as these people are concerned. To struggle against the hovels, chase away the fleas, provide German teachers, bring out newspapers—very little of that for us! We'll confine ourselves, perhaps, to setting up a radio transmitter, under our control. For the rest, let them know just enough to understand our highway signs, so that they won't get themselves run over by our vehicles!

For them the word "liberty" means the right to wash on feastdays. If we arrive bringing soft soap, we'll obtain no sympathy. These are views that will have to be completely readjusted. There's only one duty: to Germanise this country by the immigration of Germans, and to look upon the natives as Redskins. If these people had defeated us, Heaven have mercy! But we don't hate them. That sentiment is unknown to us. We are guided only by reason. They, on the other hand, have an inferiority complex. They have a real hatred towards a conqueror whose crushing superiority they can feel. The intelligentsia? We have too many of them at home.

All those who have the feeling for Europe can join in our work. In this business I shall go straight ahead, cold-bloodedly. What they may think about me, at this juncture, is to me a matter of complete indifference. I don't see why a German who eats a piece of bread should torment himself with the idea that the soil that produces this bread has been won by the sword. When we eat wheat from Canada, we don't think about the
despoiled Indians.


In a hundred years, our language will be the language of Europe. The countries east, north and west will learn German to communicate with us. A condition for that is that the so-called Gothic characters should definitely give place to what we used to call Latin characters, and now call the normal ones. We can see how right we were to make that decision last autumn. For a man who wanted to learn Russian (and we shan't make the mistake of doing that), it was already a terrible complication to adapt himself to an alphabet different from ours. I don't believe, by the way, that we're sacrificing any treasure of our patrimony in abandoning Gothic characters. The Nordic runes were written in what were more like Greek characters. Why should these baroque embellishments be a necessary part of the German genius?

In old times Europe was confined to the southern part of the Greek peninsula. Then Europe became confused with the borders of the Roman Empire. If Russia goes under in this war, Europe will stretch eastwards to the limits of Germanic colonisation.

In the Eastern territories I shall replace the Slav geographical titles by German names. The Crimea, for example, might be
called Gothenland.

Ibid., p. 126

The Bolshevik domination in European Russia was, when all is said, merely a preparation (which lasted twenty years) for the German domination.

Ibid., p. 158

The main problem to-day is a problem of labour. Then comes the problem of the basic raw materials: ooal and iron. With men, coal and iron one can solve the transport problem. At this stage, all the conditions are fulfilled for the functioning of a gigantic economy. How can we manage to increase the production of coal and ores? If we employ Russian labour, that will allow us to use our nationals for other tasks. It's better worth while to take the trouble of knocking the Russians into shape than to fetch Italians from the South, who will say good-bye after six weeks ! A Russian is not so stupid, after all, that he can't work in a mine. In any case, we're completely geared for standardisation. What's more, we'll do less and less turning. Presses will henceforward take the place of lathes. With the help of this colossal human material—I estimate the employable Russian labour at two and a half millions—we'll succeed in producing the machine-tools we need.
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By C-Kokos
I would have really enjoyed a chance to meet with Hitler some days before he blew his brains out. I could have asked him what he thought of Slavs' inferiority now that he was getting he arse handed to him by them.
By Russkie
Wow, some of those claims he stated are now modern sterotypes of Russians.

In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka

Greatest quote by Hitler ever! :lol:
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By Theodore
First of all, all hail the new civilisation-changing invention: TWO DOTS!

he achieved things far greater, than the average man could ever achieve..

Botching a coup? Botching a war? Being a failed artist? Being surrounded by competent bastards and still managing to loose? Looking like a sleazy idiot in his own propaganda?

I'm sure none of us would ever manage to do all of those.
By g0nchar
You can call, Hitler as much as you want, but his achievements in war you cant deny.

Since when is war an achievement? Getting lots of people killed over crack-pot ideas - what an achievement!
By PamboS
I totally agree with mike. For the same reason the Roman Empire was and is glorified because of the fact that it managed to hold on to the whole damn Europe for so long is the same with the third Reich.

Hitler managed to sweep through numerous countries with ease and it took five damn years for the allies to realise what was going and plan a counter attack. German military organisation and technology were 10 years in front of the allies and their superior armor is undisputed. Now that is something to be admired.

If you want to talk about (and condemn the countries involved in) the millions of people that were brutally killed/raped/dismembered or psychologically scarred because of the act of war, well i don't seem to be able to find a country on my list that is sinless :hmm:
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By Grun tu Molani
"What! Of course war is a achievement, the main idea of war is power, gaining of land, money, revenge..

Who ever controls the most land, people and finance, achieves the ultimate power control.. "

I genuinly feel very sorry for you - what it must be like to see revenge as an achievement. Poor, primitive, two-dot loving creatures...
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By adamsmithjr
Hitler himself was far from the ideal human being, a fact that causes me to find all of his ideas funny and ironic, in addition to being ridiculous.
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By Grun tu Molani
I can see Wigan Mike now, standing at the entrance to his cave with a deer over his shoulder, club at the ready just in case a female walks past...

I'm not 'a red' either way, I'm just a human beings who'd rather not see other human beings killed by ignorant, arrogant fools who think that something is being achieved by it.

And, simply because I can't resist, if you're going to be a proponent of "I'm scared of them outside" politics (nationalism), at least have the decency to properly use the immigrant language which you speak.
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By QatzelOk
Hitler wrote:And if, despite everything, he is apt to have organisation thrust upon him, that is thanks to the drop of Aryan blood in his veins.

He was the king of "pedigree," and such a Nazi. (Godwin's Law may not apply here)
By PamboS
Grun tu Molani wrote:And, simply because I can't resist, if you're going to be a proponent of "I'm scared of them outside" politics (nationalism), at least have the decency to properly use the immigrant language which you speak..

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that countries that make use of nationalism are afraid of the outside.Oh wait i forgot. EVERY DAMN COUNTRIES USES IT.

When nationalism is not to an extreme (hell even if it is) it unites people of the same country/race under the same flag. Look at the Americans for god's sake. The Greeks don't fall behind and the French are so damn proud of their history that they refuse to learn any other language besides French.

But since when is nationalism considered as a bad thing anyway? Only when taken to extremes it is arguable that it can be bad but not for the country that makes use of it.
By I
Our country is becoming a country of weeklings, so don't tell me that Nationalism doesn't work,its not racist to be proud of your country, oh hang on a minuit, in England it is..

But to be fair, to be proud of one's country one also has to chortle at the intellectual pygmies that inflict right wing nationalism.

How's Wigan nowadays? Last time I was there they had a KFC as the lone restaurant and 'success' was to move to Winstanley. An amusing idea of culture
By I
Really how so? The only way forward is to accept Nationalism, I think the country is now proving that lefty scum commie ideas don't work, well not for the ordinary folkes, how's Blairs 5 homes now? Putting himself 5million pounds in debt at our expense, only a real retard would say that left wing communism works now...

Come on now, I know you can train that mind of yours to respond to my statements! I wasnt after "Nationalist Jessee Paint By Numbers 101", I was after a comment defending right wing intellectualism. You're going to deny that your average right wing nationalist has severe intellectual limitations?

Wigan is terrible now, and what do you expect, Wigan is run by the left, so how's Wigan now a days? Its terrible, people are trying to get away since the ethnic Asylum seekers have taken over..

I didnt see any "ethnic Asylum seekers" when I thought Wigan was terrible. I'm thinking you're looking for an external excuse for your internal failures. On the brightside, Winstanley was a jolly radical lefty! Nice and ironic
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By Grun tu Molani
"When nationalism is not to an extreme (hell even if it is) it unites people of the same country/race under the same flag."

Why the hell should I stand shoulder to shoulder with ingorant idiots under a piece of cloth because they were born inside the same imaginery line that I was?

"people are trying to get away since the ethnic Asylum seekers have taken over.." - so would white asylum seekers be more acceptable to you? Of course, you're not a racist, but...
Last edited by Grun tu Molani on 06 Feb 2007 13:31, edited 1 time in total.
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By C-Kokos
The Greeks don't fall behind

Greek society is arguably one of the most backwards societies in Europe. It is hardly an example to follow.
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By Grun tu Molani
"the French are so damn proud of their history that they refuse to learn any other language besides French."

47% of French people speak English, 23% quite fluently
By Metal Gear
Yes, it is quite funny to watch these self-hating slavs who think they are "aryans" try to be neo-nazi.
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By Tally-oh
Tajikistan: Officials Say Swastika Part Of Their Aryan Heritage
Like other post-Soviet countries, Tajikistan has taken a fresh look its history following independence in 1991. The result is a state campaign to promote the notion that the Tajiks as a Aryan nation – and the widespread use of the swastika.

Prague, 16 December 2005 (RFE/RL) -- The swastika may be known the world over as the symbol of Nazi Germany and it may be banned in some states for that reason, but in Tajikistan it appears on placards, banners, and billboards with the blessing of the state.

For officials in Dushanbe, the swastika is above all a symbol of national identity. Most Tajik historians now maintain that Tajiks are of Aryan origin, and argue that Aryan or Indo-European civilization must therefore be studied and promoted. It is an argument now accepted by the state. Indeed, the revival of Aryan culture is now official policy of Dushanbe: 2006 will be celebrated in Tajikistan as the year of Aryan civilization.

Changing Interpretations

The authorities say the swastika’s now widespread adoption in Tajikistan has nothing to do with Nazism and fascism. “Throughout history, interpretations of this symbol have changed,” notes Abduhakim Sharipov, head of a department in the Soghd regional administration. He, like other officials, emphasizes the swastika is a symbol of Aryan culture that has existed for many centuries. “We all know that fascism used this symbol for its purposes. This symbol therefore carries negative connotations for many…[but] we should not limit ourselves to only one interpretation.”

When the swastika first appeared, in India, it was as a sign of eternity and eternal motion. The newer, positive connotations that the Tajik authorities want the swastika to gain were outlined two years ago by President Imomali Rakhmonov when he declared 2006 the year of Aryan culture: the aim of the year is, he said, to “study and popularize Aryan contributions to the history of the world civilization; to raise a new generation [of Tajiks] with the spirit of national self-determination; and to develop deeper ties with other ethnicities and cultures.”

Linguistically, the Tajiks are closely tied to the Persians, who since ancient times have used the term Aryan to describe themselves and their language.

The Tajik historian and ethnographer Usto Jahonov supports both the state’s desire to raise awareness of Tajikistan’s Aryan heritage and the use of the swastika. Using an argument employed by Tajik officials in numerous speeches, Jahonov contends that it is an inherent part of Aryan culture and a key to building national identity. A stronger national identity is itself “needed now because we live among [non-Aryan,] Turkic nations” that are, he says, rewriting “their history by claiming that they emerged in this area [Central Asia]. We should therefore go back to Aryan history, demonstrate and prove to others where our place is. Each nation should know its place.”

An Ancient Symbol In The Shadow Of A Modern Taboo

But it is hard to rid the swastika of its negative associations. For many people in the West, the swastika is a taboo, synonymous as it is with Nazism, fascism, and white supremacy in general. Post-war Germany outlawed the swastika and other Nazi symbols for all but scholarly purposes.

Continued sensitivities were highlighted earlier this year when Britain’s Prince Harry was criticized for wearing a Nazi swastika armband and a Nazi uniform to a fancy-dress party. The incident led to calls from German politicians for a ban on all Nazi symbols across the European Union, which was then followed by a debate in the European Commission in Brussels.

For similar reasons, the new prominence of the swastika is touching on sensitivities in Tajikistan, recently prompting a group of Tajik World War II veterans to write a letter to Rakhmonov asking him to end the use of the swastika.

The Tajik president has so far not responded.

“I am a veteran of World War II,” says one Tajik former member of the Soviet army. “We veterans demand that this fascist cross, the swastika, be removed from placards. We fought against the Nazis, who had the swastika. Why should we propagate it now?”

The use of the swastika by skinheads has made the symbol even more controversial in recent years.

Due to high levels of unemployment and poverty, many Tajiks have had to work as illegal migrant laborers abroad, overwhelmingly in Russia. Many have been subjected to harassment and intimidation. Several have been killed by racist groups in recent years.

The most prominent case was the murder, in February 2004, of a 9-year-old Tajik girl in St. Petersburg by a group of teenagers armed with chains, metal rods and knives. Khursheda Sultanova’s father and her 11-year-old cousin were also savagely beaten.

Divided Opinions

This and other cases have provoked public outrage in Tajik society.

For one woman interviewed, both objections to the swastika originate close to home. “My grandfather died in a battle against Nazi Germany,” she told RFE/RL, and “last year, my neighbor’s son was killed by a group of skinheads in Russia.”

“I am amazed to see [the swastika]. Why does our government recover and propagate the [hooked] cross now?”

This Tajik woman says she welcomes a rediscovery of the Tajik nation’s history. But, she argues, historians should not forget the nation’s recent past just to revive its ancient heritage.

By Finley
Engles wasn't a slave lover but you get red slavs
Why can't you get NS slavs?

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