Do you have a problem with interracial couples having kids? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Do you have a problem with interracial couples having kids?

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By Figlio di Moros
Captain Sam wrote:I dunno. Why do some people want to put on white robes and lynch black men and women?

*lynch black men and rape black women

Because it's fun and you look damn sexy doing it...
By jaycola
A few years ago, I met a Jewish woman (eastern European) with a young, beautiful daughter. We got to talking about her daughter's unusual features and she told me her husband was half Cherokee, half Jamaican.

The convesation turned to talk of the history and journey that was contained in the genes of this beautiful child.

Her mother's grand parents had endured the terror of the 2nd world war in Europe. Having fled the Nazi's in Poland and survived, they came to Canada with their young daughter and began a new chapter in their lives.

Her husband being half Jamaican, half Cherokee had no less struggle and travel held within his genes.
Most likely the descendant of slaves brought to Jamaica to work the sugar fields, and a Native American, decended from the first people to cross the land bridge across the Bering Strait, this child had an amazing story within her.

Genes from Africa, North East Asia and Europe coming together in Canada in the form of a beautiful little girl, via the Slave Trade in the Caribbean, an Ice Age and a World War makes for quite a tale.

oh ya! I voted No. I think it's all good.
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By R_G

Scientifically some interracial children are genetically superior to " pure " children due to the benefits both ethnicities provide being fused into one.

Such as Africanus superior muscle and cardio system and Nordic immune system, hypothetically a child from a black man in central africa and a swedish woman would be genetically very proficient.

On a personal level however I would not condone it for myself or my family.
By Zyx
This is a racist thread.

How is an argument for interracial children "they are more beautiful." It's so racist.

Worse, there is the 'mixed with White' beauty myth, that basically says, "Whiteness with a flavor is the key to Western beauty--as generic whiteness is so played out." It's true, but it's no reason to support life.

I should vote 'Other' just because of the racist responses of this thread. Voted other.
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By dudekebm
I'd have to say No, on principle, not for eugenics or any other reason. If a man and a woman want to have kids and they are a mixed race couple, what's the difference between them and a like-race couple really when you boil things down other than maybe a social stigma? They're both human beings and quite frankly when babies are first born there's very little difference between the races anyways.
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By Figlio di Moros
Zyx wrote:This is a racist thread.

How is an argument for interracial children "they are more beautiful." It's so racist.

Worse, there is the 'mixed with White' beauty myth, that basically says, "Whiteness with a flavor is the key to Western beauty--as generic whiteness is so played out." It's true, but it's no reason to support life.

I should vote 'Other' just because of the racist responses of this thread. Voted other.

Like I said before: pretensious. You'll note the "mixed people are more beautiful" was in response to C_M calling them ugly, and there's nothing wrong with agreeing with your penis, Zyx. Well, maybe you agreeing with your penis...
By Zyx
Actually, C_M's 'all ugly' was in response to the 'all beautiful.'

If this is a rubric for who is racist, why is calling mixed people more beautiful than unmixed people not racist?

Captain Sam is something else.

I am not pretentious, I just plain won't be duped as easily. Captain Sam made a rubric for racism, then when Thunderhawk made some bigoted remark, Captain Sam jumped right behind it. Then many of you agreed with this racism, and C_M disagreed making another racist claim, but it doesn't change that the thread was 'racist.'

Who even believes in this 'race' idea? Seriously, Captain Sam . . ..

Nonetheless, this is not pretentious. I called out people who were wrong and provided how they were. It's not that I am always right, I am just right, right now.

I cede debates and not only to the left--ask Cheesecake_Marmalade.
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By JohnRawls
The 5 people who voted yes , should get a red card for racism.

This thread is stupid. It Cries Yes,I am a racist . No , i am not . Other , I don't care.
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By Figlio di Moros
Zyx wrote:Actually, C_M's 'all ugly' was in response to the 'all beautiful.'

You might want to re-read this thread, then. The only mention of looks prior to C_M was Thunderhawk, who said "IMO, they tend to be prettier than their parents" and it was held generally irrelevent to the discussion until C_M said "they make really ugly children." the context of each were completely different.

Zyx wrote:If this is a rubric for who is racist, why is calling mixed people more beautiful than unmixed people not racist?

Because it's a preference; am I not allowed to have a preference to dark women, either?

Who even believes in this 'race' idea?

How about anyone with two working eyes and common sense?
By Zyx
Figlio de gli moros wrote:You might want to re-read this thread, then.

You are joking, Figlio de gli moros. C_M's responses were clearly responsive to Thunderhawk's and Captain Sam's support of Thunderhawk's response.

Figlio de gli moros wrote:Because it's a preference; am I not allowed to have a preference to dark women, either?

Calling Dark women more beautiful than Light women and then claiming that their fertility should be encouraged is a bit racist. It's the logical equivalent of saying that Light women should reproduce less frequently because they are ugly. The argument being for Dark women density after all.

Figlio de gli moros wrote:How about anyone with two working eyes and common sense?

'Clines' superseded 'race.'
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By Figlio di Moros
Zyx wrote:Calling Dark women more beautiful than Light women and then claiming that their fertility should be encouraged is a bit racist. It's the logical equivalent of saying that Light women should reproduce less frequently because they are ugly. The argument being for Dark women density after all.

No one in here is claiming that dark women ought to reproduce more except me, and that's on the condition it's with me. The poll mzkes no reference to prefering it, only stating "I have no problem with it".

Zyx wrote:'Clines' superseded 'race.'

Cline is a fancy way of saying race and racial features.
By Zyx
Figlio de gli moros wrote:No one in here is claiming that dark women ought to reproduce more except me, and that's on the condition it's with me.

Thunderhawk encouraged more miscegenation for the reason that the children are more beautiful. Please stop being ridiculous.

Figlio de gli moros wrote:Cline is a fancy way of saying race and racial features.

Clines is the way to say that there are no races, the famous line being "There are no races, only clines."
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By Ter
I have two mixed-race kids and two non-mixed race kids. It never occurred to me that race came into the equation.
My wife is already of a mixed extraction with Northern Chinese and Northern Indian features.

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By Figlio di Moros
Zyx wrote:Thunderhawk encouraged more miscegenation for the reason that the children are more beautiful. Please stop being ridiculous.

No, thunderhawk said he wished there was more miscegenation because the children are more tolerant, the fact that mixed chicks are hot is an added bonus.

Figlio de gli moros wrote:Clines is the way to say that there are no races, the famous line being "There are no races, only clines."

Except clines refer to race-related features, making the whole subject double-speak because you don't want to deal with the social applications of race relations.

Ter wrote:I have two mixed-race kids and two non-mixed race kids. It never occurred to me that race came into the equation.
My wife is already of a mixed extraction with Northern Chinese and Northern Indian features.


You cheated on your wife, twice? :eh:
By Zyx
Figlio de gli moros wrote:No, thunderhawk said he wished there was more miscegenation because the children are more tolerant,

I missed this, but he certainly did mention beauty.

You are pretending like he did not.

Figlio de gli moros wrote:Except clines refer to race-related features, making the whole subject double-speak because you don't want to deal with the social applications of race relations.

No. Clines explain why 'race-related' features cross racial boundaries. Clines says that arid climate causes narrow noses whereas race claims that only Caucasoids (and Mongoloids) have narrow noses therefore they have the obsolete thinking that the appearance of narrow noses in some communities suggests a Caucasian invasion.

But whatever, this isn't interesting.

I rightly called some folks racist, and you're ridiculously defending them on no grounds.
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By Ter
Figlio de gli moros wrote:You cheated on your wife, twice?

:lol: no, two marriages.

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By MistyTiger
I have no problem with that. There is a chance that I might have interracial children someday. I see nothing wrong with intermingling.
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By Figlio di Moros
Ter wrote::lol: no, two marriages.


:lol: Sorry, had to do that...

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