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How do you feel about Turkey?

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By Doomhammer
That's interesting. A similar process happened in Britain in the 16th and 17th centuries - the state swallowed up religion and reduced it to merely one more government Ministry. The process was so successful in fact that the notorious 18th century atheist David Hume once said that he was strongly in favour of an official state religion because it had "destroyed the pestilence of religious enthusiasm". Unfortunately, it seems not to have had that effect in Turkey. The reason is probably that Ataturk allowed too much religious tolerance; in Britain, all religious sects other than the official state religion of Anglicanism were repressed. Anyone who wanted to become a government official had to be a follower of the Anglican Church. In fact, anyone who even wanted a university education had to be in communion with the Church of England. University lecturers had to actually be ordained into the Anglican Church before they were allowed to teach. The official state religion was used as a loyalty test by the state authorities. Over time, this meant that those with any genuine religious feelings were reduced to impotent irrelevance, and the vast majority of adherents to the official state religion had no genuine religious beliefs; praying in church was merely a rather quaint way of swearing an oath of loyalty to the secular authorities. This process has made Britain into one of the most secular and godless nations on Earth. The same thing might have happened in Turkey of only Ataturk had not been so tolerant and if he had bound the state and the official state religion more closely together.

That's very interesting. By issuing such strict criteria, the British authorities actually made people more cynical... well, less interested in religion. It's like reading: You may love reading about history but once you have to study for a history exam, it will likely become less interesting.

I don't know if the British model could have been more strictly and successfully applied in Turkey. Islam is an aggressive religion that has a good side and a dark side - it can be abused in the wrong hands...

Is that a fact, is it?

Yes. Only the exceptionally retarded can choose it by their own will.

Furthermore, one can still maintain the old institutions and be modern at the same time.

Yes. If you are.. Britain, for example. Kudos to Potemkin for explaining the British case.

Simply because the Ottomans were reluctant to take on modernity

The Ottomans were reluctant to modernize? Ottoman science crumbled because of the pressures by the Shiekh-ul Islam. A notable example is the death of Ottoman astronomy and sailing after foreign and Ottoman scientists were forbidden to continue their work - after an earthquake in Istanbul (early 17th century) the Shiekh ul-Islam pressured the Sultan (Caliph) Mehmet IV to close down the Galata Tower (then an important scientific center) because the scientists were trying to "uncover Allah's secrets" (which presumably pissed off Allah). The palace institutions were corrupted too. But that's another story.

The Ottoman Empire dedicated the entire 18th and 19th century to modernization and it seemed that the Ottoman Empire might finally become a reasonably democratic place but the first proper constitution was immediately suspended by the Sultan (1877 Abdulhamit II, because he was an asshole).

The only reforms that sort of worked was in the military (and this excludes the navy) and the creation of a westernized officer class (the last generation produced Ataturk and his comrades) that finally did away with the Ottoman Empire.

You cannot say it is forced upon people.

I'm sorry. I was under the impression that multitudes of women in Iran and the Middle East are not being forced, by law, to cover themselves. There is no shred of patriarchy in these places either. :lol:

n Islamic society which Turkey has been for centuries, or this ideological sterile atheistic state in which there is no freedom of religious expresison?

None of the above. "Nomadic horsemen warriors who adhere to pagan beliefs or Buddhism" would have been the right question. For the record, a so called "sterile atheistic state" would be excellent - it is way better than a state where women are subordinate to men and have to dress up like ninjas.

If there is any problem the woman's parents, family or friends, then cans he not run to Mr. Kemal and the state?

Would you think me rude if I insinuated that you are naive?

Men and women are equal in Islam.

Really? Prove it.

No, she is not consenting, she is pushing it with full force and doing so as a free thinking independent woman!

Ha ha. That is cute.

Why can you not understand that some may wish to wear it because they feel it is immodest not to?

Why should anyone make a women feel immodest for not dressing up like a ninja? You don't see a problem with that either, I suppose?

The Ottoman Empire was poor at that time and granted, they should have done more to increase literacy.

They had 623 years to do it. It has nothing to do with wealth though. It was because of the multiethnic nature of the Empire but Arabic script was used in most official correspondence but it was still hard and not entirely compatible with Turkish. Frankly, changing the script and reducing Arabic words (and adding/inventing Turkish ones) was a wise idea. It's not anyone's fault but it took a stroke of brilliance to solve.

this was a mistake of the Ottoman leadership of the day and not a mistake of the Caliphate.

The Ottoman sultans were the Caliphs. Few Sultans fostered change, others impeded it.

Because it was a uniquely Turkish symbol, was it not?

No. The Fez originates from... Fez, or Morrocco. It gained popularity with the Ottoman army (in later years) but it's worn in various other places. Among others, the Greeks also wear fezes... well, at least special divisions in the Greek army puts on fezes during parades and such.

Would Turkish nationalism not be ready to receive it?

What does headgear have to nationalism?

In this sense, Kemal was not really a nationalist, only an ideologue.

If you wish to believe so.
The religious adopt science to fill the holes their religion creates or doesnt explain. What science does not cover, does not matter to science.

Tru dat. :lol:

Turkey is our closest ally.

I hope that turkey becomes a Islamo-fascist state, like demanded by the grey wulfs, and the MHP.

I love Bozcourt Turks.

Yeah... No. On a scale of suckiness from 1-10 (10 being really sucky), that would be 100 or something.
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By Potemkin
No. The Fez originates from... Fez, or Morrocco. It gained popularity with the Ottoman army (in later years) but it's worn in various other places. Among others, the Greeks also wear fezes... well, at least special divisions in the Greek army puts on fezes during parades and such.

It's also worn by crap British stage magicians too.


"Just like that!" :D
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By eloweeth
Why can you not understand that some may wish to wear it because they feel it is immodest not to?

It is the society that tells what is modest and what is not.Why should they comfortably imply women who don't wear it are immodest?
That was because Kemal was so forceful with it.

:roll: Is it something bad that he pushed reforms to get people learn how to read and write?
Men and women are equal in Islam

If they are equal in the traditional way Islam is understood then I don't see any reason for women to wear more cloth to be accepted(by men)as modest as they should be.!!
grey wulfs, and the MHP.I love Bozcourt Turks.

Auuuuuu!!! :muha1:
By Plaro
If they are equal in the traditional way Islam is understood then I don't see any reason for women to wear more cloth to be accepted(by men)as modest as they should be.!!
Woman are equal but different, In my opinion women's bodily over exposure leads to uncomfortable environment for other people. Like the sight of breasts or hips will lead many males to not be able to concentrate, in times when concentration is required, school for example. That is why perhaps the modest argument is not so bad. Especially in the west here, many women over do it with the exposure, creating a very over sexualized situations in public matters, in which there should never be a hint of sexuality. I just wish to go to a café and enjoy my drink and not see some forty year old’s breast hanging out and her face painted like a white fence, while she takes her kids out for some ice cream. It is a very disturbing and vulgar sight, I do not blame Muslims rejecting western influence, it probably comes after seeing something of that kind.
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By eloweeth
Woman are equal but different

Men are equal but different as well. :(
sight of breasts or hips will lead many males to not be able to concentrate, in times when concentration is required, school for example.

:?: The truth is even the knowledge that those hips and breasts exist somewhere inside a burka,sari,kimono etc.. make some men not able to concentrate in certain societies.It is not about women covering it more,it is about how decent men are ;)
Especially in the west here, many women over do it with the exposure, creating a very uncomfortable situations in public matters.Some times I just wish to go to a café and enjoy my drink and not see some forty year old’s breast hanging out and her face painted like a white fence.

I can understand you don't like it as exposure may become very ugly sometimes but limiting women for men's appreciation doesn't have a different logic behind than Taliban wishing not to see women walking alone on street as it is creating uncomfortable situations.Moreover in all societies there are women who are exposing according to their own norms and it is not that the more they get dressed the less likely harassment occurs.(So my advice:enjoy your drink at home if it is intolerable for you ;)
By Aekos
Like the sight of breasts or hips will lead many males to not be able to concentrate, in times when concentration is required, school for example.

No way

It actually helps us concentrate by keeping us from falling asleep

Also, as per this thread I like Islam even more now
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By Doomhammer
"Just like that!"


Like the sight of breasts or hips will lead many males to not be able to concentrate, in times when concentration is required, school for example.

That argument does not work. If you turn to mush when you see boobage, then it is your fault. Have some self-control. It's not like thousands of naked Carmen Electras were walking around in Arabia in Muhammed's times. lol
By Beirut
I hope that turkey becomes a Islamo-fascist state, like demanded by the Grey Wolves, and the MHP.

Felicity Party(Saadet Partisi),Independent Turkey Party(Bagimsiz Turkiye Partisi),Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front(BTP), Hizb ut-Tahrir. :p
If they are equal in the traditional way Islam is understood then I don't see any reason for women to wear more cloth to be accepted(by men)as modest as they should be.!!

You said that it's a matter of question which is true.
The truth is even the knowledge that those hips and breasts exist somewhere inside a burka,sari,kimono etc.. make some men not able to concentrate in certain societies.

I can understand you don't like it as exposure may become very ugly sometimes but limiting women for men's appreciation doesn't have a different logic behind than Taliban wishing not to see women walking alone on street as it is creating uncomfortable situations.

Islam =/= Taliban !! :)
It actually helps us concentrate by keeping us from falling asleep

Yeah, specially when some old women(teachers in our case) tend to show their creased hips or breasts. :*(
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By Doomhammer
Felicity Party(Saadet Partisi),Independent Turkey Party(Bagimsiz Turkiye Partisi),Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front(BTP), Hizb ut-Tahrir.

You're insane. :lol:
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By Doomhammer
One-party rule under Barbar Partisi

I suppose that's how Vanasalus sees CHP's one party rule before 1950. :lol:
By Aekos

Gross. Kemal could've done a lot better, he was a handsome man.
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By Doomhammer
He got divorced rather quickly. He probably led a chickariffic lifestyle thereafter.
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By Vanasalus
I suppose that's how Vanasalus sees CHP's one party rule before 1950.

Before as well as after. :lol: Fuck CHP. :rockon:

Yet, I am rather OK with 1923-1930 era.

Gross. Kemal could've done a lot better, he was a handsome man

She was prettier than in this photo. Plus, unlike Mustafa Kemal, she was coming from an ultra-rich and aristocrat family. I guess, it was as important as beauty in those times.
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By Doomhammer
Yet, I am rather OK with 1923-1930 era

Hell has frozen over... :eek:

To quote the great Clarksonious "S'sstonishing!"
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By Vanasalus
Hell has frozen over...

To quote the great Clarksonious "S'sstonishing!"

Why? I might not like everything Ataturk did. Yet, I am not stupid enough to deny accomplishments.

For me, Ataturk died in 1930 with dissolution of Serbest Cumhuriyet Firkasi (Liberal Republican Party). If you review over his policies after 1930, the most were utter rubbish.
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By Doomhammer
Can anyone guess how I voted here

Other: "I simultaneously love and hate Turks and Turkey which is why I keep making dozens of threads and hundreds of posts about Turkey - in fact, I some how keep shifting to Turkey related topics in unrelated threads. I should be committed. Also, Doomhammer is awesome."


For me, Ataturk died in 1930 with dissolve of Serbest Cumhuriyet Firkasi (Liberal Republican Party).

Fair enough.

If you review over his policies after 1930, the most were utter rubbish.

Yeah the language and history stuff... useless really.

But there were a few good things he ordered:
1932 Halkevleri
1934 Female Suffrage
1936 Montreaux Convention
By Aekos
Serbest Cumhuriyet Firkasi

The most-Serbian Party?

"I simultaneously love and hate Turks and Turkey which is why I keep making dozens of threads and hundreds of posts about Turkey - in fact, I some how keep shifting to Turkey related topics in unrelated threads. I should be committed. Also, Doomhammer is awesome."

Beirut is cooler than you.

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