Radical Right and Music - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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By Jackal
I have always thought that in my ideal state that certain types of music would be banned. Mainly the songs that fall under this category contain lyrics that depict violence, overly sexual acts, and drugs. Coincidentally, many Rap (at least modern rap) and R&B songs fall into this category but other genres such as National Socialism Black Metal (NSBM) and heavy metal bands.

Examples of what I would want banned:

Does anyone share my sentiments?

In case any were wondering, I prefer Romantic-era Classical Music such as:
et cetera.

I am also a fan of Neoclassical Darkwave:

I guess I not only made this thread to find out what you would promote and ban but what other radical rightists are listening to.
By Benjamin Noyles
So you would like to see a ban on black metal bands including NSBM, but imply that early rap music is tolerable? You say you like Mortiis which at least used to be a black metal band of the mist hilariously stereotypical type (men in Halloween outfits running around in the woods and all that jazz). It shouldn't be a case of banning it is about seizing the means of production, you cant just give an Absurd/Mortiis/Laibach CD to some standards board and hold a political debate over whether it is degenerate or not. We have the music we have today because the capitalist system will promote only that which will be most widely consumed so regression theory takes hold, and it maintains itself because every time you turn on the radio it is the same thing over and over again. There are classic radio stations of course, but even they have to come with an imposed ideology; If they do Wagner they talk a bit about the Nazis or his anti-Semitism, likewise if its Elgar they try to vindicate his association with imperialism by talking about his political radicalism, its like a health warning on a pack of cigarettes. The fact is all forms of high art (modern and classical) need to be 'imposed' on the masses in the same way mediocrity is now. All ideology imposes itself so it does not need to be put in legislative action.
By Kman
I advocate we ban all Winnie the Pooh merchandice, that greedy bear is corrupting the minds of young people.
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By Jackal
Benjamin Noyles wrote:So you would like to see a ban on black metal bands including NSBM, but imply that early rap music is tolerable?

Well I personally don't like early rap music either but it seems to be less offensive, sexual, drug-influenced than modern rap. Again, it would be on a case by case basis.

An example would be:

As for NSBM, it would also be a case by case basis. Surely one called "Ethnic Cleansing" would not be allowed. You understand.

If it was up to me, high art would be only thing available.
By Benjamin Noyles
Actually I happen to think a certain song called 'ethnic cleansing' was a classic piece of trolling, epic win, and comic genius which was actually a withering attack on the hypocrisy of the skinhead scene. I think people who stand up for and incarnate what they believe in as a form of strength, and without regret, should be an example not a criminal. On those grounds you would also be outlawing the poetry of Constantin von Hoffmeister which is comparably similar. Actually I cant help but feel from what you have indicated before that some of my work in other media would be censored, the result being a repression of artistic forms on the radical right greater than the radical left (which is now comparably ‘soft’ and PC). Don’t be such a kill joy, if it engages people in the aeisthetism of belief it is a positive influence, and this is exactly why the margin of error can be so great here when you impose such an unreasonable restrictions, it is counter productive.

You may want to take lessons from communist regimes in Eastern Europe that were looking under peoples beds for jazz music as late as the 90’s. Even then deviant music found all sorts of ways of getting around the limits, through emulating folk aesthetics to hide hippy rock, or utilising totalitarian kitch like Laibach, which gave censors the same headache you would inflict on a new batch of thought police. Getting a bureaucracy to judge art is impossible, it is the same with supporting art like the CIA funding of abstract expressionism, imagine all those federal agents looking at a canvas with some splodges on it, not knowing if its even the right way up and deciding to put money into it.

No it has to be done through the industry by persons politically indoctrinated and philosophically aware; political officers on cultural boards conducting it through the radical end of the political movement. I have to say on second thought I have taken a shine to the idea of CD burning rallies (although they would be very messy and would require protective clothing ect, and you couldn’t have a brass band, so you would need a decent stereo system so everyone can hear the Koniggratzer march). That is good because it is impulsive, it is an informed individual judgement and it is a ventilation of strength which merits the destruction of the work.
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By Jackal
Benjamin Noyles wrote:Actually I happen to think a certain song called 'ethnic cleansing' was a classic piece of trolling, epic win, and comic genius which was actually a withering attack on the hypocrisy of the skinhead scene.

If I recall correctly, there is also a NSBM banned titled "Ethnic Cleansing". That is who I was referring to.

Benjamin Noyles wrote:Don’t be such a kill joy, if it engages people in the aeisthetism of belief it is a positive influence, and this is exactly why the margin of error can be so great here when you impose such an unreasonable restrictions, it is counter productive.

Do you think this applies to left-wing music as well?

NSBM bands tend to be also anti-religious and I am pro-religious so that would be another reason for their banning. They seem to promote more social unrest than anything else.

I also believe that bands must be approved by the government in order to perform, make records, etc, instead of reviewing each piece of music that comes out.
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By Ombrageux
lulz @ rihanna/beyonce corruptin' our yoof like
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By Jackal
Ombrageux wrote:lulz @ rihanna/beyonce corruptin' our yoof like

Do you think they way they dress is appropriate? How about the lyrics?

I coach a boys Middle School soccer/football team. I hear Middle School girls singing these songs and discussing sex and dressing like these women. I have no problem with modern fashion, as long as it is not too low cut and showing off too much skin. I have actually seen French fashion and it is far more conservative than the fashion I see here.

I have no problem with female singers:

Are you going to tell me that Rihanna and Beyonce produce better music than Edith Piaf? Further, Piaf did not have to dress like a stripper.
By Benjamin Noyles
If I recall correctly, there is also a NSBM banned titled "Ethnic Cleansing". That is who I was referring to.

I thought you implied the name in conjunction with the ideological direction of the band was in itself objectionable.

Do you think this applies to left-wing music as well?

No, most radical left musicians are moral cowards who deny the outcome of their own ideas, when was the last time you heard Rage against the machine or Billy Bragg sing in praise of the progress bought by the mass slaughters under Stalin and Mao? They are hypocrites and worms.

NSBM bands tend to be also anti-religious and I am pro-religious so that would be another reason for their banning. They seem to promote more social unrest than anything else.

If you define Pagan/Satanist/not Christian groups as 'anti religious', which is total BS as even an atheist on the radical right, by virtue of his ideology is a believer in structure, meaning, and deep moral searching. Actually I would make the case that those tendencies exhibit a far more concise, consistent, and morally sound philosophy than any established church. Why side with the present clergy who are so much part of everything today, who take every opportunity to throw themselves at the feet of every liberal politician and throw in their lot with every Marxist inspired minority group, to sell out their own people for political gain. They are all scum who must be opposed and got rid of, and replaced with political officers. If a faith system has completely capitulated then its existence is a menace to the nation and must be destroyed. And have you heard Christian rock/metal/rap recently? That is a menace to human dignity! Add that to the blazing pile of rap CD’s. I am afraid I would have to side with NSBM over a backstreet gang of proto communist paedophiles preaching moral syphilis.

I also believe that bands must be approved by the government in order to perform, make records, etc, instead of reviewing each piece of music that comes out.

I don’t care how you operationalise it, I am concerned with the standards you are enforcing and the opinions canvassed by those on these boards (which would be what exactly?)
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By Ombrageux
Raptor - Sadly, I think the capacity for capitalist mass hyperconsumerism to annihilate culture is limitless and resistance to it is futile outside a Socialist (post-capitalist) ideal. I do think Rihanna is basically the porn of RnB. I wouldn't put Beyonce in the same category.
By Benjamin Noyles
Raptor - Sadly, I think the capacity for capitalist mass hyperconsumerism to annihilate culture is limitless and resistance to it is futile outside a Socialist (post-capitalist) ideal.

I don't think I need to remind you that Marxism had done its fair share of culture annihilation as well, that which destroys and breaks down elitist conventions is in essence a positive force. I remember reading Adorno's culture industry which I assume you might be reffering to; how the capitalist system robs the common people of folk/high culture, but does not seem to provide a marxist solutio to the problem, although I do remember him saying Fascism was a reaction against this tendency in capitalism. Perhaps that is the solution mabye.
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By Figlio di Moros
I think Ben was pretty on point that the means of production have a large effect on the standards of music; it's obviously not an easy issue, but I would think effecting distribution so that it favors more intelligently constructed music might have positive effect. I'm also a fan of reprogenetics, and an increase in avg. IQ could plausibly have a positive effect on taste in music, especially if coupled with a comprehensive music courses(not the B.S. ones we currently have).
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By telluro
I think the darker elements of the human soul will be bared one way or another, through artistic expression, legally or illegally.

I am very hesitant to judge art by moral values. If you mean you want to censor bad art then you need better qualifications than what an artist wears or what they propose.
By Reichstraten
I don't believe in cultural suppression. Especially not in an anti-authoritarian age like ours. Because of our anti-authoritarian mindset banning this kind of music will only provoke great resistance and makes this music more 'appealing' because it justifies their destructive message.
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By Dave
I am strongly in favor of censorship, and this includes music. Now as I outlined below to Ombrageaux, it would first be necessary to change the structure of cultural production, but I think that setting limits is also appropriate.

I think that before we discuss negative lyrics, dance, etc., we should look at the music itself. Rap music does not have harmony or resolution, which in turn does not meet classical Western standards of music. This sort of music is little more than a noxious beat with degenerate poetry set to it, which does not produce positive emotional responses or thoughts. First and foremost we should require all music to have harmony and resolution. Music should also be required to have tonality, though this is less of a problem since no one can stand listening to atonal "music". I would also like to see research on the relative effects of consonance and dissonance, as I suspect that overly strong dissonance has negative effects.

In regard to lyrics, I am in complete agreement with you. Mass-marketed music that explicitly promotes this sort of behavior should be severely restricted if not banned outright. These appeal to extremely base instincts and can thus gain popularity, and it is of course obvious that they promote degenerate behavior in the masses as you have directly observed. Worse, media celebrities are worshipped by the masses, and the masses in turn seek to emulate their idols.

Ombrageux wrote:Raptor - Sadly, I think the capacity for capitalist mass hyperconsumerism to annihilate culture is limitless and resistance to it is futile outside a Socialist (post-capitalist) ideal. I do think Rihanna is basically the porn of RnB. I wouldn't put Beyonce in the same category.

It's not really necessary to have a post-capitalist (which does not necessarily mean socialist) world, but it is necessary for existing capitalism to be radically restructured. Raptor, for that matter, supports nationalization of most industries. This particular subject concerns media--thus the destruction of existing media corporations is necessary. To ensure that the monster is not revived, eliminating intellectual property protection in culture would further be necessary.

Culture would thus be de-corporatized, eliminating the profit motive which drives it to the lowest common denominator. I must further emphasize that some of this negative culture is not the product of profit, but of ideology. It has long been suspected that Theodor Adorno aided Atlantic Records in its sound engineering in the late 1940s, and culture is dominated by an outgroup which is both liberal and hostile. As any future far right movement will purge the top echelons of society, a further negative influence is removed.

This will leave us with three sources of culture. The first is locally produced culture, which will reflect the organic customs of the particular community. The second is culture sponsored by wealthy patrons, which is a problem in that the wealthy presently have degenerate tastes. This is reflected in their preference for abstract "art". However, this is not an unsolvable problem, as this is little more than conspicuous consumption meant to indicate social status. Change the markers of social status, change the media sponsorship of the rich. The final source of culture--and main source for mass consumption--will be, of course, the state.

Reichstraten wrote:I don't believe in cultural suppression. Especially not in an anti-authoritarian age like ours. Because of our anti-authoritarian mindset banning this kind of music will only provoke great resistance and makes this music more 'appealing' because it justifies their destructive message.

Newsflash--this is the platonism and dictatorship forum. Our age is also extremely authoritarian, but in a bizarre manner. Extreme authority for dissenters from the established order, but no authority for degenerates and skraelings. The late, great, Samuel Francis termed our system "anarcho-tyranny".
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By Figlio di Moros
Dave, your vision doesn't seem to include file-sharing. :hmm:
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By Dave
Figlio di Moros wrote:Dave, your vision doesn't seem to include file-sharing. :hmm:

Dave wrote:To ensure that the monster is not revived, eliminating intellectual property protection in culture [emphasis added] would further be necessary.

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By Figlio di Moros
Yes, but I was speaking in terms of the three patrons; I'd expect file-sharing would increase viability between artists of different localities, and replace the current celebrity class with another one.
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By Dave
I don't really think that would happen, though I guess I shouldn't underestimate the ability of music fags to spend countless hours looking for music to download.
By Reichstraten
Dave wrote:Newsflash--this is the platonism and dictatorship forum. Our age is also extremely authoritarian, but in a bizarre manner. Extreme authority for dissenters from the established order, but no authority for degenerates and skraelings. The late, great, Samuel Francis termed our system "anarcho-tyranny".

Indeed, we have a strange authoritarian mindset these days. Despite of that there are still liberals who actually believe in their false assumptions on freedom. It's a twisted situation and hard to understand what's actually going on these days.
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