Is violence ever justified? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Is violence ever justified?

Yes, but only between states.
Yes, by any actor.
No, never.
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By ingliz
Yes, by any actor.

All political actors find violence useful. Even the "non-violent" (Ghandi, MLK, Dalai Lama, et al.) whose strategy is to provoke violence against themselves.
Last edited by ingliz on 29 Jul 2011 17:45, edited 3 times in total.
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By Daktoria
This thread just goes to show how there are very few if any people here who are any better than apes.

It's rather pathetic actually. In a world where violence is justified, there's no reason for anyone to be deserving of technology invented by non-violent actors.

ingliz wrote:All actors find violence useful, even the non-violent whose strategy is to provoke violence against themselves.

This is total and utter bullshit. If your goal is to provoke violence, then you're the first one who deserves to be beaten the shit out of and tortured to death.
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By Rei Murasame
I don't think I understand the question. Justified to what group? Who are we talking about?
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By Fasces
In general, Rei.

Some are saying Brevik was wrong, because he used violence. He was wrong for many reasons - the use of violence, however, is not one of them.
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By LehmanB
Dave wrote:I'd rather not return to the pre-Westphalian days.

The question is what the code of violence is. As in animal's kingdom- you use the minimal aggression for the right reason. So you don't kill unless you must eat. In unwanted societies there was over agression. Our democratic society is full of violence, but here you can spend less amount of energy and fewer agression while acheiving more. So that feels better, and thats the direction to go.
Last edited by LehmanB on 29 Jul 2011 15:07, edited 1 time in total.
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By Daktoria
Lehman, is that all you are - an animal?

Animals don't grasp justice. All they grasp are biological urges.
By Wolfman
All humans are is animals. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, conceptions of morality are likely the result of a mixture of biological and socio-cultural causes.
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By LehmanB
At the bottom line- we are. But as there are difference between each species, so there is a difference between us and all the other animals, so we should not copy everything.

But at the source we obey the same natural laws. See how our economy goes. Biologic urges is what behind our complex society - the aim is the same. We don't have a differnt goal in life. I live because its my instincts, no other answer found.

And making less violence is going to that direction. Often people label ferocity as animal's behavior. But over aggression is going against nature too.
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By Daktoria
Wolfman wrote:All humans are is animals. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, conceptions of morality are likely the result of a mixture of biological and socio-cultural causes.

Society and culture don't exist if people are just animals. Yea, we can look at animals and say they gather in a group, but that's a circular argument when you admit we're driven by biologic urges. Both observers and observed would be determined by biology.

Lehman wrote:At the bottom line- we are. But as there are difference between each species, so there is a difference between us and all the other animals, so we should not copy everything.

But at the source we obey the same natural laws. See how our economy goes. Biologic urges is what behind our complex society - the aim is the same. We don't have a differnt goal in life. I live because its my instincts, no other answer found.

And making less violence is going to that direction. Often people label ferocity as animal's behavior. But over aggression is going against nature too.

Can you prove natural laws exist? Likewise, how do you know what qualifies as "over" aggression? It doesn't do much good to claim we learn from experience after the fact since that doesn't let us know how to behave in advance.

I won't deny the existence of physics as in thermodynamics, electromagnetism, aerodynamics, etc.

However, "power" as a political concept is not disposed in nature. It is only disposed in nature as a physical reality.
By Wolfman
Society and culture don't exist if people are just animals.

Social animals have their own societies, and most have what could be loosely called culture.
By Thompson_NCL
Social animals have their own societies, and most have what could be loosely called culture

Which animals have culture? :lol:
By Wolfman
Which animals have culture?

There's a lot of evidence that certain species of Whales have within their respective pods (ie, societies) a distinct language which is different from other pods of the same species, and that they can tell if they've heard that language before. Language is one of the defining traits of a culture.
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By SecretSquirrel
Fuck whales... the blubbery fucks. Make lamp oil and piano keys outta 'em all, I say!
By Hamster
SecretSquirrel wrote:Fuck whales... the blubbery fucks. Make lamp oil and piano keys outta 'em all, I say!


I think you're confusing whales with elephants.
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By SecretSquirrel
whale bone is used for many of the same applications as ivory
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By Demosthenes
Yes - By any actor.

Thompson_NCL wrote:Which animals have culture? :lol:

Many species of primates, Elephants have an advanced matriarchal culture, whales, dolphins, many species of birds, dogs and wolves have a distinct hierarchy that forms a culture. Hell some animal cultures include interactions with a variety of species all together.

Unless you meant what animals can play rap music? :|

Honestly, any social animal can form some type of culture. Just because you're too awesome to know they have them doesn't mean they don't exist.
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By Donna
Fasces wrote:Some are saying Brevik was wrong, because he used violence. He was wrong for many reasons - the use of violence, however, is not one of them.

Contemporary right-wing violence has no tact, though. You have guys like Timothy McVeigh, David Copeland and Anders Breivik. All of them have managed to slaughter scores of children during their adventures. If I were a nationalist, I wouldn't trust the prospect of violence one bit. There are too many in your ranks who borrow their strategies from the Turner Diaries. That's kind of the irony of far-right intellectuals, they are surrounded by droves of hooligans at the peripheries.

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