Biofuels replace food production - Politics | PoFo

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Grain wrote:Six weeks ago, on 26 October, one farmer died and 21 others were injured, ten of them critically, in the village of Fanaye in northern Senegal. They, too, were trying to stop the takeover of their lands.

Government officials had handed over 20,000 hectares surrounding their area to an Italian businessman who wanted to grow sweet potatoes and sunflowers to produce biofuels for European cars. The project would displace whole villages, destroy grazing areas for cattle and desecrate the local cemeteries and mosques. Fanaye is not an isolated case. Over the past few years, nearly half a million hectares in Senegal have been signed away to foreign agribusiness companies.

How many people will die of starvation/mass murder in order to keep cars rolling down the highways?

And will you be next? Why should you be allowed to eat food that could have fed an SUV?

Are you really of so much value that you're worth allowing to live? :eh:
People have been complaining about this for years regarding corn and ethanol - how ethanol isn't cost-efficient and that by reducing supply, it drives up food prices.

The problem is how on a cultural level, people insist on being hypocrites. They want to demand social responsibility, but then they want the civil rights to be individualists (as in driving cars everywhere and anywhere [on public roads no less]) in order to show off to their friends. There's of course the classic example of how the "inventor of the internet" (Al Gore) flies a jet and drives an SUV wherever he goes in the name of the environmental movement.

Frankly, anyone who thinks like this shouldn't even have the right to vote because it shows a complete lack of maturity in context of civilization, but hey, there are always political games going around which insist on having an appeal to popular emotional stupidity. Besides, these immature people are the incessantly reproducing workforce which the economy depends upon as a matter of self-fulfilling prophecy.

If there's anything that's going to bring about world calamity, it isn't technology, but the fact that people insist upon being so damn hypercompetitive rather than thinking before they act.
Daktoria wrote:people insist on being hypocrites. They want to demand social responsibility, but then they want the civil rights to be individualists (as in driving cars everywhere and anywhere

I agree that the public is schizophrenic. But I don't see it as being a sign of a flaw in human nature. How can nature be flawed?

What I think is happening is that mankind's natural, instinctive desire to survive and help other humans survive... is now in direct opposition to mankind's societies, and their manufactured "need" for status, and status-laden objects of consumption.

Our sports cars and air conditioned McMansions, world travel and disposable products are killing us and aborting the future.

The fake "individualism" that consumerism creates (through advertising to burned out office drones) is not satisfying at all to the human individual or the environment.

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