The inevitable war between Christianity and Islam - Politics | PoFo

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The world we live in today is full of hatred and animosity between the Christians and the Muslims. This feud is as old as the emergence of Islam as a religion and it is this same feud that has developed into the various acts of terrorism visible all over the world today. We are all sitting on a virtual time bomb that will explode with the final war between Islam and Christianity. The Islamic fundamentalist nations such as Iran are developing or looking for a nuclear arsenal with which to wage this war and its only a matter of time before they have this full article at
Gee two ideologies within the category of faith/theology. How many more sides are within this governance of reality regulating the humanity of being human ancestry?

This is but two sides of history's page in societal evolution, but where are the rest of the exponents to this existential tale of perpetual conflict to an inevitable war that never ends.

As they say, think out of the box. OK, how does a page of two sides become a cube having 12. 6 inside and 6 outside.
A page has 4 edges and 4 corners but a cube has 8 triangulating corners and from each only 3 of the 12 sides are visible.

My point is Christianity and Islam have many separate ideologies interpreting the same concept. Just comparing the general two ideas doesn't discuss the depth of diversity in both as each have internal conflicts within the two general applications of governance separating ancestry from it's own ancestors.

This is like comparing left against right. Where are the other four halves split as existence doesn't survive existentially on single trains of linear thinking. Each aspect of Christianity and Islam have a top half and bottom half with a front half and back half along with left and right as they overlap around the central idea of the collective ideologies contained by faith in words and loyalty to translation, but none are seeking to comprend everything else real exists as now.

Life is larger than any lifetime. inorganic is larger than organic. real is all realites put together as humans are just male and female reproductions of everything working the same way each generation those new acestors adopt an idea that makes them choose society over ancestry.

Now apply that to the theaters of politcs and economics. Oops, the other 4 halves to arguing spirituality not discussed within this debate by rules of making sure nothing gets added together again.

Good luck folks, but try comprehending the self evident of being self contained within an instant now is forever here and details are never duplicated twice to each conception of one fertilized cell of combined ancestrys of one male and one female changing into that lifetime becoming male or female results of the whole ancestry so far passing through this sphere of universal perpetual exchange of contracted results expanding details never duplicated individually being the image of that creative compounding Western theology metaphorically calls God and Eastern philosophical ideologies call Karma.

Both halves employing theory vs theology keeping speculation in governance that faith and hope what is real lives beyond the present moment here all the time.
Again, governance authorized governments enforcing the vocabulary arts as rule of law in scipture or political civil codes of silence protecting the faith and defending the beliefs time changes everything and character matters as characteristics are the downfall of humanity.

But characteristics are the nature to being human details of the results cellular adaption compounded into within the self containment of Earth/this planet remains balanced now universally the same way just different details never duplicated as before or since added by inception and conception that separates ancestors and ancestry and extinction from the food chain.

There doesn't have to be an inevitable war as the fighting never ended since humanity took control of being human. Governance is the problem not governments to heart, mind, body, and soul collective ideology keeping each sole from understanding their opwn placement in the eternity of now's results here compiled as conceived on Earth as it does throughout the heavens around this solar system, this galaxy, within this universal instant is remains what was continues compounding into.

So simple is it unbelievable theoretically or theologically, and that wasn't an accident or oversight as self evidetn in rule of law saving humanity from being human intellectually only.
Wow, what was that, a runaway sufi?

Jews started wanting another Israel, by the time the second revolt resulted in eviction from Judea, by Hadrian, 126 C.E. Christians started wanting back into some sort of Crusade, never mind what happened to Robin Hood, about the time of the industrial revolution.

The British sponsored a zionist invasion of Palestine, 1882. Christians held a conference, 1886, wherein they agreed to distort the story of Moses and his brother Aaron, to allege Aaron made the golden calf, as part of a materialist cult. Actually, this idol was to take the Habirus back to their time of service to Pharoah, to remember the goddess, Isis, and to look ahead, to what they wanted, which was to raise cattle in the area of the Sea of Galilee.

They stoned Moses when the 10 Commandments went down. Is there a problem understanding, how even Koufax threw inside? Zionism has been killing, ever since. The Habirus killed EVERYBODY, in Ai, Hazor, Jericho, and about 50 other places, 14th Century B.C.

Modern Israel substitutes bulldozers, Uzis, tanks, and nukes, for ancient bronze swords. But ethnic cleansing is ethnic cleansing. Christianity is supposed to teach the believers all this. How many watch The Borgias and get any of the message, which is their power media stinks?

Judeo-Christianity is merely lip-service, to the modern Crusade, going on, upsetting order in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and here in the US, where our Constitution is being molested and raped, by lousy zionist gangsters.

USCA 4, 5, 14 are particularly offended. Due process is controverted, deeply. Good luck, surviving this because a war between Christian organized crime and Islam is not only bound to happen, it is happening!

Christians started abusing the separation clause, as soon as George Washington died, 1799. They discriminated against Jews, until after WWII, but then, along comes Israel, and Jewish gangsters are hip and cool, to fools.
I'm with bobgnote. Christian and Jewish gangsters can't provide decent governance in their own countries because they're greedy savages at heart. So they are always making wars to steal resources from other nations, with which to demonstrate some kind of "success."

Killing poor people and stealing resources is Judeo-Christianity's highest calling.
QatzelOk wrote:I'm with bobgnote. Christian and Jewish gangsters can't provide decent governance in their own countries because they're greedy savages at heart. So they are always making wars to steal resources from other nations, with which to demonstrate some kind of "success."

Killing poor people and stealing resources is Judeo-Christianity's highest calling.

The resources would be worthless if their development had been left to the backward natives. Therefore, the resources are the intellectual property of advanced scientific civilizations. The brainless attitude of rewarding the luck of just being born in the right place rather than rewarding productive intelligence is one of the signs of civilization's decadence. Use it or lose it should be law of property. All the land in the Third World was stolen from other tribes anyway, none of which developed anything, leading to an endless cycle of conquest and destruction. The feral races propensity towards anarchy forfeits their claim to own anything.

By the way, I am also against total corporate ownership of patents with the inventors themselves being treated like mere employees. My attitude towards Third World parasites is consistent with my attitude towards industrialized parasites.
PB wrote:The resources would be worthless if their development had been left to the backward natives. Therefore, the resources are the intellectual property of advanced scientific civilizations.


When the natives lived here, this was just a useless forest with some useless lakes full of useless small fish.

Thank you, useful Scientific Civilizations for adding so much worthfullness.

When the natives lived here, this was just a useless forest with some useless lakes full of useless small fish.

Thank you, useful Scientific Civilizations for adding so much worthfullness.[/quote]
I see value multiplied by the resources dug up, with even more beneath. Nature is a pretty sight only to those sitting pretty. The rest of us need the wealth hidden under the vegetation.

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