Origami II - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By onemalehuman
Suska wrote:
At the point of death a fixed weight is lost by the body. I do not recall the amount. Ounces i beleive. the same amount is lost no matter the size or weight of the person who died. Interesting? certainly. What does it signify? I do not know.

The 21 grams theory is ludicrous. You can't weigh a soul.

Where in a lifetime does a body have a fixed weight within the moment constantly changing the details of everything in it?

the root of the 21 theory is literal plurality is counted from one to 10.0. that is 11 digits figuratively just one is less value that the other ten that came before it. Figurative numbers are defined dimensionally 0-9, that is 10 digits, now comparatively add them together as there are 21 with the advantage of circular logic going to literal translations created plausible disability and planned obsolescence because in using comparable literal truths and figurative mathematics nothing adds up completely.

In the 4th picture pink is the bottom side of the box in in the first picture and the blue was the back side, but notice the yellow and orange left and right sides remain in the last pic as the first. Simple exponential compounding interests are the most powerful physical forces within the universal balance of now's results never staying the same details twice.

Now is the center of 6 perpendicular expanding energies held in functions functioning as usual by 8 diagonal triangulating corners of contracting elements of gaseous, liquid, and mineral mass containment such as suns, planets, solar systems, and galaxies now here.

Blow smoke out of your projective speculative realities with the ideas time changes everything passing through this sole moment making details never duplicated with the same matter present all the time cannot happen within just being now as always here.

Here is the physical functions of God/Eternity and Karma/Buddha.

How mystical mysteries come to life within living lifetimes trained to ignore the self evident for the greater good of intentions by those seeking to rule the moment for generations to pass through within their ideology in governance of maybe nobody can know more than what humanity educates incompletely.

God angels and demons compared to Vedanta having Upanishads and Gurus. East meets west governance working the same instant comparing theory against theology. Please they are mirrored actions and reactions of soles ruling soul thoughts of collective characters wishing the idea were real, physically, so they are forced to act as it it were each generation societal evolution regulates reality socially within symbolic institutions of hope nobody finds out politics faith nobody wants to escape self made realities ignoring the functions of balance keeping real within this instant of adapt or become extinct applied equally to each result functioning the functions that change the details of results working the same way everywhere but just mirrored effects within the same instant expansion is powered by triangulating contracting forces.

Again those perpetual triangulating forces are combining of gaseous, liquid, and mineral molecules of atomic specific balances that shape the universe here now and any cellular points those specific gravities create as cellular combinations of the spheres sole gravitational balance within this universal moment being what remains of details never staying the same as when conceived a single fertilized cell of added specific ancestry.

I was playing with two origami figures an hour ago and discovered something I never noticed before. When two inverted shapes of each other become reversed of each other there are four of the six sides that become opposite colors, but one of the three axises remains the same. So when using existentialism of theory vs theology there remains a third bipolar variant that maintains both being individual results while never the same details in the same instant.

The first pick illustrates the six sides of a box having a separate color for each side, outside, it is anyone's guess what the colors are inside other than myself having created this reality of the two figures. now the inverted box has 6 squares connected upon three perpendicular axises. Each square is colored like one side of the box. However what was inside the box is still within the six squared existential separated views from outside both.

The second picture is the opposite sides, the third is both upside down, and the fourth are opposite of upside down and the original up side when starting to post them.

Here is the key to natural balance on a universal scale over regulating the nature of things being balanced psychologically in time relativity when two perceptions ignore the third constant bi polar contracting force.

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By onemalehuman
My last post had origami figures that dealt with just the periodic table of elements of an estimated 120 sole results within it's three categories of gaseous, liquid, and mineral characteristics within the average of everything being what now is at any given moment of time relativity on a universal scale.

Now comes the specific of DNA that those elements shape and form within specific locations of universal balances creating the nature of involuntary actions and reactions intellect likes to call instincts and less importance than intelligence to making up theories and theologies time changes the details to results never staying within this instant details never duplicate.

So here is the same setup of 4 pictures of three origami figures of two varieties. The left and right ones represent symbolic interpretations of instincts left and intellectual intelligence defining the would of, could of, and should of excuses within hope faith and charitable good intentions to misdirecting how and why this physical instant is always here and always now to every details conceived by contracting results expanding the details never the same functioning the same way all the time universally.

Now the center figure is natural balance in apathy of which side believes they are most important over everything else contained within now's universal results here changing the details constantly within the physical combinations of 120 separated molecular combinations of the same amount of matter called Earth.

Just as in the last post I noticed that within opposites to 6 halves there are four when reversed become opposite relative to both together but there are 2 of the six that remain the same. Now what separates the left and right figures is they are mirrored of each other so the parts that stay the same are the diagonals to perpendicular locations in quadrants between the six maximum points of separation the 8 corners contract back into while the self contained mass of three masses of molecular elements shape and form the functions taking place within this instant energy cannot be created or destroyed changing details of results staying functioning the same way.

Plus the one on the left represent involuntary instincts affecting the emotions being triangulated outside in through psychological tools within categorizing subjective interpretations of objects never defined better than in theory vs theology comparing the percentages of what people believe could be real throughout the reciting of whjat has been beleived every generation humanity teaches character roles becoming society's sibling rivalries of ideologues panhandling notions of national identity setting ancestry against it's own ancestors.

This is why I say humanity wilkl be the extinction of the human species while the human species will not figure out what is going on for real in self containement being self maintaining, and self evident because now is always here and forever what continues to be existing in this moment of details never duplicated by compounding results contracting into said details of the same matter of elements making up the planet Earth that is in substance the mythical Garden of Eden that never went away physicaly, just denied metaphorically.

So back to God/eternity and Buddha/karma. When the star of this solar system is magnetic north what does that make directionally dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight to the defined day of the week, week of the month, season of the year, soltice to solstice and equinox to equinox as relatively speaking all four seasons occur between each on the whole planet, but only once on the defined top or bottom half to the horizontal plane the solar system spins and revolves around the sun as the whole solar system spirals within a galaxy of similar but not the same solar systems that is duplicated universaly of the total sum galaxies. All composed of gaseous, liquid, and mineral classifications of molecular elements compounds.

Now back to the three origami figures that make no sense to those believing their superior intellect comprehnds more than my instincts understand since conception, not recited from birth educated to see myself as society's child.
Those black and white sections of the left and the all black sections on the right where the center is but one color of functions working all sides equally. My lifetime is that of the left arguing with characters of humanity on the right while both exist in the natural functions shaping the center.

I see from inside out and can assemble phislosophies tiogether looking outside in to become balanced within the instant all things are as they are changing in detail regardless the existential denial created through experts of societal evolution teach otherwise spiritually, politically, and economically. I don't need to buy trademark ideologies to think of myself to become anything other than what I am conceived to be naturally bridging my two parents to my children's having 4 grandparents where atleats two are my parents should I have parented children by more than one mating partner.

Know real for reality is empty hypotheticals and hypotheses created to misdirect each generation now here. So tell me what right and wrong are compared to good and evil within ethics of keeping people from comprehending the real moment?
I realize my perception doesn't match anything humanity teaches completely.
By onemalehuman
Funny how giving a physical means to the ageing process that effects every lifetime the same way regardless the species gets poo pooed in the philosophy section where eternal questions are always open to debate, metaphysically as theory and theology are the directors of direction the conversation will travel along single topic and one track issues making details the object of subjectivity.

Not the process that makes the details exist for real. Geniuses at work, or play on vocabulary.
By onemalehuman
Soulflytribe wrote:I prayed for you today.

And I describe the physical functions working the same way all the time in the silence of cyberspace in hopes one day your prayers get answered by what your body knew at conception.

But one of us lives to save reality and the other survives to remain within this moment always here and forever now.

Which one of us is real and the other just a character of orchestrated chaos making sure nobody knows what real has always been.

The road through Eternal Hell is paved with good intentions making sure no good deeds go unpunished and good guys finish last.
By onemalehuman
Fasces wrote:How do you rationalize your inability to communicate with anyone else to yourself?

The exponential simplicicty is beyond your trained existential intelligence as you preform as programmed in acting as society's child, not ancestral results living within one moment details never stay as before or since being part of now's results compounded so far being compounded as usual.

Follow a faith, or find a position balancing within everything else changing the same way in mirror fashion. That is how I( rationalize real to every other reality socially denying now with time relativity of comparing incomplete notions as scientific facts equally supporting theory and theology regulating symbolism over substance reward systems called economic principals.

I understand real choices, not choices reality demands become adopted. To be human or play a character in another human's interpreted reality. Yes, I know the odds are against me. But I am not fighting against natural balance like humanity does metaphorically.
By onemalehuman
KurtFF8 wrote:I found an image of onemalehuman online:

Reduced to posting false images of me knowing the picture isn't me. That would constitute fraud on your part. But it least you weren't lying, correct, because it is what you believe I would look like in person.

Isn't reality great making laws that protect misdirectors that generate beliefs nobody can know what real is anymore? I mean by the color of your screen name when looking at the forum page, it would reflect you are in rank of moderator. Yet, look at the standards you act within.

Not so superior to those you label scammers. Oops spammers.
By onemalehuman
Fasces wrote:If you mentally add prepositions and correct typos in onemalehuman's responses, he starts to make more sense! :eek:

To err is perfectly human, but to attempt to recite perfectly which is constantly incomplete to perfect balancing the attempts to regulate natural balance, that is unnatural. It may be the nature of a predatory species to rule the moment, but not understanding what that moment contains makes fools of those with desire to live eternally in the minds of the lifetimes living after their death of sole existence bridging the knowledge that folds matter into cellular adaptions of a sole existence of ancestry's specific concecptions conceived randomly, naturally in the balance of everything now here, now here never staying the same details before or sense specific details are what they came to be now ever changing in details never duplicated functioning the same way from every perception of molecular assembly into indiviudal results of the universal present of self contained results being self maintaining the details functioning as usual.

No matter how things change they remain working the same way for every sole result being as now is as it was. Psalms and songs, words and music created the orchestrated stages of political, religious, and economic theaters of maybe directed within the orchestrating conductors of theory and theology separating all 6 sides of the whole from understanding the whole moment here each generation reality rules incompletely from all sides. Inside and out leaderships and fellowships to the armada of fools believing now exists outside this instant of perpetual balancing of Eternity's detailing results so far.
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By Brio
Fasces wrote:If you mentally add prepositions and correct typos in onemalehuman's responses, he starts to make more sense!

Quick, bring the Colossus out of storage. We've got a code to break!
By onemalehuman
Brio wrote:
Quick, bring the Colossus out of storage. We've got a code to break!

Something to ponder while trying to break humanity's codes of silence. literal truths are defined numerically 1-10.0 while numerical equations are defined 0-9 per power of ten dimensional values to numbers becoming literal translations of objects subject to relative interpretations by social justification.

Why is the advantage always within literal truths of fictional distorting the mathematical equations creating factual inaccuracies on all sides of an argument/debate of existential translations of an exponential moment?

There are 11 digital values in literal truths that do not start adding until 10 is reached and the .0 begins figurative comparisons.

Now think about this mental slide of hand, 0-9 is 10 digits the same as 1-10 so in natural balances working presently the same way negatively and positively keeping the balance in the middle where substance cannot occupy the same place in the same instant creating a perpetual need to adapt or become extinct to every fraction of life being the lifetimes presently here ancestrally conceived specifically within contracting lifetimes expanding the duration that added DNA remains within sole existences presnently here every generation that lives now on this planet relative to the conception and conceiving exponent of cellular continuation within molecular migration of gaseous, liquid, and mineral elements supplying the shape and form of everything here inorganic and organic compounded combinations.

See how simple real functions within all realities denying it is that simple, why is that? Only humans know for sure and they aren't talking about real problems are we? just reality issues of maybe.

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