British far-right politics - Politics | PoFo

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This party is obviously crap, as it cries over the smoking-bill, which - in my opinion makes it opposed to progress

An the this one

No, further research told me that it is a left-wing party that hopes to compete with labour - This is the kind of position I am moving towards.

And this alternative labour-union was kind of cool:

And then there is the British Nationalist Party off course, but I have heard a lot of bad stuff about them, same with the English Defense League.
What s your problem with the Tory party? Not racist/ corporatist/ whatever enough for you?

Until you say what you want from politicians how do you expect anyone to find a party for you?
Does Britain have any thinkers comparable to Russell Kirk on the right?

He attended St. Andrews, so I figured there'd be a chance.
Does Britain have any thinkers comparable to Russell Kirk on the right?

He attended St. Andrews, so I figured there'd be a chance.

It depends what kind of 'right' you mean. The British far right has had a few interesting thinkers, but no-one comparable to the leading figures of the French Nouvelle Droite. The moderate right tends to be cognitively low powered, however - even Thatcherism was based on sloppily cobbled-together bits and pieces from Hayek and Friedman, neither of whom was British. So the answer is 'no', basically.
Decky wrote:What s your problem with the Tory party? Not racist/ corporatist/ whatever enough for you?

As mentioned in the opening-line, I am moving more to the group of people who find them somewhere between the social democratic center (people like Tony Blair and his ideological twin in my country, Jens Stoltenberg) and communism.

They are anti-liberal on everything except weird sex and immigration, and they support stuff like the ban on indoor smoking, heavy taxation on alcohol. They are also in favor of national self-determination, and they also wants the UN to have more power - which is logical, because the UN is a collection of statesmen who represents countries, rather than big business.

If this leftwing-club had been into cool uniforms and dramatic behavior Mussolini-style (perhaps in combination with anti-liberal views on even those topics were they are as liberal as the right-wingers) than that would have been cool, but one can't always get everything one wants - specially not now with Breivik and this stupid anti-islamic, ultra-liberal hysteria going on at the right. "Freedom" and "Democracy" and whatever.

If I had been british, I might have joined that labour-union I linked to. I found some nice slogans when I searched around in it.

"Nationalism is pride in what you are, unionism is pride in what you do"
"United we bargain, divided we beg"

It seems to me, like there are interesting things going on in British politics right now.
Tribbles wrote:They are anti-liberal on everything except weird sex and immigration, and they support stuff like the ban on indoor smoking, heavy taxation on alcohol. They are also in favor of national self-determination, and they also wants the UN to have more power - which is logical, because the UN is a collection of statesmen who represents countries, rather than big business.

So you are in favour of them in spite of their apparent suppport for weird sex and mass immigration? What happened to self-determination of the British people during the Blair era when he opened up our borders to all of Eastern Europe? It sounds to me that you are just another nanny state liberal who is attracted to the camaraderie and uniforms of the far-right.
Old_Hat wrote:What happened to self-determination of the British people during the Blair era when he opened up our borders to all of Eastern Europe? It sounds to me that you are just another nanny state liberal who is attracted to the camaraderie and uniforms of the far-right.

Well, yes - those social democrats have their weaknesses - tons of them actually. Am I a nanny-state liberal? Perhaps boarder-line so, even though liberalism is bad. If we could only remove liberalism from the nanny-statism..... :roll: ... and at the same time avoid indulging into Stalinist fantasies... :coffee:... or even the feudal fantasies of Evola... :O

Eran wrote:How about [url=]the Libertarian party[url]?

Would you consider them far-right?

No, minarchism is not far-right, not unless it is combined with some sort of Pinochetist-authoritarian fantasy.

But actually, my opinions on these matters are not all-important, in fact it distracts us from the topic of this thread.
As mentioned in the opening-line, I am moving more to the group of people who find them somewhere between the social democratic centre (people like Tony Blair and his ideological twin in my country, Jens Stoltenberg) and communism.

Then why are you asking about far right politics?
Tribbles wrote:As mentioned in the opening-line, I am moving more to the group of people who find them somewhere between the social democratic centre (people like Tony Blair and his ideological twin in my country, Jens Stoltenberg) and communism.

Wow. Didn't think you would get this ideologically low, Tribbles.
As a conservative, it seems logical to move towards the camp that it less freaky :p

Since they are anti-Stalinists they are less leftwing, then lets say - Slavros on the the Iron March, and since they want a welfare state AND support the smoking-bill, they are less rightwing the those liberal gays on the right side.

They support Gadaffi and Assad (well, somewhat half-heartedly) and... Why not?

But this does not mean that interesting stuff does not happen on the far-right. As mentioned, that labor-union was kind of cool. Since we have spent so much time screaming up about the Integralist-party, who not talk a bit about all the other things that goes on at the british far-right?
The far-right in Britain is hilariously thick and stupid, even by far-right standards. Britain just isn't a country of extremes, it may well become so at some point but both sides of the spectrum have no real basis. The Far-Right have to rely on a certain degree of stupidity and ignorance, because that's what their politics is based on but the far-left is just as pathetic at the moment, a wishy-washy, load of students who do nothing to further the cause but just pontificate about theory and the BNP (who are no threat whatsoever).
There have been some authoritarian rightest thinkers in Britain. Britain just isn't a very intellectual country, we are doers rather than thinkers, borrowing theory when we need it from the continent. It's not that we can't be bold or extreme, just that British and especially English life is often very depoliticised and apathetic towards theory. We have in the past however often been at the forefront of social and political innovation. We were one of the first countries in Europe to adopt protestantism and one of the first major ones to experiment with a republic.

Some 20th century examples of authoritarian nationalist thinkers in Britain have been Sir Oswald Mosley, J.R.R Tolkein, Wyndham Lewis, A.K. Chesterton, J.F.C Fuller and Alexander Raven Thomson, further back you have thinkers like Thomas Hobbes. Many are partly underground, even if well-known, because Post-War it was difficult to talk about those sorts of views as an intellectual, hence why it became seen as the preserve of street thugs. But you could probably fill a modest bookshelf or two with the works of British far-right thinkers.
Well, the British EDL have some impact, as they have off-shot organizations in other countries. There is a "Norwegian Defense League" and a "Danish Defense League" and probably others as well. This is nothing to scream up about though. All they want is to protect democracy and freedom and a bunch of other "western values". They are also mostly pro Israel, so its classic liberalism with a twist. The Norwegian one at least, is very easy to ridicule.

Newest branch on the tree is the "Norwegian freedom party" which is about to be launched. They are in favor of democracy, against political correctness, and - off course - islam.

Upon researching the new names (Raven Thompsen I know already) I found out that they got involved in this thing, a secret nazi organization:

I guess there aint no way to avoid the goat-dancing shadow of nazi-racism :hmm:

But that american dude (Kirk Russel) seems kind of cool:

Kirk declined to drive, calling cars "mechanical Jacobins," and would have nothing to do with television and what he called "electronic computers."

Kirk said that Christianity and Western Civilization are "unimaginable apart from one another." [5] and that "all culture arises out of religion. When religious faith decays, culture must decline, though often seeming to flourish for a space after the religion which has nourished it has sunk into disbelief
Tribbles wrote:Upon researching the new names (Raven Thompsen I know already) I found out that they got involved in this thing, a secret nazi organization:

I guess there aint no way to avoid the goat-dancing shadow of nazi-racism :hmm:

All of the references in that article are from biased pseudo-"historians", it's impossible to say whether any of it has any truth at all.
Section Leader wrote:All of the references in that article are from biased pseudo-"historians", it's impossible to say whether any of it has any truth at all.

Are you questioning the credibility of those scholars simply on grounds that they're not far-righters ? I don't really see why they would be making stuff up with regards to the Nordic League. Rosenberg's Nordische Gesellschaft had branches in Scandinavian countries as well, why wouldn't he establish one in Britian if, as we know, Brittons were perceived to be racially worthy ?

The reason I (sort of) care about this is because I included the link to that article in my master's dissertation last year, so I'd prefer if this group ever had any actual existence outside of the Internet :lol:

I'm aware of another similar circle, just without German ties - English Mystery
Last edited by Orestes on 14 Jul 2012 00:17, edited 1 time in total.
Jackal wrote:Tribbles are you a Fascist, again? I thought you had recently informed us that you were finding yourself closer in agreement with Communists and distancing yourself from Fascism. :?:

I said that I want to be openminded about that group which is somewhat between social democracy and communism.

In my country, these people are all closest-conservatives and closet-fascists.

They are curious about Catholicism and they are pro-class collaboration. They all hint towards a stricter form of social democracy, even if it is somewhat at odds with the maoist-movement from the 1970s that was pop when they got their bachelors and master-degrees.

We just have to crush those people who speak about "Freedom" and "democracy" "islamic takeover" and all that stuff.

Breivik and those lumpen-proletarian retards have gotten enough press-coverage as it is!

What we need is tighter security and less freedom!

Heil og sæl!
Orestes wrote:Are you questioning the credibility of those scholars simply on grounds that they're not far-righters ? I don't really see why they would be making stuff up with regards to the Nordic League. Rosenberg's Nordische Gesellschaft had branches in Scandinavian countries as well, why wouldn't he establish one in Britian if, as we know, Brittons were perceived to be racially worthy ?

The reason I (sort of) care about this is because I included the link to that article in my master's dissertation last year, so I'd prefer if this group ever had any actual existence outside of the Internet :lol:

It's entirely possible that they existed, the Nazis did seek to secure ties to all the Nordic nations, but there's no real evidence to suggest that people like Fuller were ever members.
Ok, I read you wrong then, I thought you were doubting the very existence of it.

Still, I believe it's not implauslible that Fuller would belong to this group, given his regard for Hitler, his anti-Semitism, and general propensity to hang out in clandestine cliques.
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