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By Soma
I'm reading a book about the food industry at the moment. I mentioned veganism to my other half. He begged me not to do it, saying "if you go vegan I'll actually starve". He needs to learn how to cook. Since I've stopped eating rubbishy food he's been wasting away.

In the end I've decided to eliminate processed foods slowly. I already eat mostly non-processed foods but sometimes I get lazy and eat snacks and yoghurts and things that are full of nasty stuff.
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By Tigerlily
Noelnada wrote:What do you think about insects as food ?

There are some experiments here in Belgium on insect farming, it could solve some nutritional problems. Do you consider it as meat or ?

Majority of vegans are against bug consumption. We already use some bugs in our foods, like shellac for coating or carmine for red colouring. Vegans do not consume those.

Honey, a bug byproduct, however, is a tad more debatable. Some vegans use it, some don't.
By mikema63
Its fairly unavoidable in any product you eat, its impossible to remove all the bug parts from harvested plants.
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By QatzelOk
I am currently reading "Animal Liberation" by Peter Singer (thanks, Abood), and the first two chapters are about establishing that animals have feelings, and that humans torture them for "science" and for cheap meat production.

The conditions and experiments are pretty horrifying.

Not recommended for overly sensitive or emotionally vulnerable.
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By Dave
Vegetarianism is a despicable religion which is incorrect socially, nutritionally, aesthetically, and morally.

It should be eradicated with extreme prejudice. Vegetarians should be treated with extreme social hostility, shamed out of public life, and refused service in public accommodations.

My comments in another thread are appropriate:

Dave in a thread about chimps wrote:What an incredibly decadent thread. A perfect example of how liberalism preys on our natural feelings of empathy, transferring the empathy to other groups with whom is maladaptive and unwise to empathize with. Chimpanzees are not human beings. We cannot reproduce with them, we cannot trade with them, and we cannot employ them. There is zero benefit to so-called "humane" treatment of them. The entire animal rights movement is founded on effeminate feelings and must be purged from existence.

Yes, it is sad to see such spectacles and I do not care for it myself. But misplaced empathy caused by anthropomorphism must be checked. No one gets sad seeing lobsters trapped in an aquarium after all.

Vegetarianism is best seen as a decadent and weakness worshiping post-Christian religion.

The only acceptable reasons to refrain from usage of animal products are allergies (and people suffering allergies are inferior and should be stigmatized for that) and poverty (most poor people in advanced countries are poor because of deficiencies in intellect and character).

Blue Puppy should be ashamed of himself.
Dave wrote:Vegetarianism is a despicable religion which is incorrect socially, nutritionally, aesthetically, and morally.

Oh bull. Unless you're an idiot about it, it's perfectly fine nutritionally. I don't know why it's decrepit morally or socially, considering the very real negative effects our current system of producing meat has for humans. Having thousands of animals (such as pigs) in such closed environs ruins air quality, & has the potential to annihilate wildlife in nearby watersheds. Our methods of producing meat for society at large are so disgusting we've had outbreaks of disease which normally affect only livestock affecting those employed at farms....

Yes, putting animals on the same level as some vegetarians do is idiotic, but it doesn't mean the diet is without merit.
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By Sephardi
hip hop bunny hop wrote:Oh bull. Unless you're an idiot about it, it's perfectly fine nutritionally. I don't know why it's decrepit morally or socially, considering the very real negative effects our current system of producing meat has for humans. Having thousands of animals (such as pigs) in such closed environs ruins air quality, & has the potential to annihilate wildlife in nearby watersheds. Our methods of producing meat for society at large are so disgusting we've had outbreaks of disease which normally affect only livestock affecting those employed at farms....

Yes, putting animals on the same level as some vegetarians do is idiotic, but it doesn't mean the diet is without merit.

It's not perfectly fine nutritionally. Most non-animal protein (such as nuts) is not very bio available and is not filled with enough branch chain amino acids. The diet is horrible.
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By Brother of Karl
Sephardi wrote:It's not perfectly fine nutritionally. Most non-animal protein (such as nuts) is not very bio available and is not filled with enough branch chain amino acids. The diet is horrible.


Those of us who aren't body builders don't actually need that much protein. It's actually healthier if you don't consume more than 50 grams a day. I wouldn't be surprised if you've had to pass a kidney stone at some point.
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By Sephardi
Brother of Karl wrote:Those of us who aren't body builders don't actually need that much protein. It's actually healthier if you don't consume more than 50 grams a day. I wouldn't be surprised if you've had to pass a kidney stone at some point.

My kidney levels (I get very frequent blood tests) were on the low side of normal last time I checked. Doctor said it's probably because I drink a lot of water. Please stop talking out of your ass. And EVERYBODY should workout, whether or not you're training to build muscle, and along with that should be around a protein intake of a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Add a high fiber intake and a gallon of water every day and you're set.
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By Brother of Karl
The vegetarians I know are pretty much the healthiest looking people I know. None of them are fat, and most of them are muscular. This is despite clearly not getting as much protein as you suggest. I haven't done much research on this topic so I'm mostly going on heresay, but I've never met a fat vegetarian. Most of them also smoke a ton of weed, so despite being physically healthy, they're fucking nuts.
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By Sephardi
The vegetarians you meet aren't "muscular". They're most likely dead skinny or they cheat on their vegetarianism and consume milk/eggs.
By Ignite
I'd love to be a vegetarian again but considering that I can't cook even if it meant to save my life I find being a vegetarian to be too expense right now. Maybe when money get's better again I'll go back to it. Always felt way healthier when I wasn't eating meat. For the most part I think what a person decides they want for their diet is up to them and doesn't mean they are a pussy or a tough guy or whatever. I've seen built athletes that are vegetarians and I've seen skinny quiet vegetarians, heck I've seen chubby VEGANS! What you eat doesn't make you who you are it's just a part of who you are.
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By Dave
hip hop bunny hop wrote:Oh bull. Unless you're an idiot about it, it's perfectly fine nutritionally. I don't know why it's decrepit morally or socially, considering the very real negative effects our current system of producing meat has for humans. Having thousands of animals (such as pigs) in such closed environs ruins air quality, & has the potential to annihilate wildlife in nearby watersheds. Our methods of producing meat for society at large are so disgusting we've had outbreaks of disease which normally affect only livestock affecting those employed at farms....

Yes, putting animals on the same level as some vegetarians do is idiotic, but it doesn't mean the diet is without merit.

It is certainly possible to live a healthy life as a vegetarian, but it is suboptimal compared to a proper omnivorous diet. It's also possible to be reasonably healthy eating nothing but organ meats, but only Arctic hunter-gatherers do that. Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Opposition to "factory farming" in no way requires the adoption of the vegetarian religion, and for that matter one could add that "ethical consumption" is on an economically irrational behavior that is largely without merit.

Vegetarianism is despicable and another symptom of the degenerate left-liberalism which ails our once great civilization.

Ignite wrote: What you eat doesn't make you who you are it's just a part of who you are.

WRONG. Our actions define who we are. If your actions are those of a religious cult, that says a lot about who you are.
By Ignite
Dave wrote:WRONG. Our actions define who we are. If your actions are those of a religious cult, that says a lot about who you are.

I don't get it? How is it like a religious cult? I never tried to push my vegetarianism on anyone else. I've never seen any other vegetarian that I've known do that. Yes our actions define who we are but one action doesn't define a person as a whole. That's be like looking at a painting, looking at one color used in the painting and judging the whole painting based on that one color. It's silly.

How does what people eat affect your life Dave? Got beaten up by a gang of vegetarians? Had any vegetarians verbally assaulted you? Do you need to talk Dave?
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By Dave
Ignite wrote:I don't get it? How is it like a religious cult? I never tried to push my vegetarianism on anyone else. I've never seen any other vegetarian that I've known do that. Yes our actions define who we are but one action doesn't define a person as a whole. That's be like looking at a painting, looking at one color used in the painting and judging the whole painting based on that one color. It's silly.

Merely because you are polite and restrained about your participation in a religious cult does not mean that it is not a religious cult. Mitt Romney is a practicing Mormon, but I don't think anyone would accuse him of pushing his Mormonism on others (despite his service as a missionary in France). Of course there are other sides to you, and unusually for a vegetarian you are a Republican, but it's still a facet of your being.

Ignite wrote:How does what people eat affect your life Dave? Got beaten up by a gang of vegetarians? Had any vegetarians verbally assaulted you? Do you need to talk Dave?

By transforming my culture into a hostile and alien entity. I went to a restaurant today. There was a hamburger on the menu, or so I thought. It was in fact a phony hamburger with a VEGAN patty. Without the presence of the large and growing malignant, cancerous religion of vegetarianism this could've never happened. 50 years ago only strange foreigners and weird freaks were vegetarians, but now it is mainstream and poisons us all.

And this misses the broader point that vegetarianism is not a phenomenon sui generis, but a branch of the left-liberal religion which is destroying Western civilization. This is why I hate vegetarianism with every fiber of my being and believe vegetarians should be ridiculed, ostracized, and shamed.

And who the fuck doesn't like meat? What is wrong with people?
By Ignite
Dave wrote:Merely because you are polite and restrained about your participation in a religious cult does not mean that it is not a religious cult. Mitt Romney is a practicing Mormon, but I don't think anyone would accuse him of pushing his Mormonism on others (despite his service as a missionary in France). Of course there are other sides to you, and unusually for a vegetarian you are a Republican, but it's still a facet of your being.

You're still not explaining how it's like a religious cult. Do vegetarians have secret meetings that I was never informed of and have some religious like system?!

Dave wrote:By transforming my culture into a hostile and alien entity. I went to a restaurant today. There was a hamburger on the menu, or so I thought. It was in fact a phony hamburger with a VEGAN patty. Without the presence of the large and growing malignant, cancerous religion of vegetarianism this could've never happened. 50 years ago only strange foreigners and weird freaks were vegetarians, but now it is mainstream and poisons us all.

A.) You don't own a culture, you share it with others thus it changes.
B.) So because you failed at reading a menu properly vegetarianism is hostile and alien?
C.) I feel bad for the waiter/waitress that had to deal with you. I remember when I used to wait tables some of the most annoying people were those who couldn't read the menu properly.

Dave wrote:
And this misses the broader point that vegetarianism is not a phenomenon sui generis, but a branch of the left-liberal religion which is destroying Western civilization. This is why I hate vegetarianism with every fiber of my being and believe vegetarians should be ridiculed, ostracized, and shamed.

Huh, I didn't know diets were restricted to one group of political thought. I probably don't know that because it's absurdly false. Well thank God you have no power in our government.

Dave wrote:
And who the fuck doesn't like meat? What is wrong with people?

Some people just don't like meat. That doesn't mean there is something wrong with them. I'd imagine that you are old enough to realize that in life people are going to have different tastes in food, music, art, ect. that you.

I think you might need to calm down Dave, read menus slower and better, and just mind your own business with what people eat. What other people eat has no affect on your life.
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By Dave
Ignite wrote:You're still not explaining how it's like a religious cult. Do vegetarians have secret meetings that I was never informed of and have some religious like system?!

What are typical features of religion?

-Faith in unfalsifiable or even outright false claims
-Moral taboos, which may often be dietary
-Claims of moral superiority

Vegetarianism shares all of these, with the possible exception of superstition (many vegetarians have animist beliefs, but many do not).

Vegetarianism's nutritional claims are wrong, so that is an ideal example of faith in falsehoods.

Vegetarianism makes consumption of meat a moral taboo.

Vegetarianism pretends to be morally superior to diets that include meat.

Many vegetarians are fanatical zealots. Everyone knows an asshole vegetarian who will refuse to even eat vegetables that were briefly comingled with meat.

Ignite wrote:A.) You don't own a culture, you share it with others thus it changes.
B.) So because you failed at reading a menu properly vegetarianism is hostile and alien?
C.) I feel bad for the waiter/waitress that had to deal with you. I remember when I used to wait tables some of the most annoying people were those who couldn't read the menu properly.

A) This is true, but this does not mean I need to approve of changes. Particularly changes which are degenerate, harmful, and wrong. I think I should combat such changes.
B) I succeeded which is why I was able to relate this story to you (I ordered a tuna melt). Vegetarianism is hostile to good nutrition, to good taste, and even to masculinity. Vegetarianism is alien because it has no anchor whatsoever in any Western tradition and was inspired by inferior Oriental cultures.
C) I rule and thus I am the greatest restaurant guest ever

Ignite wrote:Huh, I didn't know diets were restricted to one group of political thought. I probably don't know that because it's absurdly false. Well thank God you have no power in our government.

Patriarchy as an organized social phenomenon only arose in cultures in which meat production and distribution was collectivized. Left-liberalism opposes patriarchy, and as should be no surprise to everyone most research shows that vegetarians tend to be more effeminate in physiology and more liberal in outlook than meat eaters. Furthermore, as I have already explained earlier in this thread vegetarianism is an example of misplaced empathy and weakness worship which are the hallmarks of degenerate left liberalism.

Ignite wrote:Some people just don't like meat. That doesn't mean there is something wrong with them. I'd imagine that you are old enough to realize that in life people are going to have different tastes in food, music, art, ect. that you.

I do realize that people have different tastes. I am also aware that many of these different tastes are WRONG. If you dislike meat you are WRONG. Meat is savory, sating, rich, juicy, tender, and fatty. This makes it inherently delicious and makes all meat haters WRONG. And since refraining from meat results in inferior nutrition and becoming a social pest, they're even more WRONG.

Ignite wrote:I think you might need to calm down Dave, read menus slower and better, and just mind your own business with what people eat. What other people eat has no affect on your life.

I have already explained how it affects my life. We are a social species and thus the actions of the few affect the many. Vegetarianism must be destroyed.
By Ignite
Wow, well you are not worth talking to anymore. You are too violent and all your talk of having to stop vegetarianism and vegetarians.... etc., you sound like some people that have been in our news recently in America......actually, you're kind of scary with your rhetoric Dave.
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