Why do Europeans hate Americans? Be honest... - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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You got that classic immage of loud mouth Americans yelling that they are number 1. Than again, how do they know that? Most Americans don't go anywhere in their lives. Only 1/3 got a passport since 2012 (while it was a pathettic 3% in 1990). They hardly read international press. Some presidential candidates don't even know who is the president next door. And so are just an ignorent bunch on average who are not part of the international society.

They can only drag in numbers that they make more money than most others. But than again, they quickly exclude or don't even know that 99% of the country don't get that. They get to live on downpayments with a shitty pension plans if they even have one.

And what makes you think Europeans hate Americans? Sounds more like you think we hate you, when we just go facepalm over uncivilised American number 1 chants.
that would be the excuse of my "bold assumptions"

I found that 830.000 Dutch people went on intercontinental vacations in 2010.
Most popular intercontinental vacation ..... united states. (260.000) or 0,016% of the population

I also found 2.6 million Americans visited my country (forgot what year, but it was recent)
Thats.. 0,008% a factor 2 behind in returning the favour, while probably being on a grand europe tour.
Scamp wrote:Why do Europeans hate Americans?

Do "they"?

Scamp wrote:It is obvious that some Europeans have an animosity or even a hatred towards Americans, or our country.

So "obvious" that you couldn't even give a simple example of this hate of Americans that is universal to Europeans?
mikema63 wrote:Most actually can't afford a grad tour of Europe but you may make whatever assumptions you wish since you obviously wan't to think badly of Americans for such a silly reason. :hmm:

I think I pritty much laid down the numbers of who bothers to travel where between the US and The Netherlands. So its not just assumptions, sorry.
Negotiator wrote:I agree in general - Europe pretty much copies the USA.

Whoa, I didn't say that. The US is a European civilization. I've gotten used to saying this, but what do you call a person of European ancestry that speaks a European language, lives on European style roads, works in a European derived job for a European style economy (though maybe thinks that Austrian economics would be better than London economics); goes to a European church on Sunday (though maybe agrees with Rome more than Paris on social issues); watches European inventions for entertainment, wears European clothing, and uses European technology? An American.

America is a European colony, ultimately. Americans hate to admit that as much as Europeans do. You try to trace back a difference, in say music or art or something else, and it becomes hopelessly mangled between Europe and the United States. Why is the United States stuck with this goofy religious stuff and crazy institutionalized racism? Because that's where Europe put their religious people and slaves. They can turn around and complain about it, but it's complaining about themselves.

The same is true about the Americans. You want to go to a culture that's known as being mean to everyone else, has military recruitment posters everywhere, and uses buzzwords like "freedom" and "independence" to justify the opposite by economically strangling the continent to their south? Welcome to France and the United States. Every bad stereotype the Americans have about Europeans as being arrogant and unwelcoming and overly reliant on government is actively ignoring American arrogance and the Military-Industrial Complex.

Americans are bad at geography? Ask a European to find Utah on a map and it's virtually identical to an American trying to find Austria. Americans and Europeans just both agree that knowing European geography is somehow more important than American geography. Which is fine, but it's again shouting at yourself in a mirror.

That's, perhaps, the underlying reason. You see in the other what you don't want to admit in yourself. "Oh my Christ, look at those European societies with token multicultural elements arguing about which European language is best and which European economic system is best and which European value system is the most holy! What backward savages!"
Bombing of Yugoslavia and imperialism under the guise of democracy is more than enough to hate them. I suppose the only charitable act Americans have carried out on this continent was their landing in Normandy by virtue of which Western Europe was spared 40 years of Marxist regression.
Maas wrote:It's in %. Besides Amsterdam - Brussels is less than 200km, and than Paris is less than 300 km away. Speedlimit is not 90km/h as in the US but 130. No excuses :roll:

Maybe Amsterdam isn't as desirable as Paris is as a travel destination? Im not exactly sure what you are trying to say with all these travel statistics. Sounds to me like Amsterdam is not doing a very good job of making Americans want to travel there :hmm:

The Netherlands is also MUCH smaller than the US, meaning that there are many more places to travel to within the US than NL. A person could travel to New York or Los Angeles (among many others) and still have traveled to the US.
Tachyon wrote:Maybe Amsterdam isn't as desirable as Paris is as a travel destination?

It's ranked 8th most desirable destination for/by Americans. Not exactly really bad.
The Netherlands is also MUCH smaller than the US, meaning that there are many more places to travel to within the US than NL. A person could travel to New York or Los Angeles (among many others) and still have traveled to the US.

So what. You're not confined to the Dutch borders. You can visit Amsterdam and than move on Paris and Barcelona = travel half the distance of NY to LA,.. and that would still be counting as making a visit to The Netherlands.
So haters and bashers hate the US, regardless. Funny thing though.....which continent sends the most tourists to the evil empire? You guessed it, Europe. Which continent has the largest investment resources in the US? Call me a liar, but I am betting it is , you guessed it,
Now let us take language. What is the most used/learnt language as a second language in Europe? I am going to take a wild ass guess and say it is English. Of course that could have to do with England, or would it? Anyways, it would seem to me haters and bashers are, true to form, those who "hate" the US. The rest, so the vast majority of people in the continet either like the US (and vote with their feet, pockets) or are to busy dealing with their lives to "hate" anybody.
The itty bitty tiny brains can theorize all they want, can hate to their hearts content, there is no stronger bonds of friendship among peoples in the world as that which exists between Europe and the United States, NONE. For one thing, like 70% of Americans have european roots.
- After WW2, the USA, unlike europe, never managed to create a social state that conforms to human rights. Richest country in the world, but unable to conform to human rights !

What exactly do you mean by "a social state" in this context?
I'd argue that allowing someone to live their life, without government intervention is the definitiOn of human rights.

3 weeks into law school and I already know how to use the coercive power of the government to fuck with someone.

So with all due respect, fuck your social state ( whoever is in the quote) and don't worry about what we do with our wealth. The keyword is our. Not yours.
For the same reason communists hate the US, it is seen as the center of liberal capitalism and many europeans hate capitalism.

Virtually all the european america haters I know are losers, they see america as a meritocracy where the strong pummel the weak and they dont like that.

Overall though I think a majority of europeans like the US, my family certainly does, my aunt lived there for 2 years and travels there almost every year with her husband.
Maas wrote:It's ranked 8th most desirable destination for/by Americans. Not exactly really bad.

I never said it was really bad, and i never said it wouldn't be a great place to go. All i said was it isnt as desirable as Paris, or apparently 7 other places including Paris if your numbers are correct (which im not even sure they are because you are not citing your sources).

So what. You're not confined to the Dutch borders.

If you are going to give me statistics on how many Americans visit the Netherlands, then yes, you are confined to the Dutch border. Because if they visit Paris, you obviously cannot count them as visiting Amsterdam.

You can visit Amsterdam and than move on Paris and Barcelona = travel half the distance of NY to LA,.. and that would still be counting as making a visit to The Netherlands.

So stop whining about how few Americans visit the NL and design an ad campaign or something to boost American tourism. What the fuck does it matter that twice as many Dutch (as a percent) visit America than Americans visit the NL? You seem upset for some reason...
There is only really one type of American that causes a bad response from this European.
But it is a pretty common type.

What I call the American Fundamentalist or perhaps the American Supremacist.

For this kind of american, anything american is superior.
Foreigners opinions are irrelevant. America is the true democracy enemy democracies are not democracies because they are not American.

America won the space race, saved Europe, is the richest society. Worlds most powerful military etc.
America's enemies are all evil, America cannot be defeated.
Any system that does not model itself on the America system is unquestionably doomed to failure for this very reason alone.
Captain America is a real person and he is coming to get anyone who criticises anything american on the (American) internet.

American tanks are the best tanks. American guns are the best guns. American everything is the best evertything.
America has much to teach the rest of the world, but nothing to learn from foreigners who, lets face it, are only still foriegn because their governments won't let them all leave for America.

Invariably they all want war with Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuala, Russia and China. Because clearly any such war is one they will win and easily. And so on.

They hold the expectation that the peoples of the world should put american needs above their own needs. Should adopt american methods and systems above their own preferred systems etc. I don't even think they recognise any priority other than America first. That they recognise that each country is going to want to put itself first, not just the US. That what is best for the US is by no means necessarily best for the rest of the world.
The obviousness of american supremacy is so fundamental a truth to such an American that any criticism of anything American can only reasonably be considered to stem from a hatred of America. Should this criticism/heresy have been posed by a foreigner of all people then this clearly reinforces the absoluteness of that truth.

So there are plenty of Americans who are fanatical about this sort of stuff.
Scarey intolerant xenophobes.
These people are not our friends, they are our mortal enemies. We hate them because they mean to end our way of lifes and kill us if we attempt to prevent them.
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