Was the nuclear strike on Imperial Japan justifiable? - Page 7 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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Eran wrote:In all likelihood, such a good-faith effort would have resulted in a Japanese surrender under terms similar to those which governed the actual surrender, i.e. maintenance of the emperor as a constitutional monarch.
It has been made very clear to you by a number of posters that the only Nation that was not operating in good faith at any level was the Empire Of Japan. I am terribly sorry but those that initiate warfare and then fail miserably in their efforts NEVER set the terms of surrender. Japan offered no quarter in its conduct of the War and deserved no special considerations.


transitive verb
1) to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand <surrendered the fort>
2) to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another
3) to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner
4) to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)
intransitive verb
1) to give oneself up into the power of another

In the course of the Pacific War from beginning to end and with few exceptions the Japanese High command held the view that the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain and the people of Asia did not have the political or moral will to accept the casualties necessary to defeat it. This was essentially 'Magical Thinking' on their part based on their idiotic notion that the higher value the Allies put on (friendly) human life was an indication of weakness.

The Japanese did not want the terms you suggest, "terms similar to those which governed the actual surrender, i.e. maintenance of the emperor as a constitutional monarch."

The Japanese:
•wanted the emperor to remain (by the way he wasn't a constitutional monarch he was more akin to a Pharaoh),
•wanted immunity from war trials held by the Allies,
•did not want an occupation force,
•wanted to maintain some territory they had acquired through conquest.

After Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the Russian Invasion of Manchuria and on or about 9 August War Minister Korechika Anami said,

"We cannot pretend, to claim that victory is certain, but it is far too early to say that the war is lost. That we will inflict severe losses on the enemy when he invades Japan is certain, and it is by no means impossible that we may be able to reverse the situation in our favor, pulling victory out of defeat.

Furthermore, our Army will not submit to demobilization. Our men simply will not lay down their arms. And since they know they are not permitted to surrender, since they know that a fighting man who surrenders is liable to extremely heavy punishment, there is really no alternative for us but to continue the war."

War Minister Anami and two Chiefs of Staff, Umezu for the Army and Toyoda for the Navy were in agreement on this.

The Allies gave Japan far more favorable terms than they had any right to expect or deserved. This is especially true with respect to allowing the little war criminal Emperor(Phosgene) Hirohito to keep his position. By all that is holy Hirohito deserved to dance at the end of a rope in Nanjing China after being put on public display in a crows cage in Washington DC, Ottawa, London, Holland, Canberra, Port Moresby, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Saigon, Naypyidaw and Peking. But in retrospect Hirohito was a very useful and compliant punk for general MacArthur to order around and manipulate during the occupation of Japan.

Last edited by Xbow on 15 Sep 2012 06:47, edited 1 time in total.
Decky wrote:This, fascists deserve hot lead and cold steel, nothing more, nothing less.
I agree 100% The biggest failure of the United States in the Pacific war was to 'Paper Clip' The fascist Japanese swine that ran the horror show at Unit 731. Its sickening that my country granted Pardon, Asylum and new lives to these disgusting creatures. This would be like pardoning and rewarding a hundred shit heads like Josef Mengele. Mengele was a vile creature but when compared with Dr Shirō Ishii he is a saint. Shit! No wonder some people hate my country :hmm:

I understand that the Soviet Union was going balls to the walls developing biological weapons so if we actually needed Shirō Ishii's research and field data fine! Take it from him and when he has been wrung dry of information ship him and his crew back to China for a vacation in Manchuria. There he and his fellow scum bags would have been tried and then ripped to pieces by the relatives of the thousands of people he infected and subsequently vivisected ALIVE to monitor the progress of the various diseases he used.


Decky, suddenly deciding to cheer for America wrote:This, fascists deserve hot lead and cold steel, nothing more, nothing less.

Hearing that from you, a Soviet Union supporter, is hilarious. How did collaborating with the much-celebrated Anglo-American establishment work out for you in the end? We heard you ended up getting your ass kicked by them in the Cold War. :lol:
Hearing that from you, a Soviet Union supporter, is hilarious. How did collaborating with the much-celebrated Anglo-American establishment work out for you in the end?

A hell of a lot better than it ended for you. :lol:


Oh and


The alliance stopped the Germans from killing every man, woman and child between Warsaw and the Urals and it stopped the Japanese from killing every man woman and child in China.

Seems pretty damn good from where I'm standing.
You still lost and were completely crushed, and now Putin is inflicting Jurassic Capitalism upon you with oligarchs. Basically this is what happens when you let the Americans win at anything.

True enough but you missed this bit.

The alliance stopped the Germans from killing every man, woman and child between Warsaw and the Urals

I think preventing that qualifies as winning, don't you?
Only if it turns out to be true that they were going to literally kill 'every man woman and child'.


Sorry I forgot, the Germans were going to make the rivers flow with chocolate and in no way wanted to kill the Slavs and move in Germans. :lol:

Fucking Nazi apologists, at least show some balls like FRS and say that you approve of genocide rather than claiming that it was not your goal.
Xbow wrote:It has been made very clear to you by a number of posters that the only Nation that was not operating in good faith at any level was the Empire Of Japan.

This is completely beside the point. It is possible for neither side to operate in good faith.

American obligations to safeguard innocent lives are not discharged by the criminal acts of the Japanese leadership.

In fact, we can just as easily turn this into a hypothetical debate over the wisdom of invading the islands to secure unconditional surrender in an alternative reality without atomic bombs.

I would argue that the American leadership's responsibility towards the lives of its own soldiers demanded that good faith attempts are made towards securing a conditional surrender under terms acceptable to the Americans. Absent such negotiations, an invasion would have been a criminal mistake.

The Japanese did not want the terms you suggest, "terms similar to those which governed the actual surrender, i.e. maintenance of the emperor as a constitutional monarch."

The question is not what the Japanese wanted, but what they would have been willing to accept. Neither we now, nor the American leaders in 1945 could know that with sufficient confidence without engaging in discussions with the Japanese.

Absent such negotiations, any action that caused significant additional loss of life (whether of Japanese civilians or American soldiers) was wrong.

I can understand the desire to bring war criminals to justice. But how many innocent lives (whether Japanese or American) is that desire worth?
Rei Murasame wrote:Hearing that from you, a Soviet Union supporter, is hilarious. How did collaborating with the much-celebrated Anglo-American establishment work out for you in the end? We heard you ended up getting your ass kicked by them in the Cold War. :lol:

America fuck yeah. 8)

They kick both fascists and soviet asses. :)

Xbow wrote:I agree 100% The biggest failure of the United States in the Pacific war was to 'Paper Clip' The fascist Japanese swine that ran the horror show at Unit 731. Its sickening that my country granted Pardon, Asylum and new lives to these disgusting creatures. This would be like pardoning and rewarding a hundred shit heads like Josef Mengele. Mengele was a vile creature but when compared with Dr Shirō Ishii he is a saint. Shit! No wonder some people hate my country :hmm:

I disagree, a country should pursue a war to completion,but should be magnanimous in victory.A portion of the ultranationalist japanese right became pro-americans after the end of WWII (the yakuzas went as far as providing protection to president Eisenhower's visit to Japan).

If an enemy is willing to repent, then why apply victor's justice?

They don't really hate america for the erasing of war crimes, they resent her power(which is fine, I have no problem with this).
The One wrote:I disagree, a country should pursue a war to completion,but should be magnanimous in victory.A portion of the ultranationalist japanese right became pro-americans after the end of WWII (the yakuzas went as far as providing protection to president Eisenhower's visit to Japan).
You don't even know what Unit731 is do you? This has nothing to do with being magnanimous , gangsters, Ultra Nationalists or any of that shit it has to do with Justice. Do you think the Israelis should have magnanimous with respect to Adolph Eichman?

The Wonder of Unit731 (Hirohito's pet project)
Enjoy the part about the vivisection of live test
subjects...thousands of them as in a butcher shop
But I am sure that you guys then invited everyone from Axis to come and help the Western Allied world to develop new technologies to help you to defeat the Soviet Union, so I get the feeling that you all couldn't possibly have been that angry about these tactics.

If their existence was that much of a moral stench to the west, they wouldn't have taken the data and repeated similar or even more gratuitous acts - but they did. When faced with the prospect of securing a victory using knowledge gained in such horrible ways, countries seem to inevitably end up choosing to 'do it now for the greater good', or whatever the big goal happens to be at the time.

To quote a now-infamous Cossack leader: "With the Devil, but against Bolshevism". Sometimes that is just how it ends up, where one's own side has some disgusting elements in it, but the prospect of losing is worse.
Xbow wrote:You don't even know what Unit731 is do you? This has nothing to do with being magnanimous , gangsters, Ultra Nationalists or any of that shit it has to do with Justice. Do you think the Israelis should have magnanimous with respect to Adolph Eichman?

The Wonder of Unit731 (Hirohito's pet project)
Enjoy the part about the vivisection of live test
subjects...thousands of them as in a butcher shop

The man offers to help your cause and you don't accept, what the fuck is wrong with you man? :?:

To wage war with 'justice' as you call it is deeply moronic.
Winning is better then justice for justice is ultimately an arbitrary choice decided by the victor. Conflict is perpetual. If a man can help you win, then that is an asset.

Genghis Khan integrated into his armies defeated soldiers as long as they did not surrender to him: he had to make the offer.

To zealously punish a vanquished opponents because they helped their country's military effort, is to invite disaster for the rules you apply to others, the populace will eventually apply to yourselves. It will eventually lead to a Jimmy Carter-esque foreign policy that is utterly impractical.

America always have dealt with allies with brutal traditions. She herself has not always been kind. As she is unable to sustain a decade long wars lest her territory is directly threatenned (and even then that remains to be seen), she has to rely on proxies to make her influence felt abroad. A good portion of these allies and proxies do not share America's values or its concern for human rights.

The commanders and soldiers of unit 731 were patriots following orders, they did what they taught would bring their country victory. Their political ideology did not differ so much from America that it warranted their trial.

You are correct that executing somebody that is offering help sends a lasting impression... in foreign policy, to be a moral crusader is the height of incompetence and no one likes an incompetent, even if he is an incompetent giant. 8)
Das One wrote:Genghis Khan integrated into his armies defeated soldiers as long as they did not surrender to him: he had to make the offer.
Indeed the pyramid of 90,000 heads the Mongol leader Tamerlane had his boys construct in front of the gates of Delhi was most impressive as a tool of coercion.
Das One wrote:The commanders and soldiers of unit 731 were patriots following orders, they did what they taught would bring their country victory.

Ah yes Patriots Indeed!
..................................................................wir waren nur Befehle befolgt

You are quite hilarious but unintentionally so :lol:
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