Why do Europeans hate Americans? Be honest... - Page 10 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Scamp wrote:It is obvious that some Europeans have an animosity or even a hatred towards Americans, or our country.

I would like to ask everyone here this question.

Why do Europeans hate Americans?

This is rather pointless. I am sure some Africans hate Brazilions. No doubt some Canadians hate Mexicans. Certainly some Americans hate Americans. Unquestionaly some Europeans hate Americns. Why? who cares. Humans frequently will hate folks who are not the same way they are. Been going on since time began.
People loved the USA because of
what they did during WW2

That's mythoogy. The same as a general
assumption about anything. No one agrees
on absolutely everything in life, or politics.

Even Allied peoples didn't always like them.
Even in Australia, supposedly 'saved' in
the Battle of the Coral Sea, there were outright
riots against US sailors in major Aus' cities.
ComSec wrote:I'm not saying that there aren't valid reasons to criticize the US but I believe that half the criticism comes from the fact that many people overseas are tired of American dominance in the world, whether it be economically, militarily, politically..etc.

Allow me to elaborate this a bit for you with a quote from me on another thread...

I wrote:We left the US to you...and what happened?
You messed with things that had nothing to do with you.
You pissed off the Middle East and got 9/11 in return.
You installed Pinochet and he proceeded to kill his own...WHOLESALE!
You messed with the Koreans...the Vietnamese...and lost.
When the Soviet Union fell apart...your government and IMF and World Bank messed with Poland and Russia...Good Job...
You messed with existing regulations designed to protect your own economy...and wound up dragging most of the world into a recession.
So unfortunately...we've seen what leaving you people to your own devices results in.
CHAOS...in the name of the all-fuckin'-mighty-Dollar!
No...we don't trust you anymore...and trust is earned...not bought.

Get it?
Buzz62 wrote:Get it?
Yes, I get that you're an angry and bitter Canadian who obviously fixates exclusively on America's detriments (and even fabricates/skews facts in order to do so) as means to compensate for the reality that your own country is more or less dependent on the American economy and that you're perpetually in our shadow. Look, I'm SORRY that the US had a recession and that we didn't live up to our "obligation" of allowing countries like yours to ride our economic coattails in perpetuity.

I assume you'll respond with an even longer rant about America's crimes against humanity...and so forth. I'll try not to fall asleep while reading it. :roll:
ComSec wrote: Yes, I get that you're a self-righteous Canadian who fixates exclusively on America's detriments (and even fabricates/skews facts in order to do so) as means to compensate for the reality that your own country is more or less dependent on the American economy and that you're perpetually in our shadow. Look, I'm SORRY that the US had a recession and that we didn't live up to our "obligation" of allowing countries like yours to ride our economic coattails without interruption.

I assume you'll respond with an even longer rant about America's crimes against humanity...and so forth. I'll try not to fall asleep while reading it. :roll:

And you morons wonder why so many are disillusioned with the USofA.
Ladies and gentlemen...I give you...The Ugly American.

Now lad...please try to retain this.
I'm going to say it clearly at a level even you can understand.

When you trashed your economy...we had a mild recession.
While your banks failed...our's got stronger.
While your housing markets failed...our's went up in value.
While Muslims were trying to kill you all...they ignored us.
Most of us wouldn't live down there for all the tea in China.

And while its quite true that more than half of our economy is owned by US interests.
It just proves an old saying...

..."A fool and his money..."

Now...nobody ever asks why people hate Canada...because people DON'T hate Canada.
Perhaps...while you bask in the glow of your own mislead, pompous-assed opinion of yourself...

...you might wanna reflect on that... :knife:
Buzz62 wrote:And you morons wonder why so many are disillusioned with the USofA.
Actually I myself don't wonder. While I believe America deserves criticism I also know that there are many fanatics from other nations who constantly fixate on the negatives regarding the US as a way of easing the insecurity of the status of their own nations. There's nothing new about that.

Buzz62 wrote:Ladies and gentlemen...I give you...The Ugly American.
Translation: You're infuriated because I won't hang my head in perpetual shame about my country while at the same time bowing at the phony moral altar of some angry Canadian whose antagonism towards America is clearly based on nothing more than childish resentment.

Buzz62 wrote:And while its quite true that more than half of our economy is owned by US interests.
It just proves an old saying......"A fool and his money..."
Nah, actually it just proves the reality that America's owns half your economy which only further explains your bitterness.

Buzz62 wrote:Now...nobody ever asks why people hate Canada...because people DON'T hate Canada.
Most rational people don't hate the US either. Most people from abroad are just living normal lives, working, raising families..etc. In other words they have LIVES and don't spend their time obsessing about the United States like you do.
ComSec: I encourage you to continue to think as you do and to continue to make the same assumptions you do.
Really...please do feel free to continue.
I like watching you say these things.
Its funny...in an over-bearing, pompous-assed, self-rightous sort of way.
And hey...there's the added benefit of your ever so eloquent prose...serving as a written example of exactly why so many are so disillusioned with the late, great, USofA.

Have a nice life Yankee Doodle...ROFLMAO! 8)
Buzz62 wrote:ComSec: I encourage you to continue to think as you do and to continue to make the same assumptions you do.
I don't have to make assumptions. Your statements speak for themselves.

Buzz62 wrote:Its funny...in an over-bearing, pompous-assed, self-rightous sort of way.
I have a similiar perspective in reading your posts. Only you add a dimension of eroticism to your salacious words.

Buzz62 wrote:And hey...there's the added benefit of your ever so eloquent prose...serving as a written example of exactly why so many are so disillusioned with the late, great, USofA.
I'm sorry you weren't successful in your goal of getting me to feel ashamed of being an American but as the holiday season is upon us there must be some other amusements that a person of your warm and friendly personality can engage in.......or not.
Oh but I have been successful.

So now I'd like to wish you, ComSec, all Americans, and indeed all the people of this planet, the very merriest of Christmas's and the happiest of new years.

And please...let's do try to not shoot anyone during the holidays this year...
Buzz62 wrote:Oh but I have been successful.
Yes, you've been successful in reaffirming that you are one of many people abroad who like to harp on America's detriments as a means to compensate for some bizarre insecurity you have. Well done.

Buzz62 wrote:So now I'd like to wish you, ComSec, all Americans, and indeed all the people of this planet, the very merriest of Christmas's and the happiest of new years. And please...let's do try to not shoot anyone during the holidays this year...
And now you're exploiting a terrible tragedy in order to make a negative generalization about Americans as a means to ease your bitterness. Thank you again for proving my point that you are obsessed with the United States. Merry Christmas. : :D
Where in Canada do you live, Buzz? You sound like a Torontonian; self-righteous, freely speaking for your entire country. Then again, I'm sure Vancouver has a huge problem with Portland and Seattle being such "unenlightened" neighbors. Or perhaps you're from Alberta, "Texas of the North"- I know how loudmouth those Texans can get.

Eh, nah, you're probably someone from southern Ontario that the rest of your country can't even stand, trying to preach about how horrible America is because you're right next to Flint, MI and Niagara Falls NY, so obviously the whole country's a ghetto, amirite? Of course, despite-

Buzz62 wrote:Most of us wouldn't live down there for all the tea in China.

Not only do we get Canadians in Buffalo and Rochester, my small-ass town has Cascadians, Aussies, and Brits of varying stripe. Given that your country has no people, I'd say the guy we got from B.C. shows at least one percent of your country want to live here.

Buzz62 wrote:Now...nobody ever asks why people hate Canada...because people DON'T hate Canada.
Perhaps...while you bask in the glow of your own mislead, pompous-assed opinion of yourself...

...you might wanna reflect on that... :knife:

Who doesn't hate Canada? Are you really so self-delusional to think foreigners give two shits you're "not-American"? The only people who don't hate you are laughing at you- the Irish, for instance, find you ridiculous for still sucking at the teet of the British Empire and acting more self-righteous than those who fought for their freedom. Here in America, we rather like you, in a sort of way you reserve for dolts and snobs; sure, you can be pretensious and overstate your importance, but we love you all the same, Canada. Now, let's grab some Molson and try to find a station playing a farm team or lacrosse or something. Fucking NHL...
First of all, I'd question the OP's premise. I don't sense any hatred of the US, or of US Americans, in general around Europe. I'd be very surprised if the overall impression of US tourists in Europe is one of being hated. They may come across one or two people who make negative comments, but I'm certain that wouldn't be their majority experience.

Of course, on fora, blogs, tweets and websites you'll find expressions of hatred for the US amongst European posters, and you'll find an equal or greater number of US posters expressing hatred for Europe and Europeans. Anyone who takes internet opinions as a good indicator of genuine majority opinion is an idiot.

This is not to say that there aren't cultural and political divisions that separate Americans (generally, not just the US) from Europeans. You'll find a lot of heated bickering on Spanish-language fora between Spanish and American posters too. Argentinian and Venezuelan Americans are particularly critical of the Old Country. Is it an expression of US exceptionalism that some of them (the OP here, for example) believe themselves to be victims of unwarranted prejudice?

Now, none of this is to say that there isn't a current of resentment between the average European and the US, as a nation, super-power and cultural behemoth. I dare say that if US citizens were to be inundated by the political and cultural values of a foreign nation in the way most Europeans are deluged with Americana, they too might feel resentful. Resentful is a long way away from hatred, however. In using that word, the OP is grossly exaggerating.
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