Veganism - Politics | PoFo

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By Boycott_CAFOs
What is veganism? Why do people go vegan? For answers to these questions, here are some helpful sites: (Click each tab at the top. Includes information on vegan health, and how factory farming affects animals, people, the environment, and the economy.)

Recipes to get you started: < Excellent chef who won multiple Cupcake Wars on Food Network against non-vegan cupcakes. (If you make her cupcakes, use coconut milk by the way.) < Collection of tons of recipes from different blogs. Fun to browse through. < Healthy, yummy recipes

Don't be afraid to jump right in, a vegan diet is so easy once you try it. But if you're a meat and potatoes kind of guy or girl, feel free to take your time and just start slowly introducing more vegan foods. You might find you like them even more than what you used to eat.
Last edited by Boycott_CAFOs on 24 Jan 2013 04:48, edited 1 time in total.
By Boycott_CAFOs
This has nothing to do with home, garden, or hobbies......


This is politics. And not the useless drivel most people talk about that doesn't actually make a difference...
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By J Oswald
Delete is what one writes when they want to delete a comment for some reason.

Also, your avatar is illegal. Avatars must be 100x100 pixels, black and white, and depict a person.

Big Brother wrote:13. Personal avatar images may only be 100 × 100 pixels exactly and black & white portraits (i.e. they may only depict a person). Images may not be animated, may not contain text and may not be cartoons..
By Boycott_CAFOs
J Oswald wrote:Delete is what one writes when they want to delete a comment for some reason.

Also, your avatar is illegal. Avatars must be 100x100 pixels, black and white, and depict a person.

Delete what comment?

I started to laugh when I read your comment about avatars, then I realized all your avatars were black and white and depict a person. Oh dear.
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By The Clockwork Rat
Let's get this back on track.

I was vegan for about a year, just for the hell of it. It was an interesting experiment, and I'm sure I could do it again if I wanted - but I don't. ;) My cooking skills got a lot better from the restriction in ingredients; by no longer being able to rely on things like cheese, eggs or bacon, I was forced to learn how to use a greater variety of ingredients to produce satisfying meals.

Interestingly, did you know that the most common cause for eating meat again is bacon? What made me drop being vegan was milk. I grew up drinking milk, and it's cheap and useful for gaining mass as I wanted to upon taking up martial arts again.
By Boycott_CAFOs
The ClockworkRat wrote:Let's get this back on track.

I was vegan for about a year, just for the hell of it. It was an interesting experiment, and I'm sure I could do it again if I wanted - but I don't. ;) My cooking skills got a lot better from the restriction in ingredients; by no longer being able to rely on things like cheese, eggs or bacon, I was forced to learn how to use a greater variety of ingredients to produce satisfying meals.

Interestingly, did you know that the most common cause for eating meat again is bacon? What made me drop being vegan was milk. I grew up drinking milk, and it's cheap and useful for gaining mass as I wanted to upon taking up martial arts again.

Ah, fortunately for me I guess I've always kind of hated bacon.

I guess you probably know this but there are lots of plant foods that can help you put on weight. Things like nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut milk, coconut oil, etc. Then of course lots of vegan protein shakes to choose from. Much healthier sources of calories and protein than milk.
Last edited by Siberian Fox on 24 Jan 2013 12:12, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Link removed - looked like an advertisement, it was just tacked on the end with no reference to it in the post.
By Boycott_CAFOs
"Reason: Link removed - looked like an advertisement, it was just tacked on the end with no reference to it in the post."

Advertisement? No. That site includes tips on how to build muscle on a vegan diet. Maybe I should have explained that before I linked to it, but I thought it would be pretty obvious why I linked to it.

I can easily link a different one though. ... gan-foods/
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By Figlio di Moros
A vegan? Well, make you you don't miss your b-12 supplements.

Why the hell does your OP start off with the assumption that we want to be one, too? :eh:
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By Godstud
I am a meatitarian! Nothing beats BBQ meat! Nothing!

For every animal you don't eat, I'm gonna eat THREE!
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By Figlio di Moros
Godstud... we all remember Maddox. :eh:

Yeah, though, I'm not really seeing the hobby here.
By Boycott_CAFOs
Figlio di Moros wrote:A vegan? Well, make you you don't miss your b-12 supplements.

Why the hell does your OP start off with the assumption that we want to be one, too? :eh:

It's funny you bring that up because if you're buying factory farmed animal products you're the one who's probably B12 deficient.

Vegans get a much cleaner, healthier source of B12 through either supplements or by buying organic produce and leaving a bit of dirt on them.

Gary Yourofsky:
Vitamin B12 in the Vegan Diet

After 16 years of practicing veganism without taking a single vitamin, I had my B12 level checked on October 24, 2012. It was 543 pg/mL. The normal range is between 271-870 pg/mL. My level is perfect because the human body needs just three micrograms of B12 per day, and we possess bacteria in the mouth and intestines that produce it naturally (see links below). B12 also comes from the earth’s soil, which is why some animals possess trace amounts of B12. They eat dirt when they eat off the ground, and animal-feed is never washed. However, attempting to get secondary trace amounts of B12 by eating animal products is inefficient and deadly. First, B12 is destroyed by heat. Second, animal products contain disease-causing compounds like cholesterol, saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, casein and animal protein. The heat destruction explains why 99 percent of people with B12 deficiencies are meat, dairy and egg-eaters. The remaining one percent are junk-food vegetarians and vegans, or people with an underlying medical condition that prevents B12 absorption. The veg junk food groups are also at risk for other ailments because optimum health cannot be achieved with cheese, eggs, Ruffles, Oreos, french fries, white rice, white bread, or refined pastas. Non-junk-food veganism causes no disease. It is preventative medicine, the treatment and the cure. There’s also a reason why the term ‘B Complex’ was created. Any plant product containing a B vitamin actually has ALL the B vitamins, including B12.

The best way to get B12 is to eat unwashed organic fruits and vegetables with some soil intact. The best sources are barley, beans, chlorella, dulse, grains (all), grapes (concord), kelp, mustard greens, nori, nuts, plums, prunes, sauerkraut (unpasteurized), seeds (all), soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), wheatgerm and wheatgrass. You can also add Red Star nutritional yeast to your meals.

For true, unbiased medical info on B12, check out and
By Boycott_CAFOs
Godstud wrote:I am a meatitarian! Nothing beats BBQ meat! Nothing!

For every animal you don't eat, I'm gonna eat THREE!

Are you mocking meat eaters unoriginality and obnoxious attitudes?

Hey, that's not nice. Not all meat eaters are that stupid. (Just most of them.)
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By Figlio di Moros
1- Don't double post. Aside from being annoying, it's against forum rules.

2- Yes, I eat factory farmed meat. It's not because I prefer it or wish not to, it's because it's cheaper and more convenient. Unfortunately, my access to a half-decent butcher that sells grass-fed is a bit limited at this moment. However, if you have a source that somehow grain-fed cattle are b-12 deficient food stock, I'd be interested in seeing it; it's already known that the much fatter grain-fed cows also have a terrible omega 3:omega-6 ratio.

3- Most meat eaters are that stupid because most people are meat eaters, and most people are rather unintelligent. On the other hand, I'm primal, and we tend to be rather well informed both as a necessity to see through the SAD(Standard American Diet) and to eat healthier- which means we're not quite so ill-informed meat eaters. Of course, the fact most vegans are so ill-informed they continue to eat pasta and "veggie burgers" means your own group really isn't much smarter than the standard American.

Now, since this is the hobby section, perhaps we can either discuss healthy foods or recipes? I know a few breakfast stuffed tomato recipes, but they either involved ground beef or cheese and have an egg cracked on top. What would be a good vegan alternative, specifically one gluten and soy free?
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By Godstud
Are you mocking meat eaters unoriginality and obnoxious attitudes?
No, I am just having some fun with this whole thing. I have always found that people brag about how natural Veganism is, while ignoring the reality of it being very unnatural for humans to BE Vegans in the first place.

As many people as there seems to be touting the benefits of a Vegan diet, there seems to be just as many telling about unhealthy it is.

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