What's so great about Hollywood? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Hollywood has made some great movies, just not in the last 20 years.

Where are the new classics, has anything come even close to the God Father?

Even Spagetti westerns had some originality and purpose, what the fuck has hollywood made recently thats even in the same league?

Point is I hope the major studios go down in flames.
Godstud wrote:I don't think boredom enters into it, however. TV/movies often fill the gaps between work and sleep quite effectively, and when all you have to talk about is work and TV, then you tend to focus on those things. Bored is not something you can be when, you have so little time on your hands.

Boredom is the result of too much entertainment.

Cellphones are currently destroying the ability of people to be good company because of the same tendency to render the "over-entertained" person boring and bored.

In a normal human being, time spent alone and in quiet settings is essential in creating a contemplative and thoughtful human being. This is where we acquire the skills that actually make us good company for other people.

By eliminating this "down time" from our lives, entertainment media (and now cellphones) destroy our ability to think about life on a grand scale, or to reconsider the various aspects of our lives from a fresh, zen perspective.

This is good for the psychopaathic elite who want everyone focused on working and shopping all the time. But it's a disaster for the working class who, besides losing their free time to useless pursuits of superficial data (entertainment), also lose the richness of having a circle of interesting friends/associates to talk to.

Media-fed man is a chore to talk to. He has nothing to say because he never spends time alone in reflection.
QatzelOk wrote:Boredom is the result of too much entertainment.
An interesting perspective, but I one that I think may be quite accurate.

QatzelOk wrote:Cellphones are currently destroying the ability of people to be good company because of the same tendency to render the "over-entertained" person boring and bored.
Yep. My cellphone is a phone... nothing else. I despise the cellphone culture where people text and answer phones at the dinner table, when out with friends, etc. It detracts from true social contact.

Re: Godfather. It wasn't that shit hot, IMO. I found The Shawshank Redemption to be a much better movie.
Godstud wrote:An interesting perspective, but I one that I think may be quite accurate.

Boredom is a benefit to large corporations because it forces people to ingest their media products.

Example of how this ruins our lives: The people who grew up with radio in the early 20th Century were more boring and gullible than their parents. So when TV came along, they switched.

TV was used to brainwash these people into moving into UNBELIEVABLY BORING suburbs, where everyone watched maximum amounts of TV.

The by-products of suburbia are ten times more boring then their urban radio-TV-switching parents. And their offspring are wired to electronic stim all day and are growing up to have about as much personality and entertainment value as a tictac sitting in a pool of dog drool. : )
You know, QatzelOk, since I've managed to get away from North America, and see places where media, etc. doesn't rule the day, I've managed to get a little perspective and see what you've been talking about. Some things you speak of are still a bit crazy(not necessarily a bad thing), from my point of view, but I can see now, that you're a pretty observant individual, who sees past a lot of what most of us just accept as rote.
The good old days like when the Mighty Ducks was made, is long over.

Apart from some, it's 3rd-rate cheap crap.
QatzelOk wrote:Hollywood is owned and operated by the same clique that owns and operates most commercial media.

Madonna will save us, IIRC.

Hollywood is Rocky the Flying Squirrel: "Now here is something you will really like... In 3D this time!"

Bullwinkle pulls Justin Beiber out of a hat.

And now a commercial for Jimmy Dean sausage.

The automobile and commercial media enjoy a symbiotic relationship.

Commercial media is mainly used to brainwash people into desiring cars, oil, suburban homes, electronic gadgets, and expensive trips.

The commercialization of the car empowered a number of capitalists who were able - with all their new money - to buy off development of cities in North America, and turn them into boring parking lots for cars. And this created an extreme "need" for entertainment products.

Which brings us to the present, and the masses of numbed media-victims watching corporations destroy the last of their environment.

The clash between mass media (fantasy) and the environment (reality) will provide a final thrill for the brainwashed-to-mediocrity Modern.
Qatz wrote:brainwashed-to-mediocrity Modern

The Paleolithic was a much better time period to be human.

I want a sig with Bullwinkle pulling Justin Beiber out of a hat .. and the whole scene is on tomato soup label.
dgun wrote:The Paleolithic was a much better time period to be human.

A lot of starch-gorged, media-addicted, voluntary quadriplegics have switched to a Paleolithic-inspired diet to become more physically healthy. It's also a good idea to switch to a Paleolithic amount of daily exercise if you want to feel good and avoid health problems.

Now what about our social health, and survival odds as a species? Could this be greatly improved by going Paleolithic as well?

Or should we keep gawking at our fancy, layered Modern texts until we all choke to death on industrial excrement?
dgun wrote:And we could live to the ripe old age of 35.

As Sideshow Bob once said, "I realize the irony of appearing on TV in order to decry it. So don't bother pointing that out"

When Euros clashed with the Paleos of Turtle Island, it was the Natives (who were much closer to Paleolithic lifestyle) who lived longer and healthier: both the quantity AND quality of life exceeded that of the domesticated Euro-drone.

So allowing for four centuries of continued development aided by cooperation with European science (rather than outright ethnic-cleansing in order to pillage), we'd probably be living longer lives and healthier ones. And this hybrid-Native/Euro society might actually be sustainable, rather than our current unsustainable orgy of hyper-consumption that will soon crash into mass extinction.

Hollywood is there to convince you that our commercial mallscape filled with blimps on anti-depressants is the best of all possible outcomes.
QatzelOk wrote:When Euros clashed with the Paleos of Turtle Island, it was the Natives (who were much closer to Paleolithic lifestyle) who lived longer and healthier: both the quantity AND quality of life exceeded that of the domesticated Euro-drone.

from wiki, life expectancy
Upper Paleolithic: 33

Based on data from recent hunter-gatherer populations, it is estimated that at age 15, life expectancy was an additional 39 years (total age 54).

2010 world average: 67.2

If I had to guess, I would say the big difference is infant mortality.

If 75% of the human population's wegs become cwushed into oblivion, the 25% that remain can live the way you envision Qatz. Sans the espressos? Will there be espressos when we return to the paleolithic?
dgun, thanks for the useless statistics. The natives were "closer to the Paleos" but not Paleolithic. So the life expectancy data you provide wouldn't apply to natives in North America in the Age of Colonialism.

Likewise, you provide a 2010 lifespan for the earth, when I distinctly wrote "when the euros clashed..." which was in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Hollywood, like you, often mixes up time periods and uses incorrect taxonomy to justify pre-determined conclusions as well.

You are sooooooooo Hollywood.

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