The legendary Jingū tennō and her invasion against Korea - Politics | PoFo

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Jingū tennō or Empress Jingu (thats how you call her in the west) is a legendary tennō who ruled Japan from the year 201 - 269 as her son became tennō. She is a very popular person in japanese history because she is unique in her ways. She is one of just few female tennō and she was a powerful leader. She started an invasion against Korea and was victorious. The scources of that time are rare but a japanese invasion into Korea during that time is reported in chinese scources. Jingū tennō is speacial not only because she was a women on the japanese throne, but also because she did held all the power in her hands. She did not sit in her palace and just give orders. She went herself to Korea to lead the invasion.

Here you see her arriving in Korea:


Here she gives orders to her invasion troops:


Jingū tennō fishing:


Jingū tennō is very very popular in Japan. She is celebrated in festivals for bringing Korea under japanese control and her brave and wise leadership:


She is so popular and i believe she is one of the greatest female leaders in history.
Don't doubt that she was real. Her legend really is pretty inspiring, she was very powerful.

The Nihonshoki reads as follows, about this story, which I'll quote for the benefit of those who don't know about her:
Nihonshoki Scroll 9: Empress Jingu wrote:The Empress Consults the Gods

Okinagatarashihime no Mikoto [Jingu] was the great grandchild of Emperor Wakayamatonekohikoobibi [Kaika]. Her mother was Empress Kazuraki no Takanuka. In the second year of Emperor Tarashinakatsuhiko [Chuai], she was made Empress. From a young age she was astute and intelligent, and her figure was so very beautiful that her father the prince [Ikinaga no Sukune] thought it strange.

Ninth year, spring, second month. Emperor Tarashinakatsuhiko died in Kashihi palace in Tsukushi. At that time the Empress was in pain because the Emperor had not followed the instructions of the gods and died an early death, therefore, seeking to know the god who smote him, she wanted to search for the rich jewel country [Silla]. Then she ordered the myriad ministers and public officials to purge evils and correct mistakes, and further to construct the Palace of Iwai in the village of Oyamada.

Third month. On the first day, the Empress selected a favorable day to go into the palace of Iwai and became herself the caretaker of the god, and ordered Takeshiuchi no Sukune to play the Chinese harp, and called on Nakatomi no Ikatsu no Omi to become examiner of the oracle, or saniwa. Then on a Chihata Takahata weaving she placed the head and tail of the harp and said, “Who is the god that instructed the Emperor previously? I want to know his name.”

Seven days and seven nights passed, and the reply was, “The god in the palace of Sakusuzuisuzu, in Momotsutau, Watarai no Agatai, in the Divine-winded country of Ise, called Tsukisakakiitsu no Mitamaamasakarumukatsuhime no Mikoto.”

Then she asked, “Are there any other gods besides this one?”

The answer was, “I have appeared like the a flag, as the ears of grass. However, there is one in the county of Awa in Agatafushi in Oda.”

Then she asked again, “Any more?”

The reply was, “There is Amenikotoshirosoranikotoshirotamakushiiribikoitsunokotoshiro no Kami.”

Then she asked again, “Any more?”

The reply was “I don’t know if there are any more or not.”

Then the saniwa said, “Now there is no reply, but afterwards is there anything you have to say?”

The reply was, “There are three gods called Uwatsutsunoo, Nakatsutsunoo, and Sokotsutsunoo that are fulll of life like the seaweed in the depths of the waters of Tachibana no Odo in the country of Hyuga.”

She asked, “Any more?”

The reply was, “I don’t know if there are any more or not.” Afterwards the god did not say if there were any more gods. At that time getting the god’s instruction, the instructions were followed and the gods were venerated. Afterwards the ancestor of the Omi of Kibi, Kamonowake, was dispatched to attack the Kumaso. Before much time had passed they surrendered of their own accord.


The Empress Performs Divination

In the village of Notorita, there was a man called Hashiro Kumawashi (Notori is read no-to-ri, 能登利). This man was of strong constitution, and his body had wings, and he could fly high in the sky. He was insubordinate to the Empress, and often stole from the residents. On the 17th day, the Empress wanted to attack Kumawashi, and therefore moved from Kashihi palace to Matsuonomiya palace. At that time, a cyclone wind suddenly began to blow, and the Empress’ triangle hat was blown away. Therefore this place is called Mikasa. On the 20th day, the Empress went to Sosokino and marshaled soldiers to attack Hashiro Kumawashi, and overthrew him. Then she said to those on her left and right, “We were able to take Kumawashi, and my heart is at peace.” Therefore this place is called Yasu. On the 25th day, going on to Yamato no Agata, the Tsuchigumo Taburatsuhime was put to death. At that time the older brother of Taburatsuhime, called Natsuha, had led the army and come to meet them, but when he heard that his sister had been put to death he fled.

Summer, fourth month. On the third day, The Empress arrived in the northern section of the country of Hizen, in Matsuura no Agata, and took her meal in a small river near Tamashima no Sato. Then, the Empress bent a wire and made a hook, and took a piece of flour as bait, and took some garment thread and made a line, and climbed to the top of a rock in the river and cast the hook and prayed, saying, “I wish to go west and seek the jewel country. If this endeavor can will succeed, may the fish of the river swallow my hook.” Then she lifted out her rod and she had caught an ayu.

At that time the Empress said, “How rare this thing! (Mezurashi is read me-zu-ra-shi, 梅豆邏志). Therefore the people of that time called this place the country of Medzura, now it is called Matsura, this is a corruption. Even to the present, if the women of this country when fishing cast into the river in the middle section of the fourth month, they catch an ayu. However if the men cast a hook, they cannot get anything.

Then the Empress believed the god's instructions were verified, and further revered the gods of heaven and earth, and wished to go to the west and conquer, and thus established a field providing food to offer to the gods. At that time she took water from the river Na and wanted to irrigate the field, and so dug a ditch, but at the hill of Todoroki, a large boulder blocked the way and they could not open the ditch. The Emperess then called Takeshiuchi no Sukune, who held a sword and a mirror and prayed to the gods seeking a way to make the ditch pass through. At that time, ligtning came down and struck the boulder rendering it apart, and the water passed through. Therefore people of this time called this ditch Sakuta no Unade.

Then the Empress returned to Kashihinoura, and unfastening her hair looked at the sea, saying, “I, by the teaching of the gods, will rely on the miracle of the imperial ancestors, cross the deep blue sea, and conquer the west. Now I will dip my head into the water, and if some miracle is to occur, my hair will naturally part into twain.” Then she went into the sea and washed her hair, and it naturally parted.

The Empress tied her parted hair and made it into a bun [like a man], then said to the myriad ministers, “Mobilizing the people is a great matter for the state. Safety and danger, success and failure; certainly they depend on this. There is an expedition to attack, and if it were attached to the myriad ministers, if it were to fail, then the myriad ministers would be blamed, and this would be a tragedy. I am a woman and it is not suited to me. However for now I will borrow the form of a man and force myself to come up with manly strategies. Above I am covered by the miracle of the gods, and below I am supported by the myriad ministers, and so brandishing my weapons and armor I will cross the rough waves, prepare the ships, and seek the treasure land. If this endeavor succeeds, it will be together the success of the myrad ministers, if this deed fails, it will be my sin alone. This was my idea from before: let us hold counsel together.”

The myriad ministers all said, “The Empress has, for the realm, made this plan to safeguard it: certainly it will succeed, and there is no way the blame would end up extending to us ministers below. With heads bowed we await your command!”


Embarkation Against Silla

Autumn, ninth month. On the tenth day, the Empress ordered the myriad countries to collect ships and practice the use of weapons and armor. At that time it was difficult to assemble the troops, and the Empress said, “It must be the will of the gods.” Then she stood up a three-wheel shrine, and offered up a sword and a halberd, and the troops naturally assembled themselves. Then she dispatched the fisherman of Ahe Omaro to the western seas, and ordered him to see if there was a country there. He came back reporting, “I could see no country.”

Then again she dispatched a fisherman from Shika called Kusa, and after many days he returned and said, “There is a mountain to the northwest, and a belt of clouds in the sky, probably there is a country there.”

Then she divined a fortunate day, and the day of embarkation approached. At that time the Empress held her halberd and ordered the whole of the army, “If the marching drums are not in rhythm and the banners are in disarray, then the soldiers will not be properly aligned. If you want to maximize your own profit and want many things, and think of your own private and inner matters, then certainly you will be captured by the enemy. Even if the enemy is few do not make the mistake of taking him lightly, and if the enemy is strong do not waver. Do not permit the violent taking of women, and do not kill those who surrender of their own accord. Those who fight victoriously will certainly be rewarded, and those who flee will be punished.”

Then there came instructions from the gods, “The calm souls should stick with the king and protect his life, the violent souls should go first and lead the ships.” Peaceful soul is read ni-ki-mi-ta-ma, 珥岐瀰多摩. Violent soul is read a-ra-mi-ta-ma, 阿邏瀰多摩. Receiving the gods’ instructions, the Empress made offerings to them and Yosami no Abiko Otarumi was made the principal for reverence of the gods.

At that time, the Empress was approaching the time that she would give birth. The Empress took a rock and stuck it in her hip and prayed, saying, “When this is over, on the day I return, may I give birth here.” This rock is now near the the road of Ito no Agata. In this way, the violent souls were made to go as the army’s vanguard, and the peaceful souls went with the king’s ship.


Departure for Korea

Winter, tenth month. On the third day, the Empress left the port of Wani. At that time the wind god caused strong gales, and the sea god raised waves, and from the ocean all the giant fish floated up to support the boats. Then a great wind blew, and at full sail the boat went along with the waves, and without the use of oars or paddles they reached Silla. At that time the boat went along with the waves which even filled far into the interior of the country, so it was known that the gods of heaven and earth had all aided them.

The King of Silla was shuddered in reverence and did not know what to do. Then he assembled the people and said, “Since the time of Silla’s founding, it has never been heard of that the water should overflow into the country. If this the fortune granted us by heaven be used up, maybe our country will become ocean!” And before he had finished these words, the lead ships rode in on the overflowing sea, and the banners shone brightly in the sun, and the drums and flutes made music, and the mountains and rivers, without exception, trembled.

The King of Silla saw this from afar off, and thought these soldiers had come to overthrow his country, and in fear lost hope. Then suddenly he realized and said, “I have heard that in the east there is a divine country, called Yamato. And also that it has a sage-king, called the Emperor. Certainly these are the divine soldiers of this country, how can I raise arms against them?” Then he raised a white flag and surrendered, and with a white thread tied his own hands behind his back, and submitted the country’s plot and survey information, and came and fell to the ground before the lead ship. Then he put his head to the ground and said, “From now on, as long as heaven and earth endure, we surrender to being providers of food. Without letting the ships go dry we will send tribute spring and autumn of horse combs and whips. Without being bothered by the distance across the sea we will send tribute every year of men and women. Then he swore solemnly, “When the sun no longer rises in the east but rises from the west, or the Arinare river reverses its flow, or the stones of the rivers rise up to become stars, should we be lacking in our tribute to the court or remiss in our tribute of combs and whips, let the gods of heaven and earth together punish us.”
At that time some people said, “Put the Sillan king to death.”

Then the Empress said, “Previously I received instruction from the gods, and the country of gold and silver was then bestowed upon us, and I ordered the three armies saying, “Do not kill those who surrender of their own accord.” Now we have gained the rich country, and people surrender of their own accord: killing them would not be lucky.” Then releasing his ties and making him into a vassal, thereby they went into the center of the country, and inspected the storehouses of much treasure, and collected the survey registers and documents. Then the Empress’ halbred which she used as a staff was stood in the gate of the King of Silla, and it was made a memorial to the generations afterwards. Threfore this halbred is now still standing in the gate of the King of Silla.

The King of Silla Hasamukimu made Mishikochihatorikanki a hostage, and brought gold, silver, bright cloth, gauze, and fine silk, and loaded them onto 80 ships, and commanded them to follow the Empress’ army. Now the King of Silla always prepares 80 ships and presents them to Japan for this reason.

Now the kingdoms of Goguryeo and Baekje, these two countries’ kings heard that the collected registries of Silla had been handed over to Yamato, secretly ordered inquiry into the power of its army, and upon knowing that they could not win, came on their own to the outside of the encampment, and lowered their heads to the ground and said, “From now on, we will forever be called the western fiefs and never fail in our tribute!”Therefore uchitsu miyake [imperial domains] were established. It was called the three Kans. The Empress then returned from Silla.

Last edited by Rei Murasame on 29 Jul 2013 21:28, edited 2 times in total.
fuser wrote:I googled her and She is probably not even real let alone her invasion of Korea.

There are more indications for her being real than for Jesus Christ. So what?

Fact is that chinese scources speak about a japanese invasion into Korea in that timeframe. The big problem is that Japan led a later invasion into Korea which ended in a fullscale war with the chinese Ming Dynasty on korean ground and destroyed almost the entire korean peninsula. Almost evry korean city got burned down to the ground and almost all history of Korea was destroyed. In Japan it is more complicated. We hace the scources. But they are locked away in the ancient toms of our old emperors. And the imperial household does not allow any research on the tombs.
she does come as a very interesting and inspiring person but still I doubt her historical existance (from what I have got so far).

@ Akuma

Christ was probably not real too at least the biblical christ, comparing her to christ isn't really an argument for her historical existance.

India wants in too with her puny Bengal Tiger amidst these monsters.

@ Jxie, One shouldn't be dismissing of oral traditions so readily, it can contain historical info specially if it can correspond with archeological evidences. But so far there is none.
jxie wrote:Since this is under "Humanities >> History" instead of say "Faith" or "Fairy Tales", I have to ask -- Excuse me being blunt here -- Since you people didn't even have a written language back then, how would they have been able to pass the legend down, with some resemblance of credibility?

As i said, as long no investigations are allowed on the old tombs of that time it is hard. But Himiko at least is 100% proven. China did send her a diplomatic delegation and gifts of that delegation were found in Japan.
Most scholars are sceptical of the existence of the legendary Empress and these patriotic stories found in Japanese literature are loosely related to historical facts. But Japan had some controlling influence over the Korean kingdoms at the time and during the Three Kingdoms period from 57 AD to 668, Baekje (Paekche) and Silla sent their princes as hostages to the Yamato court in exchange for military support for their military campaigns on the Korean Peninsula. The Baekje royal family was later naturalised in Japan and numerous Korean refugees fled to Japan after the fall of Baekje. Japan maintained close cultural and linguistic ties with Baekje and Gaya (Kaya) during the Three Kingdoms period and some ancient authors claimed that Gaya was a Japanese colony, where a mysterious language similar to Japanese was spoken. A recent DNA study showed that most Japanese people in the western part of the country are genetically akin to Koreans and they could be the descendants of the Baekje refugees.

Paekchan [Paekche] and Silla had long been our subject peoples and such had brought tribute to our court. But the Wa [the Yamato Polity in Japan] had, since the sinmyo year [391], been coming across the sea to wreak devastation. Paekche [in concert with them] invaded Silla and subjected its people.
Not direct part of this topic, but Himiko is a very mysterious person in japans history. Some historians believe Himiko and Jingū are the same person. The difference is that there is direct prove for her existence. The emperor of China did send and gifts and a delegation to her court in Japan. There are also reports from Korea that Himiko did send letters and gifts to Korea.

The chinese scources say: "The country formerly had a man as ruler. For some seventy or eighty years after that there were disturbances and warfare. Thereupon the people agreed upon a woman for their ruler. Her name was Himiko [卑彌呼]. She occupied herself with magic and sorcery, bewitching the people. Though mature in age, she remained unmarried. She had a younger brother who assisted her in ruling the country. After she became the ruler, there were few who saw her. She had one thousand women as attendants, but only one man. He served her food and drink and acted as a medium of communication. She resided in a palace surrounded by towers and stockades, with armed guards in a state of constant vigilance. (tr. Tsunoda 1951:13)"

The chinese describe her as a powerful witch and mysterious Queen. She must have been a very mysterious and illussive person.

One thing I admire about Japan is that so much stuff has been translated into English. How do find all that stuff Rei?

I'd like to quote the disclaimers to Akuma's interesting fairy tale, but such articles are in korean and it's pretty damn difficult translating them myself.

SO anyhow, I'd like to point out that the story has very little evidence to support it and such claims on controling Korea before that time happened to come out during Imperalist Japan's control on Korea. Before the West strolled upon East, Japan relied on Korea for cultural imports.

You have to understand or rather declaim such mythes with context; a lot of effort was put into to belittle the Korean people and erecting Japan's pride culturally, linguisticly, and historicly. I'd just put wiki's controversy part to back me up.
Reinventing past is a common tactic of Nationalistic chauvanism, everyone does that and not only Japan btw. Its just that asia has taken the lead nowadays.

I have seen too many reinvented "glorious" history bullshit regarding Indian history to remain skeptical for any such nationalistic perception of history foreveer.

Sadly the only other alternative is "orientalism" as presented by colonial perception of asia and only thing that can clean all this filth from history is "Historical Materialism."
I follwed you to the second sentence, then I think I lost you. What?

So this is part of the Japanese nationalsim propaganda. I know that every country distorts facts to tales, but this is just....cute.
No I understand that part(although I do not agree with it), I'd just like you to rephrase the last sentence. I may have Marxist tendencies, but I'm not quite well read, if you don't mind that is.

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