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By fuser
Nets wrote:I call an immediate vote on EM's expulsion from our group, and eventually from our continent. PoFo Blacks, assemble!

I second this motion, such deviancy must not be tolerated in our holy group.

EM should live in a Monastery for 12 years to repent.
fuser wrote:
I second this motion, such deviancy must not be tolerated in our holy group.

EM should live in a Monastery for 12 years to repent.

It's not an holy group for no one is holy and your only here to slander me cause, you have beef with me and do I remember you participating in this topic viewtopic.php?f=4&t=156400. Your communist anyway so your trying to ruin me.
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By fuser
Why are you linking to a porn thread, is that all you can think?

I call on our dear leader nets to mercilessly purge all the deviancy, its only getting worse.
fuser wrote:Why are you linking to a porn thread, is that all you can think?

I call on our dear leader nets to mercilessly purge all the deviancy, its only getting worse.

You know what, I don't to give in to your trolling, I'm done.
Recently, my words have been taking out context in my viewtopic.php?f=4&t=152569
Soon, enemies took what I said and turned against me and my party, it's now being infiltrate by the communists led by the traitorous black man, brother Nets. I tell you this, I have refrain myself from the evil sin 4 years ago, and was just asking a question, I admit my faults as any good man does and ask you to let me be a leader to my own party again. You all watch terrible things at one point, so don't act so high mighty. These people slander me because they're board or commies.
So can you people just stop trolling me and go back to business?
Potemkin wrote:It's a good place to recruit the future vanguard elite of your organisation, however.

Well yes it is somewhat possible to pick up one or two quality individuals here of pofo. Any vanguard worth the name should number in the thousands at least, I should think, so one will have to look elsewhere also.

How about yourself, fancy a knighthood? You could join the Chivalric Order of Liberty if you are up for some Caesarist action, its not like the marxists have anything going on these days with which to keep you busy.
How about yourself, fancy a knighthood? You could join the Chivalric Order of Liberty if you are up for some Caesarist action, its not like the marxists have anything going on these days with which to keep you busy.

Hmm... Caesarist, you say? I might be be willing to join if I could take the title 'Most Worthy and Noble Chevalier of the Order of Saint Stalin'. My coat of arms would, of course feature an icepick on a field of red.
Potemkin wrote:Hmm... Caesarist, you say? I might be be willing to join if I could take the title 'Most Worthy and Noble Chevalier of the Order of Saint Stalin'. My coat of arms would, of course feature an icepick on a field of red.

lol no. That won't do, sorry, the Stalin bit doesn't strike the right impression. "Most worthy and noble" is a bit pompous too. Oh well I guess you are one of those fish that gets thrown back in the river.
"Most worthy and noble" is a bit pompous too.

You really don't know how to do this 'chivalry' thing, do you?
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By fuser
I think just like Black Lion Society, The Chivalric order of Liberty needs a new leader, someone who is more worthy and noble.
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By Nets
Jessup, please exit my thread. We Blacks are the salt of the earth, but that doesn't mean we don't have standards. Through hundreds of years of bondage, we Blacks could hold our heads high, confident in the fact that our station was not as lowly as the filthy Irish.

No Irish allowed.
Nets wrote:Jessup, please exit my thread. We Blacks are the salt of the earth, but that doesn't mean we don't have standards. Through hundreds of years of bondage, we Blacks could hold our heads high, confident in the fact that our station was not as lowly as the filthy Irish.

No Irish allowed.

"We blacks"? Who are the blacks? Africa is inhabited by many different ethnic people of all different shades. Calling the whole continent black is a relic of slaver talk.
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By Nets
Absurd, a pasty white devil who can get sunburns from a 100w lightbulb is going to lecture the KotB on blackness. Begone, Jessup, we do not tolerate drunkards in our midst.

Ethiopian Monarchist wrote:Soon, enemies took what I said and turned against me and my party, it's now being infiltrate by the communists led by the traitorous black man, brother Nets.

Treachery to charlatanism is loyalty to God.
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:We should be hunting down monarchies and chopping their hands off, not empowering them.

In another thread... Marxists said:
KlassWar wrote:The proper role of the State is to terrorize and liquidate counterrevolutionaries and class enemies, ensuring the ideological hegemony of orthodox Marxism-Leninism over all sorts of degenerate deviationist worldviews and manage the economy according to the interests of the working class.

fuser wrote:This x 1000.

I call that a declaration of war, so who's side you on Jessup?
Nets wrote:Jessup, please exit my thread. We Blacks are the salt of the earth, but that doesn't mean we don't have standards. Through hundreds of years of bondage, we Blacks could hold our heads high, confident in the fact that our station was not as lowly as the filthy Irish.

No Irish allowed.

Oh, God.
Nets wrote:All mankind will pass before me, Black Moses, like a flock of sheep. Like a shepherd pasturing his flock, making sheep pass under his staff, so shall I cause to pass, count, calculate, and consider the soul of all the living; and I shall apportion the destinies of all my Black Lion Society members and inscribe their verdict.

How many will pass from the earth and how many will be created; who will live and who will die; who will die at his predestined time and who before his time; who by water and who by fire, who by sword, who by beast, who by famine, who by thirst, who by upheaval, who by plague, who by strangling, and who by stoning. Who will rest and who will wander, who will live in harmony and who will be harried, who will enjoy tranquility and who will suffer, who will be impoverished and who will be enriched, who will be degraded and who will be exalted.

But Repentance, Prayer, and Charity avert the severe Decree!


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