I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide.. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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As a mother, I put my parenting decisions above all else. Nobody knows my son better than me, and the choices I make about how to care for him are no one’s business but my own. So, when other people tell me how they think I should be raising my child, I simply can’t tolerate it. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, I fully stand behind my choices as a mom, including my choice not to vaccinate my son, because it is my fundamental right as a parent to decide which eradicated diseases come roaring back.

The decision to cause a full-blown, multi-state pandemic of a virus that was effectively eliminated from the national population generations ago is my choice alone, and regardless of your personal convictions, that right should never be taken away from a child’s parent. Never.

Say what you will about me, but I’ve read the information out there and weighed every option, so I am confident in my choice to revive a debilitating illness that was long ago declared dead and let it spread like wildfire from school to school, town to town, and state to state, until it reaches every corner of the country. Leaving such a momentous decision to someone you haven’t even met and who doesn’t care about your child personally—now that’s absurd! Maybe I choose to bring back the mumps. Or maybe it’s diphtheria. Or maybe it’s some other potentially fatal disease that can easily pass among those too young or too medically unfit to be vaccinated themselves. But whichever highly communicable and formerly wiped-out disease that I opt to resurrect with a vengeance, it is a highly personal decision that only I and my family have the liberty to make.

The bottom line is that I’m this child’s mother, and I know what’s best. End of story. Politicians, pharmaceutical companies—they don’t know the specific circumstances that made me decide to breathe new life into a viral infection that scientists and the nation at large celebrated stamping out roughly a century ago. It seems like all they care about is following unexamined old rules, injecting chemicals into our kids, preventing ghastly illnesses that used to ravage millions and have since been erased from storming back and wreaking mass havoc on a national scale, and making a buck. Should we really be listening to them and not our own hearts?

I am by no means telling mothers and fathers out there what to do; I’m simply standing up for every parent’s right to make his or her own decision. You may choose to follow the government-recommended immunization schedule for your child, and that’s your decision as a parent. And I might choose to unleash rubella on thousands upon thousands of helpless people, and that’s my decision as a parent.

It’s simple: You don’t tell me how to raise my kids to avoid reviving a horrific illness that hasn’t been seen on our shores since our grandparents were children, and I won’t tell you how to raise yours.

Look, I’ve done the research on these issues, I’ve read the statistics, and I’ve carefully considered the costs and benefits, and there’s simply no question in my mind that inciting a nationwide health emergency by unleashing a disease that can kill 20 percent or more of its victims is the right one for my child.

People need to respect that and move on.

http://www.theonion.com/blogpost/i-dont ... -to--37839
Not vaccinating your child is child abuse, pure and simple. Autism is not linked to vaccines(medical science has disproved this nonsense), and only 1 in a few hundred thousand has a negative side effect, and the side effect is not usually death. Not vaccinating your child can lead, not only to your child getting sick, possibly dying, or being crippled, but also to those around him catching the disease(like small children not old enough to receive the vaccine).

Your right to decide is fine, but then my right to walk by your kid and plant a needle in his arm with a vaccine, to protect my child, is just as valid.

You do know that The Onion is an online satire magazine, right?

What is your honest opinion on it? You neglected to state it.
The Onion article is pretty funny, as is mockery of lolbertarian autism in general, but it is genuinely, truly disturbing that this is even an issue at all where some people try to make a difference and bring some sense into the world by making a sarcastic article. Funny on one hand, incredibly disturbing on the other that this nonsense is allowed to continue in the developed world.
Parents who prevent vaccination of their children are horrific creatures that deserve a jail (maybe). However, it is an attack of principles of private property, and what do 'collectivists' propose as an alternative? Elementary. Fully destroy family institute. Father, mother - to obscene words, funny conservative things who cannot change their intolerant habits - to the special island for freaks. Children - to orphanages. The state is the best parent. The state will give them beautiful gray clothes, rice three times a day and proper education. Hey-ho, left shoulder arms! Two bullets plus two bullets equals four dead potential enemy's soldiers.

No matter what leftists try to build and what they dream about, it's always a prison.
Rice: only two times a day. Children: abolished; fetuses will be grown in laboratories and kept in Borg-style maturation chambers and then released when they are approximately 18-20 years of age, relatively speaking. All citizens will be implanted with devices in their brains which will monitor their behavior, modify it, and download instructions of all kinds. All citizens will have assigned tasks, and society will be organized on a massive scale: thanks to cybernetic implants, and the glory of communism, farmers will become generals, schoolteachers will become interrogators, and brickeys will become alcoholic English Party bureaucrats.

You got it wrong Ganesha, so wrong. I hope you're happy to know the truth now.
Ganeshas Rat, the solution is to make vaccines mandatory for parents, and enact laws like those in Australia, where they are going to stop welfare cash of anti-vaccine parents.

Ganeshas Rat wrote:The state is the best parent.
The state is there to step in when people are being BAD parents. A bad parent is one who does not vaccinate their child against fully preventable diseases, or otherwise abuses their child in a more obvious manner. Your libertarian statements, are ridiculous.

Ganeshas Rat wrote:No matter what leftists try to build and what they dream about, it's always a prison.
If by prison you mean the state taking care of you, after you fuck up, then that is a good comparison. Otherwise, it's simply empty rhetoric.
Godstud wrote:Ganeshas Rat, the solution is to make vaccines mandatory for parents, and enact laws like those in Australia, where they are going to stop welfare cash of anti-vaccine parents.

Something tells me there's little or no equivalent punishment for people in higher income brackets losing out on financial benefits for choosing to threaten other people with controllable diseases. But yes, the sane, completely sensible solution is to make vaccines mandatory.
People in higher income, and tax brackets, tend to be the people smart enough not to ignore the advice of their doctors. Any doctor telling people that vaccines are a bad idea should be jailed, immediately.
But why jail them when we can just inject them with our Communist mind-control nanites that will teach them the joys and benefits of evil inhuman collectivism?

After all, what's more barbaric and primitive: an urban society allowing disease-ridden people to spread contagions because they refuse to respect the right to life of every other member of society, or society requiring people to be vaccinated or GTFO? Requiring people to be vaccinated, obviously!
It is NOT the right of every parent to put their child at risk of catching a fully preventable disease, that can kill or cripple the child. It's also not the right of parents to place their kids on the freeway and hope for the best, just because they read an idiotic blog about freeway nurturing.

They are a part of society, and societies have rules. Some of these rules apply to medical practices(with medical and scientific basis), and they just have to accept that.

Fuck this, "I have a right to kill my children!", attitude that these libertards are spouting! It's sheer idiocy!
Godstud wrote:It is NOT the right of every parent to put their child at risk of catching a fully preventable disease, that can kill or cripple the child. It's also not the right of parents to place their kids on the freeway and hope for the best, just because they read an idiotic blog about freeway nurturing.

They are a part of society, and societies have rules. Some of these rules apply to medical practices(with medical and scientific basis), and they just have to accept that.

Fuck this, "I have a right to kill my children!", attitude that these libertards are spouting! It's sheer idiocy!

Are you referring to libertarians or liberals ?
That our society still considers children the property of their biological parents simply because they slammed genitals is one of those things that future people are gonna be really indignant about. Your child legally can be used as total slave labor with absolutely zero payment, they can be assualted at a whim (to a certain extent, you cannot maim them* or kill them for the past like 60 years. In. The. Advanced. West) without any provocation, teach them whatever the fuck you feel like, their mind is your's to mold according to your average parent in my experience.

The local community must be compelled to be involved in the lives of all its children, to stop these autocratic abuses. I am not proposing that we seperate a child and their parents, I am suggesting that parents need to stop being taught they have autonomy over these tiny humans.

* what constitutes (or doesn't) being "maimed" is a social considerstion.
Stormsmith wrote:I'm cool with you not vaccinating your kids, providing you home school and keep them out of recreation centre/public baths, restaurants, - you know, all publicly shared spaces.
QFT. Keep your disease-ridden bags of snot at home, and away from other people. After they die, or get crippled(from fully preventable diseases), you can lament that you are an idiot, and really didn't care for your children.

You should probably do all your medicine at home, too, since you don't really give a whiff about medical science, and its advances. Bleed the evil out of the child. That works, too.
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