Nazi Plan To Exterminate West European Nationalities - Politics | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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I was reading about the German plans for the occupation of the UK on Wikipedia. What I was surprised to see is that contrary to the alleged Anglophilia of the Nazis their actual plans for Britain post-war were extremely brutal.

For example, I saw that all men ages 17-45 were to be deported to the continent where they would probably made into slave labourers. This is an assumption, perhaps they would have been exterminated.

What is most surprising is that apparently Himmler had the desire to see 80 percent of the French and British populations exterminated by the SS after German victory in the war. If one is to read the Wikipedia article they can see that this is sourced.

I will link to the section of the Wikipedia article where this can all be found:

Why was Hitler considered an Anglophile when there were plans to kill off the British population?
Why was Hitler considered an Anglophile when there were plans to kill off the British population?

Hitler drew a distinction between the British ruling class and the British lower classes. He regarded the British working class (which, according to his definition of working class, constituted about 80% of the population) as genetically inferior untermenschen, fit only to be used as slave labour or to be exterminated once their usefulness was at an end. Hitler, and the Nazis in general, were great admirers of the British aristocracy and ruling elite, but had only contempt for the broad masses of the British population.
Potemkin wrote:Hitler drew a distinction between the British ruling class and the British lower classes. He regarded the British working class (which, according to his definition of working class, constituted about 80% of the population) as genetically inferior untermenschen, fit only to be used as slave labour or to be exterminated once their usefulness was at an end. Hitler, and the Nazis in general, were great admirers of the British aristocracy and ruling elite, but had only contempt for the broad masses of the British population.

So they pretty much agreed with the British ruling class itself, then?
I don't know as much about the British in this conception, but I've read that a lot of plans for France revolved around moving people around-not to exterminate them-but to reduce the idea of Feance into something unrealistic. Remake a Picardia and a Britrany and a Normandy and all these places with their own identities and languages into little countries with their own identities so that France would be gone forever. I, again, don't know but might guess that breaking Britain up in such a way may have appealed to the Nazis and moving people to the continent may have been little more than attempt to reshuffle the deck.
I will link to the section of the Wikipedia article where this can all be found:

According to your link, 25% of the british male population would have been deported in continental Europe, which seems like a reasonnable idea to break further resistance to the new pro-nazi british government and boost production in german factories at the same time.

What is most surprising is that apparently Himmler had the desire to see 80 percent of the French and British populations exterminated by the SS after German victory in the war.

I don't know if your sources are right, if it's the case, he might simply been snorting too much cocaine at the time and taking things too seriously
This looks like a classic case of Zionist spinning in the endless need to demonise the Nazis. Occupation's tend to be nasty whatever the whims of the Conquerors. Even the great, butter wouldn't melt in our mouths, non aggression, sorry about those cities we accidentally incinerated, liberal democratic allies occupation of Germany was brutal. German men being rounded up, whether in uniform or out and used as slave labour for years. And this was when we were at peace. imagine the situation on the German state in a war, blockaded from the world market and vulnerable and dependant on Soviet raw material supplies.

We can see what German occupation was like for non-untemensch in France, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland and Greece without having to resort to lurid Zionist fantasies: horrid, unwelcome and deadly for a significant part of the population, but was it really that mush worse than the coalition's occupation of Falujha or Putin's of Grozny. Occupations have a nasty habit of turning nasty even when your rallying call for intervention is "No school girl left behind."
According to captured German documents, the commander-in-chief of the German Army, Walther von Brauchitsch, directed that “The able-bodied male population between the ages of 17 and 45 will, unless the local situation calls for an exceptional ruling, be interned and dispatched to the Continent”. This represented about 25% of male citizens. The UK was then to be plundered for anything of financial, military, industrial or cultural value,[104] and the remaining population terrorised. Civilian hostages would be taken, and the death penalty immediately imposed for even the most trivial acts of resistance.[105] The deported male population would have most likely been used as industrial slave labour in areas of the Reich such as the factories and mines of the Ruhr and Upper Silesia. Although they might have been treated less brutally than slaves from the East, living and working conditions would still have been severe.[106]

Forced labour in Nazi-occupied Europe should not be confused with the Holocaust. A contingent of 250,000 French workers had to be made available to German factories after Paris fell in 1940 but those French forced labourers had never been subject to ethnic cleansing and 1.5 million displaced persons were repatriated to France by the Allied Powers immediately after the war. Up to 15 million people from many European countries were conscripted as factory workers during the war and 65% of them were from Eastern Europe. Hitler often expressed his admiration for the British Empire and British rule in India was held up as a model for how the Germans would rule Russia. But German imperialism failed because it faced strong local resistance especially in Eastern Europe and Soviet Russia and it placed too much emphasis on exploitation and plunder. Hitler had never been serious about Operation Sealion and after Britain showed some resilience during the Blitz, Hitler quickly suspended the plan to invade Britain indefinitely and he also gave the British Expeditionary Force enough time to evacuate Dunkirk in 1940. The German dictator desperately wanted to have Britain on his side and Wallis Simpson was suspected to be an agent of Nazi Germany, who succeeded in convincing Edward VIII that forging such an alliance was in the national interest, and she had access to confidential government papers.

The German fashion firm Hugo Boss has apologised for its maltreatment of forced workers during World War II when it supplied the Nazis with uniforms. It issued the apology to coincide with the publication of a new history of the company during the Hitler years, which it commissioned itself. Its factory used 140 Polish and 40 French forced workers. The book concludes that company founder Hugo Boss, whose past is already well documented, was a loyal Nazi. "It is clear that Hugo F Boss did not only join the party because it led to contracts for uniform production, but also because he was a follower of National Socialism," wrote the author, Roman Koester, an economic historian at the Bundeswehr (English: Federal Defence Force) University in Munich.
On the face of it, it seems highly implausible that able-bodied male population between the ages of 17 and 45 will, unless the local situation calls for an exceptional ruling, be interned and dispatched to the Continent. In 1938 the population of France was 41,960,000 and after the fall of France if only 250,000 French workers had to be made available for German factories in time of war then it should not be supposed that all the English workers would have been pressed into labor in peacetime. The UK population the same year was 47,489,000 so the figure for labor in German factories might have been closer to 300,000 only. Since all the resources of industrial England would have been available to the Reich after occupation, it makes no sense to be shifting around workers in peacetime.

If von Brauchitsch made such an order it would have been a ridiculous pipedream and it is not what happened in France or the other Aryan countries occupied by the Reich. Hitler would not have approved.

And it was also debunked.

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