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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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By Albert
Cosmos you must feel really cheesed today? EU party was just pooped on by the English. You must feel down?
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By marjy
Dr Cosmo wrote:Brexit shock
France 'overtakes UK as world’s fifth largest economy' after pound plunges

Don't gloat too soon dear.

Without the UK, the EU population will soon be reduced by 65m (13%) from 508m to 443m.

EU economic output will be reduced by 2.6 trillion euro (17%) from 14.2 trillion to 11.6 trillion.

EU share of global trade will be reduced from 22% to 18.2%.

Meanwhile Germany's share of EU GDP will rise by 5% to 25% - which might not go down well with German voters considering there will be 27 member states. Such an awkward number for dinner parties by the way.

Finally, the EU will no longer be the world's largest single economy.

As the size of the EU economy used to be your primary boast about the EU, I saved that last point up especially 'til last.

I think your bragging rights might soon be confined to the numbers for immigration and/or unemployment rates.


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By Dr Cosmo
marjy wrote:Don't gloat too soon dear.

You don´t comprehend.
There won´t be winners after the decision.
Be it the UK, the EU as an polito-economic entity, Europe as a civilization or the European citizens.
The Brexit leaves only losers at the continent.
Historically its probably the worst incident since 1939 or the division after the Iron Curtain.

This time, Britain is responsible.

ISIS 'expresses joy' over economic turmoil created by Brexit vote
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By Dave
The worst incident since 1939 was the decision to accept non-white immigrants in large numbers to Europe and its offshoots.

That decision, incidentally, is indirectly responsible for Brexit. The EU has become, fairly or not, permanently tainted in the minds of Englishmen (and many Europeans) as the main instrument of multiculturalism in Europe.

If you Germans wish to save the EU you should reverse course and make the EU pro-European and propagandize this.

But I'm not even sure if it's possible for Germans to escape the mental prison that was created for you after 1945.
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By Dr Cosmo

The first 2 statements are at the same time uneducated, factual incorrect, plain dumb and racist.
The EU (as a legislate body) has neither the mandate nor the initiative to invite non-European immigration. The main non-white populations in the UK (Pakistan/ India), France (Maghreb / Western Africa) or Germany (Turkey) came in because of national initiatives and mostly because of economic needs.

Its true though, the EU-Europeans never invented a cultural pro-European feeling in popular media.
The lack of emotional connection, among many other reasons is, to this day, what makes EU citizens not
attached to the whole idea of EU integration.
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By Dave
Racism does not make it incorrect. Racism as a concept was created to imprison Germans, and unfortunately the concept spread and the medicine is now killing the patient. The first usage of the term wasn't until the 1930s and was allegedly invented by Trotsky (I doubt this claim but if true it's very rich).

Take a look at this chart: ... sm%3B%2Cc0

You are of course 100% correct that non-white immigration is not the fault of the EU, which didn't even exist until 1992. Subsequent non-white immigration has also been the fault of national governments whether it is Tony Blair secretly increasing non-white immigration for political gain or Angela Merkel's signal to bring in the orcs in contravention of the Dublin Convention.

I have stated before that I was in agreement with all of Noemon's arguments about Remain, but I still supported leave for the emotional and political impact. I'm not even opposed to European or even broader integration if it's conducted the right way. For me as an American this could be an opportunity for deeper Anglosphere integration.

In England the EU is now strongly associated with immigration. You can argue that this is illogical, but it won't make any impact. Many English nationalists have taken to complaining about Eastern European immigration simply because they are afraid of being called racists. Obviously the real immigration they have a problem with is postwar colored Commonwealth immigration and the later Blairite stealth multicultural invasion.

Brexit of course is not going to solve this problem--that requires a change in UK government policy.
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By marjy
Dr Cosmo wrote:Historically its probably the worst incident since 1939 or the division after the Iron Curtain.

Nonsense. It's merely a well deserved kick in the teeth against against globalisation, corporatism and the bankers.

It is they who would prefer the world be carved up into convenient trading blocs (preferably one big one) so they can elicit yet more profit from ordinary people with minimal consideration to the environment or the welfare of workers.

Had the secret TTIP agreement negotiations (conducted in such outrageous secrecy by our EU masters) not been exposed that would have been the worst incident since 1939.

People like you, with your delusory aspirations, simply make it far easier for them to do so.
By Political Interest
marjy wrote:Had the secret TTIP agreement negotiations (conducted in such outrageous secrecy by our EU masters) not been exposed that would have been the worst incident since 1939.

And TTIP is the point which proves the EU is not what it claims to be. How on earth is selling out to the Americans by signing TTIP a European interest? All it results in is more Atlanticism, more useless wars and the de-politicisaiton of European populations.

The EU is nothing but a neo-liberal, pro-American institution that has nothing at all to do with the independence or unity of the continent.
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By Frollein
Dr Cosmo wrote:You don´t comprehend.
There won´t be winners after the decision.
No, there won't be. There'll only be members who wisely left the sinking ship early enough, and those who go down with it. Want to guess which one Germany will be?

Be it the UK, the EU as an polito-economic entity, Europe as a civilization or the European citizens.
Europe as a civilization and European citizens were shafted the moment Merkel opened the floodgates to the Middle East because she didn't want to be scolded by the left liberal media anymore. Anyone remember the crying Palestinian girl?

The Brexit leaves only losers at the continent.
Historically its probably the worst incident since 1939 or the division after the Iron Curtain.

This time, Britain is responsible.
Nope. It's Merkel's responsibility. Even Die Welt is catching on. They advise Merkel to follow Cameron.

ISIS 'expresses joy' over economic turmoil created by Brexit vote[/quote]
By layman
Dr Cosmo is as responsible as anyone for this. Your attitude is contemptuous for us and your self confessed propaganda is piss poor.

PS how are the Europeans feeling out their stock markets? How much more do you hate us now?
By Istanbuller
Erdoğan tells that a new Europe should be built which include us. Even he says that Turkey should sit in the driver's seat and lead the union. 8)
By night games
The old guard refuse to let the new Europe to rise

Austria presidential poll result overturned

Alexander Van der Bellen (l) beat Norbert Hofer (r) by only 30,863 votes in the election
Austria's highest court has annulled the result of the presidential election narrowly lost by the candidate of the far-right Freedom Party.

The party had challenged the result, saying that postal votes had been illegally and improperly handled.

The Freedom Party candidate, Norbert Hofer, lost the election to the former leader of the Greens, Alexander Van der Bellen, by just 30,863 votes or less than one percentage point.

The election will now be re-run.

Announcing the decision, Gerhard Holzinger, head of the Constitutional Court, said: "The challenge brought by Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache against the 22 May election... has been upheld."

He added: "The decision I am announcing today has no winner and no loser, it has only one aim: to strengthen trust in the rule of law and democracy."

Will Brexit matter, asks Bethany Bell, BBC News, Vienna

Austria's politics have been thrown into confusion. One of the most controversial and polarising presidential elections in recent history will have to be re-run.

This is a moral victory for the far-right, anti-immigrant and Eurosceptic Freedom Party, which launched the legal challenge last month after alleging "terrifying" irregularities.

The Freedom Party is hoping that the decision by the court will help its candidate Norbert Hofer win in the new election this autumn.

Hanging over the vote is the shadow of "Brexit" - the UK's decision to leave the EU.

Will Mr Hofer choose to make Austria's future membership of the EU a campaign issue?

Some Austrians think the vote by the United Kingdom to leave the EU could boost populist and nationalist sentiment in Austria. Others believe the political turbulence in Britain may make people more cautious about Eurosceptic parties.

Mr Hofer said on Friday he was pleased that the court had taken "a difficult decision", adding: "I have great trust in the rule of law."

Mr Van der Bellen said he was "very confident" he would emerge the winner.

"Austria needs to be well represented in Europe and the world. If we can do it once, we can do it again," he told reporters.

Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern said the court ruling showed that the country's democracy was strong and he called for "a short campaign, a campaign without emotions".

'Rules broken'

In two weeks of hearings, lawyers for the Freedom Party argued that postal ballots were illegally handled in 94 out of 117 districts.

It alleged that thousands of votes were opened earlier than permitted under election rules and some were counted by people unauthorised to do so.

The party also claimed to have evidence that some under-16s and foreigners had been allowed to vote.

In its ruling, the court said election rules had been broken in a way that could have influenced the result.

But it said there was no proof the count had been manipulated.

Constitutional Court officials
The decision was announced by the Constitutional Court
If elected, Mr Hofer would become the first far-right head of state of an EU country.

His party has based its election campaigns around concern over immigration and falling living standards for the less well-off.

After Britain voted to leave the EU, Mr Hofer said he favoured holding a similar referendum in Austria if the bloc failed to stop centralisation and carry out reforms "within a year".

Last Sunday, he told the Oesterreich newspaper (in German): "If [the EU] evolves in the wrong direction, then in my opinion the time has come to ask the Austrians if they still want to be part of it."

His opponent, Mr Van der Bellen, is strongly pro-EU and has spoken of his dream for a border-free "United States of Europe".

The two men went forward to a run-off when, for the first time since World War Two, both the main centrist parties were knocked out in the first round of voting.

Following the court's order to re-run the vote, President Heinz Fischer will be replaced on a temporary basis by three parliamentary officials, including Mr Hofer.

The new election is expected to be held in September or October.

What powers does the Austrian president have?

It is a mostly ceremonial post. But the president does have the power to dissolve the National Council - the more powerful lower house of parliament. That triggers a general election.

The president can only do that once for a particular reason - he cannot use the same grounds to dissolve it again.

It is the chancellor's job to appoint government ministers. And the chancellor has the power to dismiss the government. But ministers have to be formally sworn in by the president.

Vying to lead Austria

Norbert Hofer

Norbert Hofer in Pinkafeld, Austria, 22 MayEPA
Age: 45
Background: Aeronautical engineer
Politics: Far-right Freedom Party
Campaign soundbite: "To those in Austria who go to war for the Islamic State or rape women - I say to those people: 'This is not your home'."
Alexander Van der Bellen

Alexander Van der Bellen in Vienna, 22 MayAFP
Age: 72
Background: Economics professor
Politics: Former Green Party leader
Campaign soundbite: "I've experienced how Austria rose from the ruins of World War Two, caused by the madness of nationalism."
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