Racism Unleashed-How Teresa May Contributed to the Racist Hysteria - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Racism Unleashed-How Teresa May Contributed to the Racist Hysteria wrote:Exclusive: Prime Minister accused of helping create the 'hostile environment' that paved the way for 'F*** off to Poland' messages, excrement through letter boxes, and racist abuse from children as young as ten

The full extent and true nature of the “blatant hate” that has beset post-Brexit Britain is today detailed for the first time after The Independent was given exclusive access to a database of more than 500 racist incidents compiled in the weeks since the EU referendum.

The hatred that has divided British society in the past month features “F*** off to Poland” letters in Tunbridge Wells, wealthy London diners refusing to be served by foreign waiters, dog excrement shoved through letter boxes in Rugby, and racist abuse from children as young as ten.

A picture of nationwide hatred emerged after The Independent was allowed exclusive access to a database of accounts collected by the social media sites PostRefRacism, Worrying Signs and iStreetWatch.

Race hate incidents that have occurred since the June 23 EU referendum

What the social media sites in their own report describe as an “explosion of blatant hate” has included:

* Gangs prowling the streets demanding passers-by prove they can speak English

* Swastikas in Armagh, Sheffield, Plymouth, Leicester, London and Glasgow.

* Assaults, arson attacks and dog excrement being thrown at doors or shoved through letter boxes.

* Toddlers being racially abused alongside their mothers, with children involved as either victims or perpetrators in 14 per cent of incidents.

* A man in Glasgow ripping off a girl’s headscarf and telling her “Trash like you better start obeying the white man."

* Comparisons with 1930s Nazi Germany and a crowd striding through a London street chanting: “First we’ll get the Poles out, then the gays!”

And in their own report – written with the support of the Institute of Race Relations – the three social media groups accuse the Prime Minister Theresa May of helping create the “hostile environment” that paved the way for post-referendum racism.

Criticising Ms May’s record as Home Secretary, and in particular her endorsement of advertising vans telling illegal immigrants “Go Home or face arrest”, the authors of Post-referendum racism and xenophobia say: “If a hostile environment’ is embedded politically, it can’t be a surprise that it takes root culturally.”

Singling Ms May out as one of those who helped create such a ‘hostile environment’, the report recalls that in 2012, Ms May, the then Home Secretary, used a newspaper interview to declare: “The aim is to create here in Britain a really hostile environment for illegal migration.”

The report says: “This was brought to fruition in July 2013 when the Home Office deployed mobile advans in six London boroughs telling people to ‘GO HOME or face arrest’ in its 'Operation Vaken'.”

It adds, pointedly: “Around a quarter of the incidents recorded in our database, specifically use the words ‘Go Home’ or ‘Leave’.

“It is not unreasonable to see the Vote Leave campaign, with its central focus on immigration, as a continuation of this politically mainstream, hostile stance towards immigration and xeno-racist narratives.”

The report’s criticism of Ms May was echoed by the shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham, who told The Independent: “It is clear that the Government has contributed to the unwelcoming climate and that our new Prime Minister in particular is responsible .

“This has been building for some time and Theresa May was blowing a dog whistle when she commissioned those ad vans. After the referendum she added to the problem by refusing to guarantee EU nationals legal status to stay in the UK.

“Her failure to do that has left children being told to go home in their school playgrounds and in the streets where they live. This Prime Minister promised to pull the country together, but her actions have done the opposite.”

He added: “This is not the Britain we have known. This is not ‘taking our country back’. It is making Britain a completely different place to the one we have known and loved.”

The database shows that since the 23 June referendum, virtually no corner of the UK has been left untouched by racism - even areas that voted strongly to stay in the EU. The database includes incidents such as a Polish doctor treating patients in a hospital in Oxford, a city where more than 70 per cent voted remain, being told to “f***ing go back to where you belong.”

While 76 per cent of incidents were restricted to verbal abuse, 14 per cent of cases involved threatened or actual physical violence.

Neo-nazi stickers have gone up all around the Clyde and Glasgow Green in the last few days. This breaks my heart.
In Yeovil, Somerset, a Polish man was asked to prove he could speak English and then beaten to the point of suffering a potentially life-changing eye injury.

The involvement of children as victims and perpetrators was described by the authors of Post-referendum racism and xenophobia as “one of the most alarming and least expected trends”.

A two and a half-year-old Polish girl walking with her mother through a park in Croydon, south London, was told by a 60-something grandfather: “We voted to leave so why the f*** don't you go home? None of us want you here.”

In Taunton Deane, Somerset, a 10-year-old told their German teacher: “I’m not doing what a bloody foreigner tells me to.”

Nor was the racism restricted to people who could be categorised as frustrated and socially excluded.

German woman didn't leave her house for 3 days after Brexit vote for fear of being abused
In an expensive restaurant in Mayfair, London, on the day the referendum result was announced, a party of celebrating Brexiteers refused to be served by an Italian and demanded an English waiter.

An online booking for another top London restaurant included the demand: “I want British waiter please. Don’t send any Europeans to my table.”

One of the most disturbing aspect of the incidents examined by The Independent involved signs that some racists saw themselves as preparing to extend their attacks to other minority groups.

The database records a crowd walking down Drury Lane, London, chanting: “First we’ll get the Poles out, then the gays!” Reporting an attack on a Romanian lesbian in Oxford, the actress Juliet Stevenson suggested the incident showed “Strains of 1930s Nazi Germany”.

Priska Komaromi, the lead author of social media sites’ report, said the referendum debate and result had given some people the impression that there was no longer any shame in expressing the race hate they had long felt.

Ms Komaromi, an academic researcher who helps run the PostRefRacism twitter page, told The Independent: “The referendum result emboldened some people because it made them think that everyone agrees with them now.”

Her report also claims that elements of mainstream politics and media has for years been creating an environment that encourages racist feelings.

It states: “The rapid rise and the nature of hate crime following the referendum is an expression of the ‘hostile environment’ [that] the ‘insiders’ vs ‘outsiders’ rhetoric, increasingly prevalent in mainstream politics and the media, has fostered.

“As Liz Fekete, director of the Institute of Race Relations puts it: 'One of the things that has become clear is that the hostile environment that has been an official aim of policy for the last few years is coming home. If a ‘hostile environment’ is embedded politically, it can’t be a surprise that it takes root culturally.'”

The report adds: “While Islamophobic scaremongering was central to the Leave Campaign, it has been increasingly normalised in the mainstream media and politics in the UK since 9/11 … Zac Goldsmith’s recent controversial mayoral campaign and his attempt to paint Sadiq Khan as a ‘closet extremist’ are indicative of the patent islamophobia in mainstream politics.”

The report also accuses the Brexit campaign - which placed heavy emphasis on taking back control of immigration - of “demonising migrants” and fostering “an idea of ‘Englishness that is exclusively white and Christian, targeting anyone who is different”.

While criticising leading Brexiteers Michael Gove and Boris Johnson, it reserves its harshest comments for the ‘Breaking Point’ poster unveiled by the then Ukip leader Nigel Farage. It calls it the most obvious example of “the de-humanisation of migrants, and particularly refugees.”

The result seems to have been that while 51 per cent of abusers specifically mentioned the EU referendum, the most commonly targeted ethnic group was in fact people of South Asian, rather than European origin. And around one fifth of the abuse aimed at people of South Asian origin was Islamophobic.

We are clear that it is completely unacceptable for people to suffer abuse or attacks because of their nationality, ethnic background or colour of their skin. We will not stand for it
Home Office spokesperson
The post-referendum racism report comes days after the Government launched a new hate crime action plan in response to public anxiety at the hostility seen since 23 June. Launching the plan, which will include fresh guidance to the CPS and a £2.4 million fund for security at synagogues, mosques and churches, Home Secretary Amber Rudd said: “Hatred against any community, race or religion has no place whatsoever in our diverse society. We are Great Britain because we are united by values like democracy, free speech, mutual respect and opportunity for all.”

Stressing that Ms May’s measures as Home Secretary had been directed at illegal – not legal – migrants, a Home Office spokesperson said: “It is categorically untrue to say the Home Office has called for a hostile environment for immigrants. However, the British public expect us to take decisive action to prevent immigration abuse and make it harder for people to enter or live here illegally. That is why we have introduced new legislation through the Immigration Acts in 2014 and 2016.

“We are also clear that it is completely unacceptable for people to suffer abuse or attacks because of their nationality, ethnic background or colour of their skin. We will not stand for it. That is why we have launched our new Hate Crime Action Plan, setting out the robust and comprehensive steps we will take to eradicate hate crime.”
It's a sad reflection of our society that this crap is just under the surface. However, this is still only the most intolerant 0.1%. Our media is so sensationalised it's harmful to our society, the Press has had us chasing ghosts for the last 20 years.
Thompson_NCL wrote:It's the hordes of Africans and Asians people should be worried about, not some Polish plumbers.

Why? It doesn't make sense to ostracise a group because they aren't white. When the worst 0.1% of refugees get 99% of the coverage on the news, you demonise groups that pose a tiny threat (the same tiny threat posed by Polish immigrants).
Slavophobic people are generally very bad individuals.

The ones involved in these incidents represent the most immoral and undesirable elements of British society.

But what can you do if you have people like this in your country?

It makes me laugh if some posh toffy nosed Londoners think they are above Polish or Lithuanian service staff. Since when did being English and posh automatically equate to having class? :lol:

The UK could have left the EU like gentlemen but the dregs of society made it ugly.
These incidents are mild, tame and aren't unusual at all and the incidence rate has most likely not increased. 'Five hundred' incidents across a country of 65 million people and they had to list incidents where kids are mouthing off to their teachers in order to get to the triple digit numbers. :lol: Also, take note that all of these organizations are 'social media' focussed, which would suggest 'Tell Mama'-style level of abuse, where 'abusive tweets' are considered criminally punishable 'hate crimes'.

Not only that, but it's also a one-sided report. If these organizations allegedly document 'hate crimes', they should also report hate crimes committed by minority group members. Given that Eastern Europeans, Arabs and South Asians are notoriously racist, we can pretty much assume that the choice of these organizations by the Independent is merely part of their 'Blame Brexit' framing. I bet a substantial number of them are hoax-reports as well. Remember, these are not verified incidents. Anyone can just phone in a 'hate crime'.
Syph wrote:Why? It doesn't make sense to ostracise a group because they aren't white. When the worst 0.1% of refugees get 99% of the coverage on the news, you demonise groups that pose a tiny threat (the same tiny threat posed by Polish immigrants).

Because they are anathema to our culture, economy and security. It's true that some integrate and make worthwhile contributions, but most do not. In fact on the whole, non-EU immigration (by which we mean African and Asian) costs us billions, so what is the argument for importing them in the first place?
Decky wrote:Europeans are the real enemy. It wasn't an African or an Asian that wounded my great grandad it was a kraut. We have been at war with the Eurotrash for a thousand years.

You can easily pretend that you have more in common with the former empire but that is just based on Anglo ethnocentrism and delusion.

The majority of the ex-colonies despise the UK for what it did to them. Yet people in the UK think there is some sort of romantic positive link with places like India or Nigeria. Complete ignorance and naivety. Visit India and ask them what they think of the empire. UKIP are deluded if they think they can build this strange neo-imperial Commnowealth union. It is not 1925 anymore.

Europeans are great people. I have no idea why there is such strong anti-Polish and anti-Lithuanian sentiment in the UK.
Poles work too hard PI and they are competent and honest and don't ask for much money.

How the hell is the lazy, expensive, incompetent British worker meant to compete with that? :eh: The more of them we let in the less of us have work as no one in their right mind would hire us if given any other choice. That was fine when there were no other choices but now there are and it's awful.
Decky wrote:Poles work too hard PI and they are competent and honest and don't ask for much money.

How the hell is the lazy, expensive, incompetent British worker meant to compete with that? :eh: The more of them we let in the less of us have work as no one in their right mind would hire us if given any other choice. That was fine when there were other choices but now there are an it's awful.

British workers are not lazy. They do the job properly and honestly. I've never had any problems with British plummers or service staff.

The upper middle classes use the myth of British working class laziness to justify paying Eastern European migrants a pittance.

You always hear this mythical idea that the British workers do not want to take certain jobs. It usually comes from people who have never worked such jobs themselves.

But in day to day life you encounter so many British people in working class jobs. This is especially true outside London.

Anyhow, you can leave the EU without these provocations against Eastern Europeans. In fact a lot of people in Eastern Europe supported Brexit and even many Poles in the UK supported it too.

As a communist you should know better. These are the children of the Warsaw Pact.
Last edited by Political Interest on 29 Jul 2016 17:50, edited 1 time in total.
I never said British workers wouldn't take certain jobs; as you said that is a middle class myth. It is just that we do as little a possible where as Poles treacherously work their guts out to make profit for their bosses even when the boss is not looking. It is bizarre.
Decky wrote:I never said British workers wouldn't take certain jobs; as you said that is a middle class myth. It is just that we do as little a possible where as Poles treacherously work their guts out to make profit for their bosses even when the boss is not looking. It is bizarre.

Well what do you expect? They are in a new country and wanting to be popular with the locals.

Since when is hard work considered a moral vice?

They do not demand that the UK change.

Many become sympathetic to British patriotism. They do not indulge in terrorism.

Anyhow there are so many descendants of Scottish merchants and mercenaries from the 1600s in places like Poland, Lithuania and Russia.
The are Catholic at least but honestly PI that is the best that can be said of them, hard work is a horrible vice if it puts lazy people out of work. You should always do as little as you can get away with otherwise you are just giving your boss free money to but champagne and solid gold swimming pools.

The only exception is when you get go once a certain thing is done rather than having set hours, when it is job and knock you can work your guts out.
Of the hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens living and working in the UK, she said: "I want and expect to be able to guarantee their rights in the UK.
"The only circumstances in which that would not be possible would be if the rights of British citizens living across the EU were not guaranteed."
The UK PM said she wanted to "make a success of Brexit" and would "seek to address the concerns of the British people about free movement" while working for a "close economic relationship with the EU".
"Of course there will be different interests and complex issues to resolve but I firmly believe that if we approach this in a constructive and positive spirit then we can pave the way for a calm and orderly departure,
"And in that context I want to be clear that Poles living in the UK continue to be welcome and we value the contribution they make to our country. We condemned the shameful and despicable attacks against Polish communities and others in the wake of the referendum result.
"Hate crime of any kind directed against any community, race or religion has absolutely no place in British society."

May promised that she will guarantee their rights of hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens living and working in the UK, which means that EU migrants currently living in Britain will not be deported. Probably she'll only impose the immigration cap on future migrants from Eastern Europe and Britain's anti-immigration hysteria will subside once the deal is done.
Every society has a racist fringe, but British politicians have made it acceptable to hold xenophobic sentiments even in mainstream society.

Instead of healing the social divide, British leaders including Thatcher and the Brexiteers have polarized the country. "You reap what you sow"

Now, May is going to use EU immigrants as bargaining chip in her talks with the EU.
Atlantis wrote:Every society has a racist fringe, but British politicians have made it acceptable to hold xenophobic sentiments even in mainstream society.

Being able to express opinions and feelings about immigration (ignoring your nonsense about "xenophobia" here) may actually have the opposite effect with respect to verbal or physical abuse. At the very least, it certainly doesn't necessarily have the effect you think it has. Take for instance the rate of attacks against refugees in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Austria and Switzerland are no worse, and perhaps better, than Germany in that respect despite the rise of the FPOE for decades and the success of the SVP/the referenda on immigration and minarets in Switzerland.
Xenophobia is not visible on the streets of London but the issue has been emerging over the past few years, and recently manifested itself as a spike in hate crime. Of course some fringe politicians have made it a topic of debate, but leading UK politicians are united in denouncing hate and xenophobia.

Telegraph, 2013 via http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/ed ... essor.html wrote:Mr Cable admitted that immigration was a “pretty toxic issue”.

Telegraph, 2014 via http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... ioner.html wrote:The European Union's employment commissioner is set to accuse British politicians of “pandering to prejudice and xenophobia” over European immigration.

Telegraph, 2015 via http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... ys-UN.html wrote:UN Secretary General’s special representative on international migration, says the British reaction to the Calais crisis is “grossly excessive” ... "a xenophobic response to the issue of free movement".

Independent, 2016 via http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ho ... 04191.html wrote:Baroness Warsi, comes out against the "divisive and xenophobic" Brexit campaign.

Aljazeera, 2016 via http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/06/u ... 47062.html wrote:UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ... "racism and xenophobia are unacceptable in any circumstances" ... "I urge the UK authorities to act to stop these xenophobic attacks and to ensure that all those suspected of racist and anti-foreigner attacks and abuses are prosecuted,".

BBC, 2016 via http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36890398 wrote:The government urged prosecutors to push for tougher sentences for people committing hate crimes, following a rise in incidents ... 6,193 hate crimes reported to police in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in the week before and the three weeks after the EU referendum ... MP Rudd said hatred had "no place whatsoever in a 21st Century Great Britain ... we are Great Britain because we are united by values such as democracy, free speech, mutual respect and opportunity for all".
Last edited by Glen on 30 Jul 2016 04:01, edited 2 times in total.

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