On the Unibomber's Manifesto and the Similarity Between Extreme Liberals and Extreme Muslims - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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The Immortal Goon wrote:My side isn't attempting to win the elections in 2018.

Again, you are attributing what you feel to me, despite all evidence to the contrary, and basing reality upon those feelings.

This is not the case.

Pointing out that you are relying on your feelings and have yet to produce any evidence to justify your claims, that you have yet to refute any evidence presented against your claim, and that you have not provided any logical leap to any of your claims, is not, "name calling."

As POD points out, you have no evidence, existing evidence contradicts you, and you believe what you feel despite this.

You are always free to make a logical argument based upon sourced facts and citations.

Conservatives always make logical political arguments, which is one reason our side won the 2016 election. It is liberals who often make illogical arguments, while leftists make arguments that are detrimental to the freedom and liberty of our country.

BTW - when you spew personal insults, please do it in the proper context. "Snowflake" is a term usually designated for pampered liberal adults who still live with their parents, are generally always unemployed, but seem to find time to mindlessly march and protest, and most of them don't even fully understand what they are protesting about -THAT is a snowflake. I've never heard a conservative called a snowflake. It's hilarious that you don't even know how to insult someone properly...but I think you'll eventually figure it out. Keep working on it. :lol:
stephen50right wrote:Conservatives always make logical political arguments, which is one reason our side won the 2016 election.

If you consider yourself conservative, please tell us the logic behind your claim that leftists support Islamists.

Please explain how leftists supposedly hate Christianity and Judaism even though many Christains and Jews are Marxists.

Also, please explain why supporters of Sharia would support socialism, and why socialists would support Sharia, even though neither group would benefit form supporting the other group's ideological goals.

Also, please explain how Obama's policies have anything to do with giving control of the means of production to the working class.

Finally, please explain why Obama was bombing Muslim countries if he is actually a Muslim who hates the US. Thanks.

It is liberals who often make illogical arguments, while leftists make arguments that are detrimental to the freedom and liberty of our country.

I would hope that leftists would want to limit certain freedoms and liberties of the US, such as the US habit of involving itself in the sovereignty of developing countries.

In my opinion, so should many US citizens.

BTW - when you spew personal insults, please do it in the proper context. "Snowflake" is a term usually designated for pampered liberal adults who still live with their parents, are generally always unemployed, but seem to find time to mindlessly march and protest, and most of them don't even fully understand what they are protesting about -THAT is a snowflake. I've never heard a conservative called a snowflake. It's hilarious that you don't even know how to insult someone properly...but I think you'll eventually figure it out. Keep working on it. :lol:

I think I know why TIG called you a snowflake. Because he believes that you are almost certainly a pampered, liberal (classic sense here) adult who has an easy white collar job, but who seems to find time to complain about how progressives and Marxists are ruining his country despite history and evidence to the contrary and who does not even fully understand the people they are protesting about (such as thinking Obama is a leftist).

And the way you think your feelings are an argument.
Stephen50right wrote:Conservatives always make logical political arguments, which is one reason our side won the 2016 election. It is liberals who often make illogical arguments, while leftists make arguments that are detrimental to the freedom and liberty of our country.

Please provide the asked for citations, sources, and logical argument. You have yet to do so for any single verified fact presented in this thread. Which is why it was pointed out that you are simply relying upon your feelings instead of reality.

Stephen50right wrote:BTW - when you spew personal insults, please do it in the proper context. "Snowflake" is a term usually designated for pampered liberal adults who still live with their parents, are generally always unemployed, but seem to find time to mindlessly march and protest, and most of them don't even fully understand what they are protesting about -THAT is a snowflake. I've never heard a conservative called a snowflake. It's hilarious that you don't even know how to insult someone properly...but I think you'll eventually figure it out. Keep working on it.

Again, this is based on your precious feelings instead of reality. I have sources and citations, as per usual:

Snowflake was, in political parlance, initially a 19th century term to disparage conservatives in Missouri that didn't want equality with blacks. It then became a derogatory term for white people through the 1970s.

Chuck Palahniuk, a gay member of the Cacophony Society from Portland Oregon, takes credit for bringing the term back into play.

Since I'm guessing that you're not a gay anarchist from Portland, Oregon; nor a black person mocking whites; nor a 19th century progressive—you're imagining the term incorrectly. But facts are readily available, and now you know :)
The Immortal Goon wrote:Please provide the asked for citations, sources, and logical argument. You have yet to do so for any single verified fact presented in this thread. Which is why it was pointed out that you are simply relying upon your feelings instead of reality.

Again, this is based on your precious feelings instead of reality. I have sources and citations, as per usual:

Snowflake was, in political parlance, initially a 19th century term to disparage conservatives in Missouri that didn't want equality with blacks. It then became a derogatory term for white people through the 1970s.

Chuck Palahniuk, a gay member of the Cacophony Society from Portland Oregon, takes credit for bringing the term back into play.

Since I'm guessing that you're not a gay anarchist from Portland, Oregon; nor a black person mocking whites; nor a 19th century progressive—you're imagining the term incorrectly. But facts are readily available, and now you know :)

You seem like a highly intelligent guy. I doubt if anyone has ever called you "stupid" pertaining to political matters, but if they did, I think it would attest to their character, not yours.

That being said, from reading some of your posts, you seem to have a propensity to relate to the past. Nothing totally wrong with that, as of course those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. However in my view, it's not entirely healthy to get stuck in the past.

If you know the pundit George Will, which I'm sure you do, he had a very annoying habit in the recent few years of relating almost everything happening today to some event in the 1960's or whatever. Too often those comparisons were irrelevant and I knew Fox was going to let him go. While Will is obviously highly intelligent, he kept getting stuck in the past with his commentary.

The world is a dynamic place, always has been and always will be, especially when it comes to politics. I've been a conservative and registered Republican my entire life. Certainly the Republican Party of the past had its issues with racism and anti-Semitism, and that was repugnant and unacceptable to me. I stayed with them based on their sound fiscal ideas, and did my share to change the party's social platform. Now, I'm actually very happy that today's Republican Party is working hard to become more inclusive every day, and is strongly pro-Israel.

The Democratic Party has morphed into a party of far left socialist ideas, a party of racism and bigotry, whereby in past years many folks out there looked at the Democratic Party as just the opposite of that, which we discuss all the time in other threads. I only bring this up in guidance to some of your self-called sources and citations. While I'm not saying at all that those are bogus, I am saying that a source and citation from the past may not be relevant in today's world.

John F Kennedy would hardly be recognized as a Democratic Party member in today's Democratic Party. So for example to reference him as a source and citation for today's Democratic Party, now that would be bogus. So I'll speak for myself, what you called "feelings" and of course you meant that in a derogatory manner towards me, and that's okay. If anyone can't stand the heat, don't go into a political forum. But what you call "feelings", are my viewpoints based on many years of political reading and discussing political subjects. Frankly, I'll take that and also "feelings" from the other side, over someone's sources and citations which may or may not be accurate or relevant. You call them "feelings", frankly in a political forum, that to me, including your "feelings", are much more interesting than reading a "George Will" type source or citation.

Carry on. :)
Stephen50right wrote:The world is a dynamic place, always has been and always will be, especially when it comes to politics. I've been a conservative and registered Republican my entire life. Certainly the Republican Party of the past had its issues with racism and anti-Semitism, and that was repugnant and unacceptable to me. I stayed with them based on their sound fiscal ideas, and did my share to change the party's social platform. Now, I'm actually very happy that today's Republican Party is working hard to become more inclusive every day, and is strongly pro-Israel.

This is nostalgic postmodernism, which is a trap the academics had once found themselves stuck with, but have mostly been able to free themselves. The political right in the US, however, has enthusiastically dove into the quagmire without knowing it (or have been led into it and not known what they were being led into).

The postmodern critique of history was initially interesting enough. If, for instance, we're examining the history of the Raj one would be irresponsible to rely strictly upon the British accounts. To go through and find out the experiences of the Indians, even if it wasn't an "official," history of the time certainly proved useful in critiquing and understanding not only Indian independence but the role of British imperialism.

However, when this broke down further, it became a complete mess:

Stanford wrote:While Vattimo takes post-modernity as a new turn in modernity, it entails the dissolution of the category of the new in the historical sense, which means the end of universal history. “While the notion of historicity has become ever more problematic for theory,” he says, “at the same time for historiography and its own methodological self-awareness the idea of history as a unitary process is rapidly dissolving” (Vattimo 1988 [1985], 6). This does not mean historical change ceases to occur, but that its unitary development is no longer conceivable, so only local histories are possible. The de-historicization of experience has been accelerated by technology, especially television, says Vattimo, so that “everything tends to flatten out at the level of contemporaneity and simultaneity” (Vattimo 1988 [1985], 10). As a result, we no longer experience a strong sense of teleology in worldly events, but, instead, we are confronted with a manifold of differences and partial teleologies that can only be judged aesthetically. The truth of postmodern experience is therefore best realized in art and rhetoric.

This is to say, there was no reliable history. Why have historiography, when every individual has feelings to interpret the past with? Why have an agreed upon sense of things that occurred, when you can just live in the moment and see how you feel?

The modernity that post-modernism attempted to fix, however, persisted in that it was verifiable and accurate. As your own post hints at when you acknowledge that, in regard to understanding history and contextualizing information that there's, "Nothing totally wrong with that...However in my view..."

Is this not the brace holding up the contradictions? You can sense that there is, "nothing totally wrong," with information, and you'd be reluctant to say otherwise; but like a nervous tick or reflex, you cannot help yourself from erasing it with your personal (and completely unverified) view of the world (your feelings, as I've described it) as being more accurate than the information that you cannot bring yourself to admit you do not follow.


Kaya Yılmaz wrote:The rejection of historical realism (i.e., the past was real and objective) constitutes a crucial theme in the philosophy of postmodernism Another major theme of postmodern approach to history is the elimination of the boundaries and hierarchical distinctions between elite culture and academic culture (Cohen, 1999: 126) by means of dehierarchization, deconstruction, demystification, and dereferentialization (Berkhofer, 1995).

Postmodernism symbolizes the death of centers, displays incredulity toward metanarratives, and is characterized by a social formation in which the maps and status of knowledge are being de-centered, re-drawn, and re-described (Lyotard, 1984, 1997; Jenkins, 1991). Zagorin (1999) succinctly outlines the premises of postmodernism in relation to history:

In the most general sense, postmodernism stands for the proposition that western society in recent decades has undergone an epochal shift from the modern to a post- modem era said to be characterized by the final repudiation of the Enlightenment's legacy of belief in reason and progress and by a pervasive incredulity toward all metanarratives imputing a direction and meaning to history, in particular the notion that human history is a process of universal emancipation. In place of grand narratives of this kind, so it is held, have come a multiplicity of discourses and language games, a questioning of the nature of knowledge together with a dissolution of the idea of truth, and problems of legitimacy in many fields (p.5).

As if this claptrap isn't bad enough, it's a historiographical document not put into Chicago formatting.

Stephen50right wrote:The Democratic Party has morphed into a party of far left socialist ideas, a party of racism and bigotry, whereby in past years many folks out there looked at the Democratic Party as just the opposite of that, which we discuss all the time in other threads. I only bring this up in guidance to some of your self-called sources and citations. While I'm not saying at all that those are bogus, I am saying that a source and citation from the past may not be relevant in today's world.

John F Kennedy would hardly be recognized as a Democratic Party member in today's Democratic Party. So for example to reference him as a source and citation for today's Democratic Party, now that would be bogus. So I'll speak for myself, what you called "feelings" and of course you meant that in a derogatory manner towards me, and that's okay. If anyone can't stand the heat, don't go into a political forum. But what you call "feelings", are my viewpoints based on many years of political reading and discussing political subjects. Frankly, I'll take that and also "feelings" from the other side, over someone's sources and citations which may or may not be accurate or relevant. You call them "feelings", frankly in a political forum, that to me, including your "feelings", are much more interesting than reading a "George Will" type source or citation.

And here, again, there is not the slightest hint at anything regarding a fact, let alone a citation, a source, a historical or current political view.

Simply, "I'll speak for myself, what you called 'feelings.'"

Of course it's feelings—that's the entire post-modernist movement. However, you have yet to use your postmodernism in a way that would facilitate an equality. Your inability to admit that you find facts useless, even if you give tacit support of them as a curiosity, reflects in a single foot being kept in the worst tendencies of modernism.

This is to say, the worst tendencies of modernism was totalitarianism. One could apply this to the Americans during the Cold War, Stalinist Russia, Victorian Britain, Nazi Germany, etc, etc. The official truth, as interpreted by the Enlightened seekers of truth, was to be covered and approved at all costs because it was accepting orthodox reality.

The postmodernists would deconstruct this view (of, say, McCarthy or Stalin) as being a singular one of many; and the many were all equal to each other in truth. Someone that insisted that the world was flat, or that blacks should be genocided were all equally as correct as anybody else's view. That was, in essence, their experience based upon their views, and there was no right or wrong.

You have embraced the postmodern deconstruction of knowledge and fact, but have not shed the modernist perchance for totalitarianism. Which, in some ways, I would argue is the worst of both. The modernist could point to knowledge as commonly understood (even if flawed) before dismissing someone or something. The postmodernist could not dismiss anything.

You can dismiss everyone else, while at the same time also dismissing knowledge as is commonly understood. Leaving you like Cnut attempting to stop the waves through sheer force of inner will; demanding the world act accordingly with your feelings and upset that it does not.

So you have two views here, if you are seeking reconciliation (which it seems you are).

Either you need to provide some evidence, source, citation for anything you actually believe (putting you as a modernist)

Or you need to embrace everybody's lack of evidence and facts as equal to your own rejection of logic and facts (putting you as a postmodernist).

Your attempt to do both leaves even greater leaps of logical fallacy than you realize. At best, you will find one day that you've been a fool. At worst, you've been a useful idiot for something nefarious that is counting on you not having considered the inconsistencies of what you've been told.


Until this point though, I'm going to have to insist that you provide any kind of citation, source, evidence, or logic to anything that you have said in this tread. After pages and pages, there is nothing that you have done but whine about how you feel and expected us to concede to you. There will be some work you need to do in order to convince yourself and others of what you posit. Like it or not, work is part of life.
The Immortal Goon wrote:This is nostalgic postmodernism, which is a trap the academics had once found themselves stuck with, but have mostly been able to free themselves. The political right in the US, however, has enthusiastically dove into the quagmire without knowing it (or have been led into it and not known what they were being led into).

The postmodern critique of history was initially interesting enough. If, for instance, we're examining the history of the Raj one would be irresponsible to rely strictly upon the British accounts. To go through and find out the experiences of the Indians, even if it wasn't an "official," history of the time certainly proved useful in critiquing and understanding not only Indian independence but the role of British imperialism.

However, when this broke down further, it became a complete mess:

This is to say, there was no reliable history. Why have historiography, when every individual has feelings to interpret the past with? Why have an agreed upon sense of things that occurred, when you can just live in the moment and see how you feel?

The modernity that post-modernism attempted to fix, however, persisted in that it was verifiable and accurate. As your own post hints at when you acknowledge that, in regard to understanding history and contextualizing information that there's, "Nothing totally wrong with that...However in my view..."

Is this not the brace holding up the contradictions? You can sense that there is, "nothing totally wrong," with information, and you'd be reluctant to say otherwise; but like a nervous tick or reflex, you cannot help yourself from erasing it with your personal (and completely unverified) view of the world (your feelings, as I've described it) as being more accurate than the information that you cannot bring yourself to admit you do not follow.


As if this claptrap isn't bad enough, it's a historiographical document not put into Chicago formatting.

And here, again, there is not the slightest hint at anything regarding a fact, let alone a citation, a source, a historical or current political view.

Simply, "I'll speak for myself, what you called 'feelings.'"

Of course it's feelings—that's the entire post-modernist movement. However, you have yet to use your postmodernism in a way that would facilitate an equality. Your inability to admit that you find facts useless, even if you give tacit support of them as a curiosity, reflects in a single foot being kept in the worst tendencies of modernism.

This is to say, the worst tendencies of modernism was totalitarianism. One could apply this to the Americans during the Cold War, Stalinist Russia, Victorian Britain, Nazi Germany, etc, etc. The official truth, as interpreted by the Enlightened seekers of truth, was to be covered and approved at all costs because it was accepting orthodox reality.

The postmodernists would deconstruct this view (of, say, McCarthy or Stalin) as being a singular one of many; and the many were all equal to each other in truth. Someone that insisted that the world was flat, or that blacks should be genocided were all equally as correct as anybody else's view. That was, in essence, their experience based upon their views, and there was no right or wrong.

You have embraced the postmodern deconstruction of knowledge and fact, but have not shed the modernist perchance for totalitarianism. Which, in some ways, I would argue is the worst of both. The modernist could point to knowledge as commonly understood (even if flawed) before dismissing someone or something. The postmodernist could not dismiss anything.

You can dismiss everyone else, while at the same time also dismissing knowledge as is commonly understood. Leaving you like Cnut attempting to stop the waves through sheer force of inner will; demanding the world act accordingly with your feelings and upset that it does not.

So you have two views here, if you are seeking reconciliation (which it seems you are).

Either you need to provide some evidence, source, citation for anything you actually believe (putting you as a modernist)

Or you need to embrace everybody's lack of evidence and facts as equal to your own rejection of logic and facts (putting you as a postmodernist).

Your attempt to do both leaves even greater leaps of logical fallacy than you realize. At best, you will find one day that you've been a fool. At worst, you've been a useful idiot for something nefarious that is counting on you not having considered the inconsistencies of what you've been told.


Until this point though, I'm going to have to insist that you provide any kind of citation, source, evidence, or logic to anything that you have said in this tread. After pages and pages, there is nothing that you have done but whine about how you feel and expected us to concede to you. There will be some work you need to do in order to convince yourself and others of what you posit. Like it or not, work is part of life.

You can act like a leftist George Will if you like, that's your prerogative.

As far as my critique of the Democratic Party...their own actions backup everything I've stated about them. If you lack the proper knowledge about what the Democratic Party has been doing to America the past eight years, then I suggest you learn more about it. Do your own research instead of being a name calling crybaby every time you are beat at an argument. I think you are highly intelligent, but intelligence doesn't always coincide with maturity, and on that aspect you've obviously got some room for improvement.
Stephen50right wrote:You can act like a Leftist George Will if you like.

Is George Will the only person you've run across that uses facts?

All we've been asking from you, for pages, is for facts to back your feelings up with. You have not provided anything.

I gave you the the postmodern framework that you're using to avoid facts and pointed out the contradiction in your refusal to engage in facts or logic.

Stephen50right wrote:As far as my critique of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is personally irrelevant to me, and also completely irrelevant to your inability to use facts in a logical way.

Are you going to try to match your assertions to anything we know in the real world?

Or are you going to continue to use a postmodernist framework? And if so, are you going to recognize the contradictions in how you're using it?

Or, if you're going to do neither, can you recognize what your arguments look like when you absolutely refuse to use facts or logic to it?

stephen50right wrote:Do your own research instead of being a. Name calling crybaby every time you are beat in an argument.

I've spent the last few pages doing research. You have not. I've asked you to display one shred of evidence, you have not.

Honestly, why should I, or anybody else, believe someone that so absolutely refuses to engage in evidence or logical use of information?

If you were able to dispassionately read this thread, what conclusions would you draw? Would you be more persuaded by the side that brought in facts, figures, logic, and citations; or the side that has refused to engage in factual logic and is instead relying on petty emotion-mongering?

Do you know what is meant by "the means of production"?

If so, do you know what is meant by "giving workers control over the means of production"?

Finally, when has Obama ever tried to give workers such control? Please provide a link to a news source that supports your claim. Thanks.
Its funny and to be honest stupid for many to keep pushing this claim that the left is aligned with Islamists.
For fucks sake, just look at the world today.
For example, right wing governments across Europe and north America. Totally in line with ultra right wing Saudis and Qataris and many other right wing dictatorships.
On the other hand, in a place that is isolated from these alliance, and has the entire image in its political field, Iran.
Clerics= Far right. Republicans = center right. Moderates = center to center right. Reformists= center left to far left.
Clerics, republicans and moderates work just fine with each other and always have even though some are religious and others are secular, yet all right wing and all go fine with each other. Biggest opposition to them are reformists, left wing socialists and communist parties, all secular, and the exact opposite and political rival of the other 3.

The US does NOT have left wing parties. Both republicans and democrats are right wing. Simply democrats are mixed between center right and far right instead of mostly far right like Republicans.
This is the trouble with broad labels. Both "left" and "Islamist" are largely subjective terms.

Things like hate speech laws and no platforming Tommy Robinson and Robert Spencer are examples of areas where some who could be described as leftists have served an Islamist agenda of silencing legitimate criticism of Islam by conflating it with racism.
The Immortal Goon wrote:Is George Will the only person you've run across that uses facts?

All we've been asking from you, for pages, is for facts to back your feelings up with. You have not provided anything.

I gave you the the postmodern framework that you're using to avoid facts and pointed out the contradiction in your refusal to engage in facts or logic.

The Democratic Party is personally irrelevant to me, and also completely irrelevant to your inability to use facts in a logical way.

Are you going to try to match your assertions to anything we know in the real world?

Or are you going to continue to use a postmodernist framework? And if so, are you going to recognize the contradictions in how you're using it?

Or, if you're going to do neither, can you recognize what your arguments look like when you absolutely refuse to use facts or logic to it?

I've spent the last few pages doing research. You have not. I've asked you to display one shred of evidence, you have not.

Honestly, why should I, or anybody else, believe someone that so absolutely refuses to engage in evidence or logical use of information?

If you were able to dispassionately read this thread, what conclusions would you draw? Would you be more persuaded by the side that brought in facts, figures, logic, and citations; or the side that has refused to engage in factual logic and is instead relying on petty emotion-mongering?

Do all the research you wish, post all the citations or whatever you want - that's all fine and dandy. Good for you.

I sometimes post links when I feel it is relevant. When that isn't necessary such as what everyone knows, and what you should already know about the Democratic Party that is common knowledge, I feel no need at all to post links for that. Frankly that would be silly, and you continue to act silly with your incessant demand for citations. But you seem to enjoy doing that, so continue having fun with it if that's what energizes you.

For me, I'll express my viewpoints and you can take it or leave it, that's up to you...and I presume most times you'll prefer to leave it. ;)
Stephen50right wrote:For me, I'll express my viewpoints and you can take it or leave it, that's up to you...and I presume most times you prefer to leave it.

This begs the question as to what you get out of doing this.

I come here to find the truth to an issue. It's something that spurns me to learn more, to think more, to understand more. Not to be so basic about this, but I use facts to do all of this.

As a secondary concern, I do hope that my own journey in learning more and seeking out facts will help others do the same.


If you are here to find the truth to an issue, but do not use facts, then the point of being here is pointless.

If you hope to find other people and even persuade them, your lack of facts and logic will do the opposite.

If you are here for simple propaganda, your refusal to use facts and logic will, again, do the opposite.

If you are here to troll, then it is supremely ineffective as you start out using your emotions to push against facts, essentially trolling yourself.

Perhaps if you explain why you refuse factual logic, I can understand why you are here, and then we can engage in an actual exchange. As it is, you make wild accusations about how you feel; your point is undermined by basic knowledge of facts; and you cannot assert any logic to any of your premises.

Even the premise, presumably, that a communist will have some kind of knee-jerk reaction if you troll the Democratic Party is woefully ignorant.
The Immortal Goon wrote:This begs the question as to what you get out of doing this.

I come here to find the truth to an issue. It's something that spurns me to learn more, to think more, to understand more. Not to be so basic about this, but I use facts to do all of this.

As a secondary concern, I do hope that my own journey in learning more and seeking out facts will help others do the same.


If you are here to find the truth to an issue, but do not use facts, then the point of being here is pointless.

If you hope to find other people and even persuade them, your lack of facts and logic will do the opposite.

If you are here for simple propaganda, your refusal to use facts and logic will, again, do the opposite.

If you are here to troll, then it is supremely ineffective as you start out using your emotions to push against facts, essentially trolling yourself.

Perhaps if you explain why you refuse factual logic, I can understand why you are here, and then we can engage in an actual exchange. As it is, you make wild accusations about how you feel; your point is undermined by basic knowledge of facts; and you cannot assert any logic to any of your premises.

Even the premise, presumably, that a communist will have some kind of knee-jerk reaction if you troll the Democratic Party is woefully ignorant.

Six degrees of separation. One person reading a post could spread the idea to others and the message potentially could get across to millions.

Why don't you admit, my side's ideas beat you badly last November, and you are desperately grasping for straws looking for guidance. I've got some news for ya while you wallow away in self-indulged ignorance. Your beloved Democratic Party and leftist ideas are in turmoil. Your side has no electable presidential potential right now whatsoever, unless you consider unelectable Elizabeth Warren as a potential winner? Perhaps a new leader will emerge for you in 2020 to run for president such as Obama did in 2008, but I don't see one on the horizon at all.

Perhaps you can persuade Ted Kaczynski to run for president of the Democratic Party? He might have more credibility than Elizabeth Warren. :lol:
Stephen50right wrote:Why don't you admit, my side's ideas beat you badly last November, and you are desperately grasping for straws looking for guidance.

1. Because this is a thread where you made an accusation about leftists and Islam, where you have yet to show any evidence.

2. I fail to see what the Democratic Party has to do with anything we've been discussing.

3. I see no effective difference between the Republicans and Democrats, and thus no reason to change topics completely for no reason.

4. Your lack of correct questions punctuation is, lamentably, not surprising.

If you want to start a new thread, that is your right.

Back to the topic, can you provide any evidence or factual basis for any of your assertions?

How do you think someone stumbling on this thread would reflect on your inability to use facts or logic to support your emotional assertions?
stephen50right wrote:Six degrees of separation. One person reading a post could spread the idea to others and the message potentially could get across to millions.

Why don't you admit, my side's ideas beat you badly last November, and you are desperately grasping for straws looking for guidance. I've got some news for ya while you wallow away in self-indulged ignorance. Your beloved Democratic Party and leftist ideas are in turmoil. Your side has no electable presidential potential right now whatsoever, unless you consider unelectable Elizabeth Warren as a potential winner? Perhaps a new leader will emerge for you in 2020 to run for president such as Obama did in 2008, but I don't see one on the horizon at all.

Perhaps you can persuade Ted Kaczynski to run for president of the Democratic Party? He might have more credibility than Elizabeth Warren. :lol:

Leftists and Islamists are probably united in laughing at Trump.

@The Immortal Goon

You should bookmark this thread as an example of the feelings based dialogue you have to put up with here. You know, for the next time someone tells you their feelings about how you talk about feelings.
The Immortal Goon wrote:1. Because this is a thread where you made an accusation about leftists and Islam, where you have yet to show any evidence.

2. I fail to see what the Democratic Party has to do with anything we've been discussing.

3. I see no effective difference between the Republicans and Democrats, and thus no reason to change topics completely for no reason.

4. Your lack of correct questions punctuation is, lamentably, not surprising.

If you want to start a new thread, that is your right.

Back to the topic, can you provide any evidence or factual basis for any of your assertions?

How do you think someone stumbling on this thread would reflect on your inability to use facts or logic to support your emotional assertions?


Considering that this is a political forum, it would be very hard not to bring up "THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN EXTREME LIBERALS AND EXTREME MUSLIMS" in which the Democratic Party is in tune with both of these factions.

I'm not saying that Ted Kaczynski is a member of the Democratic Party, I honestly do not know. However I do know that his modus operandi was similar to the terrorist techniques of leftist groups such as the Weather Underground...of which your idol Obama is buddies with Bill Ayres, an admitted Weather Underground member.
Stephen50right wrote:Considering that this is a political forum, it would be very hard not to bring up "THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN EXTREME LIBERALS AND EXTREME MUSLIMS" in which the Democratic Party is in tune with both of these factions.

That is, indeed, the name of this thread.

You have been presented many times with cited facts and logical information that has challenged your assertions.

You have yet, however, to provide any evidence at all to either support your premise, refute the information presented, or provide a logical example with which one can follow your argument.

Since you seem to be refusing to accept facts, and you seem to reject the logical conclusions that your postmodernist framework provides, it seems relatively clear that you are having an emotional reaction without any factual evidence or logic associated with it.

If I am mistaken, please provide sources and citations to help clarify.

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