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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By Ben Hoffman
The Jews had their land taken from them almost 2,000 years ago. That land included what is now Israel, Palestine, Jordan, parts of Lebanon, and Syria.

Palestinians never had an independent state. If they weren't occupied by Israel right now, they'd be occupied by some Arab country.
By noir
There is a song in Israel about a guy dreaming to live in a peaceful country like New Zealand, where the only salvo is fired for a queen birthday. The song called Living in New Zealand

For Israelis, New Zealand has long served as a symbol for a faraway land of peace, where no one has the kind of worries that afflict this warring region - the exact opposite of the Promised Land. As the Israeli pop band Ethnix sang in 1995 - "just to live in New Zealand, and to hear a cannon only on the Queen's birthday."

http://www.haaretz.com/there-are-many-r ... e-1.412057
Last edited by noir on 11 May 2017 21:25, edited 1 time in total.
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By Oxymoron
noir wrote:There is a song in Israel about a guy dreaming to live in a peaceful country like New Zealand, where the only salvo is fired for a queen birthday. Unlike Israel.

Not much different, they also had to deal with aggressive warlike barbarians.
By skinster
There's no need for the quote marks, noir, a refugee camp is for refugees who live in the camp because they don't have their homes, because they were driven out of them 7 decades ago by zionist militias, with the help of the British government. You obviously need to watch this:

Ter wrote:Palestinians need American sympathy

Why should Palestinians not celebrate the attacks of 9/11, considering the actions of the United States govt throughout its history and today? Do you think they were alone in celebrating? There are videos of Israelis dancing in NYC on that day. My guess is that the majority of the world was celebrating. I didn't celebrate but I could see why Palestinians had much to celebrate, considering the US is sugar daddy to the state that is responsible for their ongoing misery.
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By Ter
skinster wrote:Why should Palestinians not celebrate the attacks of 9/11, considering the actions of the United States govt throughout its history and today?

The Arabs celebrating the worst terrorist attack in US history with thousands of deaths should be shown at regular intervals to the American public, just to remind them how nice the Arabs are.

skinster wrote: There are videos of Israelis dancing in NYC on that day.

Until you can show those videos, I will consider that fake news, like the fake news site that Decky quoted just recently. But then again, you love biased videos it seems.
By the way, I have personally seen a lot of people celebrating 9/11 in South Asia on 9/11.

All your whining about colonisation of "Palestine" omits to say that the Arabs would not tolerate even one inch of a Jewish Israel and tried to destroy the new country Israel by attacking it with 7 (seven) armies. Your friends lost, the end.
By skinster
Ter wrote:The Arabs celebrating the worst terrorist attack in US history with thousands of deaths should be shown at regular intervals to the American public, just to remind them how nice the Arabs are.

You would love for the American public to keep seeing the same old video from 17 years ago, that's all you have, hold tightly to it. In reality, people understand why an oppressed people would celebrate their oppressor's pain.

Until you can show those videos,

By the way, I have personally seen a lot of people celebrating 9/11 in South Asia on 9/11.

Good for you. Did you argue with them about murder-related intentions?

All your whining about colonisation of "Palestine" omits to say that the Arabs would not tolerate even one inch of a Jewish Israel and tried to destroy the new country Israel by attacking it with 7 (seven) armies. Your friends lost, the end.

All of this is hasbara, also known as propaganda and can be easily found in the PR document also known as The Luntz Report, a report on how to propagandize on behalf of Israel.

As for the "7 armies" blah, that hasbara point is dealt with here in a talk given by the son of one of the generals who was involved in that "war":
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By Ter
skinster wrote:All of this is hasbara, also known as propaganda and can be easily found in the PR document also known as The Luntz Report, a report on how to propagandize on behalf of Israel.

I know nothing about what you call "hasbara" and by the way this is not an answer.

skinster wrote:As for the "7 armies" blah, that hasbara point is dealt with here in a talk given by the son of one of the generals who was involved in that "war":

You are confusing wars.
The seven armies attacked the new State of Israel the day after proclamation of independence.
The seven day war was in 1967.
The Arabs failed miserably every time.
How does it feel to be on the losing side all the time?

When I see a video you post called "The Truth" then we can automatically assume it is biased shit.
By skinster
Hasbara is the Hebrew word for selling / being a propagandist for Israel, particularly online. You can be getting paid for your shit-posts, Ter. But you could do much better than you do because frankly, you're selling nothing to me. I'd recommend combing through the pages of The Luntz Report - which you can download via the article I shared - to improve your game.

Here are a couple of videos on hasbara trolls:

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By Ter
skinster wrote:You can be getting paid for your shit-posts, Ter.

Haha, there you go again with your stupid allegations.
Instead of bringing arguments to the debate, you post biased videos and accuse anyone of being pro Israel as being a paid shill and a Zionist pig.

I watched the Peled video because I had to wait for breakfast and that man only told part of the truth which, as you know, is the best way to lie.
He did not mention that Nasser blocked the Red Sea outlet which is an international water way. He did not mention the threatening rethoric from Nasser. There was no misunderstanding it.
He did not mention that Syria and Jordan attacked Israel after Israel pre-emptively started the war with Egypt. He just said Israel took this and Israel took that. He is a traitor to his family, his people and his country but luckily for him, he is allowed to do all that without any problem. If he were living in any Arab country and talk against it, he would be hanged and quartered. See the difference ?
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By Ter
As I predicted, no arguments from your side, just personal attacks, another video and further allegations of getting paid to be pro Israel.
Sadly, not even you usual little emoticon which is your signature post.

So let me say this: you know very little about the situation in the Middle East, you are seriously lacking knowledge about history, geography and politics. Reposting videos is not debating.

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