Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it - Page 671 - Politics | PoFo

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In effect our competitors use government-funded insurance to subsidize local business.

Correct. Ours is even worse. We subsidize local business when it pays low wages thereby allowing them to pay artificially low wages for (mostly) service workers. We even go so far as to pay for food for people working full time. It is disgraceful.
I liked how during the election people would try and toss Trump softballs during interviews that went like:

"So by a wall, you mean increased border security funding, enforcement, and possibly drones right?"

"No I mean a completely impractical, moronic wall. Literal stone and concrete."
mikema63 wrote:So you fired James come because of the recommendation of rosenstein?

No, I was going to fire him anyway because of the Russia investigation...which is, uh, totally fake news.

CNN didn't help the "anti-fake news" cause by doing this: ... 9ebae75465

CNN is Staged News!
the people screeching the most about fake news seem to be the most accomplished experts at creating fake news (used to be called propaganda but "fake news" is sexier). Pretty much everything coming from trump is bullshit or lies and Fox Fake News is not far behind.
Lol colliric's video is from Mike Cernovich, a known liar and seller of the Gorilla Mindset book. He believes that you can get women addicted to your cum, literally actually addicted to your specific semen, if you follow his nutritional* guidelines and exercise** regimen.

The fact that colliric*** is falling for it, and once again posting a news link that contradicts his own assertion because he is barely literate, should tell you all you need to know:

colliric's own link, which he apparently did not read. Something he has done repeatedly in the past causing many to question his literacy and ability to digest small amounts of information. wrote:CNN host Brian Stelter added: “Far-right twitterers are misleading folks about this video. Bloggers saying CNN was caught ‘staging fake news’. Police allowed demonstrators thru cordon ‘so they could show their signs’ to media, @CNNPR says. CNN, BBC, AP ‘simply filmed them doing so.’”

Media website Mediaite said it “depends on one’s perspective” whether to describe it as “fake news or fake outrage”. “For those not familiar with live news production, it is actually not that uncommon for hosts and producers to arrange protesters or pedestrians behind reporter to provide a varied background,” Colby Hall wrote.

“Sources familiar with this live shoot tell Mediaite that the protesters (‘Muslim Mothers’) were already very near the location and the police simply allowed them to move behind Ms Anderson and crew.

“That said, there is reason to fairly critique this as ‘editorialising’ the shoot and not just reporting the news. And in a climate where CNN is feeling a lot of criticism — most of which is unfounded — from the conservative corners of the internet, this footage won’t help their cause.”

*Mike Cernovich is not a dietician
**Mike Cernovich is not a licensed trainer or physical therapist
***colliric has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to read his own articles
I did read it.

Hence the word "Staged".

I apologize for the lack of the [Sarcasm] tags....

That said, there is reason to fairly critique this as ‘editorialising’ the shoot and not just reporting the news. And in a climate where CNN is feeling a lot of criticism — most of which is unfounded — from the conservative corners of the internet, this footage won’t help their cause.

My comment was a sarcastic joke. I can't believe I have to explain it to you.

Most news is staged, as in the shot is usually setup to "look good". Or a person is "fake" interviewed, either "recorded previously and presented as live" or the News Reader pretends it's live, but the responses have been previously recorded when the subject was earlier available.

SO, seriously why is your Sarcasm Detector so terrible sometimes? I'm Australian, you should assume im poking fun at myself half the time..... ... -australia

Australian humour is incredibly dry, sarcastic and at times self-deprecating, and gleans its material from social values of openness and directness. Humour may come across as brash or even crude to those who aren’t used to it, but is really just a unique way of commandeering irony and sarcasm. Humour is a key part of Australian culture, and always comes from a place of good intent: to make people laugh.

In this case, sarcastically-depreciating my personal views and laughing at getting a "rise" out of SO as a result.
You have posted multiple articles that were either blatantly false or outright contradicted what you claimed they said. Sarcasm only works when your audience has enough faith in you to know that you are ironically saying something you know to be stupid.

You posting a video from the gorilla cum guy does not qualify as something out of character from someone who would have a subscription to InfoWars presents SUPER MALE VITALITY SERUM were it not for international shipping fees.
SpecialOlympian wrote:You have posted multiple articles that were either blatantly false or outright contradicted what you claimed they said. Sarcasm only works when your audience has enough faith in you to know that you are ironically saying something you know to be stupid.

Yes and every time I have laughed at how you treat everything I say seriously. Australian Sarcasm is often predicated on "getting a rise" out of a victim for your own personal self-depreciating humour, it mostly doesn't mean the joke is shared with others(including an audience or the victim).
He straight up took the mayor out of context. But it's hilarious that Trump's dumbass faux alpha male bullshit, despite living life as a pampered Manhattanite, won't allow him or anyone in his administration to admit a mistake, ever.

Best one was when Spicer referenced the Holocaust and was visibly freaked out on camera because he knew Trump would piss all over his performance if he admitted to making any mistake whatsoever.


Trump's game plan to make the Russian thing go away: act as guilty as possible at every single opportunity. I guarantee this is specifically so Fox News can air this instead of the much larger upcoming story of Comey's testimony.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Trump's Lawyers: This is not a travel ban. This is a national security issue.

Trump: Herp a derp buh durrrrr *farts*

Yahoo News wrote:Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations, in part over concerns that the president would be unwilling to listen to their advice, according to five sources familiar with discussions about the matter.

Fake news again. :lol:
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