Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it - Page 674 - Politics | PoFo

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colliric is a sophisticated news consumer, mikema. This is why colliric interprets a bunch of leading questions with no substance as a Trey Gowdy DESTROYS a $5 Footlong by SLAMMING IT into his ASSHOLE style smackdown.

Obviously commentary from Carl the Cuckslayer and the guy who lost custody of his children because of chili is more informative than the direct live feed.
Hong Wu wrote:It's not fair. No non-lawyer would think it would be illegal to ask someone to stop investigating an innocent person but in America they put people in jail for this. Justice and the administration of justice aren't the same thing.

Move along folks, no conflict of interest to see here.
Hong Wu wrote:I think I overreacted, apparently the President can order the FBI to stop investigating someone, so it wouldn't even get to the point of analyzing the statute in the first place.

Move along folks, no conflict of interest to see here.
mikema63 wrote:Lmao your watching the Infowars' live feed and find the commentary insightful? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Insightful no.... He basically did everything Fox News said he shouldn't do. So this was all very expected.

Hilarious, yes.

It was like a running Politics Rifftrax and it was awesome. David Knight is a funny bugger as we say downunder.

Had a great laugh, going to watch it again tonight just for the great politically themed comedy.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Obviously commentary from Carl the Cuckslayer and the guy who lost custody of his children because of chili is more informative than the direct live feed.

Well technically it was David Knight. Alex was cutting the footage up, came on second.

Anyway, what do you care? You watch Chenk Uygur... Alex Jones left-nutjob equivalent...

I put $100 on you having watched Young Turks sometime during the last week.
Nah, Infowars is for idiots. Just because Alex Jones boosted for Trump in between screaming fits and hocking overpriced vitamins doesn't mean he's a visionary, or even someone who can have access to his children.

I don't know what you're even referring to by the NYT thing but whatever it is I'm sure it's r/the_donald echochamber nonsense.
Hong Wu wrote:Attacking sources instead of arguments is pretty pointless these days. The NYT just got BTFO on live television and Infowars was one of the only places to predict Trump's win. It's CURRENT YEAR you might want to stop going for the low hanging fruit, it's all gone now.

Michael Moore also predicted a Trump win. Do you support gun control and universal healthcare now?
SpecialOlympian wrote:
I don't know what you're even referring to by the NYT thing but whatever it is I'm sure it's r/the_donald echochamber nonsense.

Nope. Comey himself said they basically wrecked his memo leak through reporting that was "In the main, not true"(I.e. "Fake News") ... c683b7f4dd
Already discussed that in the live coverage thread. Comey did two things:

-Said current coverage of collusion was inaccurate

-Refused to say there was no collusion, said it was a matter for the closed door session due to ongoing investigation/national security

But yeah guys this definitely proves that a man for whom chili has pyschoactive properties and who screams about demons is now a credible news source. News is a zero sum game so when NYT loses news points they automatically go to Carl the Cuckslayer.
SpecialOlympian wrote::
-Said current coverage of collusion was inaccurate

Uh, no. He said it wasn't true, it was bogus, it was fake, the NYT was winging it.

Different than just "inaccurate", inaccurate implies it may not have been deliberately so. He said it was deliberate misreporting.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Already discussed that in the live coverage thread. Comey did two things:

-Said current coverage of collusion was inaccurate

-Refused to say there was no collusion, said it was a matter for the closed door session due to ongoing investigation/national security

He did more than that. He admitted that he leaked his own memos for the purpose of getting a special prosecutor appointed. That's certainly pretty underhanded. He also slammed the Clintons and Loretta Lynch.

Lynch Successfully Pressured Comey To Mislead Public Using Clinton Campaign’s ‘Inaccurate’ Talking Points
When asked by Texas Sen. John Cornyn if it would be fair to say Lynch had a “conflict of interest” in the Clinton email investigation, Comey answered in the affirmative. “That’s fair,” he said.

That's pretty telling. Trump didn't pressure Comey, but Loretta Lynch did...

Comey cited that pressure from Lynch to downplay the investigation as one of the reasons he held a press conference to recommend the Department of Justice not seek to indict Clinton.

Comey also cited Lynch’s secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton as a reason he chose to hold the press conference, he said, as he was concerned about preserving the independence of the FBI.

The Clinton campaign consistently sought to mislead the public by denying that Clinton was the subject of an FBI investigation. Instead, the campaign claimed the investigation was a simple “security inquiry.”

Ha ha. The Clinton's can't do shit now, and so Comey just slammed the Clintons and Loretta Lynch.
AFAIK wrote:Move along folks, no conflict of interest to see here.

Move along folks, no conflict of interest to see here.

more sour grapes from the election

What conflicts? We been waiting for months for someone to post some facts or evidence? BTW Trump can pardon Flynn at anytime and the investigation into Flynn ends, it is perfectly within the executive powers. Just because you don't accept the results of a fair election doesn't change the constitution.
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