The Nazis and the Jews - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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By Buzz62
Ya ya ya...I know all the lies and half-truths.
And the position the Jews who moved to the great Jewish nation, have been in ever since the Rothchilds put up the money necessary to buy the land out from under the people who actually lived there, is unpleasant to say the least. Ya...a job well done by pricks who NEVER LIVED THERE. In fact, I don't even know if any Rothchild has ever set foot in the great Jewish state. Funny

Anyway, be that as it is...Zionism is causing the Jewish people to live in constant fear and within a gated community. Not optimal.
Change would be a good idea I think. Don't you? can continue down this path, but I think we all know where it leads.
Anyway, be that as it is...Zionism is causing the Jewish people to live in constant fear and within a gated community. Not optimal.
Change would be a good idea I think. Don't you?


its good as it is

once we make Palestine our client state things will be better but there wont be open borders with the neighbors
and for good reasons can continue down this path, but I think we all know where it leads.


Israel is in its best position since 1948

Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, no longer poses any threat

the only problematic countries are Syria,Lebanon and Iran they cant really do anything considering their situation
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By ArtAllm
noir wrote:Israel is standing against the Euro Islamic caliphate (aka EU).

Do you really believe that your opponents are too stupid and cannot see through your "good cop" game?


Muslims and Jews may be enemies in Palestine, but they are allies in most cases.

Saudis are allies of Zionists.

ISIS are allies of Zionists.

And the Muslim and Jewish elites in Europe and in Germany are allies, too.

Here is the prove from the horse's mouths:

„Türken und Juden in Deutschland sind die Seismographen der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung in Deutschland", sagte der Botschafter des Staates Israel, Shimon Stein, als Schirmherr in seinem Grußwort zu der Podiumsdiskussion über „Antisemitismus, Islamophobie und Fremdenfeindlichkeit" am 23. Mai 2006 in Berlin, die vom Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland gemeinsam mit der Türkisch-Islamischen Anstalt für Religion e.V. (DITIB) veranstaltet wurde. Mit dieser Veranstaltung stellten sich beide Interessensvertretungen erstmalig gemeinsam den erstarkenden Tendenzen von Antisemitismus, Islamophobie und Fremdenfeindlichkeit in der Mehrheitsgesellschaft. ... hobie.html

The Ambassador of Israel, Shimon Stein, speaks on 23. May 2006 in a meeting with Muslims, organised by the Central Commitee of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland) and the Muslims. They talk about the need of Jews and Muslims in Germany to join efforts in their common struggle against "Xenophobia", "Islamophobia" and "Antisemitism".

Jews and Muslims in Germany publicly declared that they have common interests and that they are fighting against "Xenophobia" for a Multicultural Germany.

So what about the interests of Germans? Do Muslims, Jews and Germans always have common interests?

Indeed, Jews and Muslims have similar cultures, and therefore common interests.

They do not eat pork, they ritually kill animals, they mutilate the genitalia of their male children. Polygamy and Child Marriage was also permitted in Judaism, and Oriental Jews still practice it, though European Jews were prohibited from these traditions, and because of that they whined about "discrimination".

And, according to Jewish religious experts, like Moses Mimonides or Ovadia Yosef, Islam is not as bad as Christianity. Jews can enter a Mosque and pray there, no problems with that.

But a Jew cannot enter a church, it is an "unclean" place.

A Muslim historian, Ibn al-Qifti (1172-1248) reports nothing less than that the Rambam himself, on numerous occasions, voluntarily went to mosques to pray [1], under no compulsion and seeing no contradiction with his Judaism. Ibn al-Qifti notes that this was towards the end of Maimonides’ life and was not an event of his youth, under fear of the Al-Mohades who had invaded Al-Andalus in his youth.[1] Kenneth Seeskin writes, in The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides, “although Ibn al-Qifti’s book has come down to us in a later recension, and contains some errors, we have no reason to doubt the information on Maimonides.”[2]

Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef witnessed prominent rabbis who prayed in the Mosque at the Cave of Machpelah. He then determines decisively that in Mosques it is permitted to pray and learn there. [3] ... xperiences

QUESTION: My rabbi says it is forbidden for Jews to enter a church. But if we can't participate in interfaith visits, how can we promote understanding between different faiths?
Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is rabbi at Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue.

Your rabbi is correct. The rabbinic consensus, based on the Talmud (Avodah Zara 17a,) is that it is forbidden to enter a church, even if just to admire the architecture or artwork. This body of opinion spans the generations and comprises leading medieval Sephardic and Ashkenazi rabbis such as Maimonides, Rashba (Rabbi Solomon ben Aderet), Ritba (Rabbi Yom Tov ibn Asevilli) and Rosh (Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel), as well as contemporary halachists including Rabbis Moshe Feinstien, Ovadia Yosef and Eliezer Waldenberg. ... rch-1.4626

As we see, a Jew cannot enter a Christian Church, but can enter a Mosques.

But there are some brainless idiots (including Trump) who talk about a "Judeo-Christian-Civilisation" that is presumably threatened by Islam.
Last edited by ArtAllm on 03 Aug 2017 17:11, edited 4 times in total.
By noir
One Degree wrote:@noir
20 years without American support? Are you forgetting American recognition of Israel is why they exist?

The Americans were very reluctant about the establishment of Israel. The State Department was close to the British foreign policy and to the Oil lobby (Aramco). The Soviets were those who were the black horse behind the 1947 UN Palestine partition (aimed of eroding British Empire’s cohesion) and recognized Israel "de facto", while the Americans only "de jure". Israel could not conduct the 1948 war without Czech weapon which was ordered by Stalin. The Americans and the British put an arm embargo against Israel (while selling to the Arabs).

The American support was a growing process and developed from the grass roots, mainly through Jewish masses (but not Jewish elites like the NY Times), Hollywood (1960's Exodus was a turning point) and Christian Zionism. Israel become a client state only after 1967 war. The Soviets were behind 67 war to eliminate Israel.
Last edited by noir on 04 Aug 2017 01:40, edited 3 times in total.
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By ArtAllm
noir wrote:@One Degree

The Americans were very reluctant about the establishment of Israel. The State Department was close to the British foreign policy and to the Oil lobby (Aramco). The Soviets were those who were the black horse behind the Palestine UN partition (aimed of eroding British Empire’s cohesion) and recognized Israel "de facto", while the Americans only "de jure". Israel could not conduct the 1948 war without Czech weapon which was ordered by Stalin. The Americans and the British put an arm embargo against Israel (while selling to the Arabs).

The American support was a growing process and developed from the grass roots, mainly through Jewish masses (but not Jewish elites like the NY Times), Hollywood (1960's Exodus) and Christian Zionism. Israel become a client state only after 1967 war.

Fully agree with this statement, Stain was de facto the founding father of Israel, he voted for the partition plan with 5 votes (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Czechoslovakia), without these votes there would be no needed majority for this notorious resolution.

Why did Stalin do that?
Well, I think that Stalin and the Zionists had a quid pro quo deal.
Zionists agreed that Stalin gets East Europe, including Poland and the Czechoslovakia, maybe the Atomic technologies were also part of this deal. And in return Stalin promised that he would support the creation of Israel.

Why did Zionists need Stalin?
Well, Stalin was a dictator, and the West was not totally corrupted yet, so it was more easy to achieve the goal via a bloody dictator, like Stalin.

After the Jewish state was created, there was no need of Stalin any more, there are rumours that Jewish doctors let Stalin die or even helped a bit.

After that Zionists shifted their centre of influence to the West, that was the beginning of the so called "Cold War".
By noir
Half truth. Stalin was the one who abandoned Israel. Israel had nothing to do with him and was surprised for the turn of the events in 1947 like all of the world. Till then, the Comintern was actively anti Zionist throughout the British Mandate interim years.
By Buzz62

Well at least ya gotta admire the stubbornness I suppose.

I'm you Zionists understand that we all know the real history of the Jewish tribes and their various migrations and issues?
Really man! I get that the Jewish people...many of them anyway, but most certainly not even close to all, FEEL deeply that the land of Jerusalem is their home. And hell...who can argue with that? I mean, it was that Arab guy who originally climbed that damnable mountain to first find this Gawd that causes all the death. The birth of Judaism happened there. So OK...Jewish home.
What this all ignores though, is that this all occurred thousands of years ago. Man it's been so long since the Jewish people were turfed from their home by the Romans, that these Arab people, have morphed to become sort of Russian Arabs, or French Arabs, or the one that knocks me out, Oriental Arabs. All sharing this religious dogma. Bon...that's genetically sort o' the long and the short of it. And it's nothing to be ashamed of. Its just history. No matter what the Ashkenazi do to try to bury it all.

However...lets consider history for one more moment.
Historically, the Jewish religion/people, left their home and went to Egypt, became powerful and got turfed. Back to Jerusalem, became powerful and got turfed. Broke up into differing groupings as a result of where they wanted to go next, but allot of 'em went to Babylon, where they got powerful and then turfed. On to the north of the Balkan Peninsula. Powerful and turfed. Even more north to Russia.
Are we seeing a pattern here? Now, ignoring the geopolitical situations man created over those thousands of years to the early 1900's, One needs to ask, "Who's rightful home is that land? Is it the rightful land of those who left for 2000 some odd years to be nomads about the planet? or is it the rightful land of the Arab people who stayed?"
Hmmmm...interesting question, huh?

Israel is surrounded by people who have proven over and over, that they don't like Jewish people very much.
It's surrounded by enemies. And if you actually trust any of the Arab states at all, always remember who we're talking about. Pure Arab people.
But by all means...feel safe.
Israel is surrounded by people who have proven over and over, that they don't like Jewish people very much.
It's surrounded by enemies. And if you actually trust any of the Arab states at all, always remember who we're talking about. Pure Arab people.
But by all means...feel safe.

Israel trust none

thats why it have nukes and other WMDs
Buzz62 wrote:Indeed it has. 8)

Anyone else feel safe?

so you want Israel to purse safety at all costs?

I came to realize long ago that our enemies dont really want peace so we make ourselves as safe as possible and them as vulnerable as possible
By Buzz62
Zionist Nationalist wrote:so you want Israel to purse safety at all costs?

I came to realize long ago that our enemies dont really want peace so we make ourselves as safe as possible and them as vulnerable as possible we've noticed.

Anyway...not "safety" exactly. PEACE!
There's a subtle difference.

Here's an idea.
Jews claim Jerusalem and by extension, Israel, as their rightful home.
OK fine. Its your home. And you've returned to it...and by extension, to your BROTHERS who stayed in their home, after you left. Why not really reunite with your home and the brothers you left at home to take care of your mother? Instead of trying to kick 'em out of the house.
You know...actively promote mixed marriages.
Restore the bloodline.
Here's an idea.
Jews claim Jerusalem and by extension, Israel, as their rightful home.
OK fine. Its your home. And you've returned to it...and by extension, to your BROTHERS who stayed in their home, after you left. Why not really reunite with your home and the brothers you left at home to take care of your mother? Instead of trying to kick 'em out of the house.
You know...actively promote mixed marriages.
Restore the bloodline.

Nope bad idea

we dont want to turn into another corrupt Arab country with constant sectarian tensions
By Buzz62
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Nope bad idea

we dont want to turn into another corrupt Arab country with constant sectarian tensions

No I didn't think so.

Hence all the bullshit.
The prodigal son returns. Takes his brother's house, and throws up a security fence.
You didn't "return home". You dragged your Russian homes there, and demolished your ancestral homes to make room.

OK I'm convinced. This situation is going to work out just fine. :knife:
By noir
Ned Lud wrote:Eventually there will be a non-racist state of Call-it-what-you -please and a lot of Nazi refugees in the US, but 'Israel' is incompatible with human self-respect.

Are you Muslim? It's an Arab propaganda. Israel is the most racially and ethnically diverse country in the world. Millions of Arabs are treating in Israeli hospitals including terrorists.

Honestly, I agree. Unless history gets drunk and pulls another Rome out of it's ass*, Israel is here to stay. However Israel/Palestine has two options here for it's future, it either becomes something safer and peaceful or it turns into something like South Africa/even more militant state and both options are very possible. However I am optimistic about Israel so I think that eventually in a couple of decades, Israel will liberalize.

However they are heavily socially stigmatized and many people who aren't in Israel are forced into ghettos with very little electricity, arable land, and clean water. Also not everyone who disagrees with you is a "FILTHY ARAB MOOOOOOOOOOSLIM"!
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