Multi-dimensional democracy, the best possible politics? - Politics | PoFo

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Majority rule democracy has its design flaws. Multi-dimensional democracy, the autonomy of open political minorities, is designed to fix what is fundamentally wrong in majority rule democracy. To scratch the surface of this topic, here is a quote of the first page of my small PDF booklet on multi-dimensional democracy, which can be found at the link below:

"Europe is slowly integrating into one continental state, setting the trend for a future world where small states merge into gigantic mega-states, and everything in politics becomes bigger and bigger. Also political minorities grow larger and larger – too large to ignore any more as a meaningless and powerless margin, where the doctrine of majority rule democracy has rejected them.

In small ancient Greek city-states it may have made sense that the small minority of the small population has no greater purpose in life than obeying the wise and fair decisions of the democratic majority. But the larger the populations have become, and the larger the minorities without political power have become, the more obvious it is becoming that it is neither necessary nor morally legitimate for the majority to rule over large minorities, which may have millions of members, and which are perfectly capable of deciding about their own political affairs.

Majority rule democracy is becoming one of the most oppressive and risky political forces on the planet. People’s voting behaviour is too easily influenced by fake news, censorship of true information, and carefully timed fabricated moral scandals, which mislead people to vote with emotion rather than reason. Modern democracy is tyranny of a self-centered and cynical majority. Tyranny of the 70%."
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Europe will not merge into one state its going to split in the future

In terms of sovereign states it's already split. Do you predict something like the European Wars (which was the case for the last 400 or so years) happening again?
Zionist Nationalist wrote:There wont be wars between states. there will be civil wars and internal strifes in western Europe and scandinavia

IMHO Scandinavia is too sparsely populated for the population to give a damn of it. France is more or less a class struggle.

Probably only Britain and Spain will be subject to geopolitical turmoil, but by what extent I am not sure.
Ionos wrote:Majority rule democracy has its design flaws. Multi-dimensional democracy, the autonomy of open political minorities, is designed to fix what is fundamentally wrong in majority rule democracy. To scratch the surface of this topic, here is a quote of the first page of my small PDF booklet on multi-dimensional democracy, which can be found at the link below:

"Europe is slowly integrating into one continental state, setting the trend for a future world where small states merge into gigantic mega-states, and everything in politics becomes bigger and bigger. Also political minorities grow larger and larger – too large to ignore any more as a meaningless and powerless margin, where the doctrine of majority rule democracy has rejected them.

In small ancient Greek city-states it may have made sense that the small minority of the small population has no greater purpose in life than obeying the wise and fair decisions of the democratic majority. But the larger the populations have become, and the larger the minorities without political power have become, the more obvious it is becoming that it is neither necessary nor morally legitimate for the majority to rule over large minorities, which may have millions of members, and which are perfectly capable of deciding about their own political affairs.

Majority rule democracy is becoming one of the most oppressive and risky political forces on the planet. People’s voting behaviour is too easily influenced by fake news, censorship of true information, and carefully timed fabricated moral scandals, which mislead people to vote with emotion rather than reason. Modern democracy is tyranny of a self-centered and cynical majority. Tyranny of the 70%."

Thank you @Ionos I also
believe in a more inclusive approach and resolving conflicts
to make policy decisions by consensus of the governed people affected.

This requires localizing democratic design making to smaller districts
or precincts that would become self-governing so their taxes remain
under their own jurisdiction as much as possible, and they consent
how much to pay taxes to state or federal govt under agreed terms.
So there is no taxation without representation, and consent of
the governed is restored as the basis of law, civil contracts, and govt.

In practice, I would implement the Green Party system of proportional
representation by party and expand Electoral College Districts to support
reps from each party, working as a parliament or council to include
input from all constituents, including grievances and complaints of
abuse of govt at all levels, and resolving conflicts to reach settlements
or agreed reforms and corrections. These councils could work locally
and then advise Congress on policies and how to separate funding
where groups do not agree on terms of services or programs.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:it will turn into political and national issues when the native population will shrink further

It will get progressively uglier as the technocratic elites begin to ramp up the authoritarianism and really start to throttle the lower classes with taxes and regulations. The technocrats are expecting the lower classes to buck a bit so they're prepared to try to ride it out, we just have to buck harder, longer, and smarter than they're ready for. The future of the human race is going to be decided over the next few decades, if we lose this fight it's over.
Good OP, I agree.

I'd go one step further and have a worldwide confederation, where new societies can be started up in remote, unused locations and people can basically have what system they like; provided it follows basic universal rules of non-oppression, fairness, freedom and (roughly) collective governance.

Of course, you need a central authority with supreme power that keeps the peace and has real clout.

But that's the only way you can give everyone what they want; it's the only way the fascists can go and have their white paradise, the communists can have their communist paradise, the neoliberals can have their singaporean city state, the traditionalist conservatives can have gloucestershire, the islamist theocrats can have a chunk of Iran etc...

It's a mistaken idea that capitalism should be FORCED on everyone, or islamism, or OTT libertarianism, or communism, or even my own personal ideas.
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