Anti Catholics are hypocrites and Bolsheviks - Politics | PoFo

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my religion is called fascism because Mussolini declared fascism to be a religion. Fascism is a religion that has no Doctrine to make it incompatible with Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism , paganism, or any religion with the exception of atheist branches of Buddhism. Fascism as a religion was to be a religion that all religions could share as a common Bond to unite them all into one spiritual superpower that is anti-communist, anti-marxist, anti-bolshevik, anti-atheist, anti secularist. Mussolini hoped for another axis. He said that around the Rome and Berlin axis the European nations would rotate. He founded a supernatural axis called the Rome and Tokyo axis, a mixture of Shintoism and Roman Catholicism with almost no dogmas and without any scriptures, so that people would not argue and divide, but rather have relationship with spirits, God included, stop condemning each other, and unite against the greater evil that is militant atheism, communism, secularism and the errors of the Soviet Union spreading throughout the world. All religions should rotate around the Tokyo Rome axis. What he proposed was a type of Shintoism that is New Covenant Shintoism where is the old Covenant was only for the Japanese. He wanted a type of State Shintoism to be the state religion of every country, every country have its own version of State Shinto, every country have its own fascist priesthood and it's on Yasukuni Shrine where are enshrined everyone who dies for their country, and thousands of shrines where every nation creates homes for the dwelling of the spirits of their Heroes who are invoked and homage paid to them.
I am not a Catholic or a Protestant because I don't like bigotry and the God I love is not a bigot. I do not adhere to scripture or Dogma. I believe everyone should respect what other people hold as sacred. I only get disrespectful of another person's faith when I smell bigotry. So many Protestants are saying the Catholic church is the horror of Babylon , religion of the Antichrist , w**** of Babylon, mother of prostitutes common when the very Bible says that's the spirit of the Antichrist rejects Christ and denies Christ. Catholics accept Jesus as Lord and savior and believe in the resurrection, which means Catholics are saved according to scripture requirements for salvation. I defend Catholicism a lot and I'm not even Catholic. The reason I do this is because I see nobody causing more division and bigotry than anti Catholics, Bible Christians, which is total hypocrisy because Protestants get their Bible from the Catholic Church , the Bible is a Catholic book, the founder of protestantism was a Catholic priest , the first Christians were not Bible Christians because they didn't even have a Bible, and the worst hypocrisy and bigotry I've ever seen comes from these Bible Christians. I love Protestant adherents, and I think Protestant churches are very good because the Catholic Church abused its power, but there's an extremely large amount of Protestants who believe the Catholic church is the religion of the Antichrist and the w**** of Babylon , and those are the devil's right hand men and women, turning Christianity in a total three ring circus shitshow where Christians are pointing the finger and condemning over a billion Christians as being followers of Satan and the antichrist. A lot of Protestants are actually communist secularists and the best way they can get people to leave their greatest enemy, the Catholic Church, is to use a Catholic book to label Catholicism as satanic. A House Divided shall never stand
I really don't care what you say. Babylon 5 was an excellent series and explored many deep philosophical thingamajigs.

Most people aren't actually Anti-Christ. They are just Anti-literal interpretation of the Bible. The sects of Christianity don't matter, if they follow the teachings.

I got lost in a lot of what you said. Maybe you're trying to express too many thoughts into massive paragraphs. :D
Godstud wrote:I really don't care what you say. Babylon 5 was an excellent series and explored many deep philosophical thingamajigs.

Most people aren't actually Anti-Christ. They are just Anti-literal interpretation of the Bible. The sects of Christianity don't matter, if they follow the teachings.

I got lost in a lot of what you said. Maybe you're trying to express too many thoughts into massive paragraphs. :D
the Catholic church is anti literal interpretation of the Bible which is why they call their priest father rather than follow the scripture verse that says call no man your father. If all of us took the Bible literally we would cut out our eyes because it says if you look at a woman with lust you are guilty of adultery and better to pluck out your eye if it causes you to sin. Benito Mussolini's favorite visitor was an idolator named Gandhi, he left the biggest impression on the Duce, who never told him to accept Jesus as Lord and savior and never criticised his worship of many deities. Mussolini was down to earth and wanted to bring all religions together and unite them all as a spiritual superpower an unbreakable ax which is the symbol for fascism, many rods bound together.
Godstud wrote:I really don't care what you say. Babylon 5 was an excellent series and explored many deep philosophical thingamajigs.

Most people aren't actually Anti-Christ. They are just Anti-literal interpretation of the Bible. The sects of Christianity don't matter, if they follow the teachings.

I got lost in a lot of what you said. Maybe you're trying to express too many thoughts into massive paragraphs. :D
my phone only allows me to speak into it anymore. I can't push enter, so everything must be in one paragraph, which is why I post so many YouTubes.

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