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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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ingliz wrote:Don't we all?

Not me. I certainly don't hate myself as a Jesus loving Christian.

ingliz wrote:Self-hating hypocrites obsessed with the 'End of Days'. It's a miserable interpretation of Protestantism.

It is not self-hating to acknowledge what is written in the Holy Bible about the End of Days.
Israel has been fought over for thousands of years. Jerusalem has changed hands about 20 times. The territory is disputed, i personally don't think any one nation or peoples "owns" the land. So everybody needs to STFU and share like grown-ups are taught as children to do.

Unfortunately, many adults still act like children.
Hindsite wrote:Not me. I certainly don't hate myself as a Jesus loving Christian.

It is not self-hating to acknowledge what is written in the Holy Bible about the End of Days.

I find this interesting, to quote from Oswald Spengler in his ''Decline of the West'' Vol. 2 page 238-9 concerning the ''Magian'' soul and it's perception of time;

''The When, for the Magian Soul, issues from the Where. Here too, is no Apollinian clinging to pointlike Present, nor Faustian thrust and drive towards an infinitely distant goal. Here Being has a different pulse, and consequently Waking-being has another sense of time, which is the counter-concept to Magian space. The prime thing that the humanity of this Culture, from poor slaves and porters to the prophets and the caliphs themselves, feels as the Kismet above him is not a limitless flight of the ages that never lets a lost moment recur, but a Beginning and an End of "This Day," which is irrevocably ordained and in which the human existence takes the place assigned to it from creation itself. Not only world-space, but world-time also is cavern-like. Hence comes the thoroughly Magian certainty that everything has "a" time, from the origins of the Saviour, whose hour stood written in ancient texts, to the smallest detail of the everyday, in which Faustian hurry would be meaningless and unimaginable. Here, too, is the basis of the Early Magian (and in particular the Chaldean) astrology, which likewise presupposes that all things are written down in the stars and that the scientifically calculable course of the planets authorized conclusions as to the course of earthly things. The Classical oracle answered the only question that could perturb Apollinian man the form, the " How?" of coming things. But the question of the Cavern is "When?" The whole of Apocalyptic, the spiritual life of Jesus, the agony of Gethsemane, and the grand movement that arose out of his death are unintelligible if we have not grasped this primary question of Magian being and the presuppositions lying behind it. It is an infallible sign of the extinction of the Classical Soul that astrology in its westward advance drove the oracle step by step before it.... "The world-view of the people falls naturally into three major parts world-beginning, world-development, and world-catastrophe. ''

Everything, and everyone, has in the divine providence their Time in which willingly or not by the individual person, the will of God is still carried out nonetheless. It will happen exactly as Our Creator has planned.

But if one is wrong about one's interpretation of what has been written about His Will in Holy Scripture....
Deutschmania wrote:According to this , this is not true

The Kibbutz were predominantly Jews-only, I think it was rare that Gentiles were allowed. Just like the illegal settlements are Jewish-only today in the West Bank and just as they are in areas such as Jerusalem. Occupied-Hebron has Jews-only roads. Here's Richard Gere's experience of it, where he talks about how it reminds him of the segregated South U.S.

Unthinking Majority wrote:Israel has been fought over for thousands of years. Jerusalem has changed hands about 20 times. The territory is disputed, i personally don't think any one nation or peoples "owns" the land. So everybody needs to STFU and share like grown-ups are taught as children to do.

Unfortunately, many adults still act like children.

Thousands of years? That's some Biblical mythology there, interspersed with reminders from you that you are ignorant about the situation of Palestine/Israel and your only understanding seems to be coming from a place of Zionist hasbara. Palestinians have been demanding equality for all in the land for years but the Israelis have denied them civil rights and is denying them their own state, which is currently under military occupation, siege and blockade. I am all for them sharing like grown-ups, it is Israelis who won't share.
skinster wrote:Thousands of years? That's some Biblical mythology there, interspersed with reminders from you that you are ignorant about the situation of Palestine/Israel and your only understanding seems to be coming from a place of Zionist hasbara. Palestinians have been demanding equality for all in the land for years but the Israelis have denied them civil rights and is denying them their own state, which is currently under military occupation, siege and blockade. I am all for them sharing like grown-ups, it is Israelis who won't share.

Israel relinquished Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005, they didn't have to do this by any means, they even evicted Israelis living in Gaza from their homes when they refused to move. Palestinians have launched terrorist attacks from Gaza ever since. The situation is more complex that you're making out. The world isn't black and white.

Also, thousands of years is historical fact:

"Around 722 B.C., the Assyrians invaded and destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel. In 568 B.C., the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the first temple, which was replaced by a second temple in about 516 B.C. For the next several centuries, the land of modern-day Israel was conquered and ruled by various groups, including the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians, Mamelukes, Islamists and others."
Unthinking Majority wrote:Israel relinquished Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005, they didn't have to do this by any means, they even evicted Israelis living in Gaza from their homes when they refused to move. Palestinians have launched terrorist attacks from Gaza ever since. The situation is more complex that you're making out. The world isn't black and white.

Israelis "left" the land they'd stolen and settled on in Gaza for land they then stole and settled on in the West Bank - both these areas are occupied-Palestinian territory and it's illegal for Israelis to colonize it - so that it would be Palestinian-only as Israelis wanted for their intermittent bombs-dropping that takes place every few years, killing thousands each time, so that they can field-test weapons and sell them as "battlefield-proven" as a weapons salesman tells us in this clip,, so they're more likely to be sold.

But, the Israelis didn't really leave since they control Gaza from the sea, air and outside the prison gates. It's a prison today, some call it a concentration camp. Palestinian refugees in Gaza, including over a million children, are trapped inside, there is no freedom of movement, very little water and electricity and they're dying slowly. This Israeli explains some things about Gaza that you could do well to learn about, since you appear interested.
skinster wrote:Israelis "left" the land they'd stolen and settled on in Gaza for land they then stole and settled on in the West Bank - both these areas are occupied-Palestinian territory and it's illegal for Israelis to colonize it - so that it would be Palestinian-only as Israelis wanted for their intermittent bombs-dropping that takes place every few years, killing thousands each time, so that they can field-test weapons and sell them as "battlefield-proven" as a weapons salesman tells us in this clip,, so they're more likely to be sold.

But, the Israelis didn't really leave since they control Gaza from the sea, air and outside the prison gates. It's a prison today, some call it a concentration camp. Palestinian refugees in Gaza, including over a million children, are trapped inside, there is no freedom of movement, very little water and electricity and they're dying slowly. This Israeli explains some things about Gaza that you could do well to learn about, since you appear interested.

Since there's horseshit happening from every which way, you can find whatever narrative you're looking for if you look for it. ie: The Israelis call the West Bank wall an anti-terrorism wall, the Palestinians call it an apartheid wall. They're both kinda right.

This is the modern version of the crusades. Israel is more powerful, so it's winning, and sometimes do bad things. If the Arabs were more powerful, they'd gladly be doing more bad things and the Jews would suffer as the Arabs are now suffering. You're a damned naive fool to take sides in this war, you're only perpetuating it. The only side to be on is peace, in the name of the innocents caught in the middle.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
(1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV)
skinster wrote:some call it a concentration camp.

That's a filthy racist anti British lie. Like the liars that call Dachau a Concentration camp. Dachau was a prison camp, not a concentration camp. I don't deny that the conditions in the South African Concentration Camps were appalling. I don't deny that we British's vilification of German occupation policies in Belgium in 1914 was the most shameful hypocrisy, given that the British occupation of Afrikaans' territory was so much worse. But the Concentration Camps were not prison camps.

Gaza was also not a concentration camp. For all its faults the British in the Boer never sought to seize Afrikaans land, never sought to seize Afrikaans farms, Afrikaans houses, Afrikaans wealth and to give them to people of British race. The Jews in 1948 were not seeking to concentrate the Arabs to stop the supply of a guerilla army, they were seeking to ethnically cleanse Israel of Arabs. The Jews in 1948 were not trying to concentrate the Arabs in either the West Bank or Gaza. The Gaza strip was a contiguous part of Egyptian territory. The Jews in 1948 never sought to contain the expelled Arabs in Gaza, to stop them leaving and going to other less populated parts of Egypt, other Arab countries or the world in general.
Rich wrote:Dachau was a prison camp, not a concentration camp.


Heinrich Himmler, in his capacity as police president of Munich, officially described the camp on its opening in March, 1933, as "the first concentration camp for political prisoners" to be used to restore calm to Germany.

He would know, surely?

ingliz wrote:Heinrich Himmler, in his capacity as police president of Munich, officially described the camp on its opening in March, 1933, as "the first concentration camp for political prisoners" to be used to restore calm to Germany.

He would know, surely?

He might well have known, but I hate to have to break it to you, but Himmler was not always truthful or fair in his judgements. The purposes of these prison camps for punishment and re-education were not hidden, in fact they were advertised as such.

The inspiration for Röhm and Himmler's camps was clearly the Bolshevik prison work camps. They also sought to re-educate people by throwing them in prison / work camps without any due process. The RSFSR went without a criminal code at all for a while, but even when one was introduced the Bolsheviks still insisted on their right to convict people even if they hadn't committed a legally defined offence. The justice systems of Hitler's Germany and Lenin's Russian Empire were remarkably similar.

Obviously Himmilar didn't want to advertise their similarity to the Bolsheviks and tried to pretend that they were just following British practice.
Last edited by Rich on 28 Jul 2020 09:26, edited 1 time in total.
Rich wrote:Obviously Himmilar didn't want to advertise their similarity to the Bolsheviks and tried to pretend that they just following British practice.

None of this is relevant to Israel. Israel is divine providence foretold in the Holy Bible. ... rt-israel/
Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:Israel is divine providence foretold in the Holy Bible.


Zionism violates G-d’s will

The Talmudic passage of the three oaths (Ketuvot 111a) reminds us that the Jewish fate is to remain in exile until the arrival of the Messiah and they are redeemed by God.

A discussion on Zionist inference and meddling in U.K./U.S. elections:

ingliz wrote:Zionism violates G-d’s will

The Talmudic passage of the three oaths (Ketuvot 111a) reminds us that the Jewish fate is to remain in exile until the arrival of the Messiah and they are redeemed by God.

Indeed, another reason why lots of Jews oppose the Apartheid state.
skinster wrote:A discussion on Zionist inference and meddling in U.K./U.S. elections:

Since you brought up Bernie Sanders , here are some remarks he has made regarding the issue of Zionism .
And I stand in agreement with Sen. Sanders on this topic . Bernie Sanders himself spent time volunteering in a kibbutz affiliated with Hashomer Hatzair . The kind of Zionism , if one wants to call it that , that I espouse is like that of the Hashomer Hatzair Workers Party , and subsequently Mapam .
Before 1948, Hashomer Hatzair was already politically active. They were the only party within the aliyah movement to accept Arab members as equals, advocate for Arab rights, and call for a binational state in Palestine. After 1948, the HH Workers Party merged with other left-wing parties to form Mapam, which later transformed into Meretz. The issue at stake , as to how the ideals socialist Zionism ultimately came to be corrupted , I believe was due to the Bitmore Program , and Mapam's eventual participation in the Alignment .
ingliz wrote:No.

Zionism violates G-d’s will

The Talmudic passage of the three oaths (Ketuvot 111a) reminds us that the Jewish fate is to remain in exile until the arrival of the Messiah and they are redeemed by God.

In response , in regards to the permissibility of Zionism . , , ,
Incidentally , in spite of the loaded worded accusation made by Skinster , none of the sources I previously linked to are affiliated with Hasbara , as far as I know . This however is . :)
Hindsite wrote:Not me. I certainly don't hate myself as a Jesus loving Christian.

It is not self-hating to acknowledge what is written in the Holy Bible about the End of Days.


As a person who is dripping in sin, whose entire life has been a lie that was lived for the devil, whose entire existence is flawed and temporary, and who is possibly destined to burn for eternity in a lake of fire (if Christian or Muslim, since Jews don't have a hell), one can easily learn self-hatred. It even seems like self-hatred is part of the program (especially for Christians and Muslims).

Once one has learned to hate themself, they are ready to transmogrify into a "believer" (in self-hate) and become one of the chosen judgemental ones who learn to hate everyone else even more than they hate themself. (schadenfreude)

And then, once one has become a hater of ordinary people, one can hope that the self-hating clique that one is subservient to will destroy the entire world one day (via God or nuclear weapons). And that afterwards, only those who suffered the same kind of self-hatred as the "believers" will survive and float off to Disneyland to sit next to superheroes for eternity.

What part of this doesn't sound very promising for "nation state" founding?
ingliz wrote:No.

Zionism violates G-d’s will

The Talmudic passage of the three oaths (Ketuvot 111a) reminds us that the Jewish fate is to remain in exile until the arrival of the Messiah and they are redeemed by God.

I am Christian in case you did not know. I believe in the Holy Bible, not in the Talmud.
Deutschmania wrote:the permissibility of Zionism

I cited the Jeremiah 27:22 argument based on a literal form of midrash, commentative and interpretative writings that hold a place in the Jewish religious tradition second only to the Bible, because @Hindsite prefers a literal reading of the Bible (Torah).

ingliz wrote:I cited the Jeremiah 27:22 argument based on a literal form of midrash, commentative and interpretative writings that hold a place in the Jewish religious tradition second only to the Bible, because @Hindsite prefers a literal reading of the Bible (Torah).

It's important to find the exact text that triggered this genocidal Ashkenazi jihad against Middle Eastern peoples.
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