Russia and western imperialism - Politics | PoFo

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noemon wrote:Russia is a part of Europe by history, blood, religion, politics. Russia established Switzerland as a buffer zone. Russia was responsible for the Swiss constitution. This jewel of democracy was penned by the Russian Foreign Minister who was Greek by blood and birth and later became the first Greek Prime Minister.

Russia should discover its rightful place and look at the future reborn again.

all this is due to the fact that Russia embraced humanism and see chance to influence european north so it would brake any chance vatican to come close to its borders again as in time of the crusader, later did the opposite when the north eventually took the lead and aligned itsself with south through the jesuits etc. etc.

yes european trends shaped later russian thought and lifestyle, but as I said eventually that have lead to its fall as royal empire ...

your logic is lets say more mainstream, but its far from the actual soft and hard power politics in those days where thing went so slow that now those diplomatic and cultural moves looks like if we say from ancient perspective that macedonians and greeks were one and the same, but actually they were not!

believe me if they were so tied together they would have embrace catholic or protestant unionist stance but they didnt, simply russians acted mostly as observers that didnt have other chance but to improvise mids the battle between the north and south europe, and when north became more powerful they quickly jumped on the bandwagon so they would stay as much as possible alive amid enlightenment era and industrial revolution, as I said as with soft power so as with hard power schemes, and this per-se cant be claim that russians are europeans!
annatar1914 shared good excerpt [1] its emphasis fell on western individualism vs eastern orthodox collectivism [1] known also as Koinoia [1] Communia Commune Optina togetherness closness ...

but I'll add that this was dominant slavophilic trend until the european humanism completely consumed the russian elites and as result started westernization of the state in the enlightenment era when at attack was not just on orthodoxy but also catholicism [2] this opened door in Russia not just for western -isms but also western esoteria, what made from the tsardom an communist experiment, tho what was instigated after west didnt succeed to submit Russia directly on knees, but later happily slavophilism resurfaced through Stalin in extra degree and somehow things got again in the right place [1][1][1]


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Odiseizam wrote:annatar1914 shared good excerpt [1] its emphasis fell on western individualism vs eastern orthodox collectivism [1] known also as Koinoia [1] Communia Commune Optina togetherness closness ...

but I'll add that this was dominant slavophilic trend until the european humanism completely consumed the russian elites and as result started westernization of the state in the enlightenment era when at attack was not just on orthodoxy but also catholicism [2] this opened door in Russia not just for western -isms but also western esoteria, what made from the tsardom an communist experiment, tho what was instigated after west didnt succeed to submit Russia directly on knees, but later happily slavophilism resurfaced through Stalin in extra degree and somehow things got again in the right place [1][1][1]


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@Odiseizam ;

Thank you. And a good word for this concept native to the Russian Orthodoxy is ''Sobornost''.

Love, actual social love and brotherhood; ''Bratsvo''. Good article about this from Father Johnson; ... pluyev.pdf
nice article, I've read it the intro shortly tho and left the rest for later evening delight ... in context I'll say just western kind of exploitation has no human touch or any empathy in it, simply its word for mammonism in full swing lacking only official temples and worshiping of the money, so all that follow their skim are deemed to end up same as unmerciful exploatators at best or ruthless oligarchs at worst, the problem is that the same capitalistic usury is seen as democratic choice, hm but for or by whom, normally the plutocratic elites and their political pawns, and the citizens are bought to give their consent either through propaganda or blackmail, such misfortune got eg. my Macedonia on few levels but the worst is even selfdenial coz poltronism even tho extorted coz neighboring prejudice [1] and altho for me the enlightenment concept for nation is not so important yet how citizens were unconstitutionally played and elites changed the name of the country without consent (altho the same is constitutional norm for entering military or political alliance) points out how just one big farce of freedom and liberty is the western concept of democracy, at least they as nato members should had have to question such new membership but greedy for geopolitical marking they accepted such fake entrance, tho forgoing on metaphysical causality and how such virus will later fireback on them as nato!

now, regarding this thread its good to point on the recent post where I am suggesting actually when started the russian infestation with the western viruses, luckily they didnt consumed The Orthodox Church ...

... and for what to some extent also merit goes even later to bolsheviks and their atheism who in a way conserve it in right time, same as was case earlier with ottomans in balkans which if they didnt popped up now I would be protestant if not chatolic, what would be real disaster in terms of Orthodoxy simply coz Macedonia became cultural and spiritual well for the Slavic Realm ... yeah I know ridiculously but my country since ex-yu is westernized culturally and seeking for political lobotomy too, just hope will endure the spiritual one if not else so at least the Salvation Rope would not be thrown in abyss altho the rest are coz the lusts of few ...

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