I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide.. - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
ColoradoGram wrote:The truth is that it is not the vaccine itself that is the problem it is the number of vaccines given at once.
It's anti-vaxxers trying to move the goalposts, since it's a blatant lie based on ZERO scientific evidence.

Scientific data show that getting several vaccines at the same time does not cause any chronic health problems. A number of studies have been done to look at the effects of giving various combinations of vaccines, and when every new vaccine is licensed, it has been tested along with the vaccines already recommended for a particular aged child. The recommended vaccines have been shown to be as effective in combination as they are individually. Sometimes, certain combinations of vaccines given together can cause fever, and occasionally febrile seizures; these are temporary and do not cause any lasting damage. Based on this information, both the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend getting all routine childhood vaccines on time.
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/conce ... unity.html

ColoradoGram wrote:They get their vaccines but in a much more regimented manner.
At least you're getting them vaccinated. Your fears are invalid, however.
Dagoth Ur wrote:That our society still considers children the property of their biological parents simply because they slammed genitals is one of those things that future people are gonna be really indignant about. Your child legally can be used as total slave labor with absolutely zero payment, they can be assualted at a whim (to a certain extent, you cannot maim them* or kill them for the past like 60 years. In. The. Advanced. West) without any provocation, teach them whatever the fuck you feel like, their mind is your's to mold according to your average parent in my experience.

The local community must be compelled to be involved in the lives of all its children, to stop these autocratic abuses. I am not proposing that we seperate a child and their parents, I am suggesting that parents need to stop being taught they have autonomy over these tiny humans.

* what constitutes (or doesn't) being "maimed" is a social considerstion.

If apparent considers their 'control' over their sires to be sacrosanct(it is NOT),then, when a related 'problem' arises from a decision not to vaccinate, to whom will they expect the cost of remedying the effects of such 'problems', themselves, or other taxpayers?
That is not even considering the possible lifelong effects on those they sired, it appears that there is a cost to this 'ownership' - 'control' of another independent body, the cost of this little dictatorship most surely has not been considered.

Some folks are so far up their own rectums, it makes one wonder how they get through life without a brain.
The truth is that it is not the vaccine itself that is the problem it is the number of vaccines given at once. Now there are so many vaccines to give your kids they have to give them all at once. My children are on the alternative schedule and this works well for me . They get their vaccines but in a much more regimented manner.

The truth is there is no problem. But if you want to imagine there is one in the absence of a shred of evidence then go ahead and play in your head. In the meantime I am glad you children are getting their vaccines and hope your "alternative schedule" is effective. You are, after all, betting their lives that it is.
Why do people believe in these conspiracy theories?

Like the one about Thalidomide being unsafe for pregnant women. How dare people question the authority of the medical corporations, the medical experts and the government regulatory bodies? They had all said that Thalidomide was safe.
Godstud wrote:Thalidomide was never in a vaccine. Nice Strawman. :roll:

No, but it was also "100% safe" at one point, (according to science!) and you would have been promoting it as a 'mandatory treatment' when it was.

My younger sister was born with health problems because of a "100% safe treatment" that my mother received, and my youngest sister almost died of infection because of "100% safe" procedures.

The latest technology is always "100% safe" and if you don't wake up and realize this, you will be drinking thalidomide mixed with Flint water.

In Obama's own words, " it just confirms what we know... scientifically." :lol:
dont know why this thread is in Satire subforum, but know that we live in exceptional times so maybe its understandable!?

anyway thoes that are antivaxers, pls do check Your daily dose of nescafe cup, coz nanobots or toxins for mass depopulation agenda would be more easily distributed like that, in vaccines on other hand there are risks mostly by their type i.e. with dead or live virus inside, also any side effects from heavy metals (used for durability) can be easily resolved by intake of pectins from lemon peel [1] also maybe apple or pear peel which have 40% pectin ... so dont panic go for your fix, especially if You live junkfood life, if not go fight Your way out with natural lifestyle [1]
@Odiseizam The whole thread was based on a post in a Satire site, called The Onion. :D

I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide What Eliminated Diseases Come Roaring Back
https://www.theonion.com/i-don-t-vaccin ... 1819584945


Thanks for reviving this funny thread!

Public health matters to me. Once when I was a teen, I was at this summer camp type program. There was a small meningitis outbreak, just several months before I was supposed to get the meningococcal shot before being allowed to attend university. I didn't get the virus and the dorm that caught it, was fine. The guys just laughed about having pink pee due to the antibiotics. :lol: But still, it's little incidents that could be prevented if people were protected by a vaccine.

So if you want to LIVE IN A SOCIETY you need to CONFORM and vaccinate your children. This is logical.

Anyone who opposes this should not LIVE IN A SOCIETY.

/exit society.exe

If you want to be free as a bird, take yourself and your children to the deep wastes of the outer solar system and enjoy your very own personal society. We collectivism up in this bitch. We are a hive. You will conform ant.
Igor Antunov wrote:WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY

So if you want to LIVE IN A SOCIETY you need to CONFORM and vaccinate your children. This is logical.

Anyone who opposes this should not LIVE IN A SOCIETY.

/exit society.exe

If you want to be free as a bird, take yourself and your children to the deep wastes of the outer solar system and enjoy your very own personal society. We collectivism up in this bitch. We are a hive. You will conform ant.

The above "logic" was responsible for many genocides in human history. So you're in good company. Nomads, religious minorities, people who wanted the right to make moral decisions for themselves... all eliminated by "you're with us or you're against it" kind of pseudo-democratic tyranny.

"You must let the State put drugs in your arm, or you will be sent to Siberia."

This is the problem with our education system: it creates docile technicians who can't think about morality or measure the severity of anything to make value judgements. "The State says..." is all they know.

Bike helmets are also mandated by the state in certain places. And in these states, the car lobby is very strong.
Do you see the connection between "corporations making lots of money" and your "media-created common sense" yet?


Experts wrote:During the 1950s an annual average of greater than 500,000 cases of measles and nearly 500 deaths due to measles were reported in the United States.

So only 500 Americans were dying of measles per year, and yet the entire youth population was given drugs in their arms against it? Does this make any sense? No, it doesn't.

Unless you remember how important MK ULTRA was to corporate control of the world.
QatzelOk wrote:The above "logic" was responsible for many genocides in human history....

...Bike helmets are also mandated by the state in certain places. And in these states, the car lobby is very strong.

a) Civilization is built on genocide. The first major cities in history genocided other cities. Surplus creates the motivation for genociding your competitors for their surplus so your surplus can be even more surplusy. Only one who has never tasted the sweet nectar of wealth would be reluctant to kill for more wealth. Taste it, peasant.

b) When I see a cyclist on the road, I deliberately try to run them off the road. They belong dead in a ditch somewhere, with their limbs broken and twisted in a crushed bicycle frame. It is logical.

c) c:/muhfeels/crymoar.exe
Igor Antunov wrote:a) Civilization is built on genocide. The first major cities in history genocided other cities. Surplus creates the motivation for genociding your competitors for their surplus so your surplus can be even more surplusy. Only one who has never tasted the sweet nectar of wealth would be reluctant to kill for more wealth. Taste it, peasant.

b) When I see a cyclist on the road, I deliberately try to run them off the road. They belong dead in a ditch somewhere, with their limbs broken and twisted in a crushed bicycle frame. It is logical.

c) c:/muhfeels/crymoar.exe

Just like the collapsing capitalist state, your "wise words" look more like the ramblings of some mad-scientist than it does any kind of real wisdom.

I mentionned that ONLY 500 people died of measles annually... in order to demonsrate that the vaccine for it, no doubt, did more harm than the 500 deaths per year did.

People who sell vaccines REALLY don't want you to think about the harm of these chemicals, nor do they want you to think that measles (or any other virus) has any purpose other than to "make money off the eradication."

We eradicated most of the wild animals on the earth, so this is our sick way of relating to nature in general.

The Mad Scientiests of MK ULTRA also insisted that their "medical work" was important and inevitable.
QatzelOk wrote:I mentionned that ONLY 500 people died of measles annually... in order to demonsrate that the vaccine for it, no doubt, did more harm than the 500 deaths per year did.

You are assuming that the deaths would remain at 500 if people didn't take the vaccine. Which is likely very wrong. There would be more than 500 deaths without a vaccine.
So only 500 Americans were dying of measles per year, and yet the entire youth population was given drugs in their arms against it? Does this make any sense? No, it doesn't.

Unless you remember how important MK ULTRA was to corporate control of the world.

I am surprised that Q thinks that the unnecessary deaths of 500 children is a much better solution than protecting all of the kids from being one of the 500. And oh by the way, totally ignoring the tens of thousands who would have lasting effects from the measles.

Only 500 dead children. No worries. ICE probably has that many in cages we can replace them with.
Rancid wrote:You are assuming that the deaths would remain at 500 if people didn't take the vaccine. Which is likely very wrong. There would be more than 500 deaths without a vaccine.

Um... it was 500 deaths per year before any vaccine was ever available. This was the norm in the USA, and things like measles and mumps (and teething pain) were just part of life.

500 was the total number of deaths (in the USA) from a condition that humanity was able to live with for a million years.

But for some reason, in the middle of the MK Ultra program, it was very important that all children get chemicals put in their arm. For a minor condition that... might even cause good things to happen.

Some people snore. Imagine if the state initiated a mandatory surgical procedure to remove part of your throat in order to "finally eradicate snoring." Maybe snoring would dissappear.

Are you ready for your mandatory throat-surgery now?

(Also, look up bio-power before writing anything else about the state's "right" to fill you with mandatory chemicals)
Godstud wrote:Not vaccinating your child is child abuse, pure and simple. Autism is not linked to vaccines(medical science has disproved this nonsense), and only 1 in a few hundred thousand has a negative side effect, and the side effect is not usually death. Not vaccinating your child can lead, not only to your child getting sick, possibly dying, or being crippled, but also to those around him catching the disease(like small children not old enough to receive the vaccine).

That is absurd, what is child abuse is to put heavy chemicals and metals into your child for diseases that carry low risk. Like chicken pox, for example. What is more putting vaccines in large combinations at the same time into a new born is pure insanity. Further the Flu vaccine which you get every freaking year is even more chemicals that have very low success rate. keep poisoning yourself and your children, but remember you are the one committing abuse. It is just coincidence that male fertility is at all time low, and Gay and the LGVTQIDKW crew are growing day by day. 20% of the young generation identifies as one of the letters, that cannot be supported by biology. Meaning it is social and chemical in nature.... and a correlation can be found between rapid increase in number of vaccines and these trends.
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