I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide.. - Page 7 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
@Pants-of-dog Let me answer the question that @Agent Steel is avoiding, regarding mercury.

A vaccine containing 0.01% thimerosal as a preservative contains 50 micrograms of thimerosal per 0.5 mL dose or approximately 25 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 mL dose. For comparison, this is roughly the same amount of elemental mercury contained in a 3 ounce can of tuna fish.

It is important to note that this list was compiled in 1999; some products listed are no longer manufactured and many products have been reformulated without thimerosal.
https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biol ... una%20fish.

The rest of his post is the usual Ant-vaxxer idiocy. :knife:

Vaccines don't cause gender dysphoria. Vaccines do not cause autism. The diseases that vaccines prevent, however, will kill you.
XogGyux wrote:Actually, Parent's right have limits. Your parent right does not allow to have sex with your children... And if you start feeding them only and nothing but "healthy oatmeals" and they start suffering from various health problems due to lack of vitamins and micronutrients you could end up losing custody or even in jail. Although it certainly does not have the same magnitude of effect the sort of harm you would do to a children by skipping vaccinations "willynilly", you could arguably make the same point... after all, you are harming them by doing this. Our laws certainly have much arbitrary nonsense that would allow for this, it does not mean it is ethically right, that it makes sense, or that it will remain to be this way forever.

A bit different than the government forcefully jabbing needles into a child's body. Nobody gets to stab anyone with anything without their consent or the consent of their parents/guardians in the case of minors, that's violence. Vaccines are very important, but so are parental rights vis-a-vis government.
A bit different than the government forcefully jabbing needles into a child's body.

Garbage. The government does not "jab needles into a child's body" much as you seem to want it to be true.
Nobody gets to stab anyone with anything without their consent or the consent of their parents/guardians in the case of minors, that's violence.

No its not. More typical hyperbole.

Vaccines are very important, but so are parental rights vis-a-vis government.

The two are not mutually exclusive. Your child does not have the right to infect my child with a deadly disease just because Fox News or some celebrity said vaccinations are dangerous.

Young people do not remember when kids died of these diseases in significant numbers. Nor are they aware of the long term health issues that can disable even those who survive.

I am so tired of special snowflakes who have learned how to google their own point of view, making everything about "rights". You do not have the "right" to endanger your child and other children. IF that means that your rights are limited....suck it up and go about your business. Leave the intelligent people alone.
Unthinking Majority wrote:A bit different than the government forcefully jabbing needles into a child's body. Nobody gets to stab anyone with anything without their consent or the consent of their parents/guardians in the case of minors, that's violence. Vaccines are very important, but so are parental rights vis-a-vis government.

I have said it multiple times before and I'll repeat it now. I am ok with parents having the final say on this matter, I am not advocating for any sort of "hardcore" compulsory system. That being said, I think the government has the duty to do anything short of kidnapping kids or putting parents on the jail to ensure the safety of the community as a whole. Including anything from fines to requiring children to be vaccinated to go to schools receiving federal money (or having a legitimate, doctor "approved" reason why that child cannot have the vaccine. People get fined for not putting the rabbies vaccine on dogs... We should at least treat our children better than our dogs :lol: .
On a more serious matter. You word it as "government forcefully jabbing needles into a child's body" and when you use those words it kind of sounds like you raping people rather than giving them life-protecting/saving medication. Let's not forget that the "government forcefully jabbing needles into a child's body" already exists. Try telling your pediatrician that your child with sickle cell disease cannot get a blood transfusion (which not only involves inserting "forcefully" a needle into a child's body but also involves "jamming" someone else blood into said child) and see how far you can get away with it.
From a legal perspective, there is certainly precedent to "forcefully do it". Whether or not this is practical, ethical, and or the most convenient/safe/ way to do so is a completely different animal.
XogGyux wrote:You fucking kidding me? You realize this is exactly the same argument as: "I will fly the commercial plane myself because pilots rely heavily on what they learned in schools". Furthermore, your second claim of "doctors thought washing hands is ridiculous" is just dumb shit... yeah... whole human race was far more ignorant 100 years ago... your point? 100 years ago we didn't have aluminium, high-impact glass, computers either.
Do you know how those doctors eventually learned why it is good to wash your hands frequently and/or sterilize surgical instruments? EVIDENCE... the same evidence you are fking trying to ignore. :lol: Thanks for making my point.

Yes you are.

LOL. Poor things =/, they are going to grow to be just like you, I feel pity for them.

Comparing Doctors to Pilots is rather absurd, the knowledge to fly the plane have not really changed much since Flight was created. The same cannot be said for the fields of medicine and pharma. You are just an ignorant ideologue, who has a cult belief in the medical professionals. 100 years ago they used the very same scientific methods as we use today, and their IQ was not any lower than doctors today. Since they reacted to a very rational, and scientific argument that washing hands is good with a "witch" burning you can make your own conclusions on trusting these experts.

I am simply stating that relying on a Medical dictatorship to tell us what is good for us is a pretty dumb idea. "trust the science" is such a retarded concept the whole point of science is to question everything.

My children will pay your paycheck buddy, so change your tone loser.
I have decided to not allow my two young sons (22 and 24) off to war to "help secure democracy in oil-rich countries that can't defend themselves against NATO."

I know I'm being a selfish, anti-social person who is only thinking of myself (and the lives of my children), but this is what a deformed person I have become by reading books instead of gawking at commercial media.

My apologies to all the happy drones who are more than happy to just sit back and IMITENTUR MEDIA MERCATORIUS.

(Asks forum to consider all the false collectivist projects of the past - crusades, witch-burnings, etc. - all passed off as "public hygiene")
XogGyux wrote:Actually, Parent's right have limits. Your parent right does not allow to have sex with your children... And if you start feeding them only and nothing but "healthy oatmeals" and they start suffering from various health problems due to lack of vitamins and micronutrients you could end up losing custody or even in jail. Although it certainly does not have the same magnitude of effect the sort of harm you would do to a children by skipping vaccinations "willynilly", you could arguably make the same point... after all, you are harming them by doing this. Our laws certainly have much arbitrary nonsense that would allow for this, it does not mean it is ethically right, that it makes sense, or that it will remain to be this way forever.

But they do have a right to cut of their penis? You sick people.
XogGyux wrote:I have said it multiple times before and I'll repeat it now. I am ok with parents having the final say on this matter, I am not advocating for any sort of "hardcore" compulsory system. That being said, I think the government has the duty to do anything short of kidnapping kids or putting parents on the jail to ensure the safety of the community as a whole. Including anything from fines to requiring children to be vaccinated to go to schools receiving federal money (or having a legitimate, doctor "approved" reason why that child cannot have the vaccine. People get fined for not putting the rabbies vaccine on dogs... We should at least treat our children better than our dogs :lol: .
On a more serious matter. You word it as "government forcefully jabbing needles into a child's body" and when you use those words it kind of sounds like you raping people rather than giving them life-protecting/saving medication. Let's not forget that the "government forcefully jabbing needles into a child's body" already exists. Try telling your pediatrician that your child with sickle cell disease cannot get a blood transfusion (which not only involves inserting "forcefully" a needle into a child's body but also involves "jamming" someone else blood into said child) and see how far you can get away with it.
From a legal perspective, there is certainly precedent to "forcefully do it". Whether or not this is practical, ethical, and or the most convenient/safe/ way to do so is a completely different animal.

Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation if a person in a lab coat would give you rat poison (like they did with cigarettes) you would take it and say thank you.

About state forcing anything on citizens, that is what we have the second amendment for you Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation.
Oxymoron wrote:Comparing Doctors to Pilots is rather absurd, the knowledge to fly the plane have not really changed much since Flight was created. The same cannot be said for the fields of medicine and pharma. You are just an ignorant ideologue, who has a cult belief in the medical professionals. 100 years ago they used the very same scientific methods as we use today, and their IQ was not any lower than doctors today. Since they reacted to a very rational, and scientific argument that washing hands is good with a "witch" burning you can make your own conclusions on trusting these experts.

No, you already have copyrights on absurd.
Comparing 2 highly trained professionals is not absurd. First, you are talking rubbish, there is no WWI or WWII pilot that you can throw in the cockpit of a 747.
Second... you don't like the pilot example? How about engineers? are you second-guessing the engineers making the car you drive? A car btw that functions by basically setting on fire highly flammable fluids? by creating thousands of explosions? A device that propels over two tons of metal at speeds in excess of 60mph with ease, capable of instantly killing anyone it collides with and in some cases the people operating it.
How about the food chemist that is in charge of the preservatives of the food you consume?
Or perhaps you question the physicists that have put thousands of satellites into orbit and whose failure could very well translate into breakage of communications, some of which might be critical.
Please... you are making a fool of yourself, you are engaging in cherry-picking to stroke nonsense conspiracy theory.
My children will pay your paycheck buddy, so change your tone loser.

LOL. You are the guy pointing a gun to his own face demanding that I, in the next room separated by bulletproof glass, that I hand you my wallet. The answer is no, you can shoot yourself, I rather you didn't but you are not going to coherce me by threatening to harm yourself or your family.
Let me see... your children get vaccinated, what do I get for that? not much, perhaps if it is part of an anual visit I could say it is maybe 10% of whatever I get reinbursed for that 1 visit? But when your kids end up in the ICU with COVID, on an ECMO machine... then I can bill for 40 days of critical care time + procedures. When your kid ends up in the ICU intubated with meningitis then I can bill for 20 days and critical care, when your kid ends up with an Asthma exacerbation from the flu... then I can bill for 2 days hospital admission.
At the end of the day... you are all the same, you all profess your distrust towards medicine; you all claim to be "concerned" of the "chemicals" injected into your body, of the "unnatural" medicines and their side effects but the day that you wake up unable to speak, with your flacid hand and weak leg from a stroke you all do the same, come crying to the ED and start gasping to the idea of permanent disability, of months of physical therapy to have a partial recovery.
So go ahead, your threats are as empty as your brain.

QatzelOk wrote:I have decided to not allow my two young sons (22 and 24) off to war to "help secure democracy in oil-rich countries that can't defend themselves against NATO."

I know I'm being a selfish, anti-social person who is only thinking of myself (and the lives of my children), but this is what a deformed person I have become by reading books instead of gawking at commercial media.

My apologies to all the happy drones who are more than happy to just sit back and IMITENTUR MEDIA MERCATORIUS.

(Asks forum to consider all the false collectivist projects of the past - crusades, witch-burnings, etc. - all passed off as "public hygiene")

I don't see how this is remotely relevant. Also, how come you are still managing what your ADULT children do or don't?

But they do have a right to cut of their penis? You sick people.

Apparently, they do... they shouldn't... but what can we do, we are still a bunch of monkeys after all.

What a loser lemming you are, if a person in a lab coat would give you rat poison (like they did with cigarettes) you would take it and say thank you.

Actually, one of the medications that we use today in clinical practice, Warfarin (in 2018 the 52nd most prescribed medication!) has its origins as rat poison.
You are offering a false equivalence. You are suggesting ignoring actual evidence in favor of rubbish conspiracy theories. Talk about loser lemmings ROFL.

About state forcing anything on citizens, that is what we have the second amendment for you wanker.

Delusional. People like you imagine themselves as Mel Gipson in "The Patriot" movie but in reality, are often just a crazy drunk-on-moonshine idiot.
The state already forces a bunch of shit on their citizens, they are called laws. Don't follow them, and it will come for you. Use your second amendment to put resistance and you will go 6 feet underground quicker than you can spell amendment.
So @Oxymoron would like us to believe that flu vaccine is more dangerous than the flu? :lol:

Did you hear that on Stormfront or Fox News?

Amazing how many doctors and nurses you see in the line to get Flu shots. And Covid vaccine? I have mine. I can sing at your funeral.
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