Has Anti-Racism Become as Harmful as Racism in the USA? - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Juin wrote:If one elevates Anti-Racism to a faith; brooking no dissent; subjecting any dissenter to demonisation; then what we have before us is a neo Tomas de Torquemada, who has traded his Catholic Orthodoxy for a Cult of Anti-Racism.

There are a couple of posters in this forum that call everything I post as racist nearly 100% of the time. Any statement that goes agains the creed is blasphemy. Anti-racism has become a religion.
ThirdTerm wrote:The thing is that cops are more likely to kill blacks as they are more oriented toward racism compared to the general population. Police officers are not educated beyond high school and they are strongly influenced by ordinary racism they grew up with in a small town. Probably recruiting more college-educated people to the police force will reduce racist incidents. The same could be said of other professions such as border agents or custom officers, who are known to exhibit racial stereotyping toward foreigners or out-groups. We are brainwashed into believing that police officers are righteous and saintly people who can do no wrong but they are the most racist group of people in any country. I support the enlightenment theory based on the notion that racist attitudes arise from narrow-minded and undemocratic world outlooks (Wodtke 2014), which are typical among uneducated youngsters.

However, at the end of the idea cops kill more whites than blacks.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I think that's a big overstatement. "Anti-racism" is a broad, vague term. Any sane, decent person is anti-racist (doesn't want racism), the devil is in the details.

Sometimes anti-racism isn't perfect, even an anti-racist can be a moron or a jerk, but I wouldn't say it's as harmful as racism. Racism is pretty horrible. Anti-racists aren't killing Asians out of hate, for instance.

There are three main reasons that third-wave antiracism is a less convincing project than the first and second waves.

First, to what extent is it possible to alter human sentiment as opposed to actions and behavior? Can a whole society’s inner biases and naïvetés about black people be expunged through preaching? Bias and ignorance remain “under the surface,” from films like Crash to the election of Donald Trump. Is there any evidence that today’s religious crusade is making any significant changes in Americans’ deepest thoughts, or ever could?

John McWhorter
For starters, cops come in all colours, sizes and shapes. Some cops are as a matter of fact black. I do not believe ThirdTerm, in using cops, had in mind anything other than white cops. Are white cops more oriented towards racism compared to the general population? Are black cops free of racism? That will be astounding, as I consider racism as a defect in all humans, including blacks, and black cops.

In London, blacks are ten times more likely to be stopped and searched, while people with African-American hairstyles are more likely to be stopped by cops in Tokyo. In general, people in the law enforcement business are oriented towards racism. For example, the security guard in New York closed the door when an Asian woman was brutally attacked in front of the building where he worked, thus tacitly endorsing the action. He was suspended by his employer.

The security staff who watched as an elderly Asian woman was attacked outside their Manhattan apartment building were suspended from duty.

The 65-year-old woman was assaulted and verbally abused on Monday, police said, outside 360 West 43rd Street, an upscale residence in midtown's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood.

The NYPD is treating the attack as a targeted hate crime, according to The New York Times, and said the suspect made anti-Asian statements.

In footage of the attack released by police, guards inside the building were seen observing the attack. They didn't intervene, and instead shut the door.
Julian658 wrote:There are three main reasons that third-wave antiracism is a less convincing project than the first and second waves.

First, to what extent is it possible to alter human sentiment as opposed to actions and behavior? Can a whole society’s inner biases and naïvetés about black people be expunged through preaching? Bias and ignorance remain “under the surface,” from films like Crash to the election of Donald Trump. Is there any evidence that today’s religious crusade is making any significant changes in Americans’ deepest thoughts, or ever could?

John McWhorter

Well, look how far the US has come since the 1950's. Segregationists might have said the same thing at that time. Because some will never be convinced is no reason not to try.

This black man befriended the Imperial Wizard (national leader) of the KKK and eventually got him to quit the Klan and gave him his Klan robes:

Julian658 wrote:There are a couple of posters in this forum that call everything I post as racist nearly 100% of the time. Any statement that goes agains the creed is blasphemy. Anti-racism has become a religion.

Oh please. Stop playing the victim.
Have you seen the the "harmful" propagation of anti-"antiloookism" (Made up word to mean the opposite of lookism - discrimination against ugly people - therefore antilookism is being used as descrimination of beautiful people)

Newsflash, unlike racisms, there are not a lot of people discriminating against beautiful people (quite the opposite in fact, we like them). So anti-"antilookism" would be a nuisanse. In otherwords, you are concerned about anti-racism? Work hard to get rid of racism first and the rest will fade into comedy.

Pretending otherwise is borderline bigotry.
Anti-racism isn't a religion, but you can continue to make yourself look stupid and racist by saying so. That's your choice. As has already been stated, racism harms people, but anti-racism hasn't.

@Juin Can you show me a case of racism against white people and the harm it did to them and society, as a result?
Julian658 wrote:The problem with 3rd wave anti-racism is that it has become a religion.

If a person says I am not racist, that is seen as evil. A good person must be an ant-racist.

“The opposite of racist isn't 'not racist.' It is 'anti-racist.' What's the difference? One endorses either the idea of a racial hierarchy as a racist, or racial equality as an anti-racist. One either believes problems are rooted in groups of people, as a racist, or locates the roots of problems in power and policies, as an anti-racist. One either allows racial inequities to persevere, as a racist, or confronts racial inequities, as an anti-racist. There is no in-between safe space of 'not racist.”
― Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist

Ibram Kendi!!! From the fury of Anti-Racism Crusaders like Kendi, Protect us O Lord.

Ibram Kendi is a walking example of anti racism morphing into racism itself. The racism of a rogue Anti-Racist is more complicated, enduring, and not as amenable to treatment. This is because from get go the Anti-Racist occupies the moral high ground. His cause is good. The racism he fights is a clear and present danger. This fierce urgency of now urges him to act with immediacy. He tolerates no hesitation. Fence sitters are in denial, or are closet accomplices, fifth columnists who must be destroyed. You are either with him or against him. You begin to see the slow and dangerous emmergence of a stern and merciless Robespierre. His intolerance is justified, as he considers his intolerance the intolerance to injustice. His lack of compassion is justified, as it is immoral to be compassionate towards those blocking his path. And the stern, merciless Robespierre grows larger and larger...

Ibram Kendi has this to say:

“The very heartbeat of racism is denial. When people say they’re not racist, they’re sharing the words that white supremacists use. Jim Crow segregationists said they weren’t racist. Lynchers argued they weren’t racist; the problem was the people they lynched. Slave owners said the same thing.

“But to be antiracist is to say ‘that chokehold was racist and that policy that has impoverished that community was racist. When I supported it, I was being racist, but I’m going to change it and be different.”’

In Ibram Kendi's delicate hands racism- really white racism- is an original sin. To be white is to be racist. Other Anti-Racism Crusaders have described it as a pre existing condition. A Russian serf can whine all he wants that as far back as he can go all his ancestors were oppressed, it wont matter. This same serf is also beneficiary of inherent previledges. In the weird logic of these Anti Racism Crusaders these serfs, poverty stricken they may be, still oppressed as the case might be with some of them, deserve less compassion from the Woke crowd than say uber billionaire Oprah! Go Figure.

To fight racism is good. But care must be exercised lest well meaning folks get misled by Anti Racism Jacobins who have morphed into the very evil they are fighting
Julian658 wrote:There are a couple of posters in this forum that call everything I post as racist nearly 100% of the time. Any statement that goes agains the creed is blasphemy. Anti-racism has become a religion.

If a Proposition has to be accepted on faith, without dispute, no challenge allowed; the reward for any challenge being denunciation, then we are dealing with a religion.

I expect a True Anti Racist to be at the foremost in putting his own propositions to the challenge. No Anti-Racist Proposition, nor any Anti Racist for that matter, should claim his Proposition, or his person as so True, so correct, as to place him above critique.

Racism is a clear evil. It should be fought by clear thinking, rational humans. Charlatans wrapped in sanctimony do not advance the cause of the fight against racism.

In my lifetime the arc of anti racism had always been towards the breaking down of barriers and the breaking down of stereotypes.

In the last decade or so we have seen the rise of the Woke crowd and the promotion of a perveted kind of anti racism which manifests itself as the setting up of new ugly stereotypes. The stereotyping of the white man as racist by nature, incurable, and to be forcefully enrolled in indoctrination programs.

Whatever happened to the age old maxim not to judge a man by the colour of his skin?

Coca-Cola slammed for diversity training that urged workers to be ‘less white’

https://nypost.com/2021/02/23/coca-cola ... ess-white/
Godstud wrote:@Juin Can you show me a case of racism against white people and the harm it did to them and society, as a result?

Many assume white people are racists just because they have pink skin. That is racism! Happens everyday!
Many like you assume any discrepancy in an argument must be racism. That is racism!

Your only goal is to constantly call out racism because you are an anti-racist as prescribed by Kendi. That is religion and a cult.

Lastly, to constantly ask others not to be racist will only get you so far. This is the flaw of 3rd wave anti-racism. Asking others not to be racist is a weak position that only attracts white people that have the savior complex and those whites that unconsciously practice condescending racism of low expectations (the favorite sport of Joe Biden).

The most effective way to end racism is by changing negative stereotypes into positive stereotypes. There is no other way.

Instead of trying to have a discussion. You will yell racism and several insulting remarks which will affirm that you are indeed practicing a religion.
Juin wrote:If a Proposition has to be accepted on faith, without dispute, no challenge allowed; the reward for any challenge being denunciation, then we are dealing with a religion.

I expect a True Anti Racist to be at the foremost in putting his own propositions to the challenge. No Anti-Racist Proposition, nor any Anti Racist for that matter, should claim his Proposition, or his person as so True, so correct, as to place him above critique.

Racism is a clear evil. It should be fought by clear thinking, rational humans. Charlatans wrapped in sanctimony do not advance the cause of the fight against racism.

In my lifetime the arc of anti racism had always been towards the breaking down of barriers and the breaking down of stereotypes.

In the last decade or so we have seen the rise of the Woke crowd and the promotion of a perveted kind of anti racism which manifests itself as the setting up of new ugly stereotypes. The stereotyping of the white man as racist by nature, incurable, and to be forcefully enrolled in indoctrination programs.

Whatever happened to the age old maxim not to judge a man by the colour of his skin?

Coca-Cola slammed for diversity training that urged workers to be ‘less white’

https://nypost.com/2021/02/23/coca-cola ... ess-white/

McWhorter knew this several years ago.

Godstud wrote:@Juin Can you show me a case of racism against white people and the harm it did to them and society, as a result?

I believe Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is an example of a cause good at its initiation morphing into what it purpoted to fight against. I am sure the Woke folks will say the whites had it coming, they should have upped and left the moment uber Anti Racist Mugabe came to office.

Racism is a fraud. I am not sure how southern slavery benefited the poor proletariat white in any way. It made big plantation owners like Massas Tom Jeff'son and George Washington rich. But did that free labour not also impoverish poor whites further?

Mugabe fared no better. His land seizures did not benefit poor blacks as the plantations he seized went to his cronies.

Racism is a fraud. Any Marxist worth his weight in Das Kapitals will point that out. I was a Marxist for about close to a year or two in my teens, until it wore off.
ThirdTerm wrote:For example, the security guard in New York closed the door when an Asian woman was brutally attacked in front of the building where he worked, thus tacitly endorsing the action. He was suspended by his employer.

Gimme a break! How many crimes in progress have you interrupted? If you are now an advocate for vigilantism, then let us encode it in law. Then we can arm security with AR-15s and give them a License to kill.
Juin wrote:Coca-Cola slammed for diversity training that urged workers to be ‘less white’

https://nypost.com/2021/02/23/coca-cola ... ess-white/

This is my problem with the term "whiteness". It's saying the state of being white is defined as being a racist a-hole. It's a racist term. Imagine someone saying "blackness" is doing drugs and robbing houses, we would all rightfully call that racist.

I also think requiring employees to do training that tells a particular race how bad they are and why and how they should change is pretty offensive. You can have anti-racism training, but don't target a specific race, everyone is capable of racism.
Julian658 wrote:Many assume white people are racists just because they have pink skin. That is racism! Happens everyday!
Many like you assume any discrepancy in an argument must be racism. That is racism!

Your only goal is to constantly call out racism because you are an anti-racist as prescribed by Kendi. That is religion and a cult.

Lastly, to constantly ask others not to be racist will only get you so far. This is the flaw of 3rd wave anti-racism. Asking others not to be racist is a weak position that only attracts white people that have the savior complex and those whites that unconsciously practice condescending racism of low expectations (the favorite sport of Joe Biden).

The most effective way to end racism is by changing negative stereotypes into positive stereotypes. There is no other way.

Instead of trying to have a discussion. You will yell racism and several insulting remarks which will affirm that you are indeed practicing a religion.

You are overly generous. It is more than just assuming whites are racists. The woke crowd goes much further. Our formidable Anti-Racism Crusader Kendi considers any objection from a white as a state of denial! That is racism in its most pernicious form.

Again, racism is an evil. A human evil. All men of goodwill must strive to fight against it. That fight includes taking on charlatans of Anti-Racism who are busy building up new barriers and stereotypes. The promotion of stereotypes against whites is not fighting racism, it is a descent into racism with whites as the new target
Unthinking Majority wrote:This is my problem with the term "whiteness". It's saying the state of being white is defined as being a racist a-hole. It's a racist term. Imagine someone saying "blackness" is doing drugs and robbing houses, we would all rightfully call that racist.

I also think requiring employees to do training that tells a particular race how bad they are and why and how they should change is pretty offensive. You can have anti-racism training, but don't target a specific race, everyone is capable of racism.

I cannot agree with you more. That is what I find so scary about the new woke crowd. They do not see that the ideal is for all of us humans to be comfortable in whatever hue nature bestowed upon us. Exactly what use does anyone have of a white going about feeling guilty for the melanin deficiency of which he has no control over?

Anti Racism means a white should not hold himself accountable for views he does not hold, crimes he did not commit, or for the sins of ancestors he never met. That is the true Anti Racism
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