UFOs and COVID-19 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
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By Robert Urbanek
Hypothesis: UFOS are from a parallel universe where an advanced civilization of humans is observing us and letting us know that their technology is vastly superior to ours and, if they so choose, could invade our world, and easily replace us. COVID-19 is either a test run or the real thing: a virus designed with death as a diversion; the real goal is to sterilize males and reduce humans in this universe to a manageable number or replaced entirely.

The concept of a deadly virus transmitted accidentally or otherwise between universes was explored in Counterpart, the TV series starring J.K. Simmons that ran on Starz for 20 episodes across two seasons, from December 10, 2017 to February 17, 2019. It’s uncanny anticipation of the coronavirus was examined in an April 2020 posting on GIZMODO, which includes some jaw-dropping clips and images from the series:


Perhaps invaders from the parallel universe have been among us for months or years, spreading stories that the pandemic is fake and a plot to take away our freedoms: disinformation useful for spreading the virus.

While there have been several reports suggesting COVID-19 may cause male sterility, they have received virtually no attention in the mass media. We should know in a few months if the male sterility concerns prove valid, unless, of course, the invaders have a plan to suppress that information.
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By blackjack21
I think more conventional explanations make more sense:

UFO stories generally coincide with the US military developing new aircraft. So we got a bunch of that stuff coinciding with the F117 and with the B2. They are working on a 6th gen fighter, the successor to the B2 (B21) and the SR-72 as some call it.

Covid is likely a creation of the Wuhan lab in China, and probably got some research money from the NIH under Tony Fauci's direction; hence, the massive amount of disinformation regarding coronavirus.
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By Igor Antunov
blackjack21 wrote:I think more conventional explanations make more sense:

UFO stories generally coincide with the US military developing new aircraft. So we got a bunch of that stuff coinciding with the F117 and with the B2. They are working on a 6th gen fighter, the successor to the B2 (B21) and the SR-72 as some call it.

Covid is likely a creation of the Wuhan lab in China, and probably got some research money from the NIH under Tony Fauci's direction; hence, the massive amount of disinformation regarding coronavirus.

80,000 feet in less than 1 sec? Instant acceleration? No exhaust? They're developing this right alongside the trillion dollar lemon that is the F35? Lol no.

It's probably aliens or species that has lived under the oceans for eons and is more advanced than we are.

I can see why any military and/or government would want to hide this from the general public. It's alarming. But if its so commonly sighted it may have become impossible to hide it. Russians and Chinese are better at keeping a lid on things, I can see how this leaked out of the us military. To get confirmation of another species all that has to happen is for their personnel to start leaking similar encounters.

These things would be all but invisible to the general public as we don't have access to the sensors or radars the military enjoys. There may be an explosion of sightings precisely because modern militaries are now finally capable of very effective detection and tracking.

At one point during the 2004 “Tic Tac” incident, the UAP moved (on the radar) from 80,000 ft to various altitudes from 28,000 ft to 50 ft above sea level in 0.78 seconds. A motion in that time frame along, say, 60,000 ft distance yields accelerations above 12,000 g-forces and speeds above 100,000 mph if we assume half the distance was used to accelerate and the other half to decelerate.


Gravitational lensing is consistent with the theory that these objects are employing frame dragging. They're not moving, the space they're in is. Einstein predicted this was possible. We have it on fucking video.

The 2013 Puerto Rico footage demonstrates gravitational lensing in exactly the way we can expect. We observe mirages, invisibility, and unimpeded motion through water at high speeds. Furthermore, the FLIR footage shows the incredible accelerations and speeds. All of the known observables of UAPs can be explained by a single technology. Gravitational lensing is a new observable that has not been described before as far as we are aware, though unclear shapes and apparent shapeshifting are commonly known occurrences when observing UAPs.

If a foreign country had developed this technology in secret, it would have needed to develop a complete theory of quantum gravity several decades before the year 2000 since a completed craft existed during the 2004 “Tic Tac” incident. The equations of a fundamental theory alone are not enough to build technology from it, as these equations need to be applied to physical systems in order to design anything. Applying a theory is difficult, needs more decades of work, and requires modern computing power which did not exist decades ago. Many additional technologies and tools would need to be created to actually construct such a craft and all its materials.

We recognize that it is not simply an engineering hurdle but a lack of a complete theory of quantum gravity that disables any country from developing such technology. It would be extraordinary to suggest such technology was developed by any country at a time when our computers still used floppy discs, and other modern tools and material science did not exist. As a whole, such a country would have been far ahead of the rest of the world. We thus have to conclude that the likelihood of these objects having an extraterrestrial origin is very near certain.
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By XogGyux
Igor Antunov wrote:80,000 feet in less than 1 sec? Instant acceleration? No exhaust? They're developing this right alongside the trillion dollar lemon that is the F35? Lol no.

It's probably aliens or species that has lived under the oceans for eons and is more advanced than we are.

I can see why any military and/or government would want to hide this from the general public. It's alarming. But if its so commonly sighted it may have become impossible to hide it. Russians and Chinese are better at keeping a lid on things, I can see how this leaked out of the us military. To get confirmation of another species all that has to happen is for their personnel to start leaking similar encounters.

These things would be all but invisible to the general public as we don't have access to the sensors or radars the military enjoys. There may be an explosion of sightings precisely because modern militaries are now finally capable of very effective detection and tracking.


Gravitational lensing is consistent with the theory that these objects are employing frame dragging. They're not moving, the space they're in is. Einstein predicted this was possible. We have it on fucking video.

I am an eternal space enthusiast, science fiction loving, open minded individual. I loved jules vernes novels, I grew up with The X-files, I am a fan of star wars, startrek, stargate. I have watched Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Morgan Freeman go on and on about the cosmos. Believe me, I want it to be aliens as badly as the next guy but the reality is we don't know.
We don't know if the videos are legit, we don't know what is being filmed. Geez, even calling it an "UFO" might be a misnomer... is it really flying? Better... is it really an object at all? Maybe it is an Animal, or an angel? Maybe it is a trick with mirrors, maybe it is an object being propelled through the air from the ground with powerful electromagnetic equipment similar to a levitating magnet maybe it is something else. Perhaps it is aliens. Aliens fall into that bucket of "we don't know" but it is not the only explanation.
From a practical perspective it does not matter much. If there are aliens and they are hostiles we are fucked, there is no way to prepare for that, period. Any sort of species that has the capacity of traveling from a solar system to another has the means to annihilate our whole planet from home with a powerful laser, they wouldn't even have to bother to travel here to kill us, we are dead, period. If they are not hostile, then it still matters very little because we won't know shit until they decide to make themselves public.
You should be rather skeptic when every video out there of "UFOs" seems to be taken with a VHS camera from the early 1980's. There are trillions of high definitions cameras out there, the one in my pocket can shoot up to 4K video, high framerate, etc.. We have satellites in orbit constantly taking pictures with resolutions that in some cases allows you to read stuff written on the street, millions of high-quality security cameras around, etc. etc. etc. and somehow everytime one of these UFOs show up, the only thing available to record seem to have been put together 3 decades ago?

Gravitational lensing is consistent with the theory that these objects are employing frame dragging. They're not moving, the space they're in is. Einstein predicted this was possible. We have it on fucking video.

Gravitational lensing that it is not ripping apart our planet or altering it's orbit? :eh:

It's probably aliens or species that has lived under the oceans for eons and is more advanced than we are.

This is fucking ridiculous. A species that have lived under our oceans? This is "flying unicorn that fart rainbows" kind of ludicrous idea.

Let me explain. You are suggesting that a technologically advanced species evolved in our waters (this itself is doubtful, there are serious problems with technological evolution in water evolution such as mastery of fire which is thought to be essential for technology, but lets assume that this is not a road block), and somehow we have no fucking clue of their existence (we have not detected any signs of intelligence, we have not detected their radio waves, we have not seen their ships under our oceans, we have not discovered fossils of their evolutionary ancestors and/or themselves), and that they seem to be OK with the fact that we are polluting their waters, dropping our crap, poison into their environment and they don't say shit? I am sorry but this is nonsense.

Why is it so hard for some people to admit that they don't know... Why they jump to wild conclusions? "It is aliens" "It is ghosts", "It is a God". We don't know what it is, we need more info, hopefully 21st century quality videos that are not being shot by someone that drank 20 shots of vodka to begin with.
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By Igor Antunov
I'm basing all this on the information surrounding the officially released videos, which are also supported by military personnel verbal accounts. So the pentagon is now faking ufo vids and pranking the public and employing members of the military to make up stories...why?

1) multiple militaries around the world are now engaged in ufo hoaxes and employing serving members to spread pranks and fake stories/accounts
2) some country or collection of countries have unified the theory of gravity and are producing machines that can travel up to 50km/sec inside the atmosphere apparently breaking all known laws of physics
3)another species with better technology millions of years more advanced than us in a universe featuring hundreds of trillions of other star systems

pick one
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 24 May 2021 15:32, edited 1 time in total.
@Igor Antunov

It will be like War of the Worlds man. We will be invaded by aliens from outer space and our atomic weapons won't do any good against them, just like in the movie.

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By blackjack21
Igor Antunov wrote:I'm basing all this on the information surrounding the officially released videos, which are also supported by military personnel verbal accounts. So the pentagon is now faking ufo vids and pranking the public and employing members of the military to make up stories...why?

Would it surprise you if they did? I would not be surprised. After all, I've been subject to years of propaganda that Donald Trump was a Russian puppet without a shred of evidence. I expect nothing but bullshit from the government.
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By XogGyux
Igor Antunov wrote:I'm basing all this on the information surrounding the officially released videos

No. That is not remotely close to what you are doing. You came up with the explanation and then you are retroactively "finding" the evidence.

So the pentagon is now faking ufo vids and pranking the public and employing members of the military to make up stories...why?

Youtube likes? Karma points? Who faking knows. You mean the same people that lied about weapons of mass destructions and sent our country into a deathspiral of war and spending that de-estabilized a whole subcontinent? Is it too hard to believe it is more likely that a handful people in the military are comfortable lying to us? Do you really believe this is LESS likely than a super powerful alien race travelled across the vast of space to be caught by a handful of people with low resolution cameras in the middle of the night?
Two options:
They don't care if they are detected or not. Then why is it that apparently they only show up at night and/or under poor visibility conditions in very remote areas? If they are probing... wouldn't dailight be advantageous for them to properly survey everything? to survey daylight animals? etc? Why don't we see them in newyork, or london?

Option two: They don't want to be detected... but they are so fucking stupid to figure out how to turn off the big bright spotlight of their spaceship when they come at night... They are too stupid to disguise their spaceship like human crafts, they are too stupid to send smaller probes... like mosquito sized that cannot be filmed. They are too stupid to wipe out electronic data from our goverments/internet that show evidence of their existence.

So what is it... the alien that does not care to be detected but it just happens to always show up when the only camera is available is a 1986 sony VHS camcorder being held by a guy with parkinsons? or perhaps it is the alien that don't want to be detected but are fucking stupid to turn off the lights?


There are many possibilities why this could be. Fame/glory is a good one, perhaps this might be a tactic to persuade goverments to spend more money on research and development. Perhaps these are hoax perpetrated by just a handful of people but snowball out of proportion in the age of viral internet memes. Who knows...
The whole point is not to think these are fake, hoaxes, etc. The whole point is to admit we don't have a clue what they are, period. In many cases you cannot even call it an "object" as in "UFO", if anything, unidentified aerial phenomena is more appropriate.

2) some country or collection of countries have unified the theory of gravity and are producing machines that can travel up to 50km/sec inside the atmosphere apparently breaking all known laws of physics

You are jumping the gun making many assumptions. You get a grainy video and all of a sudden you saw "machines traveling at 50km/sec breaking laws of physics". You only have a poor-quality video... In my apple TV I can watch the Enterprise go from planet earth to Jupiter in under 20mins and you watch a poor quality video of a light moving around and all of a sudden we have aliens visiting wyoming?

pick one

Those are not the only options.
How about these "objects" are 4) ghosts moving around?
Perhaps they are a 5) manifestation of physics that we have not discovered yet like some sort of quantum phenomena
or perhaps they are a 6) Glitch in the program of our collective simulated reality vs 7) a cheat code being used by someone outside of our simulated reality. 8) Perhaps they are angels doing grocery runs/uber eats for god(s) that don't want to go outside due to social distancing and the pandemic, 9) time travellers 10) Tinkerbell and peter pan, etc. etc. etc.
The whole point is... we don't know what these things are. The explanation could be mundane and simple or it could be amazing, as of right now we don't know.
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By XogGyux
blackjack21 wrote:After all, I've been subject to years of propaganda that Donald Trump was a Russian puppet without a shred of evidence. I expect nothing but bullshit from the government.

You mean without a shred of evidence other than the on-camera fellatio performed by Trump on Putin right?
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By Godstud
blackjack21 wrote:Covid is likely a creation of the Wuhan lab in China, and probably got some research money from the NIH under Tony Fauci's direction; hence, the massive amount of disinformation regarding coronavirus.
Aliens from space giving it to humans is more likely than this utter stupidity. :roll: Is that foil hat on a bit tight these days? You used to have at least a hint of a cogent argument in your wall-of-text ramblings.

XogGyux wrote:You mean without a shred of evidence other than the on-camera fellatio performed by Trump on Putin right?
QFT. It's the pedophile ring in the non-existent basement of a pizza joint, thing all over again. :knife:

As for Trump being connected to Russia...

Trump’s businesses are full of dirty Russian money. The scandal is that it’s legal.
Shell companies put figures from Putin’s Mafia into Trump Tower. Should that be worrying?

Collusion or not, President Trump and the Russians are thick as thieves.

What I mean is that for more than three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to the Russian Mafia held the deeds to, lived in or ran criminal operations out of Trump Tower in New York or other Trump properties. I mean that many of them used Trump-branded real estate to launder vast amounts of money by buying multimillion-dollar condos through anonymous shell companies. I mean that the Bayrock Group, a real estate development company that was based in Trump Tower and had ties to the Kremlin, came up with a new business model to franchise Trump condos after he lost billions of dollars in his Atlantic City casino developments, and helped make him rich again.

Yet Trump’s relationship with the Russian underworld, a de facto state actor, has barely surfaced in the uproar surrounding Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign. That oversight may be explained in part by journalist Michael Kinsley’s long-held maxim: The real scandal isn’t what’s illegal; it’s what is legal.

Robert S. Mueller III, of course, is a prosecutor. His job as special counsel, now complete, was to decide whether to indict. But what if some of the most egregious and corrupt offenses are not illegal? Russian President Vladimir Putin has long insisted that American democracy itself is corrupt. Under his aegis, the Russians have methodically studied various components of the American body politic — campaign finance, our legal system, social media and perhaps especially the real estate industry — and exploited every loophole they could find.

As Oleg Kalugin, a former head of counterintelligence for the KGB, told me in an interview for my book “House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia,” the Mafia amounts to “one of the branches of the Russian government today.” Where Americans cracked down on the Italian American Mafia, Putin dealt with the Russian mob very differently. He co-opted it. He made it an integral part of his Mafia state. Russian gangsters became, in effect, Putin’s enforcers. They had long and deep relationships. According to a tape recording made by former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko a year before he was fatally poisoned in London, Putin had close ties to Semion Mogilevich, a top mobster, that dated to the early 1990s.

That criminals with ties to Russia bought Trump condos, partnered with Trump and were based at Trump Tower — his home, his place of work, the crown jewel of his empire — should be deeply concerning. It’s not hard to conclude that, as a result, the president, wittingly or not, has long been compromised by a hostile foreign power, even if Mueller did not conclude that Trump colluded or conspired with the Russians.

One person the Mueller report didn’t ‘exonerate’? Vladimir Putin.

Let’s go back to 1984, when David Bogatin, an alleged Russian gangster who arrived in the United States a few years earlier with $3 in his pocket, sat down with Trump and bought not one but five condos, for a total of $6 million — about $15 million in today’s dollars. What was most striking about the transaction was that at the time, according to David Cay Johnston’s “The Making of Donald Trump,” Trump Tower was one of only two major buildings in New York City that sold condos to buyers who used shell companies that allowed them to purchase real estate while concealing their identities. Thus, according to the New York state attorney general’s office, when Trump closed the deal with Bogatin, whether he knew it or not, he had just helped launder money for the Russian Mafia.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/ ... story.html
XogGyux wrote:You mean without a shred of evidence other than the on-camera fellatio performed by Trump on Putin right?

By this measure Obama/Bush were outright Saudi slaves with all their bowing and kowtowing on camera in front of the Saudi royals and Bush family's economic links to the energy sector. What you described simply doesn't exist on video.
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By Beren
XogGyux wrote:I am an eternal space enthusiast, science fiction loving, open minded individual. I loved jules vernes novels, I grew up with The X-files, I am a fan of star wars, startrek, stargate. I have watched Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Morgan Freeman go on and on about the cosmos. Believe me, I want it to be aliens as badly as the next guy

Sure, you're open to all that stuff if you're not older than Gen X, we've all been conditioned that way our whole life by pop culture. However, bj21 is a boomer or something, so thus earthbound, so to speak.
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By XogGyux
Igor Antunov wrote:By this measure Obama/Bush were outright Saudi slaves with all their bowing and kowtowing on camera in front of the Saudi royals and Bush family's economic links to the energy sector. What you described simply doesn't exist on video.

Are you sure? He sure looks guilty and having a bunch of cultists trying to defend him on UFO threads does not look good either :lol:
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By Igor Antunov
XogGyux wrote:Are you sure? He sure looks guilty and having a bunch of cultists trying to defend him on UFO threads does not look good either :lol:

I think this qualifies for one of my requisite cat responses. Words cannot capture the disappointment. The cat is you.

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By XogGyux
Igor Antunov wrote:I think this qualifies for one of my requisite cat responses. Words cannot capture the disappointment. The cat is you.


No insult you can come up with would be as humiliating as being a trump supporter.
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By colliric
Igor Antunov wrote:I also 'support' Biden. Now figure out why.

No matter who wins at the moment, China wins, Russia wins, North Korea wins....

Am I close?

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