Alien Biologists? - Politics | PoFo

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By froggo
I just read a lengthy article in the New Yorker about U.A.Ps, and i noticed that most people who talk about aliens suspect that they are here to analyze us and our behaviours, etc... but what if they are just rich alien youths taking their expensive trans-universal vehicles out for a joyride on random primitive planets?!
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By froggo
Beren wrote:Link?

I get a weekly subscription in the snailmail so I didn't read it online :P

It's in the May 10, 2021
The U.F.O Papers
by Gideon Lewis-Kraus.

It is interesting, because when I first saw the article I asked myself "Why is The New Yorker publishing this?" in my natural mode of skepticism. but as I read the article further, I was willing to concede the possibility, though I still veer on the skeptical side of things. But of course, I'm not so certain of my own viewpoints to believe that there could not be mysteries out there that I have yet to fathom.
This thread was just me making a joke about it.... because I live in a city where lots of rich jerk kids speed around in porsches lambos, maseratis, ferrarris, etc. so i wondered if "rich alien youth", the ones whose parents could afford hyperspace crafts, would do the same xD
But I suppose I could alter this thread and make it about whether or not people do believe aliens have possibly, as implied in the new yorker article, already come to examine earthlings.
Last edited by froggo on 31 May 2021 21:04, edited 1 time in total.
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By Odiseizam
in context of Col.Bros that suggest ufo is earthly skim, for sure in many respects, but there could also pop up true ufos, yet as I am aware they are so large that if they indeed pass true we will have big issues, on other hand even when Angels pass they are observed as ufos, actually depends of our conditioning as Our Lord Jesus Christ Says "According To Your Faith Be It Done To You." what actually how we are nowadays brainwashed by sci'fi narrative indeed will be unto is as we accepted to ...

what actually would be doable in hologram where if we strive enough for particular reality we will get the same one way or another, aside the actual laws of the multiverse ...

here is the title you are pointing to, now is your hypothesis possible, why not, if we know that there are different levels of Angels and demons-anathema-to-them why not the not to play with us if we allow that to them, simply its above our power if we surrender our free will to them and this counts also for societies and the elites that govern them ...
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By Beren
froggo wrote:I get a weekly subscription in the snailmail so I didn't read it online :P

It's in the May 10, 2021
The U.F.O Papers
by Gideon Lewis-Kraus.

It is interesting, because when I first saw the article I asked myself "Why is The New Yorker publishing this?"

That must be it: How the Pentagon Started Taking U.F.O.s Seriously

It's interesting indeed that The New Yorker published such an exhausting article literally starting with such a controversial figure as Steven M. Greer. To me at least Greer appears to be completely fake, but even if he's for real, he's totally weird anyway. As far as I know he says mankind's already capable of interstellar travelling or even more (interdimensional), for example. He's also a big fan of Tesla's, or rather Tesla's weird things, and prefers him to Einstein as a genius. However, I've only seen some videos of him and wasn't impressed at all.
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