How the US was responsible for the rise of the Communists in China - Politics | PoFo

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'Cold war' communist versus capitalist ideological struggle (1946 - 1990) and everything else in the post World War II era (1946 onwards).
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This information is not easy to come by anymore as our schools, wikipedia, etc, are all-in on full-blown Orwellian censorship.

All of the information related to the Pacific theater needs be viewed as a whole.

Japan was done for. Hirohito knew it, his Generals and senior staff knew it, and the Allies knew it.

The Establishment had planned out the world's postwar map years before the end of the war - that included betraying most of Eastern Europe and China to the communists. While the allies were glad handing Chang Kai-shek with one hand, they were stabbing him in the back at Yalta with the other.

Communizing China was of much greater importance to the Establishment than was ending the war on any terms.

If more people needed to die?? So be it. If many, many more people needed to die, so be it.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that anyone in a leadership position within our government or military at that time possessed any sense of humanity in the least.

These people were hardcore psychopaths that had no qualms about killing and enslaving hundreds of millions of people. Operation Keelhaul anyone??

To contend that they would do anything for humanitarian reasons - even drop the bomb to ostensibly prevent further loss of life, is not in keeping with the character of these men. ... n-the-usa/

Losing China
Mainland China fell to Mao Tse-tung’s Communist forces in 1949, when the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist army and such citizens as could escape fled to the island of Formosa, now commonly known as Taiwan. But the principal reason for the Communist takeover occurred not on the battlefield, but at the conference table, not in 1949, but four years earlier, prior to the end of World War II — and not in China, but many thousands of miles away at the Yalta summit meeting. On that occasion, unbeknownst to our ally Chiang, who was fighting well over a million Japanese troops, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised Stalin the vast northern Chinese province of Manchuria and other concessions in exchange for Soviet entrance into the war against Japan.

The Soviet army, poised along the Manchurian border and supplied with American lend-lease equipment, entered the war against Japan three days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. At that late stage, noted General Albert C. Wedemeyer in his book, Wedemeyer Reports!, “the Red Army naturally met practically no enemy resistance and was soon in complete control of Manchuria” — after which “the Russians received the surrender of Japanese arms and equipment [stockpiled in the region], which they overtly and covertly made available to the Chinese Communists.” With that the balance of power in China shifted to Mao Tse-tung and his band of Communist terrorists.

You might commonly read in history books that the Chinese Communists had the upper hand over Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists because they had been fighting the Japanese, without really any specific explanation why exactly fighting the Japanese would give them an advantage. What these history books neglect to mention is that the Soviets ensured the defeated Japanese occupation force's weapons and supplies would fall into Chinese Communist hands.

But there were other significant steps along the way that insured Chiang’s defeat and the loss of China. Those steps included the cease-fires forced upon Chiang when he was making military progress, our insistence that Chiang form a coalition government with the Communists, and our 10-month embargo on the sale or shipment of arms to Chiang.

As the end approached, Congress did pass a measure to provide some aid to China’s beleaguered anti-Communist forces, but the delivery was sabotaged. The Truman administration, wrote Wedemeyer, “succeeded in thwarting the intent of the [1948] China Aid Act by delaying the shipment of munitions to China until the end of that critical year.” Some arms were even destroyed. As recounted by Senator Joseph McCarthy in his book America’s Retreat From Victory, “Over the hump in India, the United States military authorities were detonating large stores of ammunition and dumping 120,000 tons of war supplies in the Bay of Bengal — much of it undelivered to China but charged to her wartime lend-lease account.”

John F. Kennedy, who told the House on January 25, 1949, “The responsibility for the failure of our foreign policy in the Far East rests squarely with the White House and the Department of State. The continued insistence that aid would not be forthcoming, unless a coalition government with the Communists were formed, was a crippling blow to the national government.”

In essence, it was more like the US used a dirty trick on Chiang Kai-shek and lied to him, promising supplies if he would stop fighting the Communists, which weakened his position, but then those supplies were not sent.
The governments of F. Roosevelt and also Harry Truman to a smaller degree were heavily penetrated by Soviet spies working for Stalin and international communism and also with sympathizers of this totalitarian regime. They were not just giving information to Soviets but were also influencing USA foreign policy in a way suitable for Stalin.

This part of USA history is still not well known and we still do not know all the details. Only under senator Joe MacCarthy the real purge of USA administration really started. That was only under republican president D. Eisenhower. Politicians as senator McCarran, JFK,, William Bullitt, William Knowland etc. also helped a lot that some damage was repaired. The influence of Soviet spies and sympathizers of communism likely helped a lot that China felt under communism of Mao. Mao and Stalin together with their puppet Kim soon decided to start a war in Korea where international communism was stopped by joint UN efforts. Only after this USA policy became more aware of the problem.

Already during WW2 Churchill was surprised many times by American foreign policy which was in many cases pro-soviet. For example Churchill in his memoires of WW2 is writing how much USA administration was against his intervention in Greece in December 1944 when the British saved this country from communism.

Churchill Second world war 1954, pages 957-967.

Today we know from Soviet archives that indeed Soviet spies were placed very high in the administration of Roosevelt.

Recent scholarship has concluded that Venona project codename Zamestitel (English translation, "Deputy") and agent 19 were both very close to president Roosevelt. Source no. 19 was very highly placed in as much as he was asked to join a private conversation with President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill. Source no. 19 reported on a private conversation he had with Roosevelt and Churchill during the just ended 'Trident' conference of the two Allied powers in Washington. Source no. 19 reported on Churchill's views on why a 1943 Anglo-American invasion of continental Europe was inadvisable. The message also reported that Zamestitel supported a second-front and that it appeared that Roosevelt had been keeping Zamestitel in the dark about "important military decisions." In the 1960s, Akhmerov KGB officer professed at a secret meeting of Soviet intelligence officers that Harry Hopkins was "the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States."

The man who was for a very long time responsible for China relations Lauchlin Currie was also a Soviet agent. It is indeed very strange how USA government would not see the real danger of Mao and communists of China if they were not mislead somehow. They started with their purges already in 1930/31 ( 186.000 killed for political reasons in Jiangxi ) and later were responsible for more deaths than Hitler in Europe.

Black book of communism pages 559-682.

After the war, Currie was one of those blamed for losing China to the control of Communists. Currie was not prosecuted and in 1949 he was appointed to head the first of the World Bank's comprehensive country surveys in Colombia.
However, when Currie, as a U.S. citizen, tried to renew his passport in 1954, he was refused, on the grounds that he was now residing abroad and married to a Colombian. He appears in the Venona cables under the cover name 'PAGE', and in Soviet intelligence archives as 'VIM'.

About the role of Owen Lattimore and other communists in the loss of China

Also playing a part in the formation of U.S. policy on China were members of the Institute for Pacific Relations, authors and reviewers of books on China, and others in the media, who contributed to the favorable image of the Chinese Communists. During the Senate hearings on the IPR, 46 persons connected with the IPR were identified as Communist Party members.80 Their publications were clearly pro-communist. Yet the IPR and its publications were the main source of information on the Far East.

About the role of Soviet agent Harry Dexter White in the loss of China

Harry Dexter White in the Treasury Department played a key role in sabotaging U.S. economic aid to the Nationalists or KMT, as even his friendly biographer admits. The U.S. government had made a commitment to Chiang in writing to supply $200 million in gold to curb inflation in Nationalist China. White's policy prevented the shipment until it was too late to be effective in stemming the inflation, a contributing factor to loss of American confidence in Chiang and thus to Chiang's defeat. White also supported the propaganda line favorable to the communists.

How Stalin tricked Roosevelt in the case of Czechoslovakia

President Edvard Beneš who was indeed also very naive about Stalin and incompetent to deal with communism even more than Roosevelt ( he claimed he helped to persuade Roosvelt that Stalin is not so bad ). Stalin allowed the theatre of democracy in Czechoslovakia after WW2 on the wishes of FDR/Truman etc, but took care that general Ludvik Svoboda another Soviet agent got the control over the army of Czechoslovakia and opened the door wide open for further communist and Soviet infiltration of the army. Because of this an intervention of Red army was even not needed in 1948 when communists made their revolution in Czechoslovakia. A lesson to all other countries of the free world! ... ik-svoboda ... -mccarthy/ ... hina-10801
Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies Paperback, by M. Stanton Evans
Stalin's Decision for War in Korea, WoodrowWilsonCenter, June 6, 2013 YouTube

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