VIDEO Shows Same Woman Makes FOUR Trips to Detroit Drop Box In TWO Days… Deposits Stacks Of Ballots - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
#15228850 ... ive-video/
"On October 28, 2020, at 4:35, a female driving a blue Toyota with a red air freshener hanging from her rear-view mirror drove up to an absentee ballot drop box at the Balduck satellite voting center in Detroit, MI. A female passenger emerges from her vehicle with a large stack of what appears to be absentee ballots. The female passenger struggles to deposit multiple ballots at one time into the drop box slot and can actually be seen tearing one of the envelopes as she attempts to jam too many ballots into the slot at once. The slots in the drop boxes are supposed to be designed to accept one ballot at a time. The female passenger eventually completes her deposit of the large stack of ballots, and they pull away.:

On the same day, at 5:11, only 26 minutes later, she appears again at the same absentee Ballot Dropbox; this time, however, she is alone. She deposits a single ballot while holding a cellphone up, as she appears to be taking a photo of herself depositing the ballot.

Then again, only 21 minutes later, at 5:32 PM, the same woman appears at the drop box, but this time, she has a sizable stack of ballots that she deposits into the Balduck satellite voting center drop box.
"Last night, the 2000 Mules investigators, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, appeared at an event hosted by MCC in Troy, MI. where they discussed how they were able to use extremely precise and accurate geo-location data of thousands of ballot “mules” to uncover a massive voter fraud scheme that was used across America, and particularly in swing states that flipped for Biden in the wee hours of the morning on the day after the November 2020 election. Engelbrecht and Phillips expressed the importance of everyday citizens obtaining dropbox footage from the 2020 election before the 22-month federal deadline for retaining and preserving election records and data."

If this is anything like the 1,000 other bullshit claims, they'll find out that it's yet another stupid Trump supporter trying to fix the election that TRUMP LOST, fair and square.
"Last night, the 2000 Mules investigators, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, appeared at an event hosted by MCC in Troy, MI. where they discussed how they were able to use extremely precise and accurate geo-location data of thousands of ballot “mules” to uncover a massive voter fraud scheme that was used across America, and particularly in swing states that flipped for Biden in the wee hours of the morning on the day after the November 2020 election. Engelbrecht and Phillips expressed the importance of everyday citizens obtaining dropbox footage from the 2020 election before the 22-month federal deadline for retaining and preserving election records and data."
Scamp wrote:
I take it you 2 tards didn't watch the videos.

You had 60 chances in court, and nothing.

REPUBLICAN election and security officials said it was fine.

Trumps lawyers are being reviewed, some have been disbarred.

You have gone beyond law, beyond common sense, beyond rationality, beyond sanity, and wound up demonstrating some perverse combination of traits I'd rather not mention.
It;s just lies and bullshit. There were what 60 odd court cases, repeated appeals for evidence, In teh end all the "evidence " brought to court failed to meet even the barest of requirement of actual evidence.

There were quite a few lawyers well resourced, with many rich and powerful backers out there running theses lawsuits, why did they not find and provide this evidence?

IS every single right wing lawyer or lawyer that can be hired by these powerful rich people just totally incompetent drooling messes? Is the Trump campaign just full of diots who donlt understand the law? Is republican party totally incapable of finding it's own butt? W#here the millions raised to fund these lawsuits just pissed down the drain?

It's trump supporters and ring wing idiots will just believe anything, and click bait like this is just gobbled up by the sheeple.

These conspiracy believers are repeatedly taken for big money by the grifters aorund the trump campaign raising money.
Scamp wrote:
"On October 28, 2020, at 4:35, a female driving a blue Toyota with a red air freshener hanging from her rear-view mirror drove up to an absentee ballot drop box at the Balduck satellite voting center in Detroit, MI. A female passenger emerges from her vehicle with a large stack of what appears to be absentee ballots. The female passenger struggles to deposit multiple ballots at one time into the drop box slot and can actually be seen tearing one of the envelopes as she attempts to jam too many ballots into the slot at once. The slots in the drop boxes are supposed to be designed to accept one ballot at a time. The female passenger eventually completes her deposit of the large stack of ballots, and they pull away.:

On the same day, at 5:11, only 26 minutes later, she appears again at the same absentee Ballot Dropbox; this time, however, she is alone. She deposits a single ballot while holding a cellphone up, as she appears to be taking a photo of herself depositing the ballot.

Then again, only 21 minutes later, at 5:32 PM, the same woman appears at the drop box, but this time, she has a sizable stack of ballots that she deposits into the Balduck satellite voting center drop box.
"Last night, the 2000 Mules investigators, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, appeared at an event hosted by MCC in Troy, MI. where they discussed how they were able to use extremely precise and accurate geo-location data of thousands of ballot “mules” to uncover a massive voter fraud scheme that was used across America, and particularly in swing states that flipped for Biden in the wee hours of the morning on the day after the November 2020 election. Engelbrecht and Phillips expressed the importance of everyday citizens obtaining dropbox footage from the 2020 election before the 22-month federal deadline for retaining and preserving election records and data."

Now it is 1.5 years after election day 2020. It is too late to change the results

I clearly remember that in 2000. the USSC illegally stopped the vote counting in Florida when Bush II was ahead. And a year plus later the NYT got the ballots and did a recount and actually Gore got a few more votes in FL than Bush did. Back then it was too late, just like now is too late.

I didn't look at your evidence. I could not tell if it was fake in any case. AFAIK time stamps can be faked, and of course, so can videos of a woman dropping things in drop boxes.

I didn't see any support for your 2nd claim that a massive look at GPS data proved a nationwide campaign in 2020 to add ballots the day after election day. An unsupported assertion is not court level evidence.

MAGA Repuds have been caught creating evidence and committing vote fraud in may case. Why not in these 2 new cases?

Last edited by Steve_American on 23 May 2022 12:46, edited 1 time in total.

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