War and Covid are the excuse for the coming financial collapse - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
The banking debt system is a complete scam.

They just push a button and for some reason you owe them the loan + interest.

If you try the same scam you go to jail.

Only new loans can pay for old loans + interest. The system must collapse sooner or later.

Now debt is so high central banks need to print money to pay for older loans.

When they stop printing everything collapse.

If they continue printing there of course will be higher and higher inflation and then a currency collapse etc.

And when the economy crash and people lose their income they revolt. Unless they are very sick and depend on the government and Big Pharmas injections.

Their "solution" is a great reset with massive surveillance and far less people.

But it´s hard to sell unless they can blame someone else for the economic collapse.

Like Putin or a virus.
To be clear free markets is not the problem.

The problem is that bankers do not follow free markets and capitalism. They are to big to fail. If they fail tax payers must bail them out. Socialism for the super rich and capitalism for the poor.

This video is about the financial weapons of mass destruction. Some believe this bankers casino to be around 20 times the global economy. An insane number. And mostly unregulated.

"New Home Sales Plunge 22.5% In April, 16.6% From Deep Negative Revisions.

The key idea is a crash in sales and it's much worse than reported after factoring in revisions.

Last month, the census department reported 763.000 sales at a seasonally-adjusted annualized rate (SAAR).

This month, the census department revised March down to 709,000 sales. From the original March report, sales fell 22.5%. "
JB70 wrote:Banks just create money from nothing. Called fractional reserve banking.
If they have $1000 they are allowed to create 100 times more and lend it out. Fake loans.

Of course it is a ponzi and it will collapse. Unless it´s changed to something that benefit humanity lots of people will die in the coming collapse.

So long as the loan is paid off, the money created ex nihilo by the bank is destroyed again. It’s rather like ‘virtual particles’ in physics - so long as the particles come together again to mutually annihilate each other, there’s no problem. It’s when a large chunk of the money lent out by the banks is not or cannot be repaid that you have a problem. This is what triggered the financial crisis of 2008, which in turn almost triggered the collapse of the entire world’s financial system, which in turn would have triggered the collapse of capitalism itself. This was averted only through massive government intervention to, in effect, repay the banks’ loans with public money in order to destroy the huge quantities of money created by the banks in the form of bad debts.

Tl;dr: the banking system of modern capitalism isn’t a Ponzi scheme, but it is constantly threatening to turn into one. Constant vigilance is therefore required. Or, better yet, a communist revolution. Lol.
Potemkin wrote:So long as the loan is paid off, the money created ex nihilo by the bank is destroyed again. It’s rather like ‘virtual particles’ in physics - so long as the particles come together again to mutually annihilate each other, there’s no problem. It’s when a large chunk of the money lent out by the banks is not or cannot be repaid that you have a problem. This is what triggered the financial crisis of 2008, which in turn almost triggered the collapse of the entire world’s financial system, which in turn would have triggered the collapse of capitalism itself. This was averted only through massive government intervention to, in effect, repay the banks’ loans with public money in order to destroy the huge quantities of money created by the banks in the form of bad debts.

Tl;dr: the banking system of modern capitalism isn’t a Ponzi scheme, but it is constantly threatening to turn into one. Constant vigilance is therefore required. Or, better yet, a communist revolution. Lol.

The banking system is communist. An elite who parasite on the people.

Only new debt can pay for old debt + interest. Global debt must grow forever. But eventually there are to few who can pay back the fake loan so it all collapse. Before that central banks "print" for a while. So it is definitely a ponzi. :)
The single greatest causes I would put down to

1) Idiotic amounts of printing of cash by governments, specifically by those in the west. Inflation is now rearing its pretty little head. All this while the economy was shut down by a meme virus.
2) A fixation/addiction to a sanctions regime on resource producing and manufacturing countries - India, China, Russia, all sanctioned, also specifically by the west.

JB70 wrote:The banking system is communist. An elite who parasite on the people.

Funny, that’s what my dictionary says when I look up ‘capitalism’. :eh:

Only new debt can pay for old debt + interest.

No, the people who borrow money usually also work for a living. They use some of their wages from their productive work to repay the loan plus interest to the bank. The extra money is the congealed labour-power of the borrower, which the banks appropriate for their ‘trouble’.

Global debt must grow forever.

It doesn’t have to, and indeed it will only do so if there is insufficient oversight over the banks’ lending practices, in which case we will have a live-action rerun of the financial crisis of 2008. Which there isn’t, and which we will.

But eventually there are to few who can pay back the fake loan so it all collapse. Before that central banks "print" for a while. So it is definitely a ponzi. :)

Don’t worry, @JB70 - your government will always be there to pick up the tab, using your taxpayer dollars to bail out the poor bankers from the consequences of their reckless greed chasing those bonuses. Lol.

I hope that sets your mind at rest, @JB70. :)

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