The fat civil rights movement - Page 13 - Politics | PoFo

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@Igor Antunov If you wouldn't call someone a "fatty" to their face, then you probably shouldn't even say it.

Yes, there are some medical conditions that make losing weight difficult, but it's not impossible.
Godstud wrote:@Igor Antunov If you wouldn't call someone a "fatty" to their face, then you probably shouldn't even say it.

Yes, there are some medical conditions that make losing weight difficult, but it's not impossible.

I've called people far worse to their face, followed by a swift guillotine and knee stomp on the chest once they're down. Cunts get the treatment. Fatty cunts included.

For many women with PCOS for example losing weight is possible, but maintain a normal weight after is almost impossible.
So you're an asshole who calls overweight people names? That just confirms that you're fat-shaming.

Igor Antunov wrote:For many women with PCOS for example losing weight is possible, but maintain a normal weight after is almost impossible.
Pretending it's almost impossible is dumb.

She has dealt with PCOS. She even does videos on it. She also does videos on why losing weight is NOT impossible and NOT a disease. ... leMcDaniel
She also works and is an entrepreneur, with her own business, so maybe you need to rethink your EXCUSES. That's all they are. You don't need 12 hours a day to get in shape, and you don't need extra time to eat healthier. Time management is a thing.

My wife can cook me up a HEALTHY meal in under 10 minutes with no processed food. I can cook up a few chicken breasts in under 10 minutes, and then toss the extras in the fridge to make quick salads or wraps on the following day.

Stop pretending that it takes a long time to eat healthy, or to go for a 30 minute walk somewhere, instead of sitting in front of a computer or TV.

To coin a modern phrase: Stop the cap!
@Godstud @Drlee

I'm sorry, I have to come back to this topic.

I just had a discussion about obesity over FB, and I received an influx of replies that are worth sharing and would shed a lot of light onto you guys and your ignorance about this topic.

I stand by my claim, that you guys are fat phobic and bigoted.

So, I was making a different type of claim over FB, now admittedly I was being more of a dick about it, BUT, I have to share some of the responses people gave which CONFIRM my statement that obesity is a not a choice but a result of a medical disability. Are you ready? Ok. Here are a list of medical conditions that are not anyone's fault, but which cause obesity:

1. Hypothyroidism
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
3. Low Testosterone
4. Medications
5. Peri-menopause
6. Physical Disabilities
7. Mental Illness
8. Cancer
9. Genetics
10. Environment

And I could go on and list a whole lot more. None of these factors are a result of personal choice WHATSOEVER. And yet you guys have said over and over again that obese people are to blame for their condition. You want to apologize for making that claim? Obesity is a DISEASE, not a choice. By not recognizing it as a disease, you are being ableist, which is form of cruelty.
I stand by my claim that you are a delusional SJW, and to call anyone here "fatphobic" shows that you don't have a clue about what a phobia is. It's like the people who point out a fact about transgenderism, or women, and then called misogynist or transphobic. You are a good SJW, @Agent Steel. You learned the rhetoric, well.

Running a simple caloric deficit will cure obesity 99% of the time. If you can control a person's diet, then you can cause them to lose weight. Pointing out exceptions is worthless.

6 scientifically-proven obesity treatment options to manage weight ... M3EALw_wcB

Please note that diet is very important, as is exercise. It's almost as if providing your body with food it doesn't need or use will cause obesity, eventually. :hmm:

Fact: People who do not have access to a lot of food are not obese. Were obesity a true disease, why don't you see starving obese people in countries with famine?

Diet and lifestyle factors contribute to development of obesity and overweight. Some of the most common ones are:

eating large amounts of processed or fast food – this is food that's high in fat and sugar

drinking too much alcohol – alcohol contains a lot of calories

eating out a lot – food cooked in a restaurant may be higher in fat and sugar

eating larger portions than you need

drinking too many sugary drinks – including soft drinks and fruit juice

comfort eating – some people may comfort eat due to many other factors affecting their life such as low self-esteem or low mood

Physical activity:

[i]If you are not active enough, you do not use the energy provided by the food you eat, and the extra energy you consume is stored by the body as fat.
[/i] ... 20as%20fat.

@Agent Steel I fail to see any reason to apologize as I have not said anything offensive to anyone, unless your feeling were hurt by reality and facts, and if so, then I am sorry you are such a beta.

What you eat is a choice. If you eat good foods and not too much of them, you will not get obese. It's that simple.
My feelings are not the slightest bit hurt lol. As you know I am into health and fitness and feel good about myself for keeping in good shape. Also, beta is a real thing now? After you just said that I should drop the term because it's pointless?
@Agent Steel I was using terminology that you are familiar with. That said, you seem to be more interested in how people feel , than actual facts.

You will not get obese if you watch your diet and exercise. You are cannot get the "disease" that is obesity if you do this. Obesity is not contagious. Obesity is preventable.

There is a still a lot of controversy over whether obesity is actually a disease, since if we can call obesity a disease, then we can call pregnancy a disease. Both are preventable, and if you avoid certain things, you cannot "catch it".

Facts by themselves do not mean much unless they are used to support some kind of good argument, but you haven't offered one.

I don't deny the fact that obesity is a result of eating too many calories. No shit sherlock.

But there are tons of other facts of which you are refusing to take serious consideration.

You don't know what another person's struggle is like. Everyone is different.

When you and Dr. Lee say "I lost weight, therefore anyone can", that's just ignorant. Your experience is yours alone and cannot be used as a good argument against obesity being a disease.

I am able to control my drinking. But you know what? Some people can't. They are called alcoholics. Alcoholism is a disease. Obesity is the same thing.

It's like I said before. You are arguing from personal feelings here, not me. You're using your experiences with weight loss, which you have invested personal emotion into, as a way to make judgements about weight loss in general. That's not logical. That's emotional.
Agent Steel wrote:But there are tons of other facts of which you are refusing to take serious consideration.
I considered them, but they are the exceptions, and not the rule.

Agent Steel wrote:You don't know what another person's struggle is like. Everyone is different.
:roll: People can generalize about most things because they are true, for most things.

Agent Steel wrote:When you and Dr. Lee say "I lost weight, therefore anyone can", that's just ignorant. Your experience is yours alone and cannot be used as a good argument against obesity being a disease.
It's true for most people. The exceptions are rare. Even women with PCOS can lose weight. I can direct you to a YouTuber(Michelle McDaniels) who suffers from this and changed her life. She speaks to many other obese women and helps them to lose weight.

I can probably find thousands of examples of people changing diet and losing weight. In fact, most of the things like bariatric surgeries can only be done once a person loses enough weight for the surgery to be possible.

Agent Steel wrote:I am able to control my drinking. But you know what? Some people can't. They are called alcoholics. Alcoholism is a disease. Obesity is the same thing.
Sorry, but that doesn't absolve people of responsibility. People CAN and DO quit drinking every day. It's call willpower and self discipline. No one EVER says that no one can stop drinking. How come people say this lie to obese people?

Agent Steel wrote:It's like I said before. You are arguing from personal feelings here, not me. You're using your experiences with weight loss, which you have invested personal emotion into, as a way to make judgements about weight loss in general. That's not logical. That's emotional.
False. You're the one being upset. I argue from facts which even YOU admitted to:
Agent Steel wrote:I don't deny the fact that obesity is a result of eating too many calories.

If it's true that obesity is the result of eating too many calories, it stands to reason(and is fact), that reducing calories can reduce weight, and obesity.

Fact: obesity can be cured by caloric intake reduction. Things like exercise, which burn calories, assist with this. No doctor, in the history of many kind, with any sort of integrity has ever told a person that they cannot lose weight.

Counting calories: Get back to weight-loss basics
Weight control really boils down to one thing — calories. See what steps you can take to win the calorie battle.

And if you eat fewer calories and burn more calories through physical activity, you lose weight.

In general, if you cut about 500 calories a day from your usual diet, you may lose about ½ to 1 pound a week. But this can vary depending on your body, how much weight you want to lose, your gender and activity level. ... 20a%20week.

Weight loss: Study finds calorie restriction more effective than intermittent fasting ... nt-fasting

Diets that reduce calories lead to weight loss, regardless of carbohydrate, protein or fat content ... otein-fat/

I suppose doctors are emotional and illogical, too, according to you? :lol:

No one is fat shaming anyone, or fatphobic, unless you consider not wanting to be fat, as being fatphobic(which it isn't). Being obese comes with a lot of health problems that mostly disappear when the obesity is no longer a factor.

You and others can call obesity a disease if you want, but there is a cure for it that works for the vast majority of people, and it's diet control and exercise. While exceptions do exist, they are not the norm, so mentioning them is largely irrelevant.
@Godstud I think part of the problem is a lack of being honest with what weight issues are about. Emotional eating, trauma, and bad habits formed over many years.

Change is always difficult for people who are used to bad habits. It is all about being realistic. If you have to change you got to change.

Is it easy? No, it is usually hard as hell at the beginning especially because it will make you uncomfortable.

The entire premise of society that is under a certain system is about convenience and being able to sell something for a profit. So long shelf life foods are given priority in marketing most days. Fresh fruits and veggies etc tend to be harder to stick to if you have avoided cutting up fruit and go for a candy bar instead for years.

You got to make good habits easier to achieve. It requires a lot of efforts at the beginning. Once the new routine is established well, and you have people who are in weight dilemmas accepting that they are responsible for their own health results? You got smooth sailing.

But, I think all change is uncomfortable for people. You got to realize change and discomfort go hand in hand. And people have an instinct for avoiding discomfort. Like they do with pain avoidance.

Pain and discomfort are often part of changing something important in your life.

That is the true issue. But if you face the pain and the discomfort the rewards on the other side of that are great. Triumph and satisfaction are the flipside.
Well, since this thread is about civil rights, some rando from the public got kicked from a panel on obesity and fat acceptance in Spain for suggesting that the way to solve them, for most people, is to diet responsibly and doing exercise.

Is this the appropriate way to deal with this discussion?
Yes, @MistyTiger, and @Drlee and myself have mentioned many times that losing weight is not easy. It's hard to control your life, and diet is something everyone needs to control.

Most people struggle with a healthy diet and lifestyle, constantly. Most people have problems in their lives and this take a measure of self control and discipline. This can make these things into seemingly impossible things, as we try to cope with reality.

Now, instead of saying "Hit the gym", women are told they look beautiful, no matter how fat they are. They attempt to normalize obesity(heck they had a fat women on the cover of Sports Illustrated!) because the big corporations make shitloads of money off of obese people eating their food, using their products, medicines, etc. If I was a blood pressure pill company, I'd be pushing obesity and "health at any size", too.
@Godstud I have heard you and Dr. Lee claim several times now that medical conditions that cause obesity are very rare and are just exceptions to the rule. On page 1 you wrote "Obesity due to medical problems is an extremely small minority(less than 1%)". I don't think that's true.

Do you know how many women suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. Well, let's find out.

"PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility, affecting 6% to 12% (as many as 5 million) of US women of reproductive age."

To be honest I didn't even know what it was until someone told me about it. That's quite a lot of people, don't you think?

And that is just one of MANY types of conditions that cause obesity.

So I think you're wrong when you say that these cases are merely "exceptions".
Agent Steel wrote:I don't think that's true.
You are free to believe that. You are free to believe that gluten's bad, too, even though less than 1% of people are actually affected by it.

Agent Steel wrote:Do you know how many women suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome.
Check out Michelle McDaniels on YouTube, a woman who lost weight, and became fit, while having PCOS. She speaks out on weight loss and fitness. PCOS does not prevent weight loss.

The study demonstrates the prevalence of PCOS may be markedly increased in overweight and obese women.

PCOS maybe be CAUSED by obesity!

That said, I can find a dozen PCOS weight loss diet plans.

How to Lose Weight With PCOS: 12 Helpful Tips
If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), changing your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle may help you reach and maintain a moderate weight. ... -with-pcos

PCOS does not cause obesity, however. It can make it easier to become obese, but eating poorly can do that, as well.

So... you saying people can't lose weight is simply false. You are fitphobic, @Agent Steel.
@Godstud Where did you come up with your statistic of 1%? Just pulled it out of your ass?

Regardless, you admit that there are some people whose obesity is caused by medical conditions. The figure is actually much higher than 1%, but whatever the number is, such people do exist.

And that was the point I have made repeatedly since I started this topic. Did you even read my opening post? I clearly stated that I am advocating on behalf of people who have legitimate medical disabilities. The point is that you sir are understating the number of such people who exist.

Why is it that you're unwilling to correct your erroneous statement even after I clearly showed that it was false? Be a man and admit that you are wrong.
Agent Steel wrote:Regardless, you admit that there are some people whose obesity is caused by medical conditions. The figure is actually much higher than 1%, but whatever the number is, such people do exist.
If I am off by a few percentage points, it is still irrelevant, as the point I am making is that it is the EXCEPTION, and not the rule. 1in 20 is still the exception.

Obesity is NOT caused by medical conditions, but by diet. My links to medical sources demonstrate this very clearly.

Agent Steel wrote: I clearly stated that I am advocating on behalf of people who have legitimate medical disabilities.
No. You're not, or you wouldn't be disagreeing with what @Drlee and I posted. We were NOT addressing the tiny percentage of people who have legitimate medical conditions that make losing weight difficult(although not impossible). Even women with PCOS can lose weight.

Agent Steel wrote:The point is that you sir are understating the number of such people who exist.
It is a small number. I a speaking about the majority of the population which, for some reason, you fail to comprehend.

Agent Steel wrote:Why is it that you're unwilling to correct your erroneous statement even after I clearly showed that it was false? Be a man and admit that you are wrong.
:lol: You proved nothing. I showed you medical professionals that state clearly that weight loss is linked to diet(even in people with medical conditions that make it difficult to lose weight).

If I admitted to being wrong, like you wish, then two of us would be wrong.
Hehe. I notice you try to squirm your way out of an error by not wholly admitting to it.

"If" I am off...No, not "if". You ARE off. And I gave you an absolute fact that shows you are off.

I love how even after you get proven wrong you nevertheless still go on and reassert the same lie. You're hilarious :lol:
Agent Steel wrote:Hehe. I notice you try to squirm your way out of an error by not wholly admitting to it.
I always spoke in generalities. Have you been watching all this "healthy at any size" garbage, aimed at women? You seem to be stuck in your feelings. This whole topic is not about how you feel about obese people. Obesity is a problem. It can be "cured" if it is a disease, as some day(this is still in dispute).

The facts show you are talking in hyperbole, and the modern indoctrination that says people who think you don't need to be fat, are fatphobic. This has gone so far as to call people who won't date people who are fat, racist. They have SJWs pushing agendas telling people they can be healthy while being 50kg+ overweight. They lie to people, and some people see enough to actually believe this lie(it goes against all medical evidence). You seem to have fallen into this SJW trend.

The facts say that if you have a caloric deficit, you WILL lose weight. This is simple reality. I posted actual sources supporting what I said. You post about exceptions. There are exceptions. They are exceptions, however, and take up a miniscule number.

I am not upset about what you say because I am dealing with facts. You don't like the facts that don't support your new fat-friendly bias. I'm sorry.

Everyone who is obese CAN lose weight and no doctor who has any sort of integrity(or indeed is qualified), will tell you that you CANNOT. That would be a lie. It just has levels of difficulty applied to it, depending on a lot of factors, that we've already discussed.

9 Hard Truths About Weight Loss That Can Help You Slim Down ... -loss.aspx

The 6 Weight-Loss Tips That Science Actually Knows Work ... 4ced05455b

Re: Fatphobia. I have never said people who are obese should be treated with anything but respect. A person's skin colour, height, body weight, and such things should not be the metrics by which we judge people. We are, however, human. People do judge people on how they look.

If you have blue hair and a bull nose piercing, they probably know you are a progressive. If you are very muscular, they'll know you're a gym bro. If you are obese, they will think you have a little less self-discipline than other people.

These opinions may or may not be true, but we all do them.
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