Rape Trees - women who cross the border pay a high price to get into U.S. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Strewn all along the border in more remote areas are "rape trees".

So-called because women's torn undergarments are found hanging in these trees where they were raped.

Many women who cross the border end up paying a high price to get into the U.S.

Ranchers who live along the border know of these rape trees all too well.

Most often the women are raped by the men that were smuggling them.

http://www.bu.edu/today/2018/theology-s ... co-border/

The rapes are so common it has been reported that family members sending their daughters off to cross the border commonly have them take birth control pills and bring along a Plan B pill, to prepare them for their journey.

Apparently some of these smugglers keep leading fresh new victims back to the same tree, leaving their panties or bras to hang in the tree as trophies.

Some of the ranchers living in these areas describe hearing cries throughout the night in the far off distance.
The root cause is that American rule does not extend to these backward areas.

Colonising them (at least in the form of Jonestown, without the death cult of course!) will tackle the issue from the root.
Patrickov wrote:The root cause is that American rule does not extend to these backward areas.

Colonising them (at least in the form of Jonestown, without the death cult of course!) will tackle the issue from the root.

By this logic, we would assume that Puerto Rico and Samoa have no rape problems. Is that the case?
Pants-of-dog wrote:By this logic, we would assume that Puerto Rico and Samoa have no rape problems. Is that the case?

You got it all wrong.

1. The problem here is human trafficking. The "rape tree" here is simply a symptom of human trafficking.
My logic is: Direct rule by the West → everywhere is good to live → no human trafficking.

2. I did not discuss rape due to other causes.

Conclusion: Your inclusion of "rape" in the question is off-topic.
Patrickov wrote:You got it all wrong.

1. The problem here is human trafficking. The "rape tree" here is simply a symptom of human trafficking.

Then you were incorrect in your claim that the problem is the lack of US rule. Note that there is also trafficking inside the USA.

My logic is: Direct rule by the West → everywhere is good to live → no human trafficking.

2. I did not discuss rape due to other causes.

Conclusion: Your inclusion of "rape" in the question is off-topic.

What about the mass graves and systematic rapes conducted by western imperialism?
Pants-of-dog wrote:What about the mass graves and systematic rapes conducted by western imperialism?

That's the past when people were more barbaric.

Today, they won't do it. Rather, those opposing Western Imperialism, a.k.a. who you seem to support, are the real offenders.

EDIT: Sorry I was a bit carried away by mass graves. Whether mass graves are wrong depend on what people are killed. If they contain wrongdoers then I have no problem with it.
Patrickov wrote:That's the past when people were more barbaric.

The last place that could have mass graces of raped children closed in 1996, here in Canada.

Is that what you mean by the past?

Today, they won't do it. Rather, those opposing Western Imperialism, a.k.a. who you seem to support, are the real offenders.

Oh, I see. You think it is fine for western forces to rape and kill as ling as they do slightly less than the Chinese.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The last place that could have mass graves of raped children closed in 1996, here in Canada.

Is that what you mean by the past?

The grave itself closed down much earlier. Stop making strawman arguments.


The Berks County Detention

Center is EMPTY!

On January 10th, 2023 the Berks County Detention Center in Leesport, PA ended the day with an empty facility and is anticipated to remain empty until its final closure on January 31st, 2023.

This is a victory for the immigrant community in Pennsylvania and beyond. After an 8-year campaign that began in 2015, when the 2014 sexual assault of a 19 year-old mother at Berks by a staff member sparked outrage among community members, the Shut Down Berks Coalition has demanded the permanent closure of the prison. The Coalition celebrated the announcement on November 30th, 2022 that the prison’s ICE contract with Berks County would terminate at the end of January, and now celebrates that this immigrant prison is finally empty and will close permanently.

https://mailchi.mp/a153b499a501/empty-t ... 6c186fa991
Pants-of-dog wrote:The last place that could have mass graces of raped children closed in 1996, here in Canada.
Is that what you mean by the past?

First of all, that is totally off topic. Second of all, that is totally not true. And third, I believe what you are referring to had nothing at all to do with rape, and not only that but the media dishonestly presented the story as if those deaths had been intentional, when they were most likely caused by disease epidemics (yet plenty of the gullible public swallowed the media lies).
So you're being totally wacky and ridiculous.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Oh, I see. You think it is fine for western forces to rape and kill as ling as they do slightly less than the Chinese.

Again, even if we overlook for a moment the fact you're being totally off topic, you're being totally wacky.
I've never heard of any instances where "western forces" tried to commit rape (aside from just a few cases involving African soldiers employed by the U.N.).

It seems reality just does not conform to the way you want to imagine things to be.
Puffer Fish wrote:First of all, that is totally off topic. Second of all, that is totally not true. And third, I believe what you are referring to had nothing at all to do with rape, and not only that but the media dishonestly presented the story as if those deaths had been intentional, when they were most likely caused by disease epidemics (yet plenty of the gullible public swallowed the media lies).
So you're being totally wacky and ridiculous.

Oh right, I forgot you are a genocide denier.

Anyway, the mass graves of children, many of whom were raped, still disprove the myth of western moral superiority.

Again, even if we overlook for a moment the fact you're being totally off topic, you're being totally wacky.
I've never heard of any instances where "western forces" tried to commit rape (aside from just a few cases involving African soldiers employed by the U.N.).

It seems reality just does not conform to the way you want to imagine things to be.

Are you serious?

Rigt now, Canada’s armed forces, like many others, are dealing with high levels of sexual assault within the armed forces.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So we agree that western forces made mass graves of raped children. What makes you think they stopped?

It's you who say they didn't stop. You have the responsibility to give proof. Otherwise I will just regard you are lying.

I have first hand experience that Western rule is better. My very existence is the living proof. Bite me.
Patrickov wrote:It's you who say they didn't stop. You have the responsibility to give proof. Otherwise I will just regard you are lying.

I have first hand experience that Western rule is better. My very existence is the living proof. Bite me.

Your hatred of the Chinese blinds you to inhumane acts when done by western forces.

Consequently, it is difficult to believe that you are going to present a logical and well supported argument.

For example, in this case of raping undocumented migrants from south if the Rio Grande, you refuse to acknowledge that US law creates the opportunity for these coyotes to rape the women they traffic.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Your hatred of the Chinese blinds you to inhumane acts when done by western forces.

No I didn't. Of course they did inhumane things in the past, but you are claiming that they still do this arbitrarily now.

Apparently you know you are telling a lie, and thus cannot prove you case, so you resorted to attacking my beliefs instead.

Pants-of-dog wrote:For example, in this case of raping undocumented migrants from south if the Rio Grande, you refuse to acknowledge that US law creates the opportunity for these coyotes to rape the women they traffic.

Which I gave a solution: Stop separating "me" and "them", and directly rule everywhere.

As pointed out by ckaihatsu, I am a firm believer of "White Men's Burden".
What my belief is different from his perception is that, my assertion is on the responsibility part rather than the benefits.
Patrickov wrote:
As pointed out by ckaihatsu, I am a firm believer of "White Men's Burden".
What my belief is different from his perception is that, my assertion is on the responsibility part rather than the benefits.

With *this* statement, Patrickov, you're showing yourself to be a *true believer* (in British Empire patronage).

It's not quite 'social democracy', but not *far* from it either, logistically, and looks to resemble *Stalinism*, moreso, ironically -- your Hong Kong separatism aside.

Any thoughts perhaps on 'NATO-as-savior' these days -- ?
Patrickov wrote:Of course they did inhumane things in the past, but you are claiming that they still do this arbitrarily now.

The point is that the US government, or any other colonial government (western or not), will not care about criminals raping "illegal aliens" en masse.

And we know that by looking at the recent history and ongoing problems when it comes to protecting the rights of women and BIPOC people. Especially when there is a profit motive, like in the situation of profiting from the labour of undocumented migrants.

Which I gave a solution: Stop separating "me" and "them", and directly rule everywhere.

As pointed out by ckaihatsu, I am a firm believer of "White Men's Burden".
What my belief is different from his perception is that, my assertion is on the responsibility part rather than the benefits.

Do you understand how the idea of White Man's burden is racist and provided the justification for systems and institutions that led to, for example, mass graves of raped children?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Do you understand how the idea of White Man's burden is racist and provided the justification for systems and institutions that led to, for example, mass graves of raped children?

They didn't so it correctly, not that the thing itself was wrong. If anything, letting locals to self-rule usually led to chaos that destroyed the good and made the bad worse. Places like Greenland were exception not the rule.
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