Parent sabotaged rest of child's life through side effects of medication - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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another example of children being unnecessarily over-medicated
sounds like parental medical abuse, and this poor child is probably going to have their lifespan cut short as a result, even after they became an adult and is no longer living with his parents.

this comes from a now-deleted post on Reddit

my mom basically killed me and my whole family is fine with it

"My mom had a lot of issues. She would doctor hop as a kid a lot. Not medical but mental health. She would scream until I'd have a breakdown, then use that to tell doctors I was bipolar. I got on a bunch of meds [medications]. She doctor hopped a ton fraud insurance. Paid out of pocket because TRICARE kept denying stuff. Switched doctors when they wouldn't do exact meds at the dosages she preferred. Recently I found out she purposefully didn't get me diagnosed with autism because they would have had to reevaluate bipolar disorder and I would have no longer qualified for a diagnosis. I got an autism diagnosis as an adult but I no longer qualify for bipolar based on my own stuff. That's with long term observation. The meds - 3 of them - cause liver issues. Out of the many, 5 of them were 3 times the recommended top dosage for my body weight. One isn't recommended in minors or even in adults more than 2 years due to liver damage complications. But if you switch [doctors] enough you can always find someone. My liver enzymes tests are horrid. I don't even drink [no alcohol]. The damage was done before anything could be done about it. My bilirubin levels are so high, past where jaundice normally occurs, so I'm surprised I'm not.
I thought I'd finally have the freedom as an adult to build a life that was happy. But even with a transplant, only 75% of people live for another 5 years. I eat healthy, drink water, I run. I do things cause I want my body to last and be healthy cause I only have one body. I wanted it to last.
I can't stand being around her, knowing her actions are literally killing me. I hate how she got my grandparents to minimize it to a situation where "Oh, she didn't know. It wasn't her choice, it was the doctors." She 100% knew. My brother overheard her lying to the doctor so many times. I also have to live with the fact that my mom killed me and everyone I know just acts like that's normal. It's not normal. It's not normal to try so hard and not have a chance. Most days I'm fine, I'm unbelievably happy. There's so much perspective that you get when you face the fact that you may not have a choice to get a full life. But other days I'm so unbelievably angry at my mom and family, that even if I'm living the way I want to for me and do everything right I may not even have the chance to build up my life. It absolutely hurts in every way."

Another poster commented that this guy in the story was adopted, and that having TriCare means one of the parents must of been in the military, also pointing out that what may have been going on is the mom could have had the mental disorder Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, where she was seeking personal attention. With this type of mental disorder, typically what happens is a mother causes medical problems in her child to seek attention, sympathy or validation for herself, oftentimes causing the child to get sick, and it is not uncommon for the parent's actions to cause the child to eventually die. This story seems like it could be a variation of that scenario.

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