"Moscow Economy Starts to Collapse" - FAKE NEWS ALERT - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Admin Edit: This OP & Video is fake news with no sources of official statistics provided anywhere.

Far too many analysts of the war focus exclusively on the military situation, which is tough for Ukraine. But as with Germany in 1918 OR MOSCOW EMPIRE IN 1917 , it's the economics on the home front that will decide this war. If Ukraine and its supporters can hold firm for another 6-12 months, MOSCOW will begin to unravel from within. It's perfectly possible that we will see armed and disaffected troops marching on the centres of power as they did in 1917...

Moscow Economy Starts to Collapse as Current Account Falls 85% & Oil & Gas Revenues Crash in 2023 -OFFICIAL STATISTICS

Last edited by noemon on 28 Aug 2023 18:40, edited 1 time in total.
Your optimism and undiluted, unflinching faith in the revolution is much appreciated @litwin .

Putin's fascist regime will fall. Freedom will come to the imprisoned nations of the Russian Federation!

Putin's head will be displayed on a spike high atop the Kremlin on Red Square.

Victory to the revolution!

Glory to Ukraine!
Szabo wrote:Your optimism and undiluted, unflinching faith in the revolution is much appreciated @litwin .

Putin's fascist regime will fall. Freedom will come to the imprisoned nations of the Russian Federation!

Putin's head will be displayed on a spike high atop the Kremlin on Red Square.

Victory to the revolution!

Glory to Ukraine!

from rubles to rubble. 8)
skinster wrote:
more of the same..

PPP is good at gauging the relative strength of the economy.

But you can prop up a currency (or run it down), and Putin has been using his reserves to prop up the ruble.

Which is saying PPP is useless, for Russia, at this time.

Again, the discussion is about how much the Russian economy is suffering. My 2 cents is that it's suffering a LOT.
^ Well, your 2 cents gets your understanding from neocon savages and government-funded stenographers who've been making war against Russia in Ukraine, as well as against Ukraine, so it's not really worth anything at all. ;)

annatar1914 wrote:Sad stupid vicious racist fascist Bandera Uniate fucks. That about sums up them, the ones that don't fertilize the soil will go West and torture the natives there

Indeed. There will be blowback in European cities as there was when the West was arming fascists in the form of Jihadists - "moderate rebels" as the West called them - in the other wars the West created in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Some of them won't be caught before they are able to harm, like these guys.

Europeans who think they'll be fine after their governments arm fascists to the teeth have learned nothing.

The book, The Management of Savagery by Max Blumenthal is worth reading on this topic.
skinster wrote:https://twitter.com/VermillionRich/status/1695165624366878857?s=20

Roundup of Russian “news” from Telegram today:

Russia's attempt to transfer international settlements from the #dollar to national currencies ran into problems with low liquidity and convertibility of such currencies. The lower the liquidity and the higher the "exoticism" of the currency, the higher the costs, up to 30% of the transaction amount. It is possible to convert, but long and expensive. At the same time, almost half of all international settlements (46%) are still made in the dollar, and its share in the reserves of countries is kept at the level of 60%.

The #Chinese language is now becoming one of the main world languages ​​in science, and therefore it will be gradually included in the programs of Russian universities, - Andrey Fursenko, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education. They want to include the Chinese language in the programs of Russian universities, but it is important to keep Russian as one of the main languages ​​of communication between scientists, said Andrey Fursenko, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education .

Tourism sector in occupied #Crimea ground to a halt due to security situation. Crimea is economically dependent on the tourism industry, but the average booking rate for August was less than 40%.

Only 1.3 thousand viewers became guests of the three-day festival of Russian cinema in India - Russian Film Festival

Failed ex-Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson wants to interview Russian President Putin. This was announced by the editor-in-chief of RT - Simonyan.

All quite on the western front. Except for territories being reclaimed by Ukraine.

late wrote:PPP is good at gauging the relative strength of the economy.

But you can prop up a currency (or run it down), and Putin has been using his reserves to prop up the ruble.

Which is saying PPP is useless, for Russia, at this time.

Again, the discussion is about how much the Russian economy is suffering. My 2 cents is that it's suffering a LOT.

PPP is far more real and accurate than nominal GDP.

Russia is the 6th(or 5th) largest economy in the world and while its economy has taken a hit(as have all western economies) it is in fact not struggling as the OP and various pundits claim.

This thread and OP is hilarious and very low level.

Next Economy thread created with a low-level youtube video as an OP will be purged.

The OP video can not be called a source as it does not provide any actual sources but merely excel images from the British narrator's own computer. Get real trolls, at least make a bloody effort.

Fair warning provided.
noemon wrote:PPP is far more real and accurate than nominal GDP.

Russia is the 6th(or 5th) largest economy in the world and while its economy has taken a hit(as have all western economies) it is in fact not struggling as the OP and various pundits claim.

This thread and OP is hilarious and very low level.

Next Economy thread created with a low-level youtube video as an OP will be purged.

The OP video can not be called a source as it does not provide any actual sources but merely excel images from the British narrator's own computer. Get real trolls, at least make a bloody effort.

Fair warning provided.

Remember: part of the reason the very sudden collapse of the USSR (Moscow commie empire) took absolutely everyone by surprise is because they had done such a good job of presenting their situation as far less dire than it really was for so long.

litwin wrote:Remember: part of the reason the very sudden collapse of the USSR (Moscow commie empire) took absolutely everyone by surprise is because they had done such a good job of presenting their situation as far less dire than it really was for so long.

So first you post a ridiculous youtube video, then you write that you have evidence of OFFICIAL Russian Statistics. Your OP video claims its data is from the Bank of Russia.

Now you are saying that we cannot trust official Russian data.

The age of you posting shit in the forum is over, post real data and sources or nothing at all.

If I have to clean up a lot of your threads and posts, there will be an issue.

Again, fair warning provided.
noemon wrote:
PPP is far more real and accurate than nominal GDP.

Russia is the 6th(or 5th) largest economy in the world and while its economy has taken a hit(as have all western economies) it is in fact not struggling as the OP and various pundits claim.

This thread and OP is hilarious and very low level.

Next Economy thread created with a low-level youtube video as an OP will be purged.

The OP video can not be called a source as it does not provide any actual sources but merely excel images from the British narrator's own computer. Get real trolls, at least make a bloody effort.

Fair warning provided.

I didn't refer to the OP, much less use it as a source..

Again, PPP is useless when the currency is being artificially propped up.

By GDP, Wiki has Russia at 11th. But the lack of transparency makes me question the numbers that went into getting there.

"According to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2022 was a bad year for the Russian economy. It is estimated that in 2022, Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) dropped by 2.1%.

Russia’s economy may continue to shrink in 2023. Its GDP is forecast to decline by 2.5% in the worst-case scenario (OECD) or by 0.2% according to the World Bank. The IMF expects growth in 2023 (0.7%)."

Russia is unusual in that it has an especially large amount of assets abroad, and much if that is locked down by sanctions.

"Insider's Phil Rosen reported that car sales in Moscow have tanked by nearly 75% since the Ukraine war broke out. The decline has been fueled by a mix of three factors: soaring prices, decreasing supply, and deteriorating consumer sentiment.

"Russians are just buying less cars, period," Tian said. "That speaks to the weakness of the consumer in Russia. This is as close to a proxy to deteriorating consumer sentiment as there is, and the story it tells is profoundly distressing. Russians just aren't spending money."

Another sign that Russia's economy is flailing is the dramatic collapse in its current-account balance.

Moscow's central bank posted a 93% year-on-year drop in its current-account surplus for the April-June quarter. it fell from a record $76.7 billion to $5.4 billion.

The rough financials show how badly Western sanctions are biting the country, particularly its key energy sector where its oil-and-gas exports have taken a huge hit after price caps and bans were imposed.

In June, Russia's Finance Ministry said that revenue from oil-and-gas taxes fell 36% compared to a year ago to about 571 billion rubles, and that profits from crude and petroleum products tumbled 31% to 426 billion rubles."

Its GDP is forecast to decline by 2.5% in the worst-case scenario (OECD) or by 0.2% according to the World Bank. The IMF expects growth in 2023 (0.7%)."

That is extremely good for a country at war. How much has the Ukrainian economy contracted? 25%, 40%? More?

Again, PPP is useless when the currency is being artificially propped up.

Which would place the US even lower than it currently is at second place. Not Russia. Also, the ruble is trading a bit lower than its normally average historical rate = no more artificially propped up than any other currency out there.

Elaborate more if you can.

PPP is also called by economists "Real GDP" as opposed to "Artificial GDP" which is the nominal GDP.

New Car purchases is not an indicator of anything substantial and the fact that western pundits resort to such argument is more evidence of their own desperation than it is of the state of Russia's economy.

The country is at war and sanctioned(which means that a lot of cars are not even available to buy), it is no rocket science that the consumption of new BMW's has dropped.

Most western economies are running on deficits and have no current account surplus! And Russia still has a surplus after all these sanctions and the war!
litwin wrote:https://twitter.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/1695722508274594279?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1695722508274594279%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

That's better, but 2.1% recession is nothing at all. And certainly not evidence that the sanctions are working.

The eurozone economy is in recession also and not even at war.

Car production has fallen even more in the UK than it has in Russia.

This is evidence that the sanctions are not working at all as Russia still has an account surplus, unlike almost all European economies who don't and several of them are suffering more than Russia without sanctions and without a war. So, it has become a joke now to claim that "sanctions are working".

And it was also debunked.

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