California school pays $8.25 million to 3 boys who had sex with teacher - Politics | PoFo

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Crime and prevention thereof. Loopholes, grey areas and the letter of the law.
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This is the latest example of Leftist progressive insanity and lawsuits being out of control.

Those on the Left seem to think that big employers should be held financially responsible for misconduct that their employees commit.

In this case, since it is a public school, this money is ultimately being spent by the government and coming from the taxpayers (which is why this thread is being placed in the "Budget & Taxes" section).

In other words the "costs" to an individual are being socialized and paid for by the group (society).
The victim is given money to financially compensate them for the wrong they suffered. (Never mind that the wrong may not truly have a financial equivalent, or that the people who end up paying are not the ones who chose to commit that crime)
I guess progressives view this as making society more "fair". It's almost like a social insurance scheme for suffering any wrong in your life.

I personally think this is total insanity, but many modern progressives apparently see it as perfectly normal, reasonable, and good. This is just how they roll in progressive areas.

In this story, a female teacher had sex with her male students, got pregnant by one of them, and then the families of boy students wanted money, and went to court trying to make the school have to give them money. So the school gave them lots of money.

from the article:
A Southern California school district will pay $2.25 million to settle the latest lawsuit involving a teacher who became pregnant by one of at least two students she was accused of sexually abusing.

The settlement brings to $8.25 million the amount paid by Redlands Unified School District to Laura Whitehurst's victims since her 2013 arrest.

In August 2016, the district agreed to pay $6 million to a former student who impregnated Whitehust while she was his teacher.

The latest lawsuit was filed in 2021 by another former student who alleged he was preyed upon and sexually abused at Redlands High School by Whitehurst in 2007 and 2008 when he was 14. Whitehurst admitted to police in 2013 she had sex with the youth 10 to 15 times in her classroom and at her apartment.

In the other lawsuit, the boy who fathered Whitehurst's child alleged that Redlands Unified officials knew of his relationship with the teacher and failed to warn his family.

Whitehurst gave birth in 2014 after having sex with the boy for a year, starting when he was 16.

Whitehurst, who taught English and was a soccer coach, pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with three former students. She served six months in jail and was required to register as a sex offender.​

California school district to pay $2.25M to settle suit involving teacher who had student's baby, Associated Press, 9/10/2023

Apparently the Left thinks money grows on trees.

In my view, these type of lawsuits should NOT be normalized. This is not how things should work. It is not logical. Rather it follows a wacky sort of Leftist progressive logic.

In this case it looks like the teacher wasn't really that attractive, but they were horny young 14-year-old teen boys and I guess couldn't help themselves.

If it had been a male teacher who had sex with female students, I could perhaps half understand the reasons for the lawsuit. I would still overall disagree (the school should not be financially responsible), but at least I could half see it.

In this case I think the families of those boys were just being opportunistic and trying to get some money. (In my view, that is like THEFT) I know this was an agreed upon settlement, but the judge should have immediately thrown out the case out as soon as it came to him, sending the message that the school should not have to pay and would not be at risk to have to pay anything.
(For those who don't know, plaintiffs often pay settlements because they're worried if they do not settle, a possibility exists the court might order them to pay even more. And ongoing litigation is expensive)
Last edited by Puffer Fish on 11 Sep 2023 19:36, edited 1 time in total.
Random American wrote:They were teenage boys taken advantage of by a grown ass woman.

And what does this have to do with the school?

Why do you feel the school should pay money?

(I'd even ask the question why should any money be involved in a sex crime, but that's a separate issue)

Random American wrote:And how this pertains to leftism is a mystery, so I will note this as another example of reactionary outrage culture. :roll:

What this has to do with Leftism is you don't see anything wrong with this (the settlement money) and see it as reasonable.
Puffer Fish wrote:And what does this have to do with the school?

The idea is probably that the school system failed the students by hiring a sexual predator. Therefore is at least in part liable for the criminal behavior of the teacher.

Not sure what you are going on about with the whole leftist thing.
Rancid wrote:The idea is probably that the school system failed the students by hiring a sexual predator.

So maybe you want employers to avoid ever hiring someone who was convicted of a sex offense in the past?

Way to go helping former criminals reintegrate into society.

If the teacher did something bad before, maybe there should be a law in place to tell public schools they should not hire a teacher who has committed that crime?

I don't understand why the Left seems to feel that money is the right way to right all wrongs and solve problems.
(especially when it's taxpayer money)
Rancid wrote:Not sure what you are going on about with the whole leftist thing.

The Leftist thing is because people like you can't seem to see anything wrong with this, and approve of it.

It's obviously insane and nonsensical to any conservative.

A payout of money is absurd. Especially this much, and especially coming from a public school, money that's sourced from the taxpayers.
Puffer Fish wrote:The Leftist thing is because people like you can't seem to see anything wrong with this, and approve of it.

It's obviously insane and nonsensical to any conservative.

A payout of money is absurd. Especially this much, and especially coming from a public school, money that's sourced from the taxpayers.

This thing where people get exorbitant amounts of money in lawsuits is a US thing. It has nothing to do with classical Marxism or modern progressive radicalism as far as I can tell.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This thing where people get exorbitant amounts of money in lawsuits is a US thing. It has nothing to do with classical Marxism or modern progressive radicalism as far as I can tell.

The amount does seem high, though I'm sure lawyers and expert witnesses ate up most of it.

It is ridiculously expensive to use the court system in the U.S., and yes, it has nothing to do with leftism. Our court system just sucks.
Random American wrote:They were teenage boys taken advantage of by a grown ass woman.

I'm willing to agree they were taken advantage of. If you look at the picture of her. Not exactly the most attractive.

I wouldn't dip my chip in that guacamole.

But very horny teen boys with few options rarely need much coaxing apparently. A biological drive kicks in at that age when their young teen bodies are awakening. They probably were unable to say no.

I'm also willing to bet those kids (the "victims") weren't White.
(Why? #1 Because they had enough of a sex drive to sleep with this woman, and #2 because their parents were apparently money-hungry, initiating a lawsuit over this)
Puffer Fish wrote:So maybe you want employers to avoid ever hiring someone who was convicted of a sex offense in the past?

First, that isn't the situation with this teacher/coach. This teacher/coach committed the crimes while employed. In any case, the school system failed to protect those boys. Yes, it is liable to some degree.

Second, before I answer your question, you are already starting to meander with random obfuscation with questions. "What about this... what about that! what about!" You are all over the fucking place and confuse that for discussion.

Anyway, to your question, that is not what I want generally speaking. I say generally because life isn't as black/white as you want it to be. It depends on the profession being hired for. If we're talking about a profession that requires the education and care of children. Yes, abso- fucking-lutely yes, I would not want an ex-con teaching or taking care for my kids. The fuck is wrong with you? :lol:

Puffer Fish wrote:The Leftist thing is because people like you can't seem to see anything wrong with this, and approve of it.

I'm not a leftist. :?: Not sure what you are on about. One piece of advice, when you obsess over bucketing people as "leftist" or "other" or whatever as you do often. You do not have the right mind set to have a fruitful conversation. You are just looking for a fight. :roll: When this is the case, you will forever remain stuck an unable to grow.

That said, you want sexual predators taking care of your kids? :lol: Oh wait, your the guy that constantly sympathizes with rapist for some reason.
Puffer Fish wrote:I'm willing to agree they were taken advantage of. If you look at the picture of her. Not exactly the most attractive.

I wouldn't dip my chip in that guacamole.

But very horny teen boys with few options rarely need much coaxing apparently. A biological drive kicks in at that age when their young teen bodies are awakening. They probably were unable to say no.

I'm also willing to bet those kids (the "victims") weren't White.
(Why? #1 Because they had enough of a sex drive to sleep with this woman, and #2 because their parents were apparently money-hungry, initiating a lawsuit over this)

@Rancid wrote:

I'm not a leftist. :?: Not sure what you are on about. One piece of advice, when you obsess over bucketing people as "leftist" or "other" or whatever as you do often. You do not have the right mind set to have a fruitful conversation. You are just looking for a fight.

Look how you say you are not a Leftist??!! Lol. You live in that Texas state that is always a red state...and label yourself a liberal. You want to fight with all those Texas rednecks who love Trump? I ain't a leftist Billy Bob...yes you are, you Dominican American Miami Dade County PINKO...say the real Right wingers.

Puffer Fish runs around fantasizing about raping some woman who is going to think his limp dick is the greatest thing that ever happened to her. Since he never meets this fantasy woman he thinks the only way he can legally have sex is with a paid porn app where he pretends to rape some anime character who says, oooh, Puffer Fish, I can't say no even though I want to say no....oooh, oooh...

He gets on PoFo to post another right-wing rape fantasy shitty post. He call you Rancid a Lefty. You get all bent out of shape. You are no limp dick liberal. You know your Penis campaign is always going to be about anarchy and machismo.

My fellow Americans, I am not like these limp dick liberals you see commenting on the news about using gender neutral pronouns, I am a man of action. I believe in the power of my PENIS, and not any other Random American Penis to be making the full blooded Masculine decisions in today's world of political reality.

We do not want morons in charge of America. We need to beat down the competition with some male power. We do not rape. No need to do such heinous acts. I walk into the room, and the women who are present while I enter the room, have wet panties at the first look at my political agendas. Decent child care, handsome decent clean record teachers and engineers for every challenge at home and at

No, the women never leave me alone. I have to bring in the bodyguards to safeguard my privacy, these women are beyond redemption wanting me to solve their Lonely Hearts Club problems. But, I am taken. A man of my calibre is a rare this desert of callous masculinity. I am a sensitive, and caring Latino man with real brains and real romance and real love.

Rancid sings this song from the Beatles as he blasts off in an American Muscle Car like a Dodge Charger....

Rancid wrote::hmm:


You deny your issues based only political tendencies? You are a moderate on some issues, and on others you are conservative and others you are a PINKO, and others you are a leftist lefty. Admit it. You do not subscribe to that bucket crap that everyone is into.

I think one has to be issue based. Always. Not about some label. People that follow some political dogma strictly in all things are just cultists. Anything some leader from some political party says is rubber stamped automatically by a follower? A dumb person truly. You are going to have differences with everyone at some point. Simply because you will have your own life experiences that differ from others, and you are experiencing life differently.

I am a woman. That influences my perspective. I am Puerto Rican that influences it. I am socialist (the international kind) that influences it too. I am also a mother, a daughter that I once was, a wife, etc. It all counts on the influence scale.

My age too. I never feel like I got to live with a phone. I have fantasies of being phone free and computer free. You do not need them to live because most of youth was lived without internet and without phones and computers being necessary to pay your bills and live your life. So I find it strange people think that if you have zero internet and no phone to carry around all the time? You are not really living. It is the opposite. You had peace. Walked around. Never worried about response time.

Every individual is a product of their upbringing and environment.

I know I have been. So are you.

You PINKO. :lol: :lol: :D
Tainari88 wrote:I am a woman. That influences my perspective. I am Puerto Rican that influences it. I am socialist (the international kind) that influences it too. I am also a mother, a daughter that I once was, a wife, etc. It all counts on the influence scale.

I'm a bit confused. Didn't you just say that you are a man and have a penis? (post no. 13 )
Haha. No, I was writing dialog Puffer Fish. You know I made the mistake of not putting it in quotes. Rancid understood it.

No, get it straight Puffer Fish, I am a woman. A straight hetero one at that. Feminine and married with kids. One is 25 years old and the other one right now is telling me he wants me to cook him Chinese fried rice with eggs and chicken. My younger son is 12 years old. The older son is independent and lives in the United States. The younger one lives with us in Mexico. I live in Mexico.

I do not like any of your rape justification posts. You sound terrible. Maybe if some disgusting smelly man rapes and beats you violently and you can not sit down for a few weeks and have to get some surgery to get over it and you got to go for psychological therapy for years you might understand what that horror is about for women.

It is not in the least a good experience.

I have never been raped. But I have been attacked with the intent to rape first when I was nineteen years old and the second in my mid twenties. One in PR and the other in Colorado, USA. The first attack was a classmate who lied and said he needed help with his homework assignment and if I could help him. He tried to rape me when he was alone in a study room at a public library. It had a heavy self locking door. His plan was to throw me on the table and force the issue. I got really angry and also went into action mode. I wound up breaking his ribs and his face was lacerated from the punches and kicks I gave him. He should have went to jail but since it happened on campus he was just expelled from the university. I never informed either my husband or my father. If I had? He would have wound up in the Atlantic off the coast of the Bay of San Juan somewhere dead. It is dangerous to mess with women that way Puffer Fish. You think it is some kind of a game? My father told me once, anyone tries to rape you Tainari they are dead as a doornail my daughter. I do not care who it is. Do you understand? That was when I was thirteen years old he told me that.

My husband would have beaten him to a pulp without a doubt. Killed him too. Both of them together might have gotten caught. Gone to jail for years. That is the reason I never told them. I told the counselor and the campus security. They took care of the rest. He tried to defend himself and justify his behavior saying I wanted sex with him. That it was consensual but his face and broken ribs told the story. Also he had past accusations of sexually harassing some girl in his bible study group. His ass was thrown out of the University. He lost two years of uni classes with his sick behavior.

After I kicked his ass I opened the door to the study room and fled the scene. He never got the chance to rape me.

The other guy was on drugs on a public free bus in Downtown Denver late at night. He chased me and grabbed my backpack and I hit him hard with it and ran to the bus stop. The bus driver took off before he could get on the bus and try to attack me. He also made me go into fight mode. To think there will not be a struggle and resistance is a mistake, Women respond differently to attacks. Some freeze up. Some comply out of paralyzing fear. Others do what I seem to do. I am going to fight hard and they better kill me if they hope to to rape, because if I have a chance to shank them, beat them or hit them where it hurts first I will. It has NOTHING to do with sexuality. It is about power and control and sick attacks where they want to be violent and get away with abusing what they think are vulnerable people. They are predatory people with total disrespectful behavior. It is a violent crime. Sexuality in truth is very lovely. Nothing of that crap is necessary. It is about mutual consent always. Not impositions. Force and fear if used against someone in a sex assault is about hatred and fear and abuse of power. Not about sexual stuff that is about intimacy. Women who endure it say it is very hard for the man to get inside of them. Simply because the anxiety closes up the vagina very much. Nothing there of give. The man has to force it and if he cant do that it is going to have to be he is sexual aroused in the extreme by VIOLENCE. That is the reality of it. That you are dumb about how that works does not surprise me.

It all has consequences Puffer Fish.

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