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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By annatar1914
wat0n wrote:Don't ask me how they think, but Nazism had its fair share of followers in the Arab world even at the time.

@wat0n :

Sure, and my position on Islam is pretty antithetical to it anyway. Well aware of the history. These wars tend to only make it stronger and it's adherents more numerous.
By wat0n
skinster wrote:Making complete shit up and repeating it over again doesn't make it true. :lol:

Your support for the massacre says otherwise.

skinster wrote:No, what's clear is that you have no argument besides calling me a racist, despite here displaying yourself to be an apartheid fanboy.

There should be no argument to say massacring complete families at gunpoint, raping and then killing women in a pro-peace festival and kidnapping women and children is wrong.

The fact you even think there needs to be an argument against barbarism says a lot.

skinster wrote:These Israelis who have lived in Palestine most of their lives have a much clearer position on what Israel is and report on it correctly. Miko Peled's dad was an Israeli General of the 1967 war and Miko's niece was killed in a suicide-bombing in Jerusalem many years ago. Having such experiences and still defending Palestine shows that they are for truth, no matter what. While Zionist scum have nothing but propaganda, and hardly even that these days, if we're to go by your posts. :D

They are among many of those who disregarded the aims of Hamas, this massacre shows their reading of the conflict was always wrong.

No peace agreement is possible with Hamas in the same way no peace agreement was possible with ISIL.
By skinster
wat0n wrote:Your support for the massacre says otherwise.

I support Palestinian's right to defend themselves from their imprisonment. When are you going to talk about the 2.3 million people imprisoned in Gaza concentration camp or the 3/4 million Palestinians living under a five-decades long military occupation in the West Bank? What about the apartheid? What about laws that discriminate against the 1 million citizens of "Israel proper"? When will you talk about the racist settler-colony's daily crimes? Why do you think people all over the world, after this Palestinian resistance of the weekend, are out in the streets in defence of Palestine?

And spare me any "WAH WAH massacre" when people like you either defended the massacres in Gaza in 2008, 2012 and 2014, or ignored them. One of these massacres resulted in over 500 children being killed. You said fuck all about them.

There should be no argument to say massacring complete families at gunpoint, raping and then killing women in a pro-peace festival and kidnapping women and children is wrong.

Again, repeating lies don't make them true.

There's no evidence of women being raped, that's a Zionist lie.

It wasn't a "pro-peace" festival on the border of the concentration camp Gaza, it was a techno festival. :lol: Who the hell goes to party on the border of a concentration camp?

The reason why people - aside from rabid Zionist racists like you - don't defend Israel today - aside from those in Western governments - is because people understand that it's the Israelis who are the oppressor of this story, despite you pretending as though that doesn't exist. It does. You can't oppress people for close to a century after stealing their country and homes and then continue to ethnically cleanse them off their land and homes, and then expect no response.

The Palestinians tried to do things peacefully. In 2018 they did the Great March of Return protests in the prison camp Gaza and hundreds were shot to death by Zionist snipers shooting at these fish in a barrel, with many thousands maimed. Journalists and medics were also sniped away. Did you say anything then? Of course you didn't. Because you're on the side of the oppressor and you have no defence for this oppression so focus solely on the response to the oppression. You can act like a retard as if there's no context here but I will keep bringing it to your attention like many others do, because you're full of shit and need to be called up for it. Why someone like you supports a racist apartheid colony and then tries to wax moralistic is wild to see, lucky for you it's amusing too which makes me despise you less than I currently do. :D

The fact you even think there needs to be an argument against barbarism says a lot.

The barbarism comes from the state that was imprisoning 2.3 million people in Gaza for 16 years, blockading them from the world and putting them "on a diet" as the Israelis explained their starvation tactics of the camp, where they destroyed the area multiple times as I've already mentioned, to the point when it was just rubble, where they have allowed about 2 hours of electricity per day and the most minimal amount of water. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? Would you have just stayed there and allowed yourself to be murdered slowly? Of course you wouldn't. And you don't want to address these parts of my responses to you because you're a full-of-shit Zionist who can't defend the indefensible.

Look at what they did to Gaza the last time it was carpet-bombed and destroyed. Two Jews made this film:

They are among many of those who disregarded the aims of Hamas, this massacre shows their reading of the conflict was always wrong.


No peace agreement is possible with Hamas in the same way no peace agreement was possible with ISIL.

It's your boy who is on the side of the terrorists, actually.

Still, the Israels had no plan for peace. It was all about stealing more and more land. Oslo, where the Palestinians wanted just 22% of their 45% that the Balfour Agreement offered them was still not good enough for the Israelis. Because it was never about sharing a state for these savages. They just expected to imprison a couple of million of the natives and let 3 or 4 million of them live under their oppressive military occupation and think that they could just get away with it forever. This weekend showed that that's obviously not the case. If you want to pretend like there is no context behind what occurred this weekend then feel free to repeatedly display yourself as a complete moron but reality also exists and the Zionists time of destroying Palestinians lives is hopefully coming to an end.
By wat0n
Very long post to justify the unjustifiable and no, there is no equivalence between the always regretful killing of civilians being used as human shields by armed groups launching rockets to civilian areas and things like massacring children at gunpoint or raping, then murdering women in a festival (as stated by survivors), then taking some of the corpses as war trophies and then filming yourself doing that and uploading it to the internet.
By skinster
Spare the hasbara, it doesn't work anymore. If you had any soul in you, you'd be crying for the Palestinians. But you're as racist as the state that oppresses them and then try to act all moralistic, while failing badly. :lol:

I'm Norman Finkelstein here and you're the phony actor in the orange shirt.
By wat0n
Neither whining about hasbara nor citing another fraud like Finkelstein will help your case at all.

BTW, even the most immoral aspects of Israeli policy (e.g. settlements) don't quite match with what we have seen over the weekend.
By skinster
wat0n wrote:Neither whining about hasbara nor citing another fraud like Finkelstein will help your case at all.

What, my case of telling the truth about this so-called conflict that you repeatedly try to ignore, apartheid fanboy? :excited:

BTW, even the most immoral aspects of Israeli policy (e.g. settlements) don't quite match with what we have seen over the weekend.

That's the most immoral? :lol:

What Palestinians did this weekend is less than 1% of what has happened to them since the 1940s when their country was stolen from them by European settlers.

What about the torture of children in Israeli jails? The raping of their women? Indefinite charge in Israeli prisons for decades without any charges? The ongoing land theft and straight up stealing of homes that have people in them? You just think settlements are bad because that's the hasbara line. Well, those settlements were what were attacked this weekend. They are illegal according to international law so morons who settle there deserve everything they get for deciding to move from Europe, Russia, the U.S. etc. onto land that doesn't belong to them.

These are the people you defend.

Meanwhile, also this weekend:

The reason why so many are still with Palestine despite their resistance this weekend, is because they know that the Palestinian people are the victims in this story, not the racist Zionist scum who've been oppressing them for close to a century, with no end in sight. Your numbers are dwindling, Zionists. Reality is hard to fight against.
By wat0n
In reality, there has been outrage at what Hamas did and many are not just mentioning Hamas isn't Palestine but also adding it oppresses Palestinians themselves. Even in this forum BTW.
By skinster
The outrage is by Western MSM and its politicians and regurgitated by brainwashed apartheid fanboys like you. In reality, since you mentioned it, there were protests in Western cities the world over, in Europe, the United States and Latin America, as well as all over the Muslim world, in defence of the Palestinians. They understand why Palestinians responded to what they've been suffering since the 1940s when their country was stolen from them.

As this thread stated, it is not just Hamas. It is all Palestinian factions that have revolted against their oppressor. Them coming together to fight their common enemy is what made their response this weekend such a success. And it wasn't unprovoked. 250+ Palestinians were killed by Israel in this year alone, before this weekend. Here are some of the child victims killed this year, before this weekend. I didn't see you waxing moralistic about them.
By wat0n
Thus far we haven't heard of any Intifada in the West Bank. Even most Palestinians aren't participating.

The "big show of support throughout the world" has consisted in a few hundred people, mainly leftists and Muslim immigrants, demonstrating in favor of mass murder. Yes, we know you aren't alone in your degeneracy.

Also stop pretending you don't like the murder of children. This was clear even before this, just judging by your excuses for the same type of massacre in Bucha and other parts of Ukraine.
By skinster
This is asking for a response from Hezbollah.

wat0n wrote:Thus far we haven't heard of any Intifada in the West Bank. Even most Palestinians aren't participating.

Where do you think The Lion's Den are most prominent? In Jenin and Nablus.

The "big show of support throughout the world" has consisted in a few hundred people, mainly leftists and Muslim immigrants, demonstrating in favor of mass murder. Yes, we know you aren't alone in your degeneracy.

Zionist tears. :D

Also stop pretending you don't like the murder of children. This was clear even before this, just judging by your excuses for the same type of massacre in Bucha and other parts of Ukraine.

When Zionists pretend they have morals. :lol:
By wat0n
I can sleep in peace knowing I don't support massacring families, raping and murdering festival goers and kidnapping women & children to be held as bargaining chips.

Thus far, you've shown to be very much like Rei (but not nearly as smart).

I also doubt Hezbollah will want to get too involved, it's way too overstretched in Syria.
By skinster
An update on the war so far:

wat0n wrote:I can sleep in peace knowing I don't support massacring families, raping and murdering festival goers and kidnapping women & children to be held as bargaining chips.

Repeating the same lies don't make them true.

Taking hostages is for prisoner-swaps of their own hostages, which include children and the elderly. But you Zionists waxing moralistic ignore it when it happens to Palestinians first.

Thus far, you've shown to be very much like Rei (but not nearly as smart).

Why would I give a shit what a ethnosupremacist racist Zionist scumbag thinks of me? :lol:

I also doubt Hezbollah will want to get too involved, it's way too overstretched in Syria.

Then you're not paying attention, because Hezbollah has been bombing Israeli posts that are illegally in Lebanon this weekend.
By wat0n
Note I said "too involved", as in inviting an invasion. Some shelling here or there can be expected, a major escalation sounds unlikely. Even their statement was quite... Mild for its standards.

Note the only scumbag supporting mass murder here, indeed gloating about it, is you. Not too surprising, I recall you were quite proud about committing fraud a few years ago.
By skinster

Some history

wat0n wrote:Note I said "too involved", as in inviting an invasion. Some shelling here or there can be expected, a major escalation sounds unlikely. Even their statement was quite... Mild for its standards.

The major escalation won't happen because Israel is at great threat if they fight war with anyone beyond a defenceless population.

Note the only scumbag supporting mass murder here, indeed gloating about it, is you. Not too surprising, I recall you were quite proud about committing fraud a few years ago.

The creative lies of Zionists is so funny. :lol:
By wat0n
Last time I checked, you got married solely for immigration purposes. Sounds like fraud to me.

Also, Israel will respond to Hezbollah if they decide to escalate by launching a major attack. It hasn't so why would Israel act differently?

As for your other posts, justifying a massacre because of internet trolls is... Let's say, taking the internet way too seriously at least.
By skinster
The West's hypocrisy towards Gaza's breakout is stomach-turning
There will be little sympathy in the West as, yet again, besieged Palestinians are bombed by Israel, the immense suffering justified by the term 'Israeli retaliation'

The current outpouring of sympathy for Israel should make anyone with half a heart retch.

Not because it is not awful that Israeli civilians are dying and suffering in such large numbers. But because Palestinian civilians in Gaza have faced repeated rampages from Israel decade after decade, producing far more suffering, but have never elicited a fraction of the concern currently being expressed by western politicians or publics.

The West's hypocrisy over Palestinian fighters killing and wounding hundreds of Israelis and holding dozens more hostage in communities surrounding and inside besieged Gaza is stark indeed.

This is the first time Palestinians, caged in the coastal enclave, have managed to inflict a significant strike against Israel vaguely comparable to the savagery Palestinians in Gaza have faced repeatedly since they were entombed in a cage more than 15 years ago, when Israel began its blockade by land, sea and air in 2007.

Western media are calling the jailbreak and attack by Palestinians from Gaza "unprecedented" - and the most dismal intelligence failing by Israel since it was caught off-guard during the Yom Kippur War exactly 50 years ago.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Hamas, which nominally runs the open-air prison of Gaza, of starting "a cruel and evil war". But the truth is that the Palestinians have "started" nothing. They have managed, after so much struggle, to find a way to hurt their tormentor.

Inevitably for the Palestinians, as Netanyahu also observed, "the price will be heavy" - especially for civilians. Israel will inflict on the prisoners the severest punishment for their impudence.

Watch how little sympathy and concern there will be from the West for the many Palestinian men, women and children who are killed once again by Israel. Their immense suffering will be obscured, and justified, by the term "Israeli retaliation".

The real lessons
All the current analysis focusing on Israel's intelligence "blunders" distracts from the real lesson of these rapidly evolving events.

No one really cared while Gaza's Palestinans were subjected to a blockade imposed by Israel that denied them the essentials of life. The few dozen Israelis being held hostage by Hamas fighters pale in comparison with the two million Palestinians held hostage by Israel in an open-air prison for nearly two decades.

No one really cared when it emerged that Gaza's Palestinians had been put on a "starvation diet" by Israel - only limited food was allowed in, calculated to keep the population barely fed.

No one really cared when Israel bombed the coastal enclave every few years, killing many hundreds of Palestinian civilians each time. Israel simply called it "mowing the lawn". The destruction of vast areas of Gaza, what Israeli generals boasted of as returning the enclave to the Stone Age, was formalised as a military strategy known as the "Dahiya doctrine".

No one really cared when Israeli snipers targeted nurses, youngsters and people in wheelchairs who came out to protest against their imprisonment by Israel. Many thousands were left as amputees after those snipers received orders to shoot the protesters indiscriminately in the legs or ankles.

Western concern at the deaths of Israeli civilians at the hands of Palestinian fighters is hard to stomach. Have not many hundreds of Palestinian children died over the past 15 years in Israel's repeated bombing campaigns on Gaza? Did their lives not count as much as Israeli lives – and if not, why not?

After so much indifference for so long, it is difficult to hear the sudden horror from western governments and media because Palestinians have finally found a way - mirroring Israel's inhumane, decades-long policy - to fight back effectively.

This moment rips off the mask and lays bare the undisguised racism that masquerades as moral concern in western capitals.

Hypocrisy distilled
Distilling that hypocrisy is Volodymr Zelenskiy, Ukraine's president. At the weekend, he issued a lengthy tweet condemning Palestinians as "terrorists" and offering Israel his unwavering support.

He averred that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable", adding: "The world must stand united and in solidarity so that terror does not attempt to break or subjugate life anywhere and at any moment."

The inversion of reality is breath-taking. The Palestinians cannot "subjugate life" in Israel. They have no such power, even if a few briefly managed to break out of their cage. It is Israel that has been subjugating Palestinian life for decades.

Not all forms of "terrorism", it seems, are equal in the eyes of Zelenskiy, or his patrons in western capitals. Certainly, not the state terrorism of Israel that has made Palestinian lives a misery for decades.

How does Israel have an "unquestionable right" to "defend itself" from the Palestinians whose territory it occupies and controls? How does Russia then not have an equal claim to be "defending itself" when it hits Ukrainian cities in “retaliation” for Ukrainian strikes intended to liberate its territory from Russian occupation?

Israel, the much stronger, belligerent party, is now laying waste to Gaza "in retaliation", as the BBC puts it, for the latest Palestinian attack.

So on what grounds will Zelenskiy or his officials be able to condemn Moscow when it fires missiles "in retaliation" for Ukraine's strikes on Russian territory? How, if Palestinian resistance to Israel's occupation of Gaza is terrorism, as Zelenskiy asserts, is Ukrainain resistance to Russian occupation not equally terrorism?

No hiding place
By indulging Israel in its deceptions, Israel's allies have allowed it to perpetrate ever more outrageous lies. At the weekend, Netanyahu warned Palestinians in Gaza to "leave now" because Israeli forces were preparing to "act with all force".

But Netanyahu knows, as do his western enablers, that Gaza's population has nowhere to flee. There is no hiding place. Palestinians have been sealed into Gaza since Israel besieged it by land, sea and air.

The only Palestinians able to "leave Gaza" are the armed factions who broke out of their Israeli-imposed jail and are being denounced as "terrorists" by western politicians and media.

Western governments so horrified by the Palestinian attack on Israel are also the governments that are remaining silent as Israel turns off the electricity to the prison that is Gaza - again in supposed "retaliation".

The collective punishment of two million Palestinians in Gaza, dependent on Israel for power because Israel surrounds and controls every aspect of their lives in the enclave, is a war crime.

Strangely, western officials understand it is a war crime when Russia bombs power stations in Ukraine, turning off the lights. They scream for Russian President Vladimir Putin to be dragged to the International Criminal Court in the Hague. So why is it so difficult for them to understand the parallels of what Israel is doing to Gaza?
Daring escape

There are two immediate, and contrasting, lessons to be learnt from what has happened this weekend.

The first is that the human spirit cannot be caged indefinitely. Palestinians in Gaza have been constantly devising new ways to break free from their chains.

They have built a network of tunnels, most of which Israel has located and destroyed. They have fired rockets that are invariably shot down by ever more sophisticated interception systems. They have protested en masse at the heavily fortified fences, topped by guntowers, Israel surrounded them with - only to be shot by snipers.

Now they have staged a daring escape. Israel will batter the enclave back into submission with massive bombardments, but only "in retaliation", of course. The Palestinians' craving for freedom and dignity will not be diminished. Another form of resistance, doubtless more brutal still, will emerge.

And the parties most responsible for that brutality will be Israel and the West that supports it so slavishly, because Israel refuses to stop brutalising the Palestinians it forces to live under its rule.

The second lesson is that Israel, endlessly indulged by its western patrons, still has no incentive to internalise the fundamental truth above. The rhetoric of its current government of fascists and Jewish supremacists may be particularly ugly, but there is a broad consensus among Israelis of all political stripes that the Palestinians must continue to be oppressed.

Which is why the so-called opposition will not hesitate to support the military pounding of the long besieged enclave of Gaza, killing yet more Palestinian civilians to "teach them a lesson", a lesson no one in Israel can articulate beyond asserting that Palestinians must accept their permanent inferiority and imprisonment.

Already, the "good Israelis" - opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz - are in discussions with Neyanyahu to join him in an "emergency unity government".

What "emergency"? The emergency of Palestinians demanding the right not to live as prisoners in their own homeland.

Israelis and westerners can continue their mental gymnastics to justify the Palestinians' oppression and refuse them any right to resist. But their hypocrisy and self-deceptions stand exposed for the rest of the world to see. ... ch-turning

wat0n wrote:Last time I checked, you got married solely for immigration purposes. Sounds like fraud to me.

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By JohnRawls
skinster wrote::lol:

Hamas animals chopped Childrens heads off in Ashkelon about ¬40 children.

The consequence of which Israel removed all military limitations on the Israeli army and said that there is not going to be any military trials for what is going to happen in Gaza soon.
By skinster

JohnRawls wrote:Hamas animals chopped Childrens heads off in Ashkelon about ¬40 children.

Citation needed since so far it's a claim made by the IDF without any evidence, and the IDF are reliable for being liars as well as killers.

JohnRawls wrote:The consequence of which Israel removed all military limitations on the Israeli army and said that there is not going to be any military trials for what is going to happen in Gaza soon.

So, the same as every other time the Israelis have commit large-scale massacres in Gaza. :|
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By JohnRawls
skinster wrote:

Citation needed since so far it's a claim made by the IDF without any evidence, and the IDF are reliable for being liars as well as killers.

So, the same as every other time the Israelis have commit large-scale massacres in Gaza. :|

You can find the pictures on telegram, I am not sure that posting chopped bodies of Children from their heads will be permitted here.

I guess this can be posted: (A lot of the medias from the world were there by the way not just Israelis but media from France, Germany, UK, US etc)

Last edited by JohnRawls on 10 Oct 2023 21:10, edited 2 times in total.
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