The fat civil rights movement - Page 15 - Politics | PoFo

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For discussion of moral and ethical issues.
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Our ancestors ate a lot less than they we do today. Which is why many humans have slow metabolisms today. Slow metabolisms helped our ancestors survive back then and not die of starvation because food was scarce. But today it works against people.

Evolution is the reason why some people have slower base metabolisms than others. Those who have slower base metabolisms carry some of the genes of our ancestors from long ago that needed those low base metabolisms to survive given that food was far more scarce then. It's only recently that food has become abundant.
Neo wrote:@MistyTiger

Our ancestors ate a lot less than they we do today. Which is why many humans have slow metabolisms today. Slow metabolisms helped our ancestors survive back then and not die of starvation because food was scarce. But today it works against people.

Evolution is the reason why some people have slower base metabolisms than others. Those who have slower base metabolisms carry some of the genes of our ancestors from long ago that needed those low base metabolisms to survive given that food was far more scarce then. It's only recently that food has become abundant.

Our ancestors were a lot more active than we are today. They needed more energy. They walked more, ran more, worked in the fields, and didn't do so much sitting. They ate real butter, none of the margarine stuff or butter alternatives. They didn't have to label things as low-calorie, low fat, calories per serving, or anything about metabolism boosting. They didn't count calories. They didn't obsess about body weight, blood pressure or insulin levels.

The metabolism only slowed down to store energy in cases when it's cold outside or they were in a state of near hibernation and didn't exert much energy.

I'm not sure that a slower metabolism was good for survival. Slow means you're not using much energy. We need energy to live. The strongest need to keep fueling up and keep up their strength to hunt, build shelter and grow plants to eat. And of course, they need energy to take care of each other. With low energy, not much gets done. When my metabolism was slower, I felt weaker and I was less productive and less energetic. Since I increased it, I also feel more motivated to learn and put effort into the things that matter to me. I feel more optimistic.

Our ancestors knew how to find food. They used their instincts to survive. Many of us today no longer rely on our instincts to survive. In the past 10 years, I have been working on listening to my instincts to get around in the job market, and it's hard. I'm learning all the time.

I know little about the scarcity of food. But today it seems like the food supply is shrinking. Have you heard about overfishing or vanishing species of animals and plants?
@Agent Steel :eh: I never said obesity was a moral failing. That's a logical fallacy.

principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

Obesity is not linked to morality in any way. It might be a negative trait, but it's not linked to ethics, either.

Absolutely slow metabolisms were essential for survival back then. If you had a fast base metabolism, you would die of starvation back then given that food was scarce and you didn't eat near as often as you do today.

You wouldn't survive or would have a much more difficult time surviving with a fast metabolism back then as your body burned off energy too fast and you probably wouldn't have energy left over to find scarce food to survive given your fast metabolism burned it all off before it could be used for finding scarce food.

Today, having a fast metabolism is a benefit instead of a liability given that food is far more easier to obtain and in vast abundance than they were millions of years ago. But the slow metabolism then that was a benefit to have is now a liability to have today given it contributes greatly to the obesity epedemic.

Here is a quote from my evidence.

First, from measures of daily energy expenditure (kilocalories per day) in living primates, we see evidence of a metabolic slow down early in the evolution of the primate order, perhaps 65 million years ago. ... ears%20ago.

Here is another interesting article.
@Godstud You said you were fat at one point, right? Then you took measures to lose the weight. Did it require discipline? Is discipline a virtue? If so, then would lack of discipline be a vice, aka, a moral shortcoming? Do you see where I'm going with this?
Self-discipline is a trait.

Virtues are about good moral standards. eg. The 7 Virtues (1) humility, (2) charity, (3) chastity, (4) gratitude, (5) temperance, (6) patience, and (7) diligence.

No, lack of self-discipline is not a moral shortcoming and not a vice. A person with poor self-discipline can still be virtuous and moral. Everyone has short-comings, but it's how we act on them that's important.

A person might be obese from poor self-discipline when it comes to eating, but might be able to exercise it in other ways in their life. That is why I, and others, do not condemn people for being obese. It's a problem that can be addressed with personal choice.

It seems that YOU are one trying to imply that obesity is unethical or immoral. No one else has done this. Why are you trying to imply this? :eh:
:roll: Semantics.
A person may exercise self-discipline in their life and still not have it apply to everything. That is why it's wrong to assume that because someone is obese, that they are lazy.

That said, being obese is neither immoral or unethical, which seems to be what your are arguing. That goes against all the bullshit you've be posting in this thread. :lol: Are you sure you're not the one who's fatphobic?
What's your point? Are you implying being fat is immoral or unethical? If so then you're arguing against everything you have said up to this point. I don't think you know what the fuck you are arguing about, anymore. :lol:

You also didn't answer ANY of my questions. Why is that?
Godstud wrote::roll: Semantics.
A person may exercise self-discipline in their life and still not have it apply to everything. That is why it's wrong to assume that because someone is obese, that they are lazy.

That said, being obese is neither immoral or unethical, which seems to be what your are arguing. That goes against all the bullshit you've be posting in this thread. :lol: Are you sure you're not the one who's fatphobic?

I agree, being obese is not a moral issue.
Godstud wrote:What's your point? Are you implying being fat is immoral or unethical? If so then you're arguing against everything you have said up to this point. I don't think you know what the fuck you are arguing about, anymore. :lol:

You also didn't answer ANY of my questions. Why is that?

Calm down bro. You're getting emotional again.

I'm simply asking some basic questions.
@Agent Steel I am calm. I am not being emotional. 8)

You are asking questions unrelated to the topic and I am asking why you are doing so, when this implies that you think fat people are immoral or lacking in virtue.

Why can't you answer questions? Is it because it will expose your hypocrisy or your dishonesty?
@Godstud You said there are 7 virtues. One of those virtues you listed in temperance. Temperance is synonymous with discipline.

It takes temperance to refrain from eating too much food. Therefore it can be said that being lean and fit is a moral virtue. It must then follow that becoming overweight by lacking temperance is a moral shortcoming.

You need to organize your thoughts better.
@Agent Steel No, you are being facetious since the questions you ask are irrelevant unless you are trying to imply that fat people are immoral or lack ethics. Are you?

Also false... Discipline does not mean "Moderation", temperance does. You can eat in moderation and eat bad things and you will get fat. Choices we make have consequences and obese people do not become obese over one day.

Answer the questions I gave to you or I will just assume that you are disingenuous and fatphobic.

Having parents who either have mental disorders or lack education and feed you unhealthy food as a child and teach you bad eating habits is something that contributes to obesity too. So, if you are fortunate enough to be born to mentally stable and well educated parents, who will ensure you eat healthy food, that helps. But if you are not, then you are fucked and have to fight against that later on in life, if you are even able to get a good education yourself to unlearn bad eating habits and learn about healthy eating habits and then take on those healthy eating habits.

You also have different body types as well like ectomorphs who have a hard time gaining weight no matter how many calories they eat or how much they eat, then you have mesomorphs who can lose or gain weight easily and then endomorphs who gain weight easily but have a hard time losing weight and have to work harder and be more disciplined than everybody else to lose the weight and keep the weight off.

Ectomorphs tend to be your naturally good long distance runners but have a hard time building muscle, whereas the mesomorphs and endomorphs can build muscle easily but have to watch what they eat and in the case of endomorphs they must put in some serious cardio to burn more calories so they have a calorie deficit to lose weight. A lot of people don't think about these other factors that contribute to obesity in addition to the bad choices an individual might make. I would characterize myself as an endomorph who has to have serious discipline and put in serious exercise to achieve weight loss and keep it off. In my opinion, dieting alone for endomorphs doesn't work in keeping the weight off. You have to have serious discipline and a serious exercise program, more so than most people. But I can build muscle very easily. That is something I have a natural ability to do is build muscle through weight lifting.
@Neo Yes, people can learn bad eating habits. People can also learn new ones. Are you saying that fat people are too stupid to learn to eat well? Of course not, but it can appear like it when people only make excuses for fat/obese people.

Yes, there are different body types. Everyone has them, though, and when it comes down to it, diet is the biggest factor in weight loss/gain. I am an endomorph so don't talk about how hard it is to lose weight. I know.

Being obese doesn't tell people about the person you are, but there are negative stereotypes associated with it.

No of course not. I am just saying, some fat people have to unlearn bad habits taught to them as a child by parents, then learn good eating habits. Lastly, some fat people also have to develop serious hardcore discipline to stick with a serious cardio exercise program and their level of discipline has to be higher and mores o than others given that some have the endomorphic body type.
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