2SLBGT+ is a smear word, not PC at all - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Have you ever been categorized as part of a blob?

The expression 2SLBGT+ is often used as a means to categorize all sexualities other than the hetero-normative.

This expression suggests that "there are straights" and "there is everyone else."

This type of amorphous blob of a category... is only useful in creating an US vs. THEM dynamic.

And even if today, many woke politicians are pleading for tolerance and equality for this blob of a category, tomorrow the discourse could change rapidly into "we must kill them!"

In essence, the category "2SLBGT+" is used in a similar way of other catch-all blob categories like Wog, Goyim, Infidel, Civilian, and even Straight. They all use a blob catch-all category... in order to create the illusion of a *desirable normal.*


Blob Category................."Desirable Normal" Category
Wog....................................British citizen
Goyim.................................Jewish person
Infidel................................Practicing Muslim
Civilian...............................Military person
Straight..............................Gay man or woman


We are all used to these categories, and have internalized their logic, so it's sometimes difficult to see how manipulative the creation of these categories is. So let me demonstrate how manipulative and agenda-oriented these categories are by creating a new one that we are not used to seeing:

Blob Category........................"Desirable Normal" Category
Alternative hand-use............................Right-handed person

The "Alternative hand-use" community includes: left-handers, axe-murderers, public masturbators, and women who use henna to create decorative patterns on their hands for celebrations.

Are you a member of this group? If so, how do you justify axe-murderers? Should we look at left-handers with the same eye?


Today, our leaders might be encouraging us to "be nice to the blob." But this could quickly turn into "Kill the blob!" if conditions change.

Imagine if Trudeau had expressed concern about Italie's handling of "Goyim rights" or that they were being too intolerant of "wogs."

Wouldn't his use of these terms concern you?


QatzelOk wrote:[
tomorrow the discourse could change rapidly into "we must kill them!"

This has already happened. In fact, the reason they are al grouped is because all these communities have faced similar oppression for similar reasons.

It is happening again now. Desantis, for example, is doing it in Florida. And many homosexuals are supporting him because of transphobia in gay communities. And therefore are supporting him as he takes away the rights of gay people.
Pants-of-dog wrote:...the reason they are al grouped is because all these communities have faced similar oppression for similar reasons.

Perhaps they just "all look the same to you" because you're really not that interested in knowing just how different these groups are from one another.

Maybe you just want an easy way of positionning yourself on some political axis, so you are willing to throw "weird sex things" into one group, thus teinting all members of that group with the same "respectable defect."

Are you left-handed? Does this give you a lot of empathy for "the axe-murderer community" who also use their hands in a novel way?

As a right-handed person, I could express solidarity with "alternative-hand-use communities," by explaining that axe-murders have also known the same kind of oppression as left-handers have. Worse, in some cultures.
Making it a personal attack about me does not change history.

Or the present day.

Here is a quote from one of the legislators targeting trans people:

https://www.cbc.ca/news/investigates/ja ... -1.6979356

    Christian conservatives have been at the forefront of this legislative push, and many lawmakers freely acknowledge their own religious motivations.

    "Homosexuality in the biblical scripture is an abomination. And our constituents, in majority, believe that," said Sabi Kumar, a Republican representative in Tennessee who has sponsored several bills considered anti-trans, including the state's recent ban on gender-affirming care.

    "So because we are following those biblical and godly values, that is reflected in the legislation that we passed."

Does that sound like they think homosexuality is fine?
That was a good choice of photo for ‘Le Blob’, @QatzelOk. It is, of course, a slime mould. Slime moulds were once grouped with fungi, since they were regarded as being “obviously the same thing”. In fact, a fungus is more closely related to a human than it is to a slime mould. So, not the same thing at all then. :)
Pants-of-dog posted some PR from a cult, and then wrote:Does that sound like they think homosexuality is fine?

Likewise, a lot of attacks against the axe-murderer community is coming from the same groups who discriminated against left-handers (the churches).

wiki wrote:...Owing to cultural and social pressures, many left-handed children were forced to write and perform other activities with their right hands. This conversion can cause multiple problems in the developing left-handed child, including learning disorders, dyslexia,[12] stuttering[13][14][15] and other speech disorders.

...In many religions, including Christianity, the right hand of God is the favored hand.

...amongst Muslims and in some societies including Nepal and India it is still customary to use the left hand for cleaning oneself with water after defecating...

Pod, don't you see that the discrimination and marginalization that axe-murderers are suffering today (with a lot of resulting damage to their self-esteem) is almost exactly the same kind of discrimination that left-handers used to experience. And left-handers were considered "evil" (sinister) just like the axe-murdering community is in the present period.

If the discrimination against axe-murderers is allowed to continue, the world's left-handers could find themselves with their left-hands tied behind their backs once again.

Why are you opening the door to this kind of violent discrimination?
QatzelOk wrote:Likewise, a lot of attacks against the axe-murderer community is coming from the same groups who discriminated against left-handers (the churches).


You do not simply get to dismiss the source as PR from a cult, since you yourself have cited it.

So you agree that the people who are putting LGBTQ+ people in one bag are the right wing religious types who are passing laws against things like gender affirming care and homosexuality.

I ignored the rest since it seemed like a strawman and an ad hominem.
Pants-of-dog wrote:...the people who are putting LGBTQ+ people in one bag are the right wing religious types who are passing laws against things like gender affirming care and homosexuality...

You yourself have put gay people in that same bag.

That bag allows you to classify "others" in a way that they don't agree to be classified, Pod.

If I find a media complex that agrees to put axe-murderers and left-handers (like you?) in the same bag, I will have all the fabricated logic of the media monster at my disposal - just like you (the left-hander who seems to reject the axe-murderer community) do currently.

"Gay men, dick-choppers, pedophiles, drag queens reading books to kids..... same crap to me!" - Non-2sLBGT+
QatzelOk wrote:You yourself have put gay people in that same bag.


You are confused or lying.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you misread.

That bag allows you to classify "others" in a way that they don't agree to be classified, Pod.

If I find a media complex that agrees to put axe-murderers and left-handers (like you?) in the same bag, I will have all the fabricated logic of the media monster at my disposal - just like you (the left-hander who seems to reject the axe-murderer community) do currently.

"Gay men, dick-choppers, pedophiles, drag queens reading books to kids..... same crap to me!" - Non-2sLBGT+

Since all of this is based on the aforementioned strawman, it can be ignored.

Again, an ad hominem and a strawman.

And no argument that the religious conservative transphobes are also targeting the rest of the quiltbag.
Ciswoman and cisman are smear words, too.

A Transwomman can be a woman, but a woman born female cannot? :roll:

Trans people are not the same as LGB people. LGB is based on sexuality. Trans and all the other letters, are not. They are based in delusion and/or gender identity BS.

Trudeau is a dictatorial twat.
Godstud wrote:Ciswoman and cisman are smear words, too.


A Transwomman can be a woman, but a woman born female cannot? :roll:

No one claimed this.

Trans people are not the same as LGB people. LGB is based on sexuality. Trans and all the other letters, are not.

No one claimed otherwise.

But the Christian conservatives are grouping them together and so those supporting laws against trans people end up supporting laws against gay people.

They are based in delusion and/or gender identity BS.

Dismissing a whole field of science as BS is not empirically sound.

Trudeau is a dictatorial twat.

He is not the one passing laws against gay people.

Is being gay something that should be illegal?
Pants-of-dog wrote:No one claimed this.
You do every time you support your gender identity ideology. Why are you so dishonest about what you support?

@Pants-of-dog No one is passing laws against gay people. That's a lie.

Pants-of-dog wrote:But the Christian conservatives are grouping them together and so those supporting laws against trans people end up supporting laws against gay people
. Please provide a source for your claim. The only thing I have seen is the government taking away free speech and trying to make compelled speech a thing, or you head to re-education for "misgendering" delusional people.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Is being gay something that should be illegal?
You are the one saying that. No one else is. Are you homophobic?
Godstud wrote:You do every time you support your gender identity ideology. Why are you so dishonest about what you support?


You either misread or are deliberately misleading about my position.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are confused.

@Pants-of-dog No one is passing laws against gay people. That's a lie.

. Please provide a source for your claim.

I already quoted the text in this thread. Please do not lie about what I have already posted. If you honestly did not see it and are simply confused, then this is an opportunity for you to reread the posts in this thread more carefully.

The only thing I have seen is the government taking away free speech and trying to make compelled speech a thing, or you head to re-education for "misgendering" delusional people.

Are you talking about the Saskatchewan government making it illegal for kids to change pronouns or their names?

You are the one saying that. No one else is. Are you homophobic?


You are either lying about my position or confused.

The Tennessee legislator whom I quoted was explicit about making homosexuality illegal, as part of his explanation as to why he is passing laws against trans kids.

If you incorrectly claim that I support this legislator, then you are simply wrong.
Pants-of-dog wrote:You either misread or are deliberately misleading about my position.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are confused.

...Please do not lie...

....an opportunity for you to reread the posts in this thread more carefully.

...You are either lying about my position or confused.

...you are simply wrong.

All of this ad-hom filler you add to your posts... is similar to Godstud's "you are stupid" filler that I have already criticized as being useless and spammy. Try to make your point without the useless and mean-spirited filler please.

So far, Pod, you have insulted left-handers by bunching them up with axe-murderers.
And then tried to cover this up with lots of spammy filler.

Here is how left-handed people are responding to your hate:

A left-handed lurker wrote:As a left-hander, I don't want to be thrown into a category with axe-murderers and women who decorate their hands with henna (or public masturbators, but let's not even go there....)

Obviously, I am somewhat opposed to the axe-murderer scene. But that is not the only reason that I resent being thrown into classification prison with them.

I also resent being classed with women who decorate their hands with henna. This is NOT because I have anything against what they're doing. I actually find it quite beautiful.

I oppose the constructed link between left-handers and these women simply because there is no link between left-handers and this artform. Alternate hand use is not something that can link people together. Left-handedness and henna-on-hands are totally different things.

Stop essentializing reality with these silly, thrown-together categories that are just an attempt to look smart and all-knowing.


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Pants-of-dog wrote:You either misread or are deliberately misleading about my position.
I have done no such thing, and you have even used the terms ciswoman and cisman in your posts. You are a n ideologue of gender ideology.

Pants-of-dog wrote:I already quoted the text in this thread. Please do not lie about what I have already posted. If you honestly did not see it and are simply confused, then this is an opportunity for you to reread the posts in this thread more carefully.
Everywhere is not Florida so you are lying. please show me where this is happening in Canada, a place where QatzelOk is a citizen.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Are you talking about the Saskatchewan government making it illegal for kids to change pronouns or their names?
Please note that you must be 18 years old to legally change your name in Canada.

Pronoun bullshit is just that. You can't simply change everything to appease children or people with delusions.

I suppose you'd be fine with a child identifying as a cat and wanting the pronouns meow/meow/meow? That's what you are defending.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The Tennessee legislator whom I quoted was explicit about making homosexuality illegal, as part of his explanation as to why he is passing laws against trans kids.
I can find crazy people who support your ideology. Does that mean that your whole ideology is batshit crazy? It must be if I can find a single instance. :knife:

You support people like Jeffrey Marsh.
Yes, Trans Activists Admit They Are Grooming Your Kids
Trans activists certainly holler when they are accused of grooming our children. But deny as they may, the evidence is plentiful. And their grooming has gotten so aggressively destructive that the group “Gays Against Groomers” was founded to denounce and fight against it. Good for them! This organization explains what this grooming looks like:

Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom.

https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.c ... your-kids/

That's what you support, @Pants-of-dog.
Godstud wrote:I have done no such thing, and you have even used the terms ciswoman and cisman in your posts. You are a n ideologue of gender ideology.

And now you seem to have lost track of your own claim.

You claimed that progressives believe the following :

A Transwomman can be a woman, but a woman born female cannot?

You then somehow confused this with your incorrect accusations about me.

That reminds me:

Prove that cis is pejorative.

Everywhere is not Florida so you are lying. please show me where this is happening in Canada, a place where QatzelOk is a citizen.

My previous post where so quoted a Tennessee legislator is not about Florida. The capital of Florida us Tallahassee, not Tennessee.

Also, I never claimed people were passing these laws everywhere. Again, you are either misrepresenting my posts or you are confused. Instead, you claimed homophobia was not happening at all.

Please note that you must be 18 years old to legally change your name in Canada.

No one is talking about legal name changes. The law in Saskatchewan forbidding kids to change their pronouns and adopt nicknames is aimed solely at the use of new names by trans and non binary kids.

Again, you are misrepresenting the argument either because you are confused or it is deliberate.

Pronoun bullshit is just that. You can't simply change everything to appease children or people with delusions.

Is this why you agree with the limits on free speech enforced by the religious right who group LGBTQ+ people all together?

I suppose you'd be fine with a child identifying as a cat and wanting the pronouns meow/meow/meow? That's what you are defending.

No, this is once again a misrepresentation of my argument.

I can find crazy people who support your ideology. Does that mean that your whole ideology is batshit crazy? It must be if I can find a single instance. :knife:

Again, you claimed that homophobia was not happening.

The evidence presented in this thread directly contradicts that claim.

This "crazy" person is a Tennessee legislator. I never claimed he was crazy. You did. So no, I am.not claiming you are wrong just because a homophobic person agrees with you.

I am claiming that the people opposed to gay equality are also opposed to trans equality.

The evidence supports that claim.

You support people like Jeffrey Marsh.
Yes, Trans Activists Admit They Are Grooming Your Kids
Trans activists certainly holler when they are accused of grooming our children. But deny as they may, the evidence is plentiful. And their grooming has gotten so aggressively destructive that the group “Gays Against Groomers” was founded to denounce and fight against it. Good for them! This organization explains what this grooming looks like:

Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom.

https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.c ... your-kids/

That's what you support, @Pants-of-dog.

No. You are once again misrepresenting my position.

I explicitly deny supporting this Marsh person. If you once again claim that I do, you will be deliberately misrepresenting my claims.


Let's examine that "plus" symbol, shall we.

If the powers that be decide to, they could add Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffrey Dahmer to the "plus" part of this blob category. The more plus, the better!

The "plus" symbol gives the powers that be unlimited power to pile on more and more perverts, sickos, mentally ill, and criminals to the original "Mom and Dad, I have feelings for my own gender" homosexual category (that didn't ask for additional reinforcement, ever).

Maybe we need to add a Plus icon to the Alternative hand-use community groupiscule.
That way, whenever we see someone doing something weird with their hands, we can throw them onto the same "alternative, abnormal" bandwagon.
QatzelOk wrote:If the powers that be decide to, they could add Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffrey Dahmer to the "plus" part of this blob category. The more plus, the better!
Yes, that's it exactly, @QatzelOk.

All the work that the LGB people did for equal rights is being demeaned as this ideology latches itself on in an attempt to use your success to elevate their fucked up pervcersions and pedophilia.

@Pants-of-dog The term cis is ideologue dialogue and is therefore offensive even if you are too dishonest to admit that.

Women are not women to ideologues like you. They have to be ciswomen because only Transwomen can be women. This is according to the ideology that YOU are pushing, as an activist! Your ideology is built on lies and you perpetuate it with more lies!

An adult human female is a woman, and not a ciswoman. An adult human male is a man and not a cisman. These are already defined. This is merely done to try to normalize your ideological vocabulary so that you can redefine the words for the feelings of your cultists.

Changing the concept of “woman” will cause unintended harms
https://www.economist.com/open-future/2 ... nded-harms

Pants-of-dog wrote:The law in Saskatchewan forbidding kids to change their pronouns and adopt nicknames is aimed solely at the use of new names by trans and non binary kids.
To normal people that isn't a problem. Why do we need to cater to delusion? YOu still haven't answered that, as usual. You never like to actually answer questions, you just sidestep.

The Saskatchewan government passed Bill 137 Friday, which makes parental consent required before a child under 16 can use a different gender-related name or pronoun at school.

This means that the parents have to be involved, unlike recent incidents where these things were kept from parents by dishonest ideologue teachers. It can be done only with parental consent, but that's a problem to your ideology because that makes grooming them harder. Parents who actually care about the children might interfere. :knife:

Pants-of-dog wrote:This thread seems like nothing more than a smear campaign against sexual minorities and their supporters.
You do that by perpetuating your cult, thru your blind and reckless activism. You spread lies.

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