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By Blobby
Hello, I'm new here

I've read the Newbie Guide/FAQ and hope I won't accidentally break any of the rules here

I joined these forums because I used to be a very political person but lost interest in it all many years ago and now want to get back into it

I am vaguely of the political centre but like the idea of Social Democracy so I'm not really sure where I am politically

I look forward to participating here!
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By noemon
Welcome blobby!

Hope you enjoy our forum, not much to worry about our forum rules. I'm certain you 'll be fine. We 're pretty chill.

Note that this forum is probably one of the oldest forums on the internet(2002), run without ads, without editorial boards and without any restraint, no topic is too small or too big or too stupid or too smart.

Only restraint is to be civil towards other users and other ethnic groups & for posts to not be breaking any criminal laws.

That's all.
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By Blobby
noemon wrote:Welcome blobby!

Hope you enjoy our forum, not much to worry about our forum rules. I'm certain you 'll be fine. We 're pretty chill.

Note that this forum is probably one of the oldest forums on the internet(2002), run without ads, without editorial boards and without any restraint, no topic is too small or too big or too stupid or too smart.

Only restraint is to be civil towards other users and other ethnic groups & for posts to not be breaking any criminal laws.

That's all.

Thank you, I didn't notice there were no ads, I think that's pretty cool and I didn't know this place had been up since 2002

I'm not sure how quoting lines out of a post works, is there a post anywhere that explains that? I can't quite figure it out, I can be quite stupid at times!
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By noemon
blobby blobby blobby wrote:Thank you, I didn't notice there were no ads, I think that's pretty cool and I didn't know this place had been up since 2002

I'm not sure how quoting lines out of a post works, is there a post anywhere that explains that? I can't quite figure it out, I can be quite stupid at times!

You can quote individual lines by wrapping the line one by one in quote tags.

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By Blobby
Saeko wrote:What is your opinion of Comrade Stalin, The Gentle Father of Nations?

I think he was vital to how our current world came to be and for all its flaws I'm happy with how the world currently is, although it could be much better it could also be much, much worse - so historically, I think he was necessary. If I could go back in time I wouldn't kill him when he was an infant or anything like that, there is no telling how things would turn out if someone went and did that

Politically speaking I don't much like him and think he was mostly in it for himself but then I'm no fan of "the dictatorship of the proletariat" - there most certainly was a personality cult based around him and I tend to disapprove of cults, I think he is best seen as a kind of cult leader more than as a kind of tyrant, which is how people mostly regard him, I think he took socialism and used it to bring glory, prestige, status, and power to himself
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By Blobby
noemon wrote:You can quote individual lines by wrapping the line one by one in quote tags.

Code: Select all [quote]your text here [/quote]

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Thank you!
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By noemon
blobby blobby blobby wrote:I think he was vital to how our current world came to be and for all its flaws I'm happy with how the world currently is, although it could be much better it could also be much, much worse - so historically, I think he was necessary. If I could go back in time I wouldn't kill him when he was an infant or anything like that, there is no telling how things would turn out if someone went and did that

Politically speaking I don't much like him and think he was mostly in it for himself but then I'm no fan of "the dictatorship of the proletariat" - there most certainly was a personality cult based around him and I tend to disapprove of cults, I think he is best seen as a kind of cult leader more than as a kind of tyrant, which is how people mostly regard him, I think he took socialism and used it to bring glory, prestige, status, and power to himself

Saeko's question is a rite of passage in PoFo's introductory threads.

Thank you for the thoughtful reply.

Do you like long names?

I don't have much interest in politics as I used to. I minored in it in college, took 5 classes and got a form signed by a professor. I liked my professors.
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By noemon
I could change your username to Mr_Blobby which would make it a bit less of an echo.

When you first signed up, I was going to reject it as the username looked like a spam account, but your email seemed legit.

I am guessing many users will think you 're a spammer with a triple name.
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By Blobby
noemon wrote:I could change your username to Mr_Blobby which would make it a bit less of an echo.

When you first signed up, I was going to reject it as the username looked like a spam account, but your email seemed legit.

I am guessing many users will think you 're a spammer with a triple name.

I can assure you I'm no spammer!

If you think it would be for the best then please change my username accordingly!

I chose "Blobby Blobby Blobby" as that is all Mr Blobby can say
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By Blobby
MistyTiger wrote:Ah. That's interesting. I learned something new today.

I was born and raised in the US.

I think the world would be a better place if more people knew who Mr Blobby is! :D
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By QatzelOk
Welcome to the textTM, Blobby.

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