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late wrote:Actually, right after the war, Jews killed thousands of former soldiers.

Can't really blame them, but it did happen. (and having seen your prior complaint, go look it up yourself)

While I was reluctant to speak of this , as it paints my extended people , the Jews , in a negative light , there actually were a number of Jews who did subsequently embark upon campaigns of revenge and terror , examples of which I shall reference below . Jews , like Arabs , Germans , and other people are still human , with all of the attributes and character flaws thereof . None is any more or less virtuous , or villainous than others. So , in answer to your question @wat0n , the answer is unfortunately yes.

Last edited by Deutschmania on 16 Jan 2024 02:17, edited 1 time in total.
ingliz wrote:@wat0n

Are you saying you can't be raped if you are a supermarket bomber?

That it is OK to sexually abuse detainees?


No, I am saying she's lying and indeed that's what was concluded in her fraudulent US citizenship trial


late wrote:Actually, right after the war, Jews killed thousands of former soldiers.

Can't really blame them, but it did happen. (and having seen your prior complaint, go look it up yourself)

Are you referring to Nakam? They tried, but did not in fact commit mass murder as far as I'm aware.

Deutschmania wrote:While I was reluctant to speak of this , as it paints my extended people , the Jews , in a negative light , there actually were a number of Jews who did subsequently embark upon campaigns of revenge and terror , examples of which I shall reference below . Jews , like Arabs , Germans , and other people are still human , with all of the attributes and character flaws thereof . None is any more or less virtuous , or villainous than others. So , in answer to your question @wat0n , the answer is unfortunately yes.

The Irgun was not created to fight the Nazis and predates WWII. It was a terrorist organization that bombed and committed massacres against Arab civilians, which was then forcibly disbanded by the IDF in 1948 in the Altalena Affair.
wat0n wrote:

The Irgun was not created to fight the Nazis and predates WWII. It was a terrorist organization that bombed and committed massacres against Arab civilians, which was then forcibly disbanded by the IDF in 1948 in the Altalena Affair.

So doesn't that answer the question of whether Jews have carried out acts of terrorism upon civilian targets ? What many people have failed to understand is that the conflict in Israel/Palestine has not been one sided , and that there has been blame and harm from both sides. More to the topic of this thread , the Jewish settler colonialists committed atrocious massacres of Arab villages , even as Arabs carried out attacks upon them .

After the October 7 attack, Western leaders ranging from the US President Joe Biden to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and French President Emmanuel Macron were quick to condemn Hamas, at times comparing it to the terrorist group Daesh.

But, in the 1940s, long before Palestinian resistance groups like Hamas picked up arms against the Israeli occupation, a plethora of Jewish militias were bombing and shooting dead British officials and Palestinian Arabs.

The Jewish groups including Haganah to Irgun, and the Stern Gang (Lehi) actively used terrorism against the British mandate over Palestine and to create fear among the Arab citizens.

“I argue that Jewish terrorism in the 1940s was both tactically and strategically significant. At the tactical level, Jewish terrorists were able to frustrate British security forces and erode their ability to control Palestine,” wrote David A. Charters, professor of military history and senior fellow of the Gregg Centre for Study of War and Society at the University of New Brunswick, Canada.

“That played a significant role at the strategic level in persuading Britain to withdraw from Palestine, which, in turn, created the conditions that facilitated the founding of Israel, and the consequent creation of an Arab-Palestinian diaspora,” he said in his article Jewish Terrorism and the Modern Middle East.

John Lois Peeke, an American military expert, also writes that Zionist terrorism was at the core of the idea of Israel. “Jewish terrorism against British and Arabs did contribute heavily to the removal of the British from Palestine, the abandonment of the League of Nations mandate and the creation of a Jewish state of Israel,” he wrote in his book Jewish-Zionist Terrorism and the Establishment of Israel.

Zionist terrorist groups attacked with impunity not just military targets but also civilians in the 1940s.

In October 1945, Jewish underground groups simultaneously targeted colonial railways, oil refineries and police boats in Palestine. That marked the beginning of a two-year period of Jewish insurgency against both the British and Palestinians.

In July 1946, Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, where the British administration headquarters were located, killing 92 people. “[Robert] Asprey, [Menachem] Begin and [Samuel] Katz indicate that the King David was blown up for two reasons, to retaliate for the British attack on the Jewish Agency and to destroy the secret documents which would have linked the Jewish Agency and [David] Ben- Gurion to Haganah terrorism,” Peeke wrote.

Haganah was the armed wing of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, which was the operational branch of the World Zionist Organisation founded by Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism, during the First Zionist Congress in 1897 in Switzerland’s Basel.

The Jewish Agency for Palestine, which changed its name to the Jewish Agency for Israel after 1948, aimed to encourage, ensure and implement Jewish migration to Israel from other countries.

Ben Gurion was the president of the Jewish agency from 1935 until the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948, playing a crucial role in Haganah activities. Later, Gurion became Israel’s first prime minister.

Haganah means defence force, which inspired Zionist leaders in naming their armed forces as Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) after the emergence of Israel.

From underground activities of the1940s, “Jewish terrorism changed to military operations, and the terrorist organization became the Israeli Defense Force,” wrote Peeke.

Zionist ‘ethnic cleansing’

On April 9, 1948, Irgun and Lehi militants jointly committed the Deir Yassin massacre of at least 107 Palestinian villagers, including women and children. Deir Yassin was a Palestinian village of around 600 people near Jerusalem. The brutality of Irgun’s terrorism against ordinary Palestinians in Deir Yassin was aimed at shocking and scaring Palestinian Arabs. It was meant to force the Palestinians to leave their native lands, said Salah Khalaf, one of the co-founders of the Fatah movement in an interview with French journalist Eric Rouleau in 1979.

Fatah, the Palestinian resistance organisation, is a leading group in the internationally-recognised Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), which governs the occupied West Bank.

While Fatah is now a legal group according to the international community, back in the 1960s, the US and Israel described it as a terrorist organisation much like the way they have condemned Hamas now. Hamas won the last Palestinian election in 2006.

Khalaf, who is also known as Abu Iyad, vividly described how Irgun’s Deir Yassin massacre forced his family to leave their homes in Jaffa for Gaza, in his book, Palestinien sans patrie [Palestinian without homeland] which is based on interviews with Rouleau.

Unlike official accounts, Khalaf said that more than 250 Palestinians were killed by Zionist terrorist groups in the April 1948 attack, whose Jewish perpetrators “riddled many corpses with batons as they disemboweled about thirty pregnant women”.

The Deir Yassin massacre was a pivotal event of the Zionist ethnic cleansing campaign against Palestinians, who have continued to suffer from its consequences since then, according to Khalaf. Other Zionist massacres in Palestinian towns like Saliha and Lydda followed the Deir Yassin, triggering a mass Palestinian exodus, which is called the Nakba.

At the beginning of 1948, the Haganah continued “its activities in close cooperation with separatist organizations such as Begin's Irgun, launched a regular offensive to clear the Arab settlements” within the Zionists’ imagined Jewish state territories, Khalaf noted.

“Fearing massacres like that of Deir Yassin, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who were abandoned to their fate, decided to leave their country to find safety,” he said. When Palestinians left they also hoped that they would be able to return to their home soon banking on the Arab states to regain their territories. But that didn’t happen.

Jewish migrants from Europe and elsewhere were resettled in Palestine by the Jewish Agency with the help of Zionist armed groups.

This replacement of the Palestinian population has continued till this day as Israel continues to build illegal settlements on occupied territories around the West Bank.

Irgun, which for years was led by Begin, was named as a terror group by the UN, the US and the UK.

But despite such a strong censure, Begin formed Herut, a right-wing Israeli political party. Begin became the sixth prime minister of Israel in 1977. Herut later merged into the Likud Party of incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Abandoning is out of the question

Khalaf, who became deputy chief and head of intelligence of the PLO and the second most powerful Fatah leader after Yasser Arafat, the lifelong leader of the Palestinian resistance group, said Palestinians should have never abandoned their lands.

“When I look back, I think that my compatriots made a mistake in trusting the Arab countries and leaving the field empty for the Jewish colonialists. They had to resist at all costs. Zionists could not destroy them down to the last person. Moreover, for many of us, exile was worse than death.”

As people of Gaza are internally displaced in what’s being seen as the second Nakba, Khalaf’s warning might be looming over the leadership of Hamas.

Leaked Israeli official documents indicated that like the Nakba, Tel Aviv plans to implement another expulsion plan of Palestinians from Gaza.

The Israeli military has pounded the Palestinian enclave with airstrikes, rockets and artillery attacks for more than a month, killing more than ten thousand people including women and children as it happened in Deir Yassir and other areas in the 1940s.

If this is not genocide , or ethnic cleansing , then what is ? Israel has much to answer for , and finally , as a result of this World Court trial , it will finally be brought to account for itself .
Deutschmania wrote:So doesn't that answer the question of whether Jews have carried out acts of terrorism upon civilian targets ? What many people have failed to understand is that the conflict in Israel/Palestine has not been one sided , and that there has been blame and harm from both sides. More to the topic of this thread , the Jewish settler colonialists committed atrocious massacres of Arab villages , even as Arabs carried out attacks upon them .

That did not happen as resistance against the Nazis (what I was answering to)

Deutschmania wrote:If this is not genocide , or ethnic cleansing , then what is ? Israel has much to answer for , and finally , as a result of this World Court trial , it will finally be brought to account for itself .

The Irgun isn't Israel, if anything, the Irgun tried to do in Israel exactly what Hamas and Hezbollah have done in Palestine and Lebanon respectively - create a parallel government, with an independent military force - but was stopped in 1948 by the newly created IDF.

You also seem to be mistaken about assigning responsibilities here. I don't blame the Palestinians for October 7, or even the PLO/Palestinian Authority/State of Palestine for it. I blame Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and all the other groups that participated in it, along with their sponsors. The Palestinian Authority doesn't have the actual monopoly of arms among Palestinians, and they don't rule Gaza - of course they can't be blamed for whatever Hamas and the other Gazan armed groups are doing.

Likewise, I don't blame Israel for what the Irgun and Lehi did, let alone for actions done before Israel was reestablished on May 15, 1948.
wat0n keeps claiming there is rape where there was none. There was none on Oct 7; not a single testimony, 0 evidence etc., it was atrocity propaganda akin to "40 beheaded babies" concocted by Israel's "Jeffrey Epstein" org ZAKA, that even Israeli media has called out, Western media (NYT) has had to retract, etc. All for justifying what Israel was about to do next.

But since you're interested in rape, this story got ignored in much of the Western press.
^ Your link is broken.

wat0n wrote:Or the public testimonies by some released hostages about their captors committing rape.

Which hostages claimed they were raped? What's her name?

Not a single released hostage has claimed she was raped. I have been paying attention to all their testimonies on Western and Israeli media. The closest there was to "rape" was Mia Schem claiming her captor raped her "with his eyes" but she also made up some really fucking funny shit like how her captor ended up being her patient (therapy-wise) and opened up to her about how much he hated his wife, who Mia also hated and called "mean-eyed". This hostage also claimed the people of Gaza ought to be exterminated because her captor's kid refused to give her candy. :lol:

But do tell me the names of those hostages who claimed rape, that you made up, wat0n...
skinster wrote:^ Your link is broken.

It works fine for me.

It's a report by the Association of Rape Crisis Centers

skinster wrote:Which hostages claimed they were raped? What's her name?

Not a single released hostage has claimed she was raped. I have been paying attention to all their testimonies on Western and Israeli media. The closest there was to "rape" was Mia Schem claiming her captor raped her "with his eyes" but she also made up some really fucking funny shit like how her captor ended up being her patient (therapy-wise) and opened up to her about how much he hated his wife, who Mia also hated and called "mean-eyed". This hostage also claimed the people of Gaza ought to be exterminated because her captor's kid refused to give her candy. :lol:

But do tell me the names of those hostages who claimed rape, that you made up, wat0n...

She didn't claim she was raped, but that other hostages told her they were. ... testimony/
wat0n wrote:It's a report by the Association of Rape Crisis Centers

It is Israeli hasbara and even major mainstream media in the West isn't touching it. :lol:

She didn't claim she was raped, but that other hostages told her they were.

Yes, she did claim she was raped in that first major interview she performed in following a quick lip-job, albeit the rape happened by her captor's "eyes".

Ah, young Agam Goldstein, who following her release had this to say about her captors. Stuff like how her captors would play games with her and her brothers, how they encouraged her to remain healthy by doing exercises, how they would arm wrestle and her captors would cover their hands and arms with towels because touching women who weren't family was "forbidden"...that Agam?

And now she's going to be featured in AIPAC tool and neolib oligarch Sheryl Sandberg's film about rapes where there were convincing!
skinster wrote:It is Israeli hasbara and even major mainstream media in the West isn't touching it. :lol:

It agrees with what has been reported in mainstream media.
skinster wrote:Yes, she did claim she was raped in that first major interview she performed in following a quick lip-job, albeit the rape happened by her captor's "eyes".

Not the same hostage.

skinster wrote:Ah, young Agam Goldstein, who following her release had this to say about her captors. Stuff like how her captors would play games with her and her brothers, how they encouraged her to remain healthy by doing exercises, how they would arm wrestle and her captors would cover their hands and arms with towels because touching women who weren't family was "forbidden"...that Agam?

And now she's going to be featured in AIPAC tool and neolib oligarch Sheryl Sandberg's film about rapes where there were convincing!

Your neonazi propagandist forgot to mention this:

Times of Israel wrote:Other hostages violated and abused
In the last week of their captivity in Gaza before their release, they were again taken into tunnels, where they met other hostages.

“There were girls there who were alone, alone for 50 days, 19-year-olds, alone, who went through difficult things, personally. They were violated, harmed, some were injured,” Chen said.

Men also suffered abuse and torture, they said.

“Something that was very emotional for me, these young amazing girls, they told me they heard the kids calling me ‘mom,'” Chen said, tearing up. “Because the kids kept calling me ‘mom,’ and the girls there suddenly said, ‘We’re hearing the word mom. We haven’t heard that all our time in captivity.’ I hugged them. Some are close in age to Yam, my daughter. I tried to hug them like a mother.”

And this:

But hey, I bet they murdered their relatives with love and compassion.

You'd have to be wilfully blind not to see the ties that bind Irgun to a Herut led by Menachem Begin and the political coalitions Gahal and Likud. Both Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, leaders of Irgun and the Stern Gang, respectively, went on to become Prime Ministers of Israel as members of the Likud party.
ingliz wrote:@wat0n

You'd have to be wilfully blind not to see the ties that bind Irgun to a Herut led by Menachem Begin and the political coalitions Gahal and Likud. Both Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, leaders of Irgun and the Stern Gang, respectively, went on to become Prime Ministers of Israel as members of the Likud party.

They do, but you would also need to be blind not to see Herut, and then Likud, was unable to do anything without participating in elections. It is because of this that, for example, Begin had to make peace with Egypt.

If Hamas were to be disarmed, and then just become another political party without an armed wing, I think Israel and Palestine would make peace.
Begin, Jabotinsky and Netanyahu's dad were a band of straight up fascists that even Mussolini praised. The Zionists back then were a bit more open to what they were and the colonial and racist ideology they supported (Zionism).

wat0n wrote:It agrees with what has been reported in mainstream media.

No it doesn't, it's Israeli hasbara / atrocity propaganda. There were no rapes on Oct 7.

Not the same hostage.

I know it's not the same hostage. I was referring to the only hostage that has been released that claims she was raped (albeit, raped "by eyes") is Mia Schem. This young girl, Agam, of a family of 5 who were hostages until recently, said her captors "treat women like queens" on Israeli media days after her release. You are getting tired of lying aren't you? :lol:

Your neonazi propagandist forgot to mention this:

There is only one neonazi in this debate and that's you, the one defending an ethnosupremacist settler-colony built on terrorism that occupies people based on their race.
skinster wrote:Begin, Jabotinsky and Netanyahu's dad were a band of straight up fascists that even Mussolini praised. The Zionists back then were a bit more open to what they were and the colonial and racist ideology they supported (Zionism).

Thankfully Begin was not a mainstream figure and indeed is why the Irgun and Lehi were forcibly disarmed.

skinster wrote:No it doesn't, it's Israeli hasbara / atrocity propaganda. There were no rapes on Oct 7.

It does, cope.

skinster wrote:I know it's not the same hostage. I was referring to the only hostage that has been released that claims she was raped (albeit, raped "by eyes") is Mia Schem. This young girl, Agam, of a family of 5 who were hostages until recently, said her captors "treat women like queens" on Israeli media days after her release. You are getting tired of lying aren't you? :lol:

She told media about other hostages being raped, stop with the nonsense.

skinster wrote:There is only one neonazi in this debate and that's you, the one defending an ethnosupremacist settler-colony built on terrorism that occupies people based on their race.

It's not my fault you like Twitter neonazis.

I also find it funny coming from rape supporters.
wat0n wrote:Thankfully Begin was not a mainstream figure and indeed is why the Irgun and Lehi were forcibly disarmed.

Begin's "not a mainstream figure". The party he founded - Likud - has only been running the fascist settler-colony for the last few decades until recently joining a coalition with even greater fascists. :lol:

It does, cope.

What is this "cope" business? Did wat0n turn into a teenager when he decided to hasbara for modern fascists as a full-time job? :lol:

On that silly report you shared about your rape fantasies. It get debunked here:

Max Blumenthal wrote:New Israeli report alleging ‘systematic and intentional rape’ by Hamas relies on debunked Western media reports
The contents of the Israeli Association of Rape Crisis Center’s paper alleging “systematic” Hamas rape derive largely from discredited second-hand testimonies and debunked media reports. Among its most heavily cited sources is a dubious NY Times article that triggered a staff revolt at the paper.

Western media outlets are hyping a new report by the Israeli government-affiliated “Association of Rape Crisis Centers” (ARCC) which maintains that Hamas combatants carried out a campaign of “systematic and intentional” rape on October 7.

“Israeli report finds evidence of ‘systematic’ rape and abuse during 7 October attack,” a Guardian headline blared. “Report shows systematic rapes, murder of women in Israel on October 7,” Germany’s DPA screamed. Meanwhile, the Jerusalem Post shrieked, “Hamas terrorists forced families to watch loved ones get raped at gunpoint.”

Despite the AP’s acknowledgment that the report “did not specify the number of cases it had documented or identify any victims, even anonymously” and that its authors “declined to say whether they had spoken to victims,” dozens of mainstream outlets have presented its findings as incontrovertible fact.

Yet a close examination of the ARCC report reveals that the paper is short on new research, absent of hard evidence, and reliant instead on clips from factually-challenged articles by the same Western outlets promoting its publication. Among the paper’s most frequently cited sources is an infamously shoddy New York Times report by Jeffrey Gettleman purporting to detail “How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on October 7.”

Following an internal staff uproar prompted by a series of Grayzone exposés which highlighted major inconsistencies and demonstrable falsehoods by the paper’s sources, the Times canceled an episode of its “Daily” podcast about the article.

Despite the controversy surrounding the Times’ report, the ARCC cites it twelve times in its own paper, while sourcing testimony second-hand from many of the same discredited Israelis as the Times.

The ARCC also relies substantially on testimony from ZAKA, the ultra-Orthodox “rescue” group which introduced false allegations that Hamas beheaded babies, cut fetuses from pregnant women, and had lunch in an Israeli family’s home after killing and mutilating them. ZAKA has been lambasted in Israeli media for serially mishandling evidence from the October 7 attacks and even staging atrocity scenes for fundraising purposes.

At least one quarter of citations in the ARCC’s paper are drawn from the widely panned New York Times article and credibility-strained ZAKA volunteers. The rest of the paper relies on dubious self-proclaimed witnesses like the Israeli army reservist Shari Mendes, who falsely claimed that Hamas not only cut a fetus from a pregnant Israeli woman, but beheaded its mother.

Discredited sources, debunked articles form backbone of new “Hamas rape” report
In citing the NY Times to demonstrate systematic rape by Hamas on October 7, the ARCC points to “a video posted on social media” which shows “a woman in a torn dress, without underwear, injured and with her face burned. Police investigators ruled that she had been raped.”

This section refers to Gal Abdush, a young woman killed on October 7 who features as a central character in the NY Times article. As The Grayzone reported, Abdush’s sister and brother-in-law both publicly denied that she was raped, with the former accusing the Times of manipulating her family into participating by misleading them about their editorial angle.

The ARCC later cites a NY Times account of “an IDF paramedic” who claimed to have entered a room in Kibbutz Beeri “where the bodies of two girls were found, one of whom was found with her pants rolled down and the remains of semen on her back.”

The Grayzone has exposed this source as well, revealing him as a reservist paramedic from Israeli Air Force Special Tactics rescue unit 669 who identifies himself to the media only as “G,” but whose real name is Guy Melamed. As we explained, no girls were found on Kibbutz Beeri in a condition remotely similar to Melamed’s description.

The closest match to the paramedic’s account were two teenage residents of Beeri, Yahel and Noiya Sharabi, who were killed on October 7. But according to the Times of Israel, the girls’ bodies were “found in an embrace” with their mother, and not “alone, separated from the rest of the family.”

Israeli media has also reported, “Lianne and Yahel [Sharabi] could only be identified through DNA samples. Noiya was identified through her teeth only two days ago.”

So how was Melamed able to find semen on one of the girls, and bruises on the other, and view their states of undress, if their bodies had been burned beyond recognition? The only answer is that he fabricated the entire scenario.

Before Melamed cooked up atrocities for the NY Times, which were later reheated by the ARCC, he appeared on a right-wing Indian news channel to invent an account of discovering a dead baby discarded into a trash can by Hamas. Given that only one baby was killed on October 7 – a one year old accidentally shot by a Hamas militant – the paramedic’s story could not have possibly been true.

Melamed was just one character among a motley collection of self-styled Israeli rescuers who fabricated October 7 atrocity tales to gain notoriety in the Western press. The most prolific fabulists emerged from an ultra-Orthodox Israeli state-affiliated group called ZAKA. This was the outfit responsible for “confirming” the bogus story of Hamas beheading babies on October 7 and spinning out the tale of a Palestinian militant slashing a fetus from a pregnant Jewish woman.

As The Grayzone reported, ZAKA is an infamously corrupt organization founded by a prolific sexual abuser. Before October 7, the group was nearly insolvent, but since it attracted international attention the lurid lies its volunteers spun out, it has raked in millions from wealthy Jewish diaspora donors including Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Yossi Landau, the ZAKA “commander” who invented an array of debunked October 7 horror stories, has said that those who question his credibility “should be killed.”

The Israeli publication Haaretz subsequently revealed numerous instances of ZAKA volunteers with no coronary credentials mishandling corpses, mixing up body parts, and making fundraising calls with dead bodies nearby. In one case, the volunteers placed a corpse next to themselves as “part of a staged setting – an exhibit designed to attract donors, just when the race against time to gather and remove the bodies of victims of the [October 7] massacre was most urgent.”

The ARCC paper cites ZAKA volunteers no less than 14 times.

The ZAKA testimonies referenced in the paper include one volunteer’s claim to the BBC to have found a woman with a knife lodged in her genitals. No forensic or photographic evidence exists to support this lurid recollection, however. In fact, there is no forensic proof to support any single Israeli claim of sexual abuse by Palestinian militants on October 7.

The ARCC also relies on the hallucinatory recollections of “Sapir,” the supposed “star witness” of the Israeli police, who spun out scenes to the New York Times that were so outrageously obscene, they defied belief. The anonymous character claimed that after being shot in the back at the Nova Electronic Music Festival, she witnessed Hamas militants simultaneously gang rape and stab a woman, then slice her breast off with a box cutter before passing it around and playing with it. “Sapir” went on to allege the militants cut off the woman’s face, Hannibal Lecter-style, then decapitated three other women in her presence.

According to Haaretz, “investigators were unable to identify the women who, according to the testimony of [Sapir] and other eyewitnesses, were raped and murdered.” Israeli Police Superintendent Adi Edry told the paper, “I have circumstantial evidence, but ultimately my duty is to find evidence that supports her testimony and to find the victims’ identity. At this stage I don’t have those specific corpses.”

Another prominent October 7 fabulist, Israeli military reservist Shari Mendes, is cited six times in the ARCC paper. At one point, ARCC quotes Mendes asserting that Hamas militants had raped babies and the elderly on October 7. “We saw genitals cut off, heads cut off, babies – hands, feet, no reason,” she claimed.

On another occasion, Mendes falsely insisted, “A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded, and then the mother was beheaded.”

The ARCC rounds out its report with recycled testimony from Raz Cohen, the October 7 attack survivor who told the NY Times he witnessed a Palestinian gang rape of Israeli women at the Nova Electronic Music Festival. As The Grayzone revealed, Cohen never mentioned witnessing any such scenes in his initial interviews about the attacks, and repeatedly changed his story thereafter, adding sensationalistic details as time went on. After appearing in a bizarre October 7-themed fashion show in Tel Aviv, Cohen refused a follow-up interview with the NY Times to address questions about his credibility.
ARCC paper paid for by Israel lobby bigwigs behind “10/7 Project” PR operation

Though released by an association seemingly dedicated to supporting sexual assault survivors in Israel, the ARCC’s paper alleging “systematic” rape by Hamas was paid for by Zionist pressure groups in the US. Its top sponsors include the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, which has donated millions to AIPAC-related initiatives, and the Jewish Federations of Greater Miami.

AIPAC and the Jewish Federations are also key pillars in the coalition of Israel lobby outfits behind a new propaganda initiative called the “10/7 Project.” According to Axios, the 10/7 Project comprises “a centralized communications operation that aims to provide newsrooms and policymakers with fact-based information on the [Gaza] war.”

In its bid to justify Israel’s blood-spattered assault on the Gaza Strip, which has left nearly 30,000 dead in over 130 days – most of them women and children – the 10/7 Project has contracted high-powered Democratic Party PR firms like SKDK to, in its words, “retell the story about the butchery of the Oct 7 attack and make outcasts of 10/7 deniers.”

Whether or not the 10/7 Project is responsible for the publicity blitz surrounding the ARCC’s new paper on “systematic” Hamas rape, it is clear Western media has become a laundromat for Israeli propaganda about October 7, recycling discredited allegations through a seemingly endless series of dodgy dossiers, and hyping each one as freshly obtained evidence of Palestinian savagery. ... media/amp/

She told media about other hostages being raped, stop with the nonsense.

You can watch here what she told the media following her release, before she was recruited by an AIPAC servant and billionaire, upon when she changed her story.

It's not my fault you like Twitter neonazis.

When Zionists pretend to be bothered about their own (neonazis). :lol:
skinster wrote:Begin's "not a mainstream figure". The party he founded - Likud - has only been running the fascist settler-colony for the last few decades until recently joining a coalition with even greater fascists. :lol:

He wasn't in 1948, which is why his party was elected decades later and why the Altalena was sunk.

Many of those alive back in 1948 were dead in 1977.

skinster wrote:What is this "cope" business? Did wat0n turn into a teenager when he decided to hasbara for modern fascists as a full-time job? :lol:

No, just pointing out you're coping.

skinster wrote:On that silly report you shared about your rape fantasies. It get debunked here:

The report states they interviewed witnesses directly, this nonsense won't help.

skinster wrote:You can watch here what she told the media following her release, before she was recruited by an AIPAC servant and billionaire, upon when she changed her story.

We already went through this.

It is interesting though you now accuse her of lying.

skinster wrote:When Zionists pretend to be bothered about their own (neonazis). :lol:

Am I supposed to be moved by a "search it on Google" nonsense or something?

But since you care so much about Holocaust survivors (you don't), some were also kidnapped, others murdered on October 7.
wat0n wrote:He wasn't in 1948,

Nobody was a mainstream figure in Israel in the year Palestine was officially colonised, clown-show. But Begin the fascist was a popular figure in Israel, the party he founded has been running the show in Israel for the past three decades and they remain as fascistic as ever. Their founding charter of 1977 refused a Palestinian state too. But that's by the by, for anyone paying attention, Israel NEVER accepted the idea of a Palestinian state; Oslo was a charade and so was everything that came after it. Although the Zionists have gone back to being a bit more honest lately, as we saw with Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, Gallant etc., recently confirming there refusal for a Palestinian state.

No, just pointing out you're coping.

Methinks the lonely Zionist doth protest too much. :D

The report states they interviewed witnesses directly, this nonsense won't help.

There were no (credible) witnesses like there were no rape victims. Please, stop these rape fantasies, it's really gross.

It is interesting though you now accuse her of lying.

When a billionaire approaches you to feature in a film two months after you say Palestinian men / her captors "treat women like queens", only a moron would suggest this is not someone who's been bought.

Sorry we have the earlier receipts, Zionists. Read the report her mum gave in the NYT upon being released too, to see how well the hostages spoke about their captors..

Am I supposed to be moved by a "search it on Google" nonsense or something?

You're not special and never were, wat0n.

Zionists. :lol:

But since you care so much about Holocaust survivors (you don't), some were also kidnapped, others murdered on October 7.

What kind of Holocaust survivor commits onto others what they experienced? :?:

Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer wrote:"If we want to stay really human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals. My message for the Palestinians is that they should not give up their fight.” ... heir-fight

Holocaust survivor Gabor Mate wrote:I’m personally a Holocaust survivor as an infant, I barely survived. My grandparents were killed in Aushwitz and most of my extended family were killed. I became a Zionist; this dream of the Jewish people resurrected in their historical homeland and the barbed wire of Aushwitz being replaced by the boundaries of a Jewish state with a powerful army…and then I found out that it wasn’t exactly like that, that in order to make this Jewish dream a reality we had to visit a nightmare on the local population.

There’s no way you could have ever created a Jewish state without oppressing and expelling the local population. Jewish Israeli historians have shown without a doubt that the expulsion of Palestinians was persistent, pervasive, cruel, murderous and with deliberate intent - that’s what’s called the 'Nakba' in Arabic; the 'disaster' or the 'catastrophe'. There’s a law that you cannot deny the Holocaust, but in Israel you’re not allowed to mention the Nakba, even though it’s at the very basis of the foundation of Israel.

I visited the Occupied Territories (West Bank) during the first intifada. I cried every day for two weeks at what I saw; the brutality of the occupation, the petty harassment, the murderousness of it, the cutting down of Palestinian olive groves, the denial of water rights, the humiliations...and this went on, and now it’s much worse than it was then.

It’s the longest ethnic cleansing operation in the 20th and 21st century. I could land in Tel Aviv tomorrow and demand citizenship but my Palestinian friend in Vancouver, who was born in Jerusalem, can’t even visit!

So then you have these miserable people packed into this, horrible…people call it an 'outdoor prison', which is what it is. You don’t have to support Hamas policies to stand up for Palestinian rights, that’s a complete falsity. You think the worse thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by a thousand times, and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians.

And 'anybody who criticises Israel is an anti-Semite' is simply an egregious attempt to intimidate good non-Jews who are willing to stand up for what is true."

skinster wrote:Nobody was a mainstream figure in Israel in the year Palestine was officially colonised, clown-show.


This is probably the dumbest comment ITT.

skinster wrote: But Begin the fascist was a popular figure in Israel, the party he founded has been running the show in Israel for the past three decades and they remain as fascistic as ever. Their founding charter of 1977 refused a Palestinian state too. But that's by the by, for anyone paying attention, Israel NEVER accepted the idea of a Palestinian state; Oslo was a charade and so was everything that came after it. Although the Zionists have gone back to being a bit more honest lately, as we saw with Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, Gallant etc., recently confirming there refusal for a Palestinian state.

If Begin was so popular in 1948, why was he only elected on 1977?

skinster wrote:Methinks the lonely Zionist doth protest too much. :D


skinster wrote:There were no (credible) witnesses like there were no rape victims. Please, stop these rape fantasies, it's really gross.

Please quit supporting rape, that is gross.

And there are hostages who have come up publicly to denounce sexual abuse by Hamas.

skinster wrote:When a billionaire approaches you to feature in a film two months after you say Palestinian men / her captors "treat women like queens", only a moron would suggest this is not someone who's been bought.

Oh yes, we're now going with the tropes of Jews and money.

skinster wrote:Sorry we have the earlier receipts, Zionists. Read the report her mum gave in the NYT upon being released too, to see how well the hostages spoke about their captors..

They did not "speak well about their captors" in the early interviews either.

skinster wrote:You're not special and never were, wat0n.

Zionists. :lol:

"Google it" is probably your best argument so far.

skinster wrote:What kind of Holocaust survivor commits onto others what they experienced? :?:

Are you saying they did any of that?

So you hate Holocaust survivors too, unsurprising.
wat0n wrote::lol:

This is probably the dumbest comment ITT.

If Begin was so popular in 1948, why was he only elected on 1977?

wat0n, when you like to pretend to be confused, you only need to scroll up to see what happened. This is what happened. I will place it in numbers form so it's easy for even the dumbest Zionists to follow:

1. I mentioned early Zionists like Begin, Jabotinksy and Netanyahu's dad being overt fascists.
2. You said Begin was not a mainstream figure.
3. I pointed that "not a mainstream figure" was an Israeli prime minister and the party he founded is what Netanyahu had been leading for the last 30 years.
4. You created an argument with yourself by saying "Begin wasn't a mainstream figure in 1948", which nobody was arguing.
5. I pointed out none of them were "mainstream figures" in 1948, the year Palestine was officially colonised.
6. You then post above about the factual thing I said, responding to an argument you made, that you then call dumb.

I see you're still doing that thing you did, which I called out previously and no doubt others here have to deal with, where you make up nonsense and then argue with if people can't scroll up and see your bizarro MO for whatever the hell it's supposed to be. :lol:


The lonely Zionist still doth protest too much.

Please quit supporting rape, that is gross.

I'm not. I'm opposed to false rape accusations as I am opposed to rape. You keep making them despite me showing you how Israeli authorities, hospitals, rape shelters etc. agree with me on the "lack of evidence for rape on Oct 7", not you.

Oh yes, we're now going with the tropes of Jews and money.

Sheryl Sandberg is the billionaire owner of Facebook.

And your weakness in this debate is increasingly palpable. :lol:

So you hate Holocaust survivors too, unsurprising.

See my last line. :lol:
skinster wrote:wat0n, when you like to pretend to be confused, you only need to scroll up to see what happened. This is what happened. I will place it in numbers form so it's easy for even the dumbest Zionists to follow:

1. I mentioned early Zionists like Begin, Jabotinksy and Netanyahu's dad being overt fascists.
2. You said Begin was not a mainstream figure.
3. I pointed that "not a mainstream figure" was an Israeli prime minister and the party he founded is what Netanyahu had been leading for the last 30 years.
4. You created an argument with yourself by saying "Begin wasn't a mainstream figure in 1948", which nobody was arguing.
5. I pointed out none of them were "mainstream figures" in 1948, the year Palestine was officially colonised.
6. You then post above about the factual thing I said, responding to an argument you made, that you then call dumb.

I see you're still doing that thing you did, which I called out previously and no doubt others here have to deal with, where you make up nonsense and then argue with if people can't scroll up and see your bizarro MO for whatever the hell it's supposed to be. :lol:

My post was about 1948, not 1977 or onwards.

Can you stop playing stupid, for once?

skinster wrote:The lonely Zionist still doth protest too much.

Keep coping.

skinster wrote:I'm not. I'm opposed to false rape accusations as I am opposed to rape. You keep making them despite me showing you how Israeli authorities, hospitals, rape shelters etc. agree with me on the "lack of evidence for rape on Oct 7", not you.

Yes, you are OK with rape and (despite all the feminist talking points) you refuse to believe women when they say they witnesses or were contacted by female victims.

skinster wrote:Sheryl Sandberg is the billionaire owner of Facebook.

And your weakness in this debate is increasingly palpable. :lol:

You have yet to prove she was paid for her testimony, for starters.

skinster wrote:See my last line. :lol:

It's not my fault you are implying Holocaust survivors killed or kidnapped on October 7 deserved it.

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