Columbia faculty members walk out after pro-Palestinian protesters arrested - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Students can protest on campus, but they can't just occupy parts of the campus and camp out there in tents to their hearts delight without authorization. If things have become out of hand around a Jewish holiday, and non-students joining the protests, reports of harassment/intimidation, classes being disrupted, with security issues on campus with the school now saying the rest of the semester will be remote learning, then the school has a right to ask the people in the camps to leave. If the students refuse to leave then the school has a right to call the police.
Dozens arrested at Yale and NYU as pro-Palestinian student protests spread

Dozens arrested at Yale and NYU as pro-Palestinian student protests spread

Authorities move to break up encampments at two more US universities on Monday, as Columbia University cancels in-person classes
Erum Salam and agencies
Tue 23 Apr 2024 06.24 BST
Last modified on Tue 23 Apr 2024 12.55 BST

Police arrested dozens of people at pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Yale University in Connecticut and New York University in Manhattan, as student protests over Israel’s war in Gaza continue to roil US campuses.

On the Yale University campus in New Haven, Connecticut, authorities arrested at least 47 protesters on Monday evening, the university said in a statement. Students who were arrested will be referred for disciplinary action.

The police crackdowns came after Columbia University canceled in-person classes on Monday in response to protesters setting up tent encampments at its New York City campus last week.

Several hundred people had been protesting on the Yale university campus, demanding the university divest from military weapons manufacturers. Yale said it had repeatedly asked students to leave, and warned them they could face law enforcement and disciplinary action if they didn’t.

In New York, officers moved on an encampment at Gould Plaza near New York University shortly after nightfall. There, too, hundreds of demonstrators had defied university warnings that they faced consequences if they failed to vacate the plaza.

Video on social media showed police taking down tents in the protesters’ encampment in a tense and at times chaotic scene. Some officers tossed tents, and others grappled with demonstrators.

Protesters tussled with officers and chanted, “We will not stop, we will not rest. Disclose. Divest.”

A New York police spokesperson said arrests were made after the university asked police to enforce trespassing violations but the total number of arrests and citations would remain unknown until much later.

The Washington Square News, the student newspaper, reported that the NYPD said over a loudspeaker announcement that students were being arrested for “disorderly conduct” and that protesters were unlawfully blocking traffic.

The law enforcement actions at Yale and NYU came after a tense few days on campuses across the US.

Columbia University president, Nemat Minouche Shafik, called in New York police last week to clear a tent encampment on its main lawn of students demanding the university divest from companies with ties to Israel.

More than 100 students were arrested on Thursday on charges of trespassingand the university and the affiliated Barnard College have suspended dozens of students involved in the protests.

On Monday, Columbia University announced it was canceling in-person classes on its New York City campus to try to “reset” the situation and “deescalate the rancor.”

A new encampment has now emerged and hundreds of faculty members have held a mass walkout to protest against the president’s handling of the situation.

Bassam Khawaja, an adjunct lecturer at Columbia law school and supervising attorney at the school’s human rights clinic, told the Guardian she was “shocked and appalled that the president went immediately to the New York police department”.

“This was by all accounts, a non-violent protest,” she said. “It was a group of students camping out on the lawn in the middle of campus. It’s not any different from everyday life on campus.”

After the crackdown at Columbia, students across the US launched their own protests in solidarity, many of them calling for their universities to back a ceasefire in Gaza and divest from companies with ties to Israel.

Students at Brown, Princeton and Northwestern held protests on Friday and over the weekend.

Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Emerson College, both in the Boston area, have started their own protest encampments.

Other institutions that saw protest actions included Boston University, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Looks like this is spreading even further which is a positive development. Hopefully this adds even more pressure to the Biden admin to stop supporting the genocide considering this could really affect a key base of his support in November.
Saeko wrote:The only people creating an unsafe situation on campuses have been the police, Zionist provacateurs, and IDF terrorists. Now tell me more about how those boots taste.

This is largely correct. The pro-genocide crowd sees any opposition to Israel or any peaceful protest against Israel as "violence" or a "threat" which is laughable.
Saeko wrote:None of this changes the fact that she lied.

Saeko wrote:And the same NYPost article you linked to said:

If so, they would clear the protest.

It is also violent to limit freedom of movement in the open space.

Pants-of-Dog wrote:When protesters are arrested, it is cops being violent.

Unless the protesters are right wing, in which case the violent ones are the protesters.

The cities and schools moving to arrest the protesters to enforce university policies against disruption and guarantee access to in-person education are not particularly right-wing.

Protesters are also not being censored. They can still protest, even spew their antisemitism, as long as they do not disrupt university operations or limit freedom of movement in American cities and highways.
Saeko wrote:I already did. Stop playing dumb.

So there's no proof.

Saeko wrote:If you think this is violence, just wait until you see what Israel has been doing in Gaza.

Or what Hamas has been doing to Israelis.

The fact that there's an ongoing war in another continent does not justify harassing students. Jewish, Palestinian, it doesn't matter.
This is largely history repeating itself . Similar had happened at Columbia University , during the Vietnam War . Videos referencing the prior happenings below. As to the current situation , I recently came out of hiatus , to post a few comments about it to my longstanding blog . I shall post a link here .

wat0n wrote:
The fact that there's an ongoing war in another continent does not justify harassing students. Jewish, Palestinian, it doesn't matter.

It's more slaughter than war...

As I've mentioned before, the narrative was controlled for a couple generations. Now that you've lost control, that accumulated tension is getting released.

This was always going to happen, and the longer people were suppressed by groups like AIPAC, the stronger the reaction was going to be when freedom broke out.

You don't like that, and I can't blame you for not liking it. I also don't care, at all, that you are denying it. It's front page news, kid.

What you should be asking yourself is what will cause the least amount of damage to the US/Israel relationship. That needs repair work, the slaughter and the lies are not helping at all...
wat0n wrote:How many leftists have gotten their eyes poked lately?

What confuses me much more is the question what the hell "left" is supposed to be right now.

For example Trump is clearly to the left of Biden on pretty much any topic.

Nevermind that Trump is actually able to do diplomacy and, very unique in current Washinton, Trump can connect to regular people.
late wrote:It's more slaughter than war...

As I've mentioned before, the narrative was controlled for a couple generations. Now that you've lost control, that accumulated tension is getting released.

This was always going to happen, and the longer people were suppressed by groups like AIPAC, the stronger the reaction was going to be when freedom broke out.

You don't like that, and I can't blame you for not liking it. I also don't care, at all, that you are denying it. It's front page news, kid.

What you should be asking yourself is what will cause the least amount of damage to the US/Israel relationship. That needs repair work, the slaughter and the lies are not helping at all...

Oh so we're now venturing into the antisemitic conspiracy theory territory, heh?

In reality, protests against Israel have been a feature on campuses for many years now. Ever heard of the Israeli Apartheid Week?

The difference is that they are now harassing Jewish students, disrupting university operations and publicly calling for terrorism. In some cases, for the destruction of Israel and even the US itself.

This has zero chance to be received well by the broader public. The Charlottesville vibes are too strong.
Last edited by wat0n on 23 Apr 2024 18:53, edited 1 time in total.
Saeko wrote:The only people creating an unsafe situation on campuses have been the police, Zionist provacateurs, and IDF terrorists. Now tell me more about how those boots taste.

And in addition , some of the activists facing repressive reprisals have been Jewish themselves . So , in spite of what @wat0n might have us believe , not all Jews are backing Israel , and some have even faced violence while standing in opposition , within Israel itself .
Deutschmania wrote:And in addition , some of the activists facing repressive reprisals have been Jewish themselves . So , in spite of what @wat0n might have us believe , not all Jews are backing Israel , and some have even faced violence while standing in opposition , within Israel itself .

Yes, tokenization exists. So what?
wat0n wrote:
Oh so we're now venturing into the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory territory?

No, it's history.

Remember, I was an activist, I got to see it.

Trying to regain control of the narrative will backfire on you. Again, what you need to work on is restoring, as much as possible, the relationship we have with Israel. Trust me, it can get worse.
late wrote:No, it's history.

Remember, I was an activist, I got to see it.

Trying to regain control of the narrative will backfire on you. Again, what you need to work on is restoring, as much as possible, the relationship we have with Israel. Trust me, it can get worse.


Each and every video of these protesters supporting terrorism are, if anything, going to doom them. The comparison to Charlottesville is too obvious to make. Trying to claim there's very fine people in both sides won't help either.

And yes, that is exactly what will be remembered. Moderate voices are usually shouted down. This is what people remember from the aforementioned protest in Charlottesville, and also from the BLM protests and the riot at the Capitol.
Negotiator wrote:What confuses me much more is the question what the hell "left" is supposed to be right now.

For example Trump is clearly to the left of Biden on pretty much any topic.

Nevermind that Trump is actually able to do diplomacy and, very unique in current Washinton, Trump can connect to regular people.

Trump is , in a manner of speaking , a populist . It's just that he's a right-wing populist , in contrast to left-wing populism , of which Trump labels the " radical left antifa " , and seeks to violently suppress. In determining what is actually progressive left , what matters most is not so much where one stands on the issues , but rather why . That will indicate what the person's views and values really are .
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