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I don't think Goldstein really 'debates'.

But then again there was that one memorable thread with Vivisekt about Nihilism that I simply could not get my head around...
By Kamil
From what I have seen, Goldstein appears to be a pretty smart guy and has affiliated himself with close Anarchist ties. Where could I find this debate between the two?
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By Todd D.
Ha, I'm kinda honored that I was mentioned as almost a de facto member of the Conservative team, but I'm not too sure they'd be happy to have me. Keep in mind that as a Libertarian, I tend to have different views on the military, drug laws, gay marraige, etc.

But whatever, if you want me to be a judge, that's cool, if you want me on a team, that's cool too, though I will say that if you add a Libertarian team, Smashthestate, Nouremon (sp?), myself, and one other would make quite the ensemble.
By briansmith
I suppose I'll captain the liberal team.
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TSaler wrote:I suppose I'll captain the liberal team.


When are the first rounds of debates gonna start?
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By Demosthenes
Todd D. if you prefer the Libertarian team, it's your call.
By Kamil
When are the first rounds of debates gonna start?

As soon as we choose our teams and write our introductory essays. Following that, we will debate. Demosthenes, have you an estimate of when the right time for you to get everything together will be?
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By Todd D.
Demosthenes wrote:Todd D. if you prefer the Libertarian team, it's your call.

Give me the word and I can try and recruit a Libertarian team, I wasn't sure if that was an option.

The only reason I suggest that is because I don't feel that I'd do the Conservative team justice if I go off saying that the Iraq war was stupid or that all drugs should be legalized, but I'll go with whatever.
By briansmith
I hope this isn't going to be taking a lot of time or else I won't be able to participate. I am going to be moving in the next two weeks, and then I can't attest to how much time I'll be dedicating to the computer, specifically non-moderating forum sort of things.

As long as there's going to be a reasonable amount of time in between things, and we're not talking about 33-page dissertations for these essays, everything should be alright.
By Kamil
The essay can be as long as you want it to be. It'll be the introduction to your debate. Here, you'll entail your polemics with the opposing ideology. Following that, given 3-4 days, you will compose a reply to your opponents essay not only refuting his claims but also incorporating series of questions you'd like for them to answer, other arguements, etc.. Until 3 or so rounds will there be a chosen winner which will progress to the next round. If this whole idea works out, we'll definately move on until there is a winner within the ideologies. If the idea doesn't work out, we'll abandon it.
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TSaler wrote:I hope this isn't going to be taking a lot of time or else I won't be able to participate. I am going to be moving in the next two weeks, and then I can't attest to how much time I'll be dedicating to the computer, specifically non-moderating forum sort of things.

As long as there's going to be a reasonable amount of time in between things, and we're not talking about 33-page dissertations for these essays, everything should be alright.

:( in that case maybe gandalf or Mr Bill should be liberal captain.
By Kamil
It doesn't matter whether one is "captain" or not. The only responsibility that the "captain" will have and the others won't, will be the responsibility of getting together the team. I doubt that this process will consume a large proportion out of somebody's time.
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By Tex
Kam wrote:Roughly, the scheduling could be as follows:

Anarchist #2-vs-Marxist #2
Liberal #2-vs-Conservative #2
Platonist #2-vs-Socialist #2
Liberal #3-vs-Marxist #3
Socialist #3-vs-Anarchist #3
Platonist #3-vs-Conservative #3
Anarchist #4-vs-Platonist #4
Conservative #4-vs-Marxist #4
Liberal #4-vs-Socialist #4

So...is this the schedule? It doesn't matter to me, as I am willing to submit to whatever "deal" Demo makes and will make whatever contribution I am capable of...but...bear in mind that most Conservatives exist in the real world, where jobs and families have to be fitted into any schedule. Most of us don't have the luxury of spending days on end hanging out with intellectuals in a university library (Sorry...just my contribution to "keeping the pot boiling." ;) )


If your are seriously considering this old "barnyard philosopher" for your team, I'm ready to charge the cannons...if not...no problem...there are plenty of better educated conservatives available, and I would be perfectly content to watch from the sidelines... :)
By Spin
I want to join....

I reckon forum mods be team captains.
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By Demosthenes

Tex is correct, I have to weigh classes, work, and two daughters, then PoFo...that is why I was concerned that your original deadline put the time in for next Thurday, the very day after I've got a BIG exam. I'll have more time after the 4th of July holiday here in the states. SO maybe the following Thursday would work...

I really have to state again that an issue driven debate is far better than simply: Here's conservatism in a nutshell, take it or leave it... It seems to leave a vague sense of the topic

To me it's much preferrable to explain an ideology in the context of a given issue rather than to broadly paint it with no real focus...

The judges, whoever they may be, could determine the given issue that the two ideologies will debate for instance, therfore one would not have a natural advantage over the other...

Most debates I've seen or participated in are focused this way, on a given issue. "I'm pro-choice/pro-life because..." or "I'm a purple nuteater/purple nut hater because..."


It's really your call and whether or not Kam wants to have a Libertarian team. If he does, again, its your choice where you fall.


You're in...
By Kamil
Tex is correct, I have to weigh classes, work, and two daughters, then PoFo...that is why I was concerned that your original deadline put the time in for next Thurday, the very day after I've got a BIG exam. I'll have more time after the 4th of July holiday here in the states. SO maybe the following Thursday would work...

That's fine. This is meant to be an enjoying process and should not be held as a top priority before other important things. I myself don't have anything important which is why I don't mind what time everything starts. My main problem is that I'm leaving for Poland in about a month and would like to accomplish at least one round before I depart. I have no problem with postponing the due date for the introductory essays since I still have plenty of time before my departure. Whenever everybody's ready.

I really have to state again that an issue driven debate is far better than simply: Here's conservatism in a nutshell, take it or leave it... It seems to leave a vague sense of the topic

There's much more to it than that. We already have an adults forum where issues can be debated at a more intellectual level. In fact, that's pretty much all I've seen in this forum. Debates over issues. It'd be interesting to see an ideological debate over the group's political stance, not just their stance on abortion. Sure, ideologies have pre-determined stances on certain issues, but people are not ideologies. If someone is an anarchist, they abide by anarchism's political aims and goals, they do not ascribe to anarchism's stance on each different issue. If we were to do such, there'd be no need to develop a partition of different ideological groups since issue driven debates generally vary within each personal philosophy. We have not gotten into serious ideological debates over this forum since whenever one comes on a certain board, they are outnumbered by individuals who oppose their viewpoint. If you were to check out the http://struggle.net/ALDS debate, you'll see that ideological debates can be lively. Also, we are not going disable people from speaking of certain issues.

It's really your call and whether or not Kam wants to have a Libertarian team. If he does, again, its your choice where you fall.

Any teams with a sufficient amount of members will be welcomed. The more people involved and participating, the better. What I would like each team "captain" to do is to gather up a team and assign each individual a political group to face off with.
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By Vivisekt
I will help to moderate/judge this event if i am needed.
By Kamil
I have not seen you around too much, but I've heard great things. Let's see what everybody else thinks.
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By Demosthenes
I suggested him already. He's fairly apolitical, and would not be particularly biased one way or the other. I've seen him debate across ideological lines a few times.

I say yes.
By Kamil
We need to make sure that our judges all descend from disparate political affiliations. What political group are you affiliated or most closely associated with, Vivisekt? We need to keep track of our judges' politics in order for the debate to be more fair.
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